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Table of Contents

Overview of Data Relationship

Diagram of Relationship Mapping

Image Added

Overview of Data Model

Image Added

Tables highlighted in yellow are visible in the PowerBI dataset.  The tables not highlighted are the bridge tables (created for the purpose of not dropping data for the many-to-many relationships between some of the tables, but NOT needed for reporting the data, and thus hidden in the model).

Mapping for the Data Model

EPAs- Entrustable Professional Activity. Mapped to Program Objective.

Program Objective - The program objective is mapped to a course objective and then the pair is mapped to a course. This is a pick list of objectives provided by AAMC. Mapping is completed by Course Coordinator or Course Director. Mapped to course objectives.

Course Objective - The program objective is mapped to a course objective and then the pair is mapped to a course. Mapping is completed by Course Coordinator or Course Director. Mapped to courses and session objective.

Session Objective - The session objective is mapped to a course objective and then the pair is mapped to a session. Mapping is completed by Course Coordinator or Course Director. Mapped to sessions.

Content Objective - Objectives given by Content Area national organizations (like the American Association of Pediatrics). Integration directors map them to individual sessions. Mapped to sessions

Sessions are also mapped to Courses.

Methods -  If methods needed for course objective use table named Methods to Course Objectives.  Mapped to course objectives; If methods are needed for sessions use the table named Methods.  Mapped to sessions.

Template Description

The template is designed for the self-service creation of Power BI Report development Reports for future Curriculum Mapping reports. Currently the Template can be located at \\\odrive$\IT-BIA\Projects\PowerBI\Templates by the name of "Self-Service Curriculum Mapping Template" is accessible once given access to the Box folder. The Template contains all the currently mapped data and details needed for Curriculum Mapping reports. The template contains the first tab includes core filters used in all Curriculum Mapping reporting along with a , while the Relationship documentation tab that provides information for the data fields that can be used in a report (which should be deleted . Please delete this tab before a created report is published)shared with others.


Insert excerpt


Academic Year - MCOM CM


Academic Year - MCOM CM

Insert excerpt
Med Year - MCOM CM
Med Year - MCOM CM

Insert excerpt
Curriculum Program Filter- MCOM CM
Curriculum Program Filter- MCOM CM

Table Details


Tables and description in grey italics are not displayed in 'FIELDS' in the Power BI template. There is no additional data in those tables except how items are mapped to one another.

Content ObjectiveContains Content Objectives with description and discipline, linked to Courses from the Course by Academic Year table. Table is filtered for active records.
Course by Academic YearContains Course attributes by academic year. Table is filtered by Course
Status = 2 ('Completed'), and Source = 'Health' which brings in only Health
Objectives, linked to Courses from the   CM_COURSE_BY_ACADEMIC_YEAR table. Table is filtered by Active = 1.CM_COURSEBYACADYEAR_PROGRAMDerived Reporting Table
by Academic Year ProgramContains mapping between course_by_
academic_year_id and program. Courses
linked to both Core and SELECT programs will have two
separate records in the
table. This table was created to help report writers with the program button
functionality on the report
Course ObjectiveCourse objective description and the course objective ID.
EPAsContains EPA (Entrustable Professional Activities) information. 
EPA by Progam ObjectiveContains mapping between EPA and Porgram Objective table; linked by EPA ID.
Keyword HierarchyContains Keyword information for keyword search.
MethodsContains method information (for sessions) with method type description noting Primary Instructional Method, Additional Instructional Method, or Assessment. 
Methods to Course ObjectivesContains method information (for course objectives), with method type description noting Primary Instructional Method, Additional Instructional Method, or Assessment
Program Objective Course ObjectiveBridge table to handle many to many relationship between program
  Reporting Table
objective and course objective.
Program ObjectiveContains Program Objectives.
CM_SESSIONReporting Table
SessionContains Sessions, linked to Courses from the
Course By Academic Year table. Table is filtered by Status = 2 (Completed).
CM_SESSION_OBJ_COURSE_OBJReporting Bridge TableBridge
Session Objective Course ObjectiveBridge table to handle many to many relationship between session
objective and course objective.
Session ObjectiveContains session objectives, linked to Sessions from the CM_SESSION   table.

Column Details


_course contact hours0
CM_COURSE_BY_ACADEMIC_YEARCOURSE_LOCATIONwhen location = 1, 'Lehigh   Valley'
    when location = 2, 'Tampa'
    Else 'Unknown'Unknown(derived) Appian.CR_REC_courseByAcademicYear.locationCM_COURSE_BY_ACADEMIC_YEARCOURSE_IS_COREYes' if the course belongs to either 'Core' or 'Core and SELECT', else   'No'No(derived) Appian.CR_REC_courseByAcademicYear.programCM_COURSE_BY_ACADEMIC_YEARCOURSE_IS_SELECTYes' if the course belongs to either 'SELECT' or 'Core and SELECT', else   'No'No(derived) Appian.CR_REC_courseByAcademicYear.programCM_COURSE_BY_ACADEMIC_YEARCOURSE_ACADEMIC_YEARcourse academic yearUNKNAppian.CR_REC_courseByAcademicYear.academicYearCM_COURSE_BY_ACADEMIC_YEARCOURSE_CONTACT_HOURS
Content ObjectiveContent ObjectiveContent objective with number followed by description (e.g. 1.17.8 Predict the changes...)UnknownAppian.MCOM_CM_contentObjectives.DESCRIPTION
Content Objective DisciplineContent ObjectiveDiscipline or content area of a given content objective (e.g. Pharmacology, Neuroscience, Biochemistry)UnknownAppian.MCOM_CM_REF_disciplineDirector.DESCRIPTION
Content Objective HeadingContent Objective
Content objective heading description. Each heading will have subheadings up to level five.UnknownAppian.MCOM_CM_contentObjectiveHeading.DESCRIPTION
Content Heading Objective IDContent ObjectiveArchivum content objective heading foreign key.-1Appian.MCOM_CM_contentObjective.HEADERID
Content Objective IDContent ObjectiveArchivum content objective unique identifier.(not null)Appian.MCOM_CM_contentObjectiveHeading.DESCRIPTION
Course Academic YearCourse by Academic YearAcademic year for the course, where the year is the year the academic year began.UNKNAppian.CR_REC_courseByAcademicYear.
contactHoursCM_COURSE_BY_ACADEMIC_YEARCOURSE_BY_ACADEMIC_YEAR_IDappian composite primay Unknown
Course by Academic Year IDCourse by Academic YearArchivum composite primary key for Course By Academic Year(not null)Appian.CR_REC_courseByAcademicYear.courseAcademicYearId

Course Contact Hours

Course by Academic YearCourse contact hours, pulled from Health Banner into Archivum0Appian.CR_REC_courseByAcademicYear.
courseNumberCM_COURSE_BY_ACADEMIC_YEARCOURSE_DESCRIPTIONcourse description. blanks ltrimed and rtrimed
Course DescriptionCourse by Academic YearCourse description as entered by course director/coordinator in ArchivumUnknownAppian.CR_REC_courseByAcademicYear.description
Course End DateCourse by Academic YearCourse end date as pulled from Health Banner into Archivum.Date in Power BI will display with Day, Month, Year, and Quarter which can be removed in a tableAppian.CR_REC_courseByAcademicYear.endDate
CM_COURSE_BY_ACADEMIC_YEARCOURSE_IS_OUTSIDE_BANNERcourse is outside banner flag. Yes if outsideBanner=1, Else No
Course is Core FlagCourse by Academic YearYes if the course belongs to either Core or Core and SELECT, else No as entered into Archivum.No(derived) Appian.CR_REC_courseByAcademicYear.program

Course Is Outside Banner Flag

Course by Academic YearCourse is outside Health Banner flag. Yes if the course is not contained in Health Banner, Else No.NoAppian.CR_REC_courseByAcademicYear.outsideBanner
CM_COURSE_BY_ACADEMIC_YEARCOURSE_START_DATEcourse start date1900.01.01course subject code
Course is SELECT FlagCourse by Academic YearYes if the course belongs to either SELECT or Core and SELECT, else No as entered into Archivum.No(derived) Appian.CR_REC_courseByAcademicYear.program
Course LocationCourse by Academic YearLocation as entered in Archivum; Lehigh   Valley or Tampa.Unknown(derived) Appian.CR_REC_courseByAcademicYear.location
Course Med YearCourse by Academic YearCourse med year number taught in as entered in Archivum by course director/coordinator.0Appian.CR_REC_courseByAcademicYear.year
Course NumberCourse by Academic YearCourse number as pulled from Health Banner into ArchivumUnknownAppian.CR_REC_courseByAcademicYear.courseNumber
Course Start DateCourse by Academic YearCourse start date as pulled from Health Banner into Archivum.Date in Power BI will display with Day, Month, Year, and Quarter which can be removed in a tableAppian.CR_REC_courseByAcademicYear.startdate
CM_COURSE_BY_ACADEMIC_YEARCOURSE_SUBJECT_CODEcourse title. blanks ltrimed and rtrimed
Course Subject CodeCourse by Academic YearCourse subject code as pulled from Health Banner into Archivum.UnknownAppian.CR_REC_courseByAcademicYear.subjectCode
Course TitleCourse by Academic YearCourse title as pulled from Health Banner into Archivum.UnknownAppian.CR_REC_courseByAcademicYear.title
Course by Academic Year IDCourse By Academic ProgramArchivum course by academic year foreign key-1Appian.CR_REC_courseByAcademicYear.
Curriculum Program

Course By Academic Program

Can be 'Core' or 'SELECT'. If a course is taught to 'Core' and 'SELECT', there are separate records for each curriculum program/course combination.-1(derived) Appian.CR_REC_courseByAcademicYear.program
Course by Academic Year IDCourse ObjectiveArchivum foreign key for Course By Academic Year(not null)Appian.MCOM_CM_objectivePair.courseId
CM_COURSE_OBJECTIVECOURSE_OBJECTIVEcourse objective description. blanks ltrimed and rtrimedappian course objective primary key
Course ObjectiveCourse ObjectiveCourse objective description as entered in Archivum by course director/coordinator.UnknownAppian.MCOM_CM_objectivePair.courseobjective
Course Objective ID
Course ObjectiveArchivum course objective unique identifier.(not null)
EPA DescriptionEPADescription of EPA (exteral professional activity) (e.g. Gather a history and perform a physical examination).textAppian.MCOM_CM_objectivePair.epadescription
EPA IDEPAArchivum course objective unique identifier.(not null)Appian.MCOM_CM_objectivePair.
idCM_COURSEBYACADYEAR_PROGRAMCURRICULUM_PROGRAMCan be 'Core' or 'SELECT'. If program is 1 then both 'Core' and 'SELECT'   (separate records). If program is 2 then 'Core'. If program is 3 then   'SELECT'-1(derived) Appian.CR_REC_courseByAcademicYear.programCM_COURSEBYACADYEAR_PROGRAMCOURSE_BY_ACADEMIC_YEAR_IDappian course by academic year foreign key-1Appian.CR_REC_courseByAcademicYear.courseAcademicYearIdCM_PROGRAM_OBJ_COURSE_OBJCOURSE_OBJECTIVE_IDappian course objective foreign key(not null)Appian.MCOM_CM_objectivePairProgramObjectiveJoin.objectivePairIdCM_PROGRAM_OBJ_COURSE_OBJPROGRAM_OBJECTIVE_IDappian program
EPA TitleEPAIdentifier for EPAs, (e.g. EPA 1, EPA 2, SEL EPA 1, SEL EPA 2)/textAppian.MCOM_CM_EPA.epa_title

Keyword Hierarchy

Ilios term/keywordUnknownILIOS.term.title
Keyword DescriptionKeyword HierarchyIlios term/keyword level (not consistently populated). Does not contain a keyword description.UnknownILIOS.term.description
Keyword IDKeyword HierarchyIlios term/keyword unique identifier(not null)ILIOS.term.term_id
Keyword ID Level 1 (Level 2, Level 3, Level 4, Leve5)Keyword Hierarchy

Keyword LevelKeyword HierarchyKeyword hierarchy level-1(derived) ILIOS.term.term_id,
Keyword Level 1 (Level 2, Level 3, Level 4, Level 5)Keyword Hierarchy

Keyword Level HierarchyKeyword Hierarchy

Parent Keyword IDKeyword HierarchyIlios term/keyword parent key. Keywords have a hierarchy.-1ILIOS.term.parent_term_id
School IDKeyword HierarchySchool unique identifier value from Ilios.-1ILIOS.vocabulary.school_id
School TitleKeyword HierarchySchool description from
Vocabulary IDKeyword HierarchyIlios vocabulary unique identifier. Joins to the Ilios vocabulary table.-1ILIOS.term.vocabulary_id
Vocabulary TitleKeyword HierarchyVocabulary description value from Ilios.UnknownILIOS.vocabulary.title
Method DescriptionMethodsDescription of type of methodUnknownAppian_MCOM_CM_METHODS.METHOD
Method CodeMethodsAlphanumeric as determined by Ilios (e.g IM001)UnknownAppian_MCOM_CM_methods.METHOD
Method IDMethodsArchivum method unique identifier(not null)Appian_MCOM_CM_methods.METHODID
Method TypeMethodsPrimary Instructional Method; Assessment MethodUnknown(derived) Appian_MCOM_CM_methods.PRIMARY and Appian_MCOM_CM_methods.METHODTYPE
Method Type CodeMethodsIM = Primary Instructional Method; AM = Assessment MethodUAppian_MCOM_CM_methods.METHODTYPE

Primary Method Flag

MethodsYes for Primary Instructional Method; No for Assessment MethodUnknownAppian_MCOM_CM_methods.PRIMARY
Method DescriptionMethods to Course ObjectivesDescription of type of methodUnknownAppian_MCOM_CM_METHODS.METHOD
Method CodeMethods to Course ObjectivesAlphanumeric as determined by Ilios (e.g IM001)UnknownAppian_MCOM_CM_methods.METHOD
Method IDMethods to Course ObjectivesArchivum method unique identifier(not null)Appian_MCOM_CM_methods.METHODID
Method TypeMethods to Course ObjectivesPrimary Instructional Method; Assessment MethodUnknown(derived) Appian_MCOM_CM_methods.PRIMARY and Appian_MCOM_CM_methods.METHODTYPE
Method Type CodeMethods to Course ObjectivesIM = Primary Instructional Method; AM = Assessment MethodUAppian_MCOM_CM_methods.METHODTYPE

Primary Method Flag

Methods to Course ObjectivesYes for Primary Instructional Method; No for Assessment MethodUnknownAppian_MCOM_CM_methods.PRIMARY
Course Objective IDProgram Objective Course ObjectiveArchivum course objective foreign key(not null)Appian.MCOM_CM_objectivePairProgramObjectiveJoin.
programObjectiveIdCM_PROGRAM_OBJECTIVEPROGRAM_OBJECTIVE_IDappian program objective primary
Program Objective IDProgram Objective Course ObjectiveArchivum program objective foreign key(not null)Appian.MCOM_CM_
CM_PROGRAM_OBJECTIVEPROGRAM_OBJECTIVE_TITLEprogram objective title. blanks ltrimed and rtrimed
Program Objective TitleProgram ObjectiveProgram objective titleUnknownAppian.MCOM_CM_programObjective.title
Program Objective IDProgram ObjectiveArchivum program objective unique identifier(not null)Appian.MCOM_CM_programObjective.programObjectiveId
Course by Academic IDSessionArchivum Course By Academic Year unique identifier(not null)Appian.MCOM_CM_session.courseid
CM_SESSIONSESSION_DESCRIPTIONsession description. blanks ltrimed and rtrimedsession duration
Session title as entered in Archivum by course director/coordinatorUnknownAppian.MCOM_CM_session.title
Session Description


Session description as entered in Archivum by course director/coordinatorUnknownAppian.MCOM_CM_session.description
CM_SESSIONSESSION_DURATIONappian session primary key
Session Duration HoursSessionSession duration hours as entered in Archivum by course director/coordinator0Appian.MCOM_CM_session.duration
CM_SESSIONSESSION_IDsession preparationHours
Session IDSessionArchivum session unique identifier(not null)
Session Preparation HoursSessionSession student preparation hours as entered in Archivum by course director/coordinator0Appian.MCOM_CM_session.preparationHours
CM_SESSIONSESSION_TITLEsession title. blanks ltrimed and rtrimed
Session Total HoursSessionTotal hours, combining session duration hours and session preparation hours0Appian.MCOM_CM_session.
Course Objective IDSession Objective Course ObjectiveArchivum course objective foreign key(not null)Appian.MCOM_CM_sessionObjectivePairCourseObjectiveJoin.courseObjectiveId
CM_SESSION_OBJ_COURSE_OBJSESSION_OBJECTIVE_IDappian session objective primary key
Session Objective IDSession Objective Course ObjectiveArchivum session objective foreign key(not null)Appian.MCOM_CM_sessionObjectivePairCourseObjectiveJoin.sessionObjectiveId
Session IDSession ObjectiveArchivum session unique identifier(not null)Appian.MCOM_CM_sessionObjectivePair.
idCM_SESSION_OBJECTIVESESSION_IDappian session foreign key(not null)
Session ObjectiveSession ObjectiveSession objective name as entered in Archivum by course director/coordinatorUnknownAppian.MCOM_CM_sessionObjectivePair.
sessionidCM_SESSION_OBJECTIVESESSION_OBJECTIVEsession objective name. blanks ltrimed and rtrimedUnknown
Session Objective IDSession ObjectiveArchivum session objective primary key(not null)Appian.MCOM_CM_sessionObjectivePair.

Currently within the data model there are 2 tables that contain the same data, the table is CM_COURSE_BY_ACADEMIC_YEAR.

The two tables provide ways to access data point(s) differently due to how objectives are mapped to each other in the source. The path you take depends on what question is been asked with the data.

Not all course objectives are always mapped to a session objective and hence a session. Keeping that in mind here are the possible scenarios:

  • To get all connected data points here is the path that needs to be followed:

Content Objective Subheadings <- Content Objective <-Course -> Session -> Session Objective -> Course Objective -> Program Objective

  • To get all the course objectives connected to a course (not necessarily mapped to a session objective), and program objectives connected to those course objectives, here is the path that needs to followed:

Course-> Course Objective -> Program Objective


Report Tips

  • In addition to the pre-made filters mentioned at the top of the page (Academic Year, Med Year, and Curriculum Program), report level filters can be set, e.g. "Course Academic Year" is not blank, or "Program Objective" is not blank.
  • It may be needed at times to obtain a single line for an item (when using a table in the report) or when used as a measure to provide a count, to select "Count Distinct," such as for SessionID. 
  • For Session Duration Hours or Session Preparation Hours, select "Don't Summarize" instead of "Count(Distinct)" to obtain correct hour count for sessions.


Overview for CM documentation: CM Documentation Overview Video

Overview for data model for PowerBI reports: CM Data Model Video

Data Refreshed On

Data in this report is not live, but refreshed regularly. The date on the bottom right of the report displays the last day the data was refreshed from Archivum Curriculum Mapping.   


This report only displays values as the were in Archivum Curriculum Mapping at last refresh as indicated at the bottom of the report. Those values are subject to change over time. Unauthorized use of this report is prohibited. If you log on to this computer system, you acknowledge your awareness of and concurrence with the University of South Florida policies. The University will prosecute violators to the full extent of the law.