Request Contract Course Permit

College of Public Health Guidebooks

Request Contract Course Permit

A Student may request a contract course permit though the Archivum system.  Once logged into the Archivum system the student can initiate the request by following the process below.


  1. Initiate the process by selecting "My Actions & Tasks" on the left.

     2. Select "Request Contract Course Permit".

  • For Special Project
    1. Select Permit type (Special Project)
    2. Select Semester
    3. Select Special Project Faculty Mentor
    4. Complete Competencies, Deliverables and Abstract section
    5. Upload CITI Training Certificate (for instructions see: https://www.usf.edu/research-innovation/research-integrity-compliance/documents/citi-registration-instructions.pdf)
    6. Select if you need an online section
    7. Submit for Approval
  • For Independent Study
    1. Select Permit type (Independent Study)
    2. Select Semester
    3. Select Independent Study Instructor
    4. Complete # of Credit Hours
    5. Provide a Project Description and Methods in the text boxes provided
    6. Select if you need an online section
    7. Submit for Approval
  • For Directed Research
    1. Select Permit type (Directed Research)
    2. Select Semester
    3. Select Faculty Mentor and Course Instructor
    4. Complete # of Credit Hours
    5. Upload Human Research Protection Certificate and Proposal (for instructions see: https://www.usf.edu/research-innovation/research-integrity-compliance/documents/citi-registration-instructions.pdf)
    6. Select if you need an online section
    7. Submit for Approval
  • For Specialized Study
    1. Select Permit type (Specialized Study)
    2. Select Semester
    3. Select Faculty Mentor and  Course Instructor
    4. Complete # of Credit Hours
    5. Upload Proposal
    6. Select if you need an online section
    7. Submit for Approval
  • For Applied Practice Experiences (APE)
    1. Select Permit type (Applied Practice Experiences)
    2. Select Semester
    3. Select Faculty Mentor
    4. Select if you need an online section
    5. APE or IPE activities will pre-populate from e-portfolio if added
    6. Complete Justification
    7. Submit for Approval
  • For Integrated Learning Experience (ILE)
    1. Select Permit type (Integrated Learning Experience)
    2. Select Semester
    3. Enter ILE Advisor
    4. Enter ILE Title
    5. Complete Competencies, Deliverables and Abstract section
    6. Upload CITI Training Certificate (for instructions see: https://www.usf.edu/research-innovation/research-integrity-compliance/documents/citi-registration-instructions.pdf)
    7. Submit for Approval
  • For Thesis
    1. Select Permit type (Thesis)
    2. Select Semester
    3. Enter Title
    4. Enter Instructor
    5. Complete # of Credit Hours
    6. Choose your Committee Structure
    7. Enter your Major Professor and/or Co-Major Professors
    8. Upload your Proposal
    9. Upload Human Research Protection Certificate and Proposal (for instructions see: https://www.usf.edu/research-innovation/research-integrity-compliance/documents/citi-registration-instructions.pdf)
    10. Select if you need an online section
    11. Submit for Approval

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