Logging Scholarly Project Activities
Siwar Bizri
Questions about scholarly projects
For questions about scholarly projects or anything research-related, email Miss Bobby at rcollins@usf.edu.
How to log Scholarly Project activities
Once logged into Archivum, navigate to the Student Portal tab.
Click on "Create New Activity."
Click on the "Type" drop-down and choose "Scholarly Project."
Create a new activity for each individual scholarly project activity.
Fill in the fields (those with a red asterisk are required) and click "Next."
This will take you to a page with more specific prompts to fill out.
Fill out relevant fields and answer the questions related to your activity.
Once all relevant fields are filled in, click "Create Activity" to record.
- You may leave the end date blank and update at a later time.
- You must provide at least one mentor. Co-mentors can be added on the next page.
- If you have collaborated with other students, please list under Project collaborators. Non-USF collaborators may be added as well.
How to view submitted activities
Once you have submitted your scholarly project activity, you may review your activities by navigating to the "Records" tab at the top of the page and clicking on "Activities." This will pull up a list of all submitted activities, including those pending for review, approved, or canceled. Scholarly activities do not need to be approved so they will always have a green check mark.
Clicking on the title will take you to the individual scholarly project activity with more details on the top tab.
How to update a scholarly project activity
To update a scholarly project activity, navigate to the "Records" tab at the top of the page and click on "Activities" to view your submitted activities. Choose the scholarly project you would like to update and click on "Update Activity" on the right side of the page. This will allow you to change any details of your project.