Jira Charts |
showinfor | true |
border | true |
server | System JIRA |
statType | statuses |
jql | project%20%3D%20ODSPA%20and%20issuetype%20!%3D%20Story%20and%20component%20%3D%20%22CA%22%20and%20labels%20!%3D%20%22PX%22 |
chartType | pie |
width | |
isAuthenticated | true |
serverId | f7b1f4ca-a0c8-3f46-b155-0faf9c5437c7 |
College Accountability
Phase 1 (5 Yr Trends) - Retrospective
To Do
Jira Legacy |
server | System JIRA |
columns | key,summary,due,assignee,status |
maximumIssues | 20 |
jqlQuery | project = ODSPA and issuetype = Epic and component = "CA" and (labels != 'PN' and labels != 'PX') and status = "Open" ORDER BY Rank DESC |
serverId | f7b1f4ca-a0c8-3f46-b155-0faf9c5437c7 |