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Concentration: Community & Family Health (CFH)
Degree: Doctor of Philosophy in Public Health
Delivery: Traditional

The educational mission of the Community & Family Health concentration is to prepare public health professionals who can meet the challenge of improving the health status of the family and the overall community. Programs offered focus on: (1) the analysis of the health status and needs of a population including social, behavioral and demographic factors and characteristics; (2) health promotion and education; (3) client and community-based intervention strategies; (4) development and evaluation of community and family health programs. This program and its faculty provide students with excellent research opportunities in domestic or international arenas through basic and applied research; conducting innovative community-based demonstration programs; providing consultation and technical assistance to agencies and communities; and providing continuing education programs.

The curriculum is a cooperative, learning, research, problem-solving endeavor in which students and faculty contribute interdependently to pursuits essential to the health of human society. The educational process requires active participation and self-direction by the student in pursuit of a type of scholarship and intellectual discipline that remains for life. Scholarship implies the application of a body of knowledge, intellectual curiosity, vision, insight, critical thinking, imagination, analysis and synthesis for the advancement of society.

A graduate from the PhD program will be able to:

  • Contribute to the improvement of the health and well-being of individuals, families, and communities through intra- and interdisciplinary effort;
  • Implement change within the community and public health;
  • Conduct basic and applied research in identification, prevention and evaluation of public health problems;
  • Teach in University settings; and
  • Assume leadership roles at the local, state, national and international levels.

Program of Study

The courses in You should complete your program of study can be found below, for your reference.  Note: You may choose a program of study that corresponds to the academic year of your admission or any year thereafter.  Please see the guidelines below.electronically using Archivum at (See Archivum instructions)

Catalog Info and
Program of Study by Catalog Year:


COPH Catalog

COPH Catalog

COPH Catalog

COPH Catalog

COPH Catalog

Note: You may choose a program of study that corresponds to the academic year of your admission or any year thereafter.  Please see the guidelines below.

titleUSF Guidelines on Choosing a Program of Study

Insert excerpt
MPH Behavioral Health
MPH Behavioral Health

Current Competencies (beginning fall 2017)

PhD Competencies
Community and Family Health Competencies

titlePrevious Competencies

2011 - 2016 Competencies


Insert excerpt
PhD Guidebook
PhD Guidebook