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Students must initiate a request for a voluntary leave of absence by written request to the MCOM Associate Dean for Student Affairs (or Assistant Dean for Student Affairs for SELECT students on the USF-LV campus). A leave of absence committee, consisting of the Associate and/or Assistant Dean for Student Affairs (Tampa and LV campus), Associate Dean for Undergraduate Medical Education, the Assistant Dean for Pre-Clinical Curriculum and the Assistant Dean for Clinical Curriculum must approve all voluntary leaves of absence and any related extensions. All voluntary leaves of absence will be reviewed and are subject to approval by the APRC.  Students are required to remain in contact, via email or telephone, with the MCOM Office of Student Affairs during the duration of their leave of absence.


  1. This process is not a routine substitute for APRC regulated academic disciplinary action when there is a violation of the Student Code of Conduct nor will it supplant the USF System’s policy for addressing violations of substance abuse and alcohol policies.
  2. If a student’s expressed behavior is reported (by self or others) or appears to be the result of a physical or psychological health-related issue, the MCOM Associate Dean for Student Affairs (or other designated officer [e.g., Assistant Dean for Student Affairs on the USF-LV campus) will refer the matter to a designated MCOM committee (comparable to SOCAT), which will refer the matter to designated health and wellness professionals as to determine if the student’s behaviors or physical circumstances meet criteria for:
    1. Recommending a voluntary health-related withdrawal or leave of absence as needed or recommended by a qualified independent health care provider.
    2. Requiring involuntary withdrawal with mandatory assessment and brief monitored intervention.
    3. Invoking immediate temporary suspension if the student refuses to comply with policy and/or treatment recommendations or is determined to be an immediate direct threat to self or others.
  1. The student will be notified by the MCOM Associate Dean for Student Affairs, of any administrative considerations for an involuntary withdrawal or leave of absence and afforded opportunity to engage in the decision-making process before a final determination.
    1. The MCOM Office of Student Affairs advises the student of the right to contact the USF Office of Disability Services to initiate a request for reasonable and appropriate accommodations to enable a student to maintain his/her enrollment status.
    2. Regardless of the circumstances for leave of absence, the USF System Tuition and Fees Regulations (USF 4.0102 and 4.0107) Policy 30-013 will apply with regard to tuition, fees and refunds.
  2. Any student subject to an involuntary leave of absence may appeal in writing to the Vice Dean for Educational Affairs within three (3) days of the date of the notice to the student of the involuntary leave of absence. The Vice Dean for Educational Affairs will consider the written appeal and render a final decision within ten (10) days or notify the student that additional time will be necessary to consider the appeal. After due consideration and consultation with designated University officials, the Vice Dean for Educational Affairs will issue a written decision. The Vice Dean’s decision is a final action.
  3. Any student withdrawing under this Regulation, whether voluntary or involuntary, may submit a request to return to MCOM during the subsequent term to the Associate Dean for Student Affairs at any time. Students returning from involuntary leave will be required to submit summary documentation from a pre-approved, qualified medical or psychological provider. The summary documentation must indicate that the student is fit to return to school, able to meet academic/technical standards of the MD program, and all professional activities. In exceptional circumstances, the USF System and the MCOM may elect to request a second, independent opinion paid for by USF.
  4. Involuntary dismissal decisions will be communicated to the student in writing, along with any conditions for readmission, if applicable.


  1. The student must notify the Associate Dean for Student Affairs and the Registrar of an intent to resume enrollment (in writing) at least one month prior to anticipated return to medical studies.
    1. If a student finds that he/she needs to extend the leave of absence, this must be requested in writing to the Associate Dean for Student Affairs and the Registrar at least two (2) weeks prior to the initially designated/anticipated date of return. This request will be referred to the leave of absence committee for consideration and a decision.
  2. Students must have fulfilled any requirements directed by the APRC prior to a return to medical studies.
  3. Students on a leave of absence initiated by the APRC may maintain such status for a maximum of two (2) years. In order to return to enrollment, the student must petition the APRC within the time period allowed. The APRC will consider these petitions regardless of the reason enrollment was discontinued. When petitioning the APRC, the student must provide information that will support that return to enrollment is justified. This is required regardless of the reason for the leave of absence.
  4. Petitions for return to enrollment may be considered at any regular or called meeting of the APRC. The timing of the return to enrollment will be based upon that which is deemed most appropriate to the student’s status and schedule. Students may be required to repeat parts of the curriculum that have previously been successfully completed.
  5. Return to enrollment may be denied if all available positions (seats) are filled, even if a student meets all other qualifications.