
Azure for Students is a new website for students to access a variety of learning tools. This website is the replacement for MyWeb. 

On this page, you will find step by step instructions on how to create your student account.

  1. Navigate to https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/free/students/

  2. Enter your USF email address (NetID@usf.edu) and select Next.

  3. Enter your USF NetID password and select Sign In.

  4. Select No or Yes as you preference for staying signed in.

  5. Enter a phone number that is available to you right now to receive a one time passcode. Select Text Me to have the code sent via Text Message, or select Call Me to receive an automated phone call with the code.

  6. Enter the Verification Code and then select Verify Me.

  7. Verify the information listed under Your Profile. Correct anything that might be wrong.

  8. Scroll down and place a check mark at I agree to the customer agreement and privacy agreement, and then select Sign In.

  9. Once signed in, you will see the following website. In the left column, you will be able to visit different learning resources that will be available to you.

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