College of Nursing > Advising Undergraduate Office
Students are assigned to an advisor in the College of Nursing upon entry. Advisor assignments are made based on the student’s program of study:
- Pre-Nursing (Last Names A-L) and Freshmen Nursing Pathway, Pre-Nursing LLC: Greg WancePre-Nursing (Last Names M-Z) and V-CARE: Kirsten Manzi, Nursing Living Learning Community: Holli McLean
- Admitted Pre-Licensure Nursing and CARE FTIC majors: Maikelyn Lopez
- Registered Nurses – Pre-Nursing, Admitted RN-BS, & HCC Concurrent: Julie Tierson
- – Upper Division, Second Degree and VCARE: Maikelyn Lopez
While each student is assigned a primary academic advisor, you are welcome to meet with any advisor within your program of study in the Student Affairs Office. When making an appointment, you will be able to select the advisor of your choice (within your program).
Prospective students are encouraged to utilize our Prospective Student Advising services, as our academic advisors must give priority to currently enrolled, active pre-nursing and nursing students. Prospective students are provided specific services to assist with the application process (including Information Sessions and Walk-In Advising) and can also contact our Undergraduate Admissions Advisor, Ashley EastmannRos, with questions.
Our advising office is located on the USF Health campus in the WELL, Room 1002. You can reach our office during regular business hours (Monday-Friday, 8:00am to 5:00pm) at (813)974-2191.
How do I schedule an appointment?
Students should schedule academic advising appointments via e-Scheduler.
As a student, what is expected of me?
- The importance of academic planning and their shared responsibility in the process.
- The importance of enhancing their degree with co-curricular/extracurricular and inter/intercultural experiences.
- Their responsibilities as educated citizens of USF and of a democratic, diverse, and global society.
- The educational process and learning across the lifespan.
- USF Undergraduate Catalog (2017-18)
- College of Nursing Baccalaureate Handbook
- USF General Education (Foundations of Knowledge & Learning)
- Academic Regulations (ARC)
- USF Academic Calendar