MEL 8420: Ob/Gyn Subspecialty Elective Tampa 15-16

MEL 8420: Ob/Gyn Subspecialty Elective Tampa 15-16

This elective is offered to introduce the fourth year medical students to 2 subspecialties within the field of Obstetrics and Gynecology. The students will be supervised by the division directors. The student will work one-on-one with the subspecialist attending and/or fellow for individualize exposure to the subspecialty. The format will provide a clinical, procedural, and operative exposure to the subspecialty. When part of the Ob/Gyn track, an emphasis will be on scholarly concentration towards publication of a case report or on-going research in an Ob/Gyn subspecialty.

The department will accept 2 students per month in periods 2,3,4,5,7,8,9,10. The desired specialty may not always be available, thus students must meet with Dr. James Mayer prior to the rotation to determine the specific subspecialty.

Subspecialties available in the following areas:


  1. GYN Oncology
  2. Female Pelvic Medicine & Reconstructive Surgery (FPMRS)
  3. Maternal Fetal Medicine
  4. REI (Reproductive Endocrinology & Infertility)


  1. Provide an introduction and appreciation to an Ob/Gyn sub-specialty
  2. Develop student independent interest and research in the sub-specialty
  3. Provide the student with a clinical interactive opportunity with a sub-specialty attending


The division director of each sub-specialty will be responsible for evaluating the student.