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Table of Contents

Report Description

The Global Department Crosswalk report shows how individual departments with data in one or more USF source systems, such as FAST, GEMS, OASIS, Health Banner, Epic, GE/IDX, CODA, are currently grouped together into easier to use and understand "global" departments for reporting, data access control, and other processes.

As a reminder, global departments are simply groupings that enable aggregation and reporting of department-level data for a business unit from sources that use different DeptIDs.  They also allow us to have a naming convention where the prefix reflects the college/unit the department falls under, as well as a separate college/unit attribute field value that is not always available or consistent in the constituent source systems, like the tree-nodes in FAST, VP-Area in GEMS, or College in OASIS.

Mapping page

This page allows you to:

  1. select one or more Global Departments and see which Source Departments from which Source Systems roll up to it,
  2. select one or more Source Departments and see which Source Systems they are from and which Global Departments they roll up into,
  3. select one or more Source Systems and see which Source Departments they contain and which Global Departments they roll up into, or
  4. any combination of the previous three.

The search boxes on this page can help you find Global or Source Departments by name or number (or even the department's primary CIP-code), such as "accounting" or "1402", then use those results to select the one or more Departments which you are most interested in seeing how they are mapped.


Insert excerpt
GDC Type of College or Unit
GDC Type of College or Unit

Insert excerpt
GDC College or Unit Name
GDC College or Unit Name

Reset Filters

In case you have used multiple filters and want all of them quickly reset to their defaults.


This three visualizations on this page are used in conjunction with each other so that you can:

  1. select one or more Global Departments and see which Source Departments from which Source Systems roll up to it;
  2. select one or more Source Departments and see which Source Systems they are from and which Global Departments they roll up into;
  3. select one or more Source Systems and see which Source Departments they contain and which Global Departments they roll up into; or
  4. any combination of the previous three.

Insert excerpt
GDC Global Dept Name including Primary CIP-code
GDC Global Dept Name including Primary CIP-code

Insert excerpt
GDC Source Department ID and Name
GDC Source Department ID and Name

Insert excerpt
GDC Source System
GDC Source System


Summary page

This page allows you to:

  1. Quickly find a global department mapping that contains a string you seek, such as "400501" (which will match a primary CIP-code), "Chemistry" (which will match source department names and global department names), "6413" (which will partially match source department IDs), or even "Arts and Sciences" (which will match a college name).
  2. See the number and type of source system departments that comprise each college/unit or, if you drill down, each global department.


Insert excerpt
GDC Type of College or Unit
GDC Type of College or Unit

Insert excerpt
GDC College or Unit Name
GDC College or Unit Name

Insert excerpt
GDC Global Dept Name
GDC Global Dept Name

Insert excerpt
GDC Source System
GDC Source System

Page search

This filter allows you to search through full global department mappings to pick one that contains a string you seek and display the details in the visualizations below.  You can search for strings such as "400501" (which will match a primary CIP-code), "Chemistry" (which will match source department names and global department names), "6413" (which will partially match source department IDs), or even "Arts and Sciences" (which will match a college name).


This three visualizations on this page


 are used in conjunction with each other so that you can:

  1. use the filters along the top of the page to see just the Colleges/Units, Global Departments, and/or Source Systems you are currently seeking;

  2. select a bar from the Number of Department IDs chart and see the global department mapping details for that College/Unit (or Global Department, if you drilled down) as well as which portion of the pie those departments comprise;
  3. select a global department mapping details line and see where that falls in the bar chart as well as in the pie chart;
  4. select a source system's slice of the pie chart and see where that falls in the bar chart as which global department mappings involve that source system.

Insert excerpt
GDC Visual Number of DeptIDs by Source and College-Unit
GDC Visual Number of DeptIDs by Source and College-Unit

Insert excerpt
GDC Visual Detailed Global Dept Mapping
GDC Visual Detailed Global Dept Mapping

Insert excerpt
GDC Visual Number of Depts by Source system
GDC Visual Number of Depts by Source system


Insert excerpt
GDC College or Unit Name
GDC College or Unit Name

Insert excerpt
GDC Global Dept Name
GDC Global Dept Name

Insert excerpt
GDC Source System
GDC Source System

Insert excerpt
GDC Source Department ID and Name
GDC Source Department ID and Name

Insert excerpt
GDC Type of College or Unit
GDC Type of College or Unit

Insert excerpt
GDC Primary CIP-code
GDC Primary CIP-code

Insert excerpt
GDC Status Description
GDC Status Description

Details page

This page just allows you to see the details of all the global department mappings.

Data Refreshed On

Data in this report is not live, but it is refreshed nightly. The date on the bottom right of the report displays the most recent day the data was pulled from the source, which is the data warehouse global department crosswalk, which has manually maintained mapping data and nightly refreshed source-system department IDs and names.


This report displays department information from the data warehouse as of the refresh date.  The data warehouse has a nightly scheduled refresh from the source systems. All values are subject to change over time.

Please send any questions or comments to

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