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Sexual assault is a criminal violation subject to prosecution by the State Attorney's Office. All sexual assault allegations reported to the USF police are referred to the State Attorney's Office, which then makes decides whether or not to prosecute.

Educational Resources

The USF Shimberg Health Sciences Library, as well as the USF Main Campus library is open to faculty, students and staff.


The PA program curriculum is extremely rigorous and considered a 24 month, full time commitment. The PA program strongly discourages students to commence or continue employment during the program. Students who chose to work during the program put themselves at risk for poor academic performance.

Note: PA students are not required to work for the Program, substitute or function as instructional faculty and must not substitute for clinical or administrative staff during supervised clinical practice experience.

Any employment during the term of the program must be approved, in advance of matriculation, or at the time of employment by the Program Director.  A student who chooses to work may not miss, be tardy or reschedule classes, labs, exams, special assignments, community service work or clinical rotations because of their work schedule. A student who chooses to work may not switch classes, labs, special assignments, community service work or clinical rotations because of their work schedule. Academic standards must be upheld and make-up classes, labs or exams are not offered. If a student who chooses to work is identified as experiencing academic or professional difficulties, they will be required to appear before the APPC and a recommendation to discontinue working while in the program may be made.

Enrollment in Other Programs

The Program Director will notify the Office of the Registrar for the MCOM of any approval for a student enrolled in any other school of the University or in any other institution of learning.

Educational Resources

The USF Shimberg Health Sciences Library, as well as the USF Main Campus library is open to faculty, students and staff.

USF Shimberg Health Sciences Library


Activities that damage or impede the work of other users are of particular concern. Such activities are discourteous and illegal. The State of Florida has laws which hold that unauthorized use (including accessing another user’s account) leading to offenses against intellectual property and/or computer users, is a felony. Besides civil penalties that can include imprisonment of up to fifteen years and fines, the MCOM and/or University may impose administrative penalties and sanctions against those found to have violated the law. The University of South Florida wishes to provide open access to students and faculty with as few restrictions as possible. Courteous and thoughtful computing will minimize the need for regulations and annoying security procedures.

University policies are explicit (Student Code of Conduct) and any violation of these policies, including sending hate mail, is totally unacceptable and will be dealt with accordingly.


Computer Requirements

Every student will be required to have a laptop computer that meets the specifications outlined by the PA program. In order to take advantage of educational opportunities as they present themselves throughout the course of your education, there may be additional experiences required of all students such as extra classroom sessions, on-line course modules, etc.

Access to and on-going use of a computer is required for all students to complete their degree programs successfully. USF and the PA Program expects each student to acquire computer hardware and software appropriate to his or her degree program. Competency in the basic use of a computer is a requirement. Class assignments may require use of a computer, academic advising and registration can be done by computer, and official university correspondence is sent via e-mail. While the university offers limited access to computers through its computer labs, most students will be expected to purchase or lease a computer that is capable of dial-up or network connection to the Internet, graphical access to the World Wide Web, and productivity functions such as word processing and spreadsheet calculation.

The PA Program requires students to have laptops for classroom use and recommends a computer no older than 2-3 years. The program does not endorse a specific operating system or computer brand. This requirement focuses on function and current open standards. Students should have a current, fully-patched operating system. The following list of capabilities is recommended at a minimum:


Intel Core 2 Duo, or 1 series processor
Windows 7 or higher operating system is currently recommended*
4 GB of RAM or more
256 GB Hard Drive or higher
DVD-R/RW Drive
USB Ports ( at least 2)
Wi-Fi wireless networking on laptops
Display resolution at least 1024×768 pixels
Sound card, and speakers or headphones
100mbit or 1 Gbit Ethernet adaptor for Broadband
Broadband connection to the internet and related equipment (generally supplied by the service provider). Cable or DSL highly recommended.
Long life battery (* see below)


Malware protection
Current, fully-patched operating system
Anti-viral software installed and up to date
Anti-spyware software installed and up to date
Modern, standards-compliant Web browser
Firefox, Mozilla, Netscape, Opera, and Safari are good choices.
Standards-based email client
Some students may wish to use the campus Webmail exclusively.
Standard “run time” environment for Java and Flash programs
A media player
Software to read/write Microsoft Outlook, Word, Excel, Powerpoint formats (MS Office is available at the USF computer store for a reduced price)
Ability to read PDF files

*Updates to this list will be provided upon matriculation

Email Policy

Email is the official form of communication for the USF MCOM MPAS Program. Students are required to check email regularly. Email is our primary means of communication with students.  Email responses when necessary are expected in a timely manner. 

In order to avoid problems with receiving important messages from the program due to exceeding your email quota, delete old messages and clear your browser cache on a regular basis.  Each student will be responsible for any consequences resulting from the program’s inability to deliver important email due to mismanagement of the email account.  Failure to comply with the email policy will reflect poorly on the student’s professional development.

When communicating with the PA program, it is USF policy that only University of South Florida email accounts will be recognized for student communication. This is important because e-mails originating from third-party accounts/services, such as Yahoo, Gmail, and others are frequently routed to quarantine folders. In these cases, the recipient may not be notified of the email until a later date when the quarantine folder contents are reviewed.

University of South Florida policies pertaining to email forwarding and computing resources, including security and privacy issues, can be found at the USF Health IS Computer Procedure webpage.


Social Networking Policy

The PA program subscribes to the policy pertaining to the use of social networking sites as adopted by the university and USF Health. Official USF Health Social Media sites are maintained through the USF Health Office of Communications and Marketing department.    

The administration of the university recognizes that social networking websites and applications, including but not limited to Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter, are an important and timely means of communication. However, students and residents who use these websites and other applications must be aware of the critical importance of privatizing their web sites so that only trustworthy “friends” have access to the websites/applications. They must also be aware that posting certain information may be illegal. Violation of existing statutes and administrative regulations may expose the offender to criminal and civil liability, and the punishment for violations may include fines and imprisonment. Offenders also may be subject to adverse academic actions that range from a letter of reprimand to probation to dismissal from school or resident training.

The following actions are strictly forbidden:

  • In your professional role as a care-giver, you may not present the personal health information of other individuals. Removal of an individual’s name does not constitute proper de-identification of protected health information. Inclusion of data such as age, gender, race, diagnosis, date of evaluation, or type of treatment or the use of a highly specific medical photograph (such as a before/after photograph of a patient having surgery or a photograph of a patient from one of the medical outreach trips) may still allow the reader to recognize the identity of a specific individual.
  • You may not report private (protected) academic information of another student or trainee. Such information might include, but is not limited to: course or clerkship grades, narrative evaluations, examination scores, or adverse academic actions.
  • In posting information on social networking sites, you may not present yourself as an official representative or spokesperson for the University of South Florida College of Medicine.
  • You may not represent yourself as another person, real or fictitious, or otherwise attempt to obscure your identity as a means to circumvent the prohibitions listed above and below.
  • You may not utilize websites and/or applications in a manner that interferes with your official work commitments. That is, do not tie up a hospital or clinic computer with personal business when others need access to the computer for patient- related matters. Moreover, do not delay completion of assigned clinical responsibilities in order to engage in social networking.

In addition to the absolute prohibitions listed above, the actions listed below are strongly discouraged. Violations of these suggested guidelines may be considered unprofessional behavior and may be the basis for disciplinary action.

  • Display of vulgar language
  • Display of language or photographs that imply disrespect for any individual or group because of age, race, gender, ethnicity, or sexual orientation
  • Presentation of personal photographs or photographs of others that may reasonably be interpreted as condoning irresponsible use of alcohol, substance abuse, or sexual promiscuity
  • Posting of potentially inflammatory or unflattering material on another individual’s website, e.g. on the “wall” of that individual’s Facebook site
  • Personal friendships between faculty and students through social media

When using these social networking websites/applications, students are strongly encouraged to use a personal e-mail address, rather than their address, as their primary means of identification. Individuals also should make every effort to
present themselves in a mature, responsible, and professional manner. Discourse should always be civil and respectful.

Please be aware that no privatization measure is perfect and that undesignated persons may still gain access to your networking site. A site such as YouTube, of course, is completely open to the public. Future employers (residency or fellowship program directors, department chairs, or private practice partners) often review these network sites when considering potential candidates for employment.

Finally, although once-posted information can be removed from the original social networking site, exported information cannot be recovered. Any digital exposure can “live on” beyond its removal from the original website and continue to circulate in other venues. Therefore, think carefully before you post any information on a website or application. Always be modest, respectful, and professional in your actions.


The PA program curriculum is extremely rigorous and considered a 24 month, full time commitment. The PA program strongly discourages students to commence or continue employment during the program. Students who chose to work during the program put themselves at risk for poor academic performance.

Note: PA students are not required to work for the Program, substitute or function as instructional faculty and must not substitute for clinical or administrative staff during supervised clinical practice experience.

Any employment during the term of the program must be approved, in advance of matriculation, or at the time of employment by the Program Director.  A student who chooses to work may not miss, be tardy or reschedule classes, labs, exams, special assignments, community service work or clinical rotations because of their work schedule. A student who chooses to work may not switch classes, labs, special assignments, community service work or clinical rotations because of their work schedule. Academic standards must be upheld and make-up classes, labs or exams are not offered. If a student who chooses to work is identified as experiencing academic or professional difficulties, they will be required to appear before the APPC and a recommendation to discontinue working while in the program may be made.

Enrollment in Other Programs

The Program Director will notify the Office of the Registrar for the MCOM of any approval for a student enrolled in any other school of the University or in any other institution of learning.of particular concern. Such activities are discourteous and illegal. The State of Florida has laws which hold that unauthorized use (including accessing another user’s account) leading to offenses against intellectual property and/or computer users, is a felony. Besides civil penalties that can include imprisonment of up to fifteen years and fines, the MCOM and/or University may impose administrative penalties and sanctions against those found to have violated the law. The University of South Florida wishes to provide open access to students and faculty with as few restrictions as possible. Courteous and thoughtful computing will minimize the need for regulations and annoying security procedures.

University policies are explicit (Student Code of Conduct) and any violation of these policies, including sending hate mail, is totally unacceptable and will be dealt with accordingly.


Computer Requirements

Every student will be required to have a laptop computer that meets the specifications outlined by the PA program. In order to take advantage of educational opportunities as they present themselves throughout the course of your education, there may be additional experiences required of all students such as extra classroom sessions, on-line course modules, etc.

Access to and on-going use of a computer is required for all students to complete their degree programs successfully. USF and the PA Program expects each student to acquire computer hardware and software appropriate to his or her degree program. Competency in the basic use of a computer is a requirement. Class assignments may require use of a computer, academic advising and registration can be done by computer, and official university correspondence is sent via e-mail. While the university offers limited access to computers through its computer labs, most students will be expected to purchase or lease a computer that is capable of dial-up or network connection to the Internet, graphical access to the World Wide Web, and productivity functions such as word processing and spreadsheet calculation.

The PA Program requires students to have laptops for classroom use and recommends a computer no older than 2-3 years. The program does not endorse a specific operating system or computer brand. This requirement focuses on function and current open standards. Students should have a current, fully-patched operating system. The following list of capabilities is recommended at a minimum:


Intel Core 2 Duo, or 1 series processor
Windows 7 or higher operating system is currently recommended*
4 GB of RAM or more
256 GB Hard Drive or higher
DVD-R/RW Drive
USB Ports ( at least 2)
Wi-Fi wireless networking on laptops
Display resolution at least 1024×768 pixels
Sound card, and speakers or headphones
100mbit or 1 Gbit Ethernet adaptor for Broadband
Broadband connection to the internet and related equipment (generally supplied by the service provider). Cable or DSL highly recommended.
Long life battery (* see below)


Malware protection
Current, fully-patched operating system
Anti-viral software installed and up to date
Anti-spyware software installed and up to date
Modern, standards-compliant Web browser
Firefox, Mozilla, Netscape, Opera, and Safari are good choices.
Standards-based email client
Some students may wish to use the campus Webmail exclusively.
Standard “run time” environment for Java and Flash programs
A media player
Software to read/write Microsoft Outlook, Word, Excel, Powerpoint formats (MS Office is available at the USF computer store for a reduced price)
Ability to read PDF files

*Updates to this list will be provided upon matriculation

Email Policy

Email is the official form of communication for the USF MCOM MPAS Program. Students are required to check email regularly. Email is our primary means of communication with students.  Email responses when necessary are expected in a timely manner. 

In order to avoid problems with receiving important messages from the program due to exceeding your email quota, delete old messages and clear your browser cache on a regular basis.  Each student will be responsible for any consequences resulting from the program’s inability to deliver important email due to mismanagement of the email account.  Failure to comply with the email policy will reflect poorly on the student’s professional development.

When communicating with the PA program, it is USF policy that only University of South Florida email accounts will be recognized for student communication. This is important because e-mails originating from third-party accounts/services, such as Yahoo, Gmail, and others are frequently routed to quarantine folders. In these cases, the recipient may not be notified of the email until a later date when the quarantine folder contents are reviewed.

University of South Florida policies pertaining to email forwarding and computing resources, including security and privacy issues, can be found at the USF Health IS Computer Procedure webpage.


Social Networking Policy

The PA program subscribes to the policy pertaining to the use of social networking sites as adopted by the university and USF Health. Official USF Health Social Media sites are maintained through the USF Health Office of Communications and Marketing department.    

The administration of the university recognizes that social networking websites and applications, including but not limited to Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter, are an important and timely means of communication. However, students and residents who use these websites and other applications must be aware of the critical importance of privatizing their web sites so that only trustworthy “friends” have access to the websites/applications. They must also be aware that posting certain information may be illegal. Violation of existing statutes and administrative regulations may expose the offender to criminal and civil liability, and the punishment for violations may include fines and imprisonment. Offenders also may be subject to adverse academic actions that range from a letter of reprimand to probation to dismissal from school or resident training.

The following actions are strictly forbidden:

  • In your professional role as a care-giver, you may not present the personal health information of other individuals. Removal of an individual’s name does not constitute proper de-identification of protected health information. Inclusion of data such as age, gender, race, diagnosis, date of evaluation, or type of treatment or the use of a highly specific medical photograph (such as a before/after photograph of a patient having surgery or a photograph of a patient from one of the medical outreach trips) may still allow the reader to recognize the identity of a specific individual.
  • You may not report private (protected) academic information of another student or trainee. Such information might include, but is not limited to: course or clerkship grades, narrative evaluations, examination scores, or adverse academic actions.
  • In posting information on social networking sites, you may not present yourself as an official representative or spokesperson for the University of South Florida College of Medicine.
  • You may not represent yourself as another person, real or fictitious, or otherwise attempt to obscure your identity as a means to circumvent the prohibitions listed above and below.
  • You may not utilize websites and/or applications in a manner that interferes with your official work commitments. That is, do not tie up a hospital or clinic computer with personal business when others need access to the computer for patient- related matters. Moreover, do not delay completion of assigned clinical responsibilities in order to engage in social networking.

In addition to the absolute prohibitions listed above, the actions listed below are strongly discouraged. Violations of these suggested guidelines may be considered unprofessional behavior and may be the basis for disciplinary action.

  • Display of vulgar language
  • Display of language or photographs that imply disrespect for any individual or group because of age, race, gender, ethnicity, or sexual orientation
  • Presentation of personal photographs or photographs of others that may reasonably be interpreted as condoning irresponsible use of alcohol, substance abuse, or sexual promiscuity
  • Posting of potentially inflammatory or unflattering material on another individual’s website, e.g. on the “wall” of that individual’s Facebook site
  • Personal friendships between faculty and students through social media

When using these social networking websites/applications, students are strongly encouraged to use a personal e-mail address, rather than their address, as their primary means of identification. Individuals also should make every effort to
present themselves in a mature, responsible, and professional manner. Discourse should always be civil and respectful.

Please be aware that no privatization measure is perfect and that undesignated persons may still gain access to your networking site. A site such as YouTube, of course, is completely open to the public. Future employers (residency or fellowship program directors, department chairs, or private practice partners) often review these network sites when considering potential candidates for employment.

Finally, although once-posted information can be removed from the original social networking site, exported information cannot be recovered. Any digital exposure can “live on” beyond its removal from the original website and continue to circulate in other venues. Therefore, think carefully before you post any information on a website or application. Always be modest, respectful, and professional in your actions.



USF has instituted a new program for bicycle use across campus. Please learn more about this program by clicking here: Share A Bull Bikes 
