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Column naming standards aid developers by providing uniformity for Data Warehouse database objects.

Snapshot Tables and Materialize Views Column Names

AnchorSnapshot Tables and Materialize View

  • Snapshot

Tables and Materialize ViewSnapshot Info
titleTable of Contents
  • Snapshot Tables and Materialize Views Column Names
    • table and materialized view column names should have the same column names as those in the source table (only applies to snapshot tables).  Columns in other tables should only contain the source table name when it is necessary to differentiate it from another column (see Ambiguous and Vague column names below).

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    Ambiguous and Vague Column Names

  • Code Value Column Names
  • Description Column Names
  • Flag Column Names
  • Count and Summation Column Names
  • Column Groupings Column Names
  • Data Types and Lengths Column Names
  • Ambiguous and Vague Column Names AnchorAmbiguous and Vague Column NamesAmbiguous and Vague Column Names
    • Ambiguous and vague column names should contain a prefix for clarity, or in some situations, the source table name.

    • Examples: CS_LEVL_CODE, STDN_LEVL_CODE (differentiates between course-section and student level codes) or SPRIDEN_ID (ID only would be too vague.  Could also use USFID).

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    Code Value Column Names

    AnchorCode Value Column NamesCode Value Column Names
    • Column groupings should start with a common prefix.

    • Examples: LEVL_CODE, DEPT_CODE 

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     Description Column Names Anchor

     Description Column Names

    • Description

    Column Names
    • Description

      column names should end in DESC.

    • Examples: COLL_DESC, FUND_DESC

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    Flag Column Namesanchor

    Flag Column Names

    • Flag
    Column Names
    • Flag columns contain only one of two values which is often a one character value (e.g. Y/N).  These column names should end with FLG, except when the source column name ends in IND (indicator), in which case, it's okay to use IND, instead of FLG.
    • Examples: REG_FLG (values: 1/-1) VET_FLG (values: Y/N), UGDC_ADMIT_FLG (values: 1/0)

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    Count and Summation Column Names AnchorCount and Summation Column Names

    Count and Summation Column Names

    • Count and summation column names should end with CNT or TOTAL.


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    Column Groupings


    Column Groupings
    • Column

    NamesColumn Groupings Column Names
    • Column

      groupings should start with a common prefix.


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    Data Types and Lengths AnchorData Types and Lengths Column Names

    Data Types and Lengths

    Column Names

    • Data types and lengths should be the same as the source column, unless data conversion is incorporated into the process.


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