Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Make the best use of the space you have. If you know how the report will be viewed/displayed, design with that in mind. Reduce empty space to fill the canvas. Do all you can to eliminate the need for scrollbars scroll-bar on individual visuals. Fill the space without making the visuals seem cramped.


Here is a report page using page size 4:3 and then using 16:9. Notice how the layout suits 16:9 so much better. There is even enough room to remove the scrollbar scroll-bar from the second visual.

Figure 5a: The report at 4:3 page size


Our example report page seems a bit cramped. With no visual selected, open the formatting pane by selecting the paintroller paint-roller icon. Expand Page Size and change Height to 900.


The clutter you remove will increase the whitespace white space on your report page and give you more real estate for applying the best practices we learned about above in the “Alignment, order, and proximity” section.


Adjust the length of titles, axes titles, data labels, and legends. If you decide to display any of these elements, adjusting the length (along with text size) ensures that nothing is truncated. For Title and Legend, the setting is Title Text and this is where you type in the actual title that will appear on the visual. For X-Axis and Y-Axis, the setting is Style and you select from a dropdowndrop-down. For Data labels, the settings are Display and Decimal. Use the Display dropdown to select the units of measurement: millions, thousands, none, auto, etc. Use the Decimal field to tell Power BI how many decimal places to display.


One of the most compelling feature of Power BI is the ability to edit the way charts interact with each other. By default, charts are cross-highlighted: when you select a data point, the related data of other charts light up and the unrelated data dims. You can override this behavior to use any chart as a true filter which saves you real estate on your page. To do this, select Visual Interactions from the menubarmenu-bar.

Figure 34: Visual interactions


  1. Slicer: removed blanks from the slicers by adding a page level filter and selecting only gold, silver, bronze. Changed Selection Controls to Off for Single Select and Select All.
  2. Bubble: there are so many items in the legend that they scroll off the screen. Removed the legend and turned on Category labels instead. Customers can hover over the bubbles to see the details. Shortened the title and removed “by countryregion” since that seems self-evident. Turned axes labels On for both to make the chart easier to understand.
  3. Filled map: changed the Data colors to make it stand out more. Turned Diverging on and set the Minimum to pink and the Maximum to red.
  4. Tree map: removed filter which was set for only USA. Set the Data labels to 1 decimal place. The visual was using the Class field which isn’t very useful since it will almost always be 33% (Gold/Silver/Bronze). Selected a different more-interesting field, gender. Changed Aquatics to blue and Athletics to grey for design.
  5. Top bar chart: shortened the title, removed data labels, turned legend title off. Changed word order of title to match the chart below.
  6. Bottom bar chart: sorted by year ascending to match chart above. Changed colors to match class. Changed title. Turned off legend for more space for data. Turned on data labels which won't show up in the report (because the visual is too small for the labels to be readable) but will show when the visual is opened in Focus mode. Learn about Focus mode. Added Count of Event (Distinct) to Tooltips so now when you hover over a stacked column, the tooltips tool tips also tell you how many events were contested that year.
  7. Visual Interactions: turned off interactions for both cards since I always want them to show total games and sports.


titleRLS (Row Level Security)

Based on testing and review, RLS still needs to be worked through in greater details. I have added links to better help with future build and testing of RLS.

• With PowerBI:
• With PowerBI Desktop:
• With Analysis Services:
• With PowerBI Embedded:



Content Pack Security

The life cycle of an organizational content pack


In the Power BI service, go to Get Data > Samples > Opportunity Analysis Sample > Connect to get your own copy.

1.In the left navigation pane, select the Opportunity Analysis Sample dashboard.

2.From the top navigation bar, select the cog icon  > Create content pack.

3.In the Create Content Pack window, enter the following information.

Keep in mind that your organization's content pack library could end up with hundreds of content packs published for the organization or for groups. Take time to give your content pack a meaningful name, to add a good description, and to select the right audience. Use words that will make your content pack easy to find via search.

a. Select Specific Groups and enter the full email addresses for individuals, Office 365 groups, distribution groups, or security groups. For example:;

For this tutorial, try using your own or your group's email address.
b. Name the content pack Sales Opportunities.
Tip: Consider including the name of the dashboard in the name of the content pack. That way, your colleagues will find the dashboard more easily after they connect to your content pack.
c. Recommended: Add a description. This helps coworkers more easily find the content packs that they need. Besides a description, add keywords your coworkers might use to search for this content pack. Include contact information in case your coworkers have a question or need help.
d. Upload an image or logo to make it easier for group members to find the content pack — it's faster to scan for an image than it is to find text. We used an image of the Opportunity Count 100% column chart tile in the screen shot below.
e. Select the Opportunity Analysis Sample dashboard to add it to the content pack. Power BI automatically adds the associated report and dataset. You can add others, if you want.

Note: Only the dashboards, reports, datasets, and workbooks that you can edit are listed. Thus, any that were shared with you aren't in the list.

f. If you have Excel workbooks, you see them under Reports, with an Excel icon. You can add them to the content pack, too.

Note: If members of the group can't view the Excel workbook, you may need to share the workbook with them in OneDrive for Business.

4.Select Publish to add the content pack to the group's organizational content pack library.
You see a success message when it publishes successfully.

5.When members of your group go to Get Data > My Organization, they tap in the search box and type "Sales Opportunities".

6.They see your content pack.
Tip: The URL displayed in your browser is an unique address for this content pack. Want to tell your coworkers about this new content pack? Paste the URL into an email.

7.They select Connect, and now they can view and work with your content pack.


Creating APP for Shared Content Security

App workspaces

App workspaces are the places where you create apps, so to create an app, you first need to create the app workspace. If you’ve ever worked in a group workspace in Power BI, then app workspaces will be familiar. They’re the evolution of group workspaces – staging areas and containers for the content in the app.
