MEL 9999P: Independent Study in Pathology

MEL 9999P: Independent Study in Pathology

Sites & Slots
1,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11Year 4 statusNo limit@USFMS or LVHN
FT, 44 hr wk2,4



The objective of this elective is to provide selected students with the opportunity to be exposed to current issues in pathobiology including ovarian cancer biology, advanced cell signaling, and tumor genetics. In order to register for this elective, an Independent Study Application must have signatures of the elective faculty preceptor that you have chosen, the fourth year elective director for Pathology and Cell Biology, and the Associate Dean for Undergraduate Medical Education. This form can be obtained from the Registrar’s office.


Research staff pathologists will evaluate the student using a standardized student evaluation form.


For all pathology electives, please report by 8:00 AM on the first scheduled day. The James A. Haley VA Hospital can only accommodate one student per month, regardless of rotation.

MCC: Pathology office – 2070 B

T-VAH: 1D-191

HCME: Main Entrance

USF-MS: MDC 2049 (unless prior arrangements have been made)

TGH: B232

FBS: Main Entrance

When scheduling Pathology, students must contact the individuals below in advance to secure permission:

USF-MS: Sally Lamar (813) 396-2515

TGH: Tanisha Battle (813) 974-8364

T-VAH: William, Bulkeley, MD (813) 972-2000 ext. 3190

MCC: Ardeshir Hakam, MD and Prudence Smith, MD (813) 745-1874

HCME: Mary Mainland, MD (813) 914-4500

FBS: German LeParc, MD (727) 568-1161