MDT xxxx: Immunopathogenesis of Autoimmune Rheumatologic and Dermatologic Diseases

MDT xxxx: Immunopathogenesis of Autoimmune Rheumatologic and Dermatologic Diseases

Sites & Slots
10AYear 4 status10@USFMSFT, 40 hr wk2

Drs. Joanne Valeriano-Marcet


Students will work with a clinician mentor to form a relevant question, and literature review related to the underlying immune mechanism or immune basis for the treatments of a specific rheumatologic or dermatologic disorder. The rotation will include ½ day of clinic followed by didactics, and time for self study to formulate a relevant question for research and presentation. The didactic sessions will provide a framework for the student to study the immunopathogenesis, and the immunologic basis of these disorders through the use of specific diseases as examples. The students will also receive guidance on developing a specific research question, performing a pertinent literature search, and presenting a journal club. The culmination of the experience will be the students’ presentation of their research in a journal club format during week 2.

Teaching Faculty

Ingrid Bahner, Helen Bateman, John Carter, Neil Fenske, Ambuj Kumar, Mary Lien, Yih Chang Lin, Christopher Nelson, Paul M. Rodriguez-Waitkus, Susan Pross, and Ashley Sterrett


 Students will be evaluated by direct observation in didactic sessions and clinics for their proficiency  in professionalism, communication skills, application of basic science, concepts in clinical practice, clinical implications of basic science discovery, current topics, interdisciplinary synthesis of basic mechanisms of normal and disease processes, EBM. The journal club presentation at the end of the course will be graded.