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(Since this guidebook is for current students should we have this information on here)


Current Student Scholarships & Awards

titleArun Kulkarni Award

One or more Arun Kulkarni Awards are made each year to support the travel expenses of a graduate student in the department of EOH to attend a conference, in order to present on research progress and results from their EOH degree program. Applications are announced to the student body by email in the spring and an application form is required.

titleCarl A. Gelin Endowed Fellowship
: Carl A. Gelin 

This annual scholarship based on academic achievement is open to students of the Department of Health Policy and Management. Nominations will be made by the Department of HPM.

titleFEHA Scholarships

Florida Environmental Health Association accepts applications for FEHA Scholarships of $500 minimum from students whose course of study must be in pursuit of a scientific discipline that relates to a career in environmental health and/or public health. For current information go to


  • FPHA Scholarships
    Florida Public Health Association accepts applications/nominations for FPHA Scholarships $500 for MPH or MSPH candidates and $300 for other health fields. Letters should include: present position, future goals and ambitions, and be FPHA members. For more information go to

