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Table of Contents

Data Model

Scrum Team


Initiatives and Intake


Fields Description

Amounts - All standard metrics for Jira Analytics

Field Name


ART Count

Count of Agile Release Trains [Jira Assets Data]

Child Issue Count

Count of Linked Issues Using the Parent-Child Relationship  [Jira INIT Project Data]

Funded Amount

Dollar amount that was approved for a Tech Fee Request [Jira INIT Project Data]

Initiative Count

Total count of Initiative Records in the INIT Project  [Jira INIT Project Data]

Intake Epic Count

Total count of Intake Records in the INIT Project  [Jira INIT Project Data]

Issue Count

Total count of Jira Issues in the INIT Project  [Jira INIT Project Data]

Linked Issue Count

Total count of Linked Issues for a Record [Jira INIT Project Data]

Team Member Count

Total count of Team Members [Jira Assets Data]

Scrum Teams Count

Total count of Scrum Teams [Jira Assets Data]


Field Name


ART Sprint Reference Date

Date Which Represents the Start of a Sprint for an Agile Release Train [Jira Assets Data]

ART Sprint Week Day

Day of the Week for Sprints to Begin for an Agile Release Train [Jira Assets Data]

ART Team Name

Name for Agile Release Train [Jira Assets Data]

ART Updated Date

Date the Agile Release Train Record was Last Updated [Jira Assets Data]

Program Manager

Name of the Program Manager for an Agile Release Train [Jira Assets Data]

Program Manager Email

Email of the Program Manager for an Agile Release Train [Jira Assets Data]

Release Train Engineer

Name of the Release Train Engineer for an Agile Release Train [Jira Assets Data]

Release Train Engineer Email

Email of the Release Train Engineer for an Agile Release Train [Jira Assets Data]

Team Charter Document

URL for the Charter of an Agile Release Train [Jira Assets Data]


Jira URL for an ART's details [Jira Assets Data]

Fix Version

Field Name


Fix Version

Fiscal Year and Quarter an Initaitive is Expected to be Completed or was Completed [Jira INIT Project Data]

Released Date

Date the Fix Version was Released [Jira INIT Project Data]

Governance Group

Field Name


Governance Group

Name of the Technology Governance Group Associated With Intake or Initiative Records [Jira INIT Project Data]


Field Name



Individual Assigned to the Jira Issue [Jira INIT Project Data]

Assignee Email

Email for the Individual Assigned to a Jira Issue

Customer Stakeholder

This data needs to be moved to "Requesters"


For Initiative Records This is the Value Statement

Epic Name

Epic Name provided when creating an Epic which is generally the same as the Summary

Flow Category

Represents the Classification as Either Feature, Risk, Defect, or Debt

Issue Key

Jira Key for an Issue

Issue Type

Jira Issue Type for an Issue

Issue URL

Jira URL for an Issue

Level 2 Governance

Not required


Project Key

Jira Project Key for an Issue

Project Name

Jira Project Name an Issue Falls Within


Individual That Created the Jira Issue

Reporter Email

Email for the Individual That Created the Jira Issue


Status of the Jira Issue 

Status Category

Categories for the Status of the Jira Issue; groups it into To Do, In Progress, Done

Status Order

Orders the statuses in the order they occur

Strategic Goal

Strategic Goal of the University the Initaitive Supports


Title of the Intake or Initiative Record

Threshold Score

Summed Total of the Scoring of Risk, Scope and Complexity Assigned During Intake


UTSB Number Associated With an Intake Record

VP Area

Area of the University Receiving the Value of an Initaitive

Issue Created Date


 Created Date

 Created Fiscal Year

Created Date Calendar Month

Created Date Calendar Month LongName

Created Date Calendar Month Number

Created Date Fiscal Month LongName

Created Date Fiscal Month Number

Created Date Fiscal Month ShortName

Created Date Fiscal Quarter LongName

Created Date Fiscal Quarter ShortName

Issue Update Date


 Updated Date

 Updated Date Fiscal Year

Updated Date Calendar Month

Updated Date Calendar Month LongName

Updated Date Calendar Month Number

Updated Date Fiscal Month LongName

Updated Date Fiscal Month Number

Updated Date Fiscal Month ShortName

Updated Date Fiscal Quarter LongName

Updated Date Fiscal Quarter ShortName


Field Name



Labels tagged on an issue; there will be 1 row per label

Linked Issue

Field Name


Linked Issue Key

Issue key of the Linked Issue

Linked Issue Status

Status of the Linked Issue

Linked Issue Summary

Summary of the Linked Issue

Linked Issue Type

Issue Type of the Linked Issue

Linked Issue URL

Jira URL for the Linked Issue

Linked Status Category

Categories for the Status of the Linked Issue; groups it into To Do, In Progress, Done

Linked Type

Type of link; includes parent of, caused by, blocked by, related to


Describes the cardinality of the relationship

Scrum Team

Field Name



Name of the Architect Supporting a Team

Architect Email

Email for the Architect Support a Team

ART Affiliation

Affiliation a Team has to an Agile Release Train

JIRA Board Link

URL for the Teams Jira Scrum or Kanban Board

JIRA Project Use

Name of the Jira Project a Team Uses

JSM Service Team Members

Jira Service Management Name Used for a Team

Product Description

Services and Products a Team Offers

Product Owner

Name of the Product Owner for a Team

Product Owner Email

Email of the Product Owner for a Team

Scrum Master

Name of the Scrum Master for a Team

Scrum Master Email

Email of the Scrum Master for a Team

Scrum Sprint Reference Date

Date Which Represents the Start of a Sprint for a Team

Scrum Sprint Week Day

Day of the Week for Sprints to Begin for a Team

Scrum Team Name

Name for a Scrum Team

Scrum Team Updated Date

Date the Scrum Team Data was Last Updated


Status for a Scrum Team (Active or Inactive)

Team Acronyms

Acronyms or Shorthand References for a Team

Team Charter Document

URL for the Charter of a Team

Team Norm Documents

URL for the Norms of a Team

Technical Lead

Name of the Technical Lead for a Team

Technical Lead Email

Email of the Technical Lead fora  Team

Scrum Team URL

Jira URL for a Scrum Team's details [Jira Assets Data]

Team Members

Field Name


Contact Email

Email for Members of a Team

Contact Name

Name of Team Members on a Team

Tech Fee

Field Name



Provided by IT Finance and Used to Track Spending

Duration (Years)

Number of Years Approved Tech Fee Funds Will Last

Expiration Date

Date Approval for Tech Fee Funds Expires

Fiscal Year

Fiscal Year the Tech Fee Request was Approved In

Funded Amount

Dollar Amount That was Approved for a Tech Fee Request

Governance Decsion Date

Date the Governance Group Approved or Declined a Tech Fee Request

Letter Sent Date

Date the Letter of Approval was sent by IT Finance for a Tech Fee Request

Requested Funding

Dollar Amount That was Requested in Relation to an Initaitive Seeking Tech Fee

Tech Fee Award Status

Status of the Tech Fee Decision

Tech Fee Request Type

Funding Source of the Tech Fee Request (OneUSF or Health)


Field Name


Sponsor Email

Email of the Sponsor for an Initiative  [Jira INIT Project Data]

Sponsor First Name

Legal first name of the Sponsor for an Initiative

Sponsor Name

Display name of the Sponsor for an Initiative

Sponsor Last Name

Legal last name of the Sponsor for an Initiative

Sponsor Primary Affiliation

Primary Affiliation type of the Sponsor for an Initiative

Sponsor Primary Global Department

Primary Global Department of the Sponsor for an Initiative

Sponsor Global College Unit

Primary College/Unit of the Sponsor for an Initiative