Versions Compared


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Report Elements Glossary Table



FIF - Summary

Report :

Tab 1: FIF ScoreCard

This report summarizes the total size of the selected cohort, number of students in the cohort that have graduated-to-date within a 4 year window, number estimated to graduate, certification status of the students anticipated to graduate and counts of those anticipated to graduate by term.

Business process update - 8/3/18 - Only students who got a degree from the same campus as where they started are now being counted as a successful grad for FIF reports.



Select Cohort

Campus Original

College Original

Department Original


Report Elements

Actual Graduated %

Estimated 4 Year Graduation % (Includes Actual)

Certification Status for 4 year Anticipated Graduates

Anticipated 4 Year Graduations by term

Estimated Gap

Actual Gap

Actual Graduated

Estimated Graduates

Data Refreshed on


Tab 2: FIF Matrix

This report provides the estimated 4 year graduation % matrix by original college and current college. The value in each cell represents the estimated 4 year graduation % of the selected cohort of students who started in the original college and are now in current college. 

Business process update - 8/3/18 - Only students who got a degree from the same campus as where they started are now being counted as a successful grad for FIF reports.

Selecting the individual cells in the matrix adjusts the visusalizations below.



Select Cohort

Campus Original

Report Elements

 College Original

College Current

Actual Graduated

Estimated 4 Year Graduation % (Includes Actual)

Anticipated 4 Year Graduations by term


Report : FIF_Status


Tab 1: Four Year Non Completions

This tab displays the details of the students who are not expected to graduate in 4 years.

Business process update - 8/3/18 - Only students who got a degree from the same campus as where they started are now being counted as a successful grad for FIF reports.


Select Cohort

Campus Original

College Original

Department Original

Report Elements

Potential Years to Graduate

Degree Plans Available

Anticipated Graduations By Term

Hours Left to Graduate

 Data Refreshed on

Tab 2:  Four Year Completions

This tab displays the details of the students who are estimated to graduate in 4 years.

Business process update - 8/3/18 - Only students who got a degree from the same campus as where they started are now being counted as a successful grad for FIF reports.


Select Cohort

Campus Original

College Original

Department Original

Report Elements

Potential Years to Graduate

Degree Plans Available

Anticipated Graduations By Term

Hours Left to Graduate

Data Refreshed on

Report : FIF_Detail

This report displays the graduation status and details of the individual students in the selected cohort based on the different filters.

Business process update - 8/3/18 - Only students who got a degree from the same campus as where they started are now being counted as a successful grad for FIF reports.


Select Cohort

Campus Current

College Current

Department Current

Major Current

Anticipated Grad Term

Potential Years to Graduate

Degree Awarded

Degree Plan Available

Return Status

Student Active

Graduation Application Status

Report Elements

Total Records Returned


Last Name

First Name

Anticipated Grad Term

Hours Left to Graduate

Degree Awarded

Potential Years to Grad

Degree Plan Available

Is Student Returning

Student Email

Advisor Name

SSM Activity Date

Graduation Application Status Date

Last Refreshed Date

Data Refreshed on



Report : FIF_ProgressReport

The goal of this report was to show the progress of advisors on entering the FIF data for students. The data is by Current College

Business process update - 8/3/18 - Only students who got a degree from the same campus as where they started are now being counted as a successful grad for FIF reports.


Select Cohort

Campus Current

College Current

Department Current

Report Elements

Degree Plan

Student Status

Current Cohort #

Students Addressed %

Students Addressed Distribution: Internal vs External -  

Data Refreshed on

Report : FIF_Major_Changes

This report displays the details of all FIF cohort students who have changed their majors

Business process update - 8/3/18 - Only students who got a degree from the same campus as where they started are now being counted as a successful grad for FIF reports.


Select Cohort

Campus Current

College Current

Department Current

Major Current

Anticipated Grad Term

Potential Year to Graduate

Degree Awarded

Degree Plan Availability

Return Status

Student Active

Recent Major Change Date

Report Elements

Total Records Returned


Last Name

First Name

Campus Original

College Original

Department Original

Major Original

Recent Major Change Date

Degree Plan Available

Last Refreshed Date

Report : FIF_Advisor

This report displays the list of advisors (Major 1)  for students in the selected cohort in the selected current campus/college/department. 

Business process update - 8/3/18 - Only students who got a degree from the same campus as where they started are now being counted as a successful grad for FIF reports.


Select Cohort

Campus Current

College Current

Department Current

Report Elements

Advised Students

Advisor UID

Advisor Name

Students #

Students Addressed %

Students with Degree Plan %

Estimated Graduates in 4 Years %

Student UID

Student Name

Degree Plan Available

Potential Year to Graduate

Anticipated Grad Term

Hours Left to Graduate

Major Change

Degree Awarded

Is Student Returning

Advisor Assigned Date



Report : FIF_PlannerDiscrepancyReport

This report identifies students in the selected cohort who did not register for courses that match courses in their DegreeWorks Planner for the current and/or future registration terms.


Select Cohort

Campus Current

College Current

Department Current

Major Current

Anticipated Grad Term

Planner Term

Degree Awarded

Return Status

Student Active

Graduation Application Status

Registration Open

Report Elements

Total Records Returned


Last Name

First Name

Student Email

Anticipated Grad Term

Degree Awarded


Advisor Name

Planner Term

Planned Hours

Course Credit Hours

Reg Begin Date

Reg End Date

Registration Open


Campus Current

College Current

Department Current

Major Current




Report : FIF_FinalGradesReport

This report identifies students in the selected cohort who did not satisfactorily complete a course (after grades roll) that was in their DegreeWorks planner or who were on academic probation after end-of-term processing.


Select Cohort

Campus Current

College Current

Department Current

Major Current

Anticipated Grad Term

Academic Standing

Potential Years to Grad

Degree Awarded

Degree Plan Availability

Return Status

Student Active

Graduation Application Status

Report Elements

Total Records Returned


Last Name

First Name

Student Email

Anticipated Grad Term

Hours Left to Graduate

Degree Awarded

Is Student Returning

Advisor Name

Course Term


Course Number

Section Number

Final Grade

Academic Standing

Major Current



XTRN Audit Log




Student UID

Date Range


Report Elements

Student Name




Course Number


Total Records Returned

Data Refreshed On


Report Elements Glossary
Report Elements Glossary

The table below lists all the elements used in the FIF ReportsXTRN Audit Log report. Note that this data is being reported from a view created by IT-Security in PRODARCH database, which pulls information from audit logs in Banner and Employee department information from GEMS.







DescriptionFrequency of Update
Select Cohort



Select Cohort


Select CohortAnticipated Graduation Term AnchorAnticipated Graduation TermAnticipated Graduation TermBanner->Advisor_TrackStudent->ANTICIPATEDGRADTERMAnticipated Graduation Term as listed in SSM-FIF. This is computed based on the highest term in the DegreeWorks plan as identified by the 'FIF%' header for each student.DailyDegree Plan Available AnchorDegree Plan AvailableDegree Plan AvailableBanner->Advisor_TrackStudent-> HASFIFGRADPLAN

Yes/No/Pending Review

No indicates the FIF plan exists in DegreeWorks but is either unlocked or inactive

Pending Review indicates that no FIF plan exists in DegreeWorks.

DailyHours Left to Graduate AnchorHours Left to GraduateHours Left to Graduate  DailyDegree Awarded AnchorDegree AwardedDegree AwardedBanner-> ShrdgmrValues of Yes/No based on graduation status of Awarded for Bachelor level degrees in Banner within a 4 year window from the cohort start date. Only students who got a degree from the same campus as where they started are now being counted as a successful grad for FIF reports.DailyStudent Active AnchorStudent ActiveStudent ActiveBanner-> Sgbstdn-> SGBSTDN_STST_CODEValues of Yes/No- Student is considered Active if enrolled in any of the latest 3 semestersDailyUID AnchorUIDUIDSID-> SID_Enrollments-> UIDUSF ID of StudentDailyLast Name AnchorLast NameLast NameSID-> SID_Person_Demo-> NAME_LASTLast Name of StudentDailyFirst Name AnchorFirst NameFirst NameSID-> SID_Person_Demo->NAME_FIRSTFirst Name of StudentDailyHours Left to Graduate AnchorHours Left to GraduateHours Left to GraduateBanner-> Advisor_TrackStudent-> HOURSLEFTTOGRADUATENumber of hours remaining to graduateDailyCurrent Cohort # AnchorCurrent Cohort #Current Cohort #ComputedNumber of students in the cohort based on the selected filters Students Addressed % AnchorStudents Addressed %Students Addressed %ComputedStudents are considered addressed if they have graduated or have an anticipated graduation term, a potential grad year, or student not returning filled out.  

Students Addressed Distribution: Internal vs External

AnchorStudents Addressed Distribution: Internal vs ExternalStudents Addressed Distribution: Internal vs ExternalComputedInternal vs External is the ratio of addressed students who have been in the college the whole time (internal) versus those who have changed college (external). Total Records Returned AnchorTotal Records ReturnedTotal Records ReturnedComputedNumber of records returned in the report Data Refreshed on AnchorData Refreshed onData Refreshed on Date that the report data was refreshed overall.DailyLast Refreshed Date AnchorLast Refreshed DateLast Refreshed Date Date that the student record was last updatedDailyAdvisor Name AnchorAdvisor NameAdvisor Name




First name concatenated with Last NameDailyAdvisor Type AnchorDescriptionDescriptionBanner->Sgradvr->ADVR_CODERestricted to only Priority 1 Assigned Advisor and Priority 2 Assigned AdvisorDailyStudent Count AnchorStudent CountStudent CountBanner->SgradvrCount of number of students who have been assigned to that specific advisor


Banner-> Sgrchrt

Students listed in Banner with an FTICFT<YY>08 cohort. For example, FTICFT1408, FTICFT1508. Note that these Banner cohorts FTICFT<YY>08 are translated to FIF20<YY>, for example FTICFT1408 is translated to FIF2014.

FIF2014 - This cohort includes First Time In College(FTIC) students who started in Summer 2014 and continued on to Fall 2014 as a Full Time student along with students who started in Fall 2014 as a Full Time student.

AnnualCampus Original AnchorCampus OriginalCampus Original

SID-> Sid_Enrollments-> HOMECAMPUS

The campus where the student was enrolled when he/she first entered the cohort.AnnualCollege Original AnchorCollege OriginalCollege OriginalSID-> Sid_Enrollments-> COLLEGEThecollege where the student was enrolled when he/she first entered the cohort.AnnualDepartment Original AnchorDepartment OriginalDepartment OriginalSID-> Sid_Enrollments-> DEPARTMENTThe department where the student was enrolled when he/she first entered the cohort.AnnualMajor Original AnchorMajor OriginalMajor OriginalSID-> Sid_Enrollments-> MAJORThe major where the student was enrolled when he/she first entered the cohort.AnnualCampus Current AnchorCampus CurrentCampus CurrentBanner-> Sgbstdn-> SGBSTDN_CAMP_CODEThe campus of the student's most recent enrollmentDailyCollege Current AnchorCollege CurrentCollege CurrentBanner-> Sgbstdn> SGBSTDN_COLL_CODE_1The college of the student's most recent enrollmentDailyDepartment Current AnchorDepartment CurrentDepartment CurrentBanner-> Sgbstdn-> SGBSTDN_DEPT_CODEThe department of the student's most recent enrollmentDailyMajor Current AnchorMajor CurrentMajor CurrentBanner-> Sgbstdn-> SGBSTDN_MAJR_CODE_1The major of the student's most recent enrollmentDailyActual Graduated AnchorActual GraduatedActual GraduatedBanner-> ShrdgmrGraduation status of Awarded for Bachelor level degrees in Banner within a 4 year window from the time of cohort start. Only students who got a degree from the same campus as where they started are now being counted as a successful grad for FIF reports.DailyActual Graduated % AnchorActual Graduated %Actual Graduated %ComputedActual Graduated students as a percentage of FIF Cohort within a 4 year window from the time of cohort start. Only students who got a degree from the same campus as where they started are now being counted as a successful grad for FIF reports.DailyActual Gap Anchor#Actual Gap#Actual GapComputedAdditional students who need to graduate within 4 years to meet the target graduation rateDailyEstimated Graduates AnchorEstimated GraduatesEstimated GraduatesEstimated to Graduate in 4 YearsComputedStudents Working Towards Graduation in the specified time and Actual Graduated studentsDailyEstimated 4 Year Graduation % AnchorEstimated 4 Year Graduation %Estimated 4 Year Graduation %ComputedEstimated Graduates as a percentage of FIF CohortDailyEstimated Gap AnchorEstimated GapEstimated GapComputedAdditional students who need an Anticipated Graduation Term before the end of the fourth year to meet the target graduation rateDailyAnticipated 4 Year Graduations by Term AnchorAnticipated 4 Year Graduations by TermAnticipated 4 Year Graduations by TermBanner-> Advisor_TrackStudent-> ANTICIPATEDGRADTERMStudents listed in SSM-FIF with an Anticipated Graduation Term before the end of the fourth year, but aren't documented as graduated in Banner. For FIF2014 this would be Fall 2017, Spring 2018, and Summer 2018.DailyNot Expected to Graduate in 4 Years AnchorNot Expected to Graduate in 4 YearsNot Expected to Graduate in 4 YearsComputedStudents listed in SSM-FIF with an Anticipated Graduation Term after the end of the fourth year. For FIF2014 this would be Fall 2018 or after.DailyNot Expected to Graduate in 4 Years %ComputedNot Expected to Graduate in 4 Years as a percentage of FIF CohortDailyWorking Towards GraduationComputedStudents listed in SSM-FIF with an Anticipated Graduation Term before the end of the fourth year, but aren't documented as graduated in Banner. For FIF2014 this would be Fall 2017, Spring 2018, and Summer 2018.DailyReturn Status AnchorReturn Status Return Status Banner-> Advisor_TrackStudent-> ISSTUDENTNOTRETURNINGStudent Returning indicated Returning/Not Returning/Pending Review as identified by users in SSM-FIFDailyPotential Years to Graduate AnchorPotential Years to GraduatePotential Years to GraduateBanner-> Advisor_TrackStudent-> POTENTIALYEARTOGRADPotential Years to Graduate as selected in SSM-FIF. Options include 3,4,5,6,7+ and Pending ReviewDaily
Prodarch-> Xtrn_Change_Audit> EMPL_NAMEName of student (last name concatenated with first name)Daily



Prodarch-> Xtrn_Change_Audit> DEPTNAMEName of student (last name concatenated with first name)Daily

Student UID

Student UID
Student UID

Prodarch-> Xtrn_Change_Audit> STU_USFIDName of student (last name concatenated with first name)Daily

Student Name

Student Name
Student Name

















Person_Demo-> NAME_FIRSTLast name concatenated with First NameDailyMajor Change AnchorMajor ChangeMajor ChangeComputedBased on the major having changed from when the student first entered the cohort (original major) to the current major of the student based on the most recent enrollment termDailyAdvisor Assignment Date AnchorAdvisor Assignment DateAdvisor Assignment DateBanner->Sgradvr->ACTIVITY_DATEDate when a student was most recently assigned to a particular advisorDailyGraduation Application Status AnchorGraduation Application StatusGraduation Application StatusBanner->Shrdgmr->SHRDGMR_DEGS_CODEApplied (Advisor), Applied (Student), Awarded, Denied, NoneDailyRecent Major Change Date AnchorRecent Major Change DateRecent Major Change Date The most recent date of major changeDailySSM Activity Date AnchorSSM Activity DateSSM Activity Date Last date that any of the fields in the FIF tab in SIS has been changedDailyAdvised Students AnchorAdvised StudentsAdvised StudentsComputedCount of students who have been assigned to that specific dvisorDailyAdvisor UID AnchorAdvisor UIDAdvisor UID UID of AdvisorDailyStudents with Degree Plan % AnchorStudents with Degree Plan %Students with Degree Plan %ComputedPercentage of students who have been assigned to that specific advisor who have a degree plan in DegreeWorks as identified by the 'FIF%' header.DailyEstimated Graduates in 4 Years % AnchorEstimated Graduates in 4 Years %Estimated Graduates in 4 Years %ComputedStudents Working Towards Graduation in the specified time and Actual Graduated students as a percentage of the students the specific advisor has been assigned.DailyGraduation Application Status Date AnchorGraduation Application Status DateGraduation Application Status Date

Banner-> Shrdmgr-> SHRDGMR_APPL_DATE/

Banner-> Shrdmgr-> SHRDGMR_GRAD_DATE/


  • If graduation application status (SHRDGMR_DEGS_CODE) is Applied or Sought then “Application Date” is used
  • If graduation application status (SHRDGMR_DEGS_CODE) is Awarded then “Graduation Date” is used
  • If graduation application status (SHRDGMR_DEGS_CODE) is Denied then “Recent Activity Date” is used
DailyPlanner Term AnchorPlanner TermPlanner TermDegreeWorks->Dap_Plancrs_Dtl->DAP_TERMCourse term on the DegreeWorks PlannerDailyRegistration Open AnchorRegistration OpenRegistration OpenComputedIndicates whether or not a student can register for the term based on the registration start and end dates (SFRWCTL)DailyHold AnchorHoldHoldComputedStudent's concatenated list of holds from BannerDailyDegree AnchorDegreeDegreeDegreeWorks->Dap_Plancrs_Dtl->DAP_DEGREEStudent degree on the DegreeWorks PlannerDailyPlanned Hours AnchorPlanned HoursPlanned HoursDegreeWorks->Dap_Plancrs_Dtl->DAP_CREDITSTotal planned credit hours for the term per degree for the student on the DegreeWorks PlannerDailyCourse Credit Hours AnchorCourse Credit HoursCourse Credit HoursDegreeWorks->Rad_Class_Dtl->RAD_CREDITSTotal credit hours taken by the student for the termDailyReg Begin Date AnchorReg Begin DateReg Begin DateBanner->Sfrwctl->SFRWCTL_BEGIN_DATEFirst date the student is eligible to register for the termDailyReg End Date AnchorReg End DateReg End DateBanner->Sfrwctl->SFRWCTL_END_DATELast date the student is eligible to register for the termDaily Academic Standing AnchorAcademic StandingAcademic StandingBanner->Shrttrm->SHRTTRM_ASTD_CODE_END_OF_TERM Academic standing of the student as of the end-of-termDaily  Course Term AnchorCourse TermCourse Term Banner->Shrtckn->SHRTCKN_TERM_CODE Term when the student completed the courseDaily  Subject AnchorSubjectSubject Banner->Shrtckn->SHRTCKN_SUBJECT_CODE Subject code of the course takenDaily  Course Course number of


Name of student (last name concatenated with first name)Daily



Prodarch-> Xtrn_Change_Audit>SBGI_CODETransfer school SBGI CodeDaily



Prodarch-> Xtrn_Change_Audit> TERM_CODE_EFFTerm course was takenDaily



Prodarch-> Xtrn_Change_Audit> SUBJ_CODE_INSTSubject Code of the course takenDaily

Course Number

Course Number
Course Number

Prodarch-> Xtrn_Change_Audit> CRSE_NUMB_INSTCourse Number of the course taken
 Final Grade



Final Grade


Final Grade


 Banner->Shrtckg->SHRTCKG_GRDE_CODE_FINALFinal grade the student earned for the course Daily  Section Number AnchorSection NumberSection Number  Banner->Shrtckn->SHRTCKN_SEQ_NO Section number of the course taken Daily Concentration1 AnchorConcentration1Concentration1Banner-> Sgbstdn-> SGBSTDN_MAJR_CODE_CONC_1

Concentration Code1 of the student's primary curriculum on the most recent enrollment

DailyConcentration1_2 AnchorConcentration1_2Concentration1_2Banner-> Sgbstdn-> SGBSTDN_MAJR_CODE_CONC_1_2

Concentration Code1_2 of the student's primary curriculum on the most recent enrollment

DailyStudent Email AnchorStudent EmailStudent EmailBanner->Goremal->GOREMAL_EMAIL_ADDRESS

Preferred email (If preference has been set by student) concatenated with usf email.

Business Logic - By default every student is assigned a '' account which is shown in the data. If students have further set a 'preffered' account then it will be pulled in as well to go along with the default '' account. In certain cases, if the student has set their '' account then it will be duplicated and listed for complete coverage of communication options.
Prodarch-> Xtrn_Change_Audit> TIMESTAMPTimestamp when the XTRN attribute was addedDaily

Total Records Returned

Total Records Returned
Total Records Returned

ComputedNumber of records returned in the reportDaily

Data Refreshed On

Data Refreshed On
Data Refreshed On

Date that the report data was refreshedDaily

Date Range

Date Range
Date Range

Prodarch-> Xtrn_Change_Audit> TIMESTAMPDate range of addition of XTRN attributeDaily

























