Course # | Course Title |
 | DPT YEAR 1 |
BMS5005 | Professions of Health |
BMS6206 | Medical Biochemistry |
BMS6640 | Medical Science 1: Musculoskeletal System |
BMS6641 | Medical Science 2: Neuroscience |
BMS6633 | Medical Science 3: Cardiovascular & Pulmonary Systems |
BMS6639 | Medical Science 4: Excretory & Reproductive Systems |
PHT6174 | Movement Science 1 (total lab hours including enhanced anatomy=30) |
PHT6205 | Doctoring for Physical Therapists (Pass/Fail) |
PHT6274 | Clinical Reasoning for Physical Therapists |
PHT6284 | Scientific & Professional Foundations of Physical Therapy 1 (lab=60 hrs) |
PHT7864 | Integrated Clinical Experience 1 |
 | DPT YEAR 2 |
PHT6178 | Movement Science 2 |
PHT6285 | Scientific & Professional Foundations of Physical Therapy 2 |
PHT6352 | Pharmacology for Healthcare Professionals |
PHT6609 | Critical Assessment of the Literature/EBP |
PHT7264 | Neuromuscular Clinical Problem Solving |
PHT7265 | Cardiopulmonary & Integumentary Clinical Problem Solving (year-long, concludes in Spring) |
PHT7421 | Professional Issues 1 |
PHT7540A | Principles of Patient/Client Management & Seminar 1 |
PHT7866 | Integrated Clinical Experience 1 |
PHT7265 | Cardiopulmonary & Integumentary Clinical Problem Solving (year-long, continued from Fall) |
PHT7328 | Pediatric Physical Therapy |
PHT7402 | Psychosocial Aspects of Physical Therapy Practice |
PHT7531 | Professional Issues 2 |
PHT7540B | Principles of Patient/Client Management & Seminar 2 |
PHT7777 | Musculoskeletal Clinical Problem Solving |
PHT6841 | Clinical Education 1 |
 | DPT YEAR 3 |
PHT7151 | Health Promotion and Wellness |
PHT8179 | Movement Science 3 |
PHT8266 | Advanced Clinical Problem Solving |
PHT8550 | Professional Issues 3 |
PHT8702 | Prosthetics and Orthotics |
PHT7842 | Clinical Education 2 |
PHT8843 | Clinical Education 3 |