Course Information - Universe Folder

Course Information

Course Global Department Name

Global Department Name associated with the Course Banner department name.

Source: Health Banner Table: SCBCRSE

Course Number

Course number associated with the subject for the course - usually 4 numbers and sometimes a 5th character.

Source: Health Banner Table:SCBSRSE

Course Title Current

Most recent course name for selected course.

Source: Health Banner Table: SCBCRSE

Related Course Number

Related course number is derived from the course number. It is the first 4 characters of the course number.

Source: Health Banner Table: Derived


Main instructional subject area for this course

Source: Health Banner Table: STVSUBJ

Subject Code

Subject code for selected course - usually 3 characters.

Source: Health Banner Table: SCBCRSE

Subject - Course Number

Subject code and Course number for selected course.

Source: Derived 

Record Refresh Date

Date when data was last updated.