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Human Subjects Approval

All proposed dissertation research which involves human subjects, even if it involves secondary data,must be approved by the USF Institution Review Board. Information can be obtained at This applies to all proposals whether the research is funded or unfunded. All doctoral students at USF are responsible for following all guidelines of the USF Graduate School, Human Subjects Regulations, Data Use Agreements and HIPAA regulations, when applicable. Students who fail to comply with these requirements may be subject to disciplinary action or dismissed from the program. Students should consult the USF Office of Research, Division of Integrity and Compliance website to obtain guidance about research involving human subjects as defined in the USF Human Research Protection Program Investigator Guide, available online at Please visit the Research Integrity & Compliance website: Aspects of the dissertation research that involve contact with study subjects or data containing personal identifiers cannot proceed until IRB approval has been obtained.default.asp for additional information


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MSPH Guidebook
MSPH Guidebook
