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Welcome to the Office of Decision Support (ODS) Knowledge Base. It is a dynamic business process centered documentation repository created to serve USF.  Information related to business processes that related to accreditation, curriculum, student, or faculty data may be found in the ODS Knowledge Base. 

There are a few ways to locate information:

  1. Browse Content by Process - Select a business process below to learn more about the selected process 

  2. Browse Content by Customer/Stakeholder - Select a customer/stakeholder below to find business processes used by that area

  3. Search - Search within the ODS Knowledge Base via the search block on the right of this page

AAU/AAUDE Reporting

Child pages (Children Display)
pageAAU Data Exchange (AAUDE) Project

Accreditation Reporting

Child pages (Children Display)
pageAccreditation Reporting

Assessment Reporting

Child pages (Children Display)
pageAssessment Reporting

External Data Reporting

Child pages (Children Display)
pageExternal Data Reporting

Faculty Reporting

Child pages (Children Display)
pageFaculty Reporting

ODS Initiatives

Child pages (Children Display)
pageODS Initiatives

Project Management

Child pages (Children Display)
pageProject Management

USF Performance & Accountability

Child pages (Children Display)
pageUSF Performance & Accountability

State & Federal Reporting

Child pages (Children Display)
pageState & Federal Reporting

Student Reporting

Child pages (Children Display)
pageStudent Reporting

University Collaboration

Child pages (Children Display)
pageUniversity Collaboration

USF Performance & Accountability

Child pages (Children Display)
pageUSF Performance & Accountability

Dashboards Documentation

Child pages (Children Display)
pageDashboards Documentation


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Labels List
excludedLabelssifd,survey,stem,tools_how_to,roles-responsibilities,online, roles-responsibilties,bogo, csrc, math_department,abai, anchor,general,good-standing, controller, contract_management, community_engamement, college_reviews, academic-probation, academic-standing, academic_program_review, fafsa, address, admissions, age, aupha, bookstore, bright, edr_how_to, epic, f019, facilities, f_format_name, first, fistgeneration, functions, futures, gen, generation, goaimmu, grant, gtvimmu, gtvimst, gwbhbal, history, ig_governance_bodies, igmc_minutes, ods_suds, pell, ppa_documentation, projectcharter, query, roastat, rorstat, sobcurr, sorccon, sorcmjr, sorlcur, sorlfos, spbpers_usfid, story, swrgrps, swrhold, tbraccd, user,ae_dt526,institutional_effectiveness, non-usf_requester, enrollment_management, sap_migration, scores, security, sgastdn, sgbstdn, sortest, ssaovrr, ssbovrr, pprd, pprdupg, microsoft, ig_planning, grade, oracle, next, record, researched, prod, prod_ro, power, point, swxtest, swbsupp, swbovrr, swatest, stvterm, student, sql, works, wsakhldr, university_collaboration, usfsm, usfsp, vlookup, wf_get_hold_info_by_hold_db, term, test, to_date, troubleshooting, standard,standards,hr,dcf,swadegr,stvrsts,ssrmeet,shbdipl, shrdgmr, shrtram, shrtrce, shrtrcr, shrtrit, soapcol, sop, sordegr, sorpcol, spbpers, sarappd, schedule, sfrstcr, shatrns, time, times, transfer, saradap, saraatt, procedures, apor, prior, prompt, parmeter, random, reports, registration, return, sabsupl, tbt, swzhldd, swzfnct, swrfchd, spaiden, sn, sara, sap, prompts, pmba, pcsas, parameters, pab, odsnews, nu_cic, notifications, niosh, navigation, nacubo, naacp, microsoft_teams, iacs, goremal, goaemal, fdra, faqs, email, business-analysis, bestgrad, media, media_request, library_journal,box,cds,docusign,operations,ppa,wrs,nln,nast,cahiim,ccne,ods_data_issue,health-monitor,accreditation,nasd,nasad,nasm,nin,acpha,dos,fdoe,gov,military,onboarding,onlinegrad,poets,valencia_college,acejmc,asjmc,,fortress,gov,helmsley,ies,qs,tfe,hearst,cswe,coqebs,abet,coa, aprn,aplu,lens, health_workforce_institute, edc, cappex, sds, dod, excelencia, health_workforce_intitute, heed, iie, report, scene, sightlines, woh, bog, caep, coll, carnegie_foundation, cicpa, coalition, aacn, aacp, aacsb, aahsl, aamc, acc, aserl, acc_plans, acend, acpe, acrl, acs, acuhoi, ahca, aicpa, aid, akm, ala, alise, ams, asee, aseerl, asha, aspph, ddac, dr, drawio, eada, edr, expedited, externaldata, heads, hhs_gov, hrsa, htd, jira, jirareport, kb-how-to-article, knowledge_base, naab, naspaa, fcn, fho, ficpa, file-list, financial, florida_dos, guidelines, nbcrna, ncwit, nsf, nvra_quarterly_report, peterson, pharmacy, ods, porcupine, princeton, project_management, tampa_bay_business_journal, task-report, team_page, usnewsworld, vagov, caate, cacrep, cahme, capte, ceomag, ceph, cgs, conbls, confluence, cra, crm, labels, lcan, lcme, lunch_and_learn, mch, mcom, meeting-notes, releaseplan, sacscoc, sis_working_agreements, sss, stakeholder, naccho, nspm, sis, amga, analysisrequirements, arc_pa, edr_types, fis, grant_support, communicationplan, ipeds, ods_projects, odsdataissue, project_character, public_data, research, servicelevelagreement, sissap, project_charter, ssra, attribute, by, birth, bdm, bdms, banner, b-s-admn, b-s-crse, birth, carriage, college, civitas, course, credit, date, degree, dob, document, documentation, enrollment, f_calculate_age, f_enrolled_this_term, f_registered_this_term, feeder, filter, filters, gpa, imaging, graduation, line, listagg, management, meeting, of, operating, order, parameter, acgc, and, average, bi, cms, developer, excel, expand, faq, fast, ferpa, forms, gmac, gateway, florida_doe, hold, holds, index, informationgovernance, lag, ldap, lead, learner, links, list, manual, master, max ,aad,impact,gartner,sap-changes,year-in-review