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Comment: tweaks to wording


Students apply for assistance through the Archivum student portal, and the USF Financial Aid Office reviews applications to determine the amount distributed to each student. Students have seven days to complete the application after initiating, and ; if they do not complete it within the seven days, the application expires, and they will need to apply again

titleData Updates

Data are continuously updated to provide real-time information.


The CARES Act report contains data pertaining to CARES Act applications and funding. Specifically, the report provides a table of all students who have initiated an application for CARES Act fundingaid, including the amount requested, details of the virus impacts, and the expenses to which the funds will be applied, such as rent, relocation costs, or food. 


  • Click the down arrow to select from options in the filters and narrow down your results. 
  • To deselect an item, click on the option again. 
  • To select multiples in a filter, hold the Ctrl key as you check the boxes. 
  • Blank options exist for some filters, which indicates the student did not complete this item in the application. 
  • Use the date sliders slicers to narrow down the time frame for submitted and reviewed applications. 


You can set ranges for dates for the Submitted Date element and the Reviewed Date elementfilters. Use the sliders slicers in the side Filter panel to adjust or type dates in to the date fields. When you filter for date ranges, the table adjusts immediately. In addition, the selections available in the remaining filters are narrowed down to correspond with the selected dates. For example, reviewers who did not review applications during the specific time frame you filtered will not display in the Reviewer Name drop-down field. 
