2023-2024 Electives Syllabus Repository

2023-2024 Electives Syllabus Repository

It is the students' responsibility to verify where and to whom they report before the start of each course no later than the Friday before the start of the rotation.

Tampa Instructions

Students in the SELECT (LVHN) program who rotate at one of the Tampa campus sites must email the onboarding coordinator, Cathy Waters at cwaters2@usf.edu at least 8 weeks before the start of the Tampa elective (with the following information) to ensure that all appropriate hospital credentials are in place.

  • Name of elective
  • Site of elective
  • Dates of elective

LVHN Instructions

Students in the Core (Tampa) program who rotate at one of the LVHN campus sites should do the following:

  1. For housing requests, visit https://www.jotform.com/build/223343259814154
  2. Criminal Clearances (use employment category – not volunteer):
    1. PA Criminal History Report (PATCH) https://epatch.pa.gov/home 
      Click on “submit a New Record Check”. *Please note that this and ALL reports should be mailed to you directly.
    2. Child Abuse History Clearance (CHAC) https://www.compass.state.pa.us/cwis/public/home
      Click on “Create an individual account” to start. *Please choose the following option: “individual 14 years of age or older …”
    3. FBI Fingerprinting (PA Dept. of Human Services). Enroll in PA’s 3rd party website- IDENTOGO: http://uenroll.identogo.com/
      Service Code is: 1KG756 “Employee >= 14 years contact with children”
    4. Fingerprinting – PA Department of Aging – If your permanent resident address is outside of PA, you must also complete a 2nd fingerprinting through IdentoGO. Service Code: 1KG8RJ; facility code is 1015
      Please Note:
      fingerprint report results take approximately 6-8 weeks to process
  3. AAMC Immunization Record – Please include mandatory Covid -initial vaccination series and Hep B Titer, and also a TB test and seasonal Flu vaccine for the current year.
  4. Site Orientation Modules: https://www.lvhn.org/network-wide-orientation-modules# (nothing to submit)
  5. Forms for signature only (no witness signatures necessary):
    1. Acknowledgement of Confidentiality https://www.lvhn.org/sites/default/files/2019-03/Acknowledgement_of_Confidentiality.pdf
    2. CPSL Affidavit: https://www.lvhn.org/sites/default/files/2019-03/affidavit%20-%20student%20cpsl.pdf

All items can be emailed to: MedicalStudents@lvhn.org approximately two-weeks before rotation begins.

Drop/Add opens 4/17/2023

  1. Drop/add requests must be submitted at least one month in advance of the rotation.
  2. Log into Archivum at https://usf.appiancloud.com.
    • Click My Actions & Tasks
    • Click Submit Drop Add Request
    • Select your track 
    • Scroll down to view your Eligible Courses to Drop. Click the plus sign (+) to the left of the course. If you make a mistake, you can click the red (x) to the right of the course.
    • Scroll down to Eligible Courses to Add
    • Select the Period
    • Begin typing the desired course in the Course field
    • (Optional) Select a Site
    • Find your course and click the plus sign (+) to the left
    • Click Submit
  3. To view your completed requests in Archivum

    • Click Academic Profile
    • Click 4th Year Scheduling
    • Scroll down to view and click the magnifying glass for more information on individual requests.
  4. Even though you have submitted a request, it is not approved until you receive an email from the Office of Registrar. Your schedule will not be changed until then. Your advisor and the course coordinator must both approve your request, then I will review your schedule and make changes as appropriate. Please make sure to review the requirements for the fourth year (Graduation and Track Requirements) to make sure your new schedule will be in compliance. When reviewing drop/add requests, I will take your entire schedule into consideration. For example, you will not be permitted to drop a required course unless you have submitted a request to add it in a different period. You may also view the Fourth Year Academic Calendar to determine the dates for each period.
    Drop/add closes 01/31/23.

  5. Electives Open/Closed Report - Please refer to this report when looking for courses that might have availability. This report will be updated on a weekly basis and does not reflect any pending requests still in the system. This report is meant to serve as a guideline.  


     Instructions for Reading Report

    Please note: Changes are not automatic. There are three levels of approval (coordinator, advisor, registrar). Requests are typically processed within a 2-3 day window, but may be a little longer at the beginning of the year when many students make changes.

    The Electives Open/Closed Report lists each elective in each period, how many slots are offered, and how many have already been taken. For example:





















    Elective Y














    Elective Y is offered in periods 1, 5, 6, 9, 10, and 11. (Period 12 is an extra month for remediation purposes.) There are a total of 8 slots available in each of those periods. 3 students are enrolled in period 1, so there are 5 slots available. Period 10 is full.

    For courses offered as a two-week rotation, the total number of spots in one period cannot exceed the number of slots. For example:





















    Elective Z

















    Elective Z

















    Elective Z














    Period A is the first half of the period, and Period B is the second half. In Period 5, the enrollment adds up to 2 people for the four weeks, one four week person, one two week person in A, and one two week person in B. For this course, there cannot be more than 2 students enrolled at any one time. Based on the report, in period 10, either one more student could register for the full four weeks, or one more student could be in both Period A and Period B

Course Key

See Course Key for a definition of sites.

DeptCampusTitlePre-ReqInstructorInstructor EmailCoordinatorCoordinator EmailSiteWeeksHrs/WeekMaxPeriods Type
AnatTampaBMS 8187 Advanced Human AnatomyNoneDr. Srinivas Bharadwajsribharadwaj@usf.eduDr. Srinivas Bharadwajsribharadwaj@usf.eduUSFMS2,444No Limit 2, 4 - 11Basic Science 
MEL 9999A Indep Study - AnatomyNoneFaculty

USFMS2,444No Limit 1 - 11Indep Study
AnesthLehigh ValleyMDE 8700 Anesthesiology ElectiveYr 4 StatusDr. Nan Schwannnan.schwann@lvhn.orgNichole Sierranichole.sierra@lvhn.orgLVHN2,4501 1 - 11Clinical
AnesthTampaMDE 8700 Anesthesiology ElectiveYr 4 StatusDr. Raymond EvansRaymond.Evans@moffitt.orgBridget HaydenBridget.Hayden@moffitt.orgMCC4501 1, 2, 5 - 9, 11Clinical
AnesthTampaMDE 8700 Anesthesiology ElectiveYr 4 StatusDr. Jason Halljasondhall@usf.eduMaggie LarwaMargarita_Larwa@teamhealth.comTGH4504 1 - 9, 11Clinical
AnesthTampaMDE 8700 Anesthesiology ElectiveYr 4 StatusDr. Leland Lee
Heather Kimreyheather.kimrey@va.govT-VAH45012, 3, 4Clinical
MEL 7320Z Externship - AnesthesiologyYr 4 StatusFaculty

EXT444No Limit 1 - 10Externship
DermTampaMDE 8251 Clinical DermatologyYr 4 StatusDr. Nishit Patelnishit@usf.eduAshley Sanfordasanford@usf.eduMCAH440-444 1 - 11Clinical
DermLehigh ValleyMDE 8251  Clinical DermatologyYr 4 StatusDr. Richard McClainrmcclain@adaltd.comMichelle Brownmbrown@adaltd.comLVHN4401 1, 3-7, 9-11Clinical  
DermTampaMDE 8536 Elective in DermatopathologyYr 4 StatusDr. Paul Rodriguez-Waitkusprodrig4@usf.eduAshley Sanfordasanford@usf.eduUSFMS440-442 1 - 11Clinical
DermTampaMDT 8250 Special Topics in DermatologyNone, Yr 3 onlyDr. Nishit Patelnishit@usf.eduAshley Sanfordasanford@usf.eduUSFMS2402 1 - 12Clinical
MEL 7320L Externship in DermatologyYr 4 StatusFaculty

EXT444No Limit 1 - 7Externship
MEL 9999L Indep Study in DermatologyYr 4 StatusFaculty

USFMS444No Limit 1 - 11Indep Study
Emerg MedLehigh ValleyMDE 8714 Intro to Medical ToxicologyYr 4 StatusDr. Ryan SurmaitisRyan.Surmaitis@lvhn.orgDawn YenserDawn.Yenser@lvhn.orgLVHN4401 1 - 11Clinical
Emerg MedTampaMDE 8714 Intro to Medical ToxicologyYr 4 StatusDr. Justin Arnoldjkarnold@usf.eduJuliet Modica-Ramosjmodicaramos@tgh.orgTGH4402 3,5,6,8Clinical
Emerg MedLehigh ValleyMDE 8773 EM UltrasoundYr 4 StatusDr. Kevin Roth


Dawn YenserDawn.Yenser@lvhn.orgLVH-M240-4411 - 11Clinical
Emerg MedTampaMDE 8717 Social Emerg Med
Dr. Jason Wilsonjwilson2@usf.edu Heather Hendersonheather42@mail.usf.eduTGH44021 - 11Clinical
Emerg MedLehigh ValleyMDI 8710 AI in Emergency MedicineYr 4 StatusDr. Deepak JayantDeepak_A.Jayant@lvh.comDawn YenserDawn.Yenser@lvhn.orgLVHN440-442 1 - 8Clinical
Emerg MedTampaMDI 8710 AI in Emergency MedicineIntro to EMDr. Jordan Beaujbeau1@usf.eduAmber Dowdyadowdy@usf.eduTGH440-448 1 - 11Clinical
Emerg MedTampaMDR 8710 Research in Emergency MedicineNoneDr. Jason Wilsonjwilson2@usf.eduVeronica Rodriguezveronicarodriguez@usf.eduTGH2,4402 1 - 11Research
Emerg MedTampaMDT 8710 Intro to Emergency MedicineNoneDr. Anish Zachariahanish@usf.eduAmber Dowdyadowdy@usf.eduTGH2, 4406 1 - 9, 10A, 10B 11 - 12 Clinical
Emerg Med
MEL 7320Q Extern-Emergency MedicineYr 4 StatusFaculty

EXT444No Limit 1 - 7Externship
Emerg MedLehigh ValleyMEL 8580 Pediatric Emergency MedicineYr 4 StatusDr. Kimberly FugokKimberly_L.Fugok@lvhn.orgDawn YenserDawn.Yenser@lvhn.orgLVH-CC 4401 1 - 11Clinical
Emerg Med
MEL 9999Q Indep Study in Emergency MedIntro to EM, Adult Med, Pri CareFaculty

USFMS or LVHN2,444No Limit 1 - 11Indep Study
Family MedTampaMDE 8044 Int'l Medical Spanish/CultureYr 4 StatusDr. Eduardo Gonzalezegonzale@usf.eduLinda Giordanolindag@usf.eduEXT440No Limit 1 - 9Clinical
Family MedLehigh ValleyMDE 8104 Complex Care in the CommunityYr 4 StatusDr. Abby Lecherabby_s.letcher@lvhn.orgDorothy JacquezDorothy.Jacquez@lvhn.orgLVHN44013,5,7,9,11Clinical
Family MedTampaMDE 8585 Elective in Sports MedicineYr 4 StatusDr. Eric Corisecoris@usf.eduLinda Giordanolindag@usf.eduMCAH440-501 5,6Clinical
Family MedTampaMDE 8124 Family Medicine Inpatient ElectiveYr 4 StatusDr. Karim Hannakhanna@usf.eduLinda Giordanolindag@usf.eduTGH4402 1 - 11Clinical
Family MedLehigh ValleyMDI 8120 Acting Internship Family MedYr 4 StatusDr. My Dung HaMyDung.Ha@lvhn.orgDorothy JacquezDorothy.Jacquez@lvhn.orgLVHN440-502 1 - 11Clinical
Family MedTampaMDI 8120 Acting Internship Family MedYr 4 StatusDr. Eduardo Gonzalezegonzale@usf.eduLinda Giordanolindag@usf.eduBFMC440-5011, 3-6, 8-11Clinical
Family MedTampaMDI 8120 Acting Internship Family MedYr 4 StatusDr. Eduardo Gonzalezegonzale@usf.eduLinda Giordanolindag@usf.eduMPMHC440-501 1 - 11Clinical
Family MedTampaMEL 7267 International Health Elective Yr 4 StatusDr. Eduardo Gonzalezegonzale@usf.eduLinda Giordanolindag@usf.eduEXT440-504 1 - 9Clinical
Family Med
MEL 7320F Externship in Family MedicineYr 4 StatusFaculty

EXT444No Limit 1 - 9Externship
Family MedLehigh ValleyMEL 8255 Family Medicine Residency ElectYr 4 StatusDr. My Dung HaMyDung.Ha@lvhn.orgDorothy JacquezDorothy.Jacquez@lvhn.orgLVHN2,440-503 1 - 11Clinical
Family MedTampaMEL 8255 Family Medicine Residency ElectYr 4 StatusDr. Eduardo Gonzalezegonzale@usf.eduLinda Giordanolindag@usf.edu MPMHC2,440-441 1 - 11Clinical
Family MedTampaMEL 8255 Family Medicine Residency ElectiveYr 4 StatusDr. Eduardo Gonzalezegonzale@usf.eduLinda Giordanolindag@usf.edu TMH2,440-442 2 - 8Clinical
Family MedTampaMEL 8255 Family Medicine Residency ElectiveYr 4 StatusDr. Eduardo Gonzalezegonzale@usf.eduLinda Giordanolindag@usf.eduBFMC2,440-441 1, 3 - 6, 8 - 11Clinical
Family MedTampaMEL 8255 Family Medicine Residency ElectiveYr 4 StatusDr. Eduardo Gonzalezegonzale@usf.eduLinda Giordanolindag@usf.eduFH 440-441  1 - 11Clinical
Family MedTampaMEL 8255 Family Medicine Residency ElectiveYr 4 StatusDr. Eduardo Gonzalezegonzale@usf.eduLinda Giordanolindag@usf.eduHH 2,440-442 1 - 8Clinical
Family MedTampaMEL 8255 Family Medicine Residency ElectiveYr 4 StatusDr. Eduardo Gonzalezegonzale@usf.eduLinda Giordanolindag@usf.eduSVMC2,440-442 1, 3 - 11Clinical
Family MedTampaMEL 8263 Public Sector Medicine ElectiveYr 4 StatusDr. John Petrilli jpe@usf.eduLinda Giordanolindag@usf.eduUSFMS2,4442 1 - 11Clinical
Family MedTampaMEL 8264 Family Medicine Elective - Med ClinicsYr 4 StatusDr. Eduardo Gonzalezegonzale@usf.eduLinda Giordanolindag@usf.eduMCAH4442 1 - 9, 11Clinical
Family MedTampaMEL 8265 Family Medicine PreceptorshipYr 4 StatusDr. Eduardo Gonzalezegonzale@usf.eduLinda Giordanolindag@usf.eduCF2,444-501 1 - 11Clinical
Family MedTampaMEL 8272 Women's Health ElectiveYr 4 StatusDr. Eduardo Gonzalezegonzale@usf.eduLinda Giordanolindag@usf.eduMPMHC2501 1 - 5, 10 - 11Clinical
Family MedTampaMEL 8273 Fam Med Flexible ElectYr 4 StatusDr. Eduardo Gonzalezegonzale@usf.eduLinda Giordanolindag@usf.eduMPMHC2,4402 1 - 11Clinical
Family Med
MEL 9999F Indep Study - Family MedicineYr 4 StatusFaculty

USFMS or LVHN2,440No Limit 1 - 11Indep Study
Int MedTampaMDE 8037 Occupational Medicine ElectiveNoneDr. Rachel WilliamsRachel.williams5@va.gov Lourdes Rodriguezlrodrig9@usf.eduT-VAH2,4401 1 - 11Clinical
Int MedLehigh ValleyMDE 8140 Geriatric MedicineYr 4 StatusDr. Neti VoraNeti_N.Vora@lvhn.orgMelissa KeyserMelissa.Keyser@lvhn.orgLVH-CC 2,4401 1 - 11Clinical
Int MedLehigh ValleyMDE 8150 Intro to Palliative Med and HospiceNoneDr. David GibbonsDavid.Gibbons@lvhn.orgMelissa KeyserMelissa.Keyser@lvhn.orgLVH-CC4441 1,4,5,6,9,10Clinical
Int MedTampaMDE 8150 Intro to Palliative Med and HospiceNoneDr. Amanda Wilsonawilson4@usf.edu Lourdes Rodriguezlrodrig9@usf.eduTGH4441 1-6, 9-11Clinical
Int MedLehigh ValleyMDE 8226 Cardiology Acute Coronary CareYr 4 StatusDr. Apurva VyasApurva_V.Vyas@lvhn.orgMelissa KeyserMelissa.Keyser@lvhn.orgLVHN2,4503 1 - 11Clinical
Int MedLehigh ValleyMDE 8280 Hematology and OncologyYr 4 StatusDr. William SciallaWilliam_S.Scialla@lvhn.orgMelissa KeyserMelissa.Keyser@lvhn.orgLVHN4401 1 - 11Clinical
Int MedLehigh ValleyMDE 8320 Infectious Disease ElectiveYr 4 StatusDr. Brian FrielBrian.Friel@lvhn.orgMelissa KeyserMelissa.Keyser@lvhn.orgLVH-CC2,4402 1 - 11Clinical
Int MedLehigh ValleyMDI 8200 Acting Medicine InternshipYr 4 StatusDr. Clark VeetClark.Veet@lvhn.orgMelissa KeyserMelissa.Keyser@lvhn.orgLVH-CC440-646 1 - 11Clinical
Int MedTampaMDI 8200 Acting Medicine InternshipYr 4 StatusDr. Olga KlinkovaOlga.klinkova@moffitt.org Lourdes Rodriguezlrodrig9@usf.eduMCC440-641 1-2, 4-11Clinical
Int MedTampaMDI 8200 Acting Medicine InternshipYr 4 StatusDr. Kevin O'Brienobrienk@usf.edu Lourdes Rodriguezlrodrig9@usf.eduTGH440-645 1-2, 4-11Clinical
Int MedTampaMDI 8200 Acting Medicine InternshipYr 4 StatusDr. Kevin O'Brienobrienk@usf.edu Lourdes Rodriguezlrodrig9@usf.eduT-VAH440-645 1-2, 4-11Clinical
Int MedTampaMDI 9202 Honors AI in Internal MedicineYr 4 StatusDr. Olga KlinkovaOlga.klinkova@moffitt.org Lourdes Rodriguezlrodrig9@usf.eduMCC46413Clinical
Int MedTampaMDI 9202 Honors AI in Internal MedicineYr 4 StatusDr. Kevin O'Brienobrienk@usf.edu Lourdes Rodriguezlrodrig9@usf.eduTGH46453Clinical
Int MedTampaMDI 9202 Honors AI in Internal MedicineYr 4 StatusDr. Kevin O'Brienobrienk@usf.edu Lourdes Rodriguezlrodrig9@usf.eduT-VAH46453Clinical
Int MedTampaMDR 8245 Respiratory Disease ResearchYr 4 StatusDr. Narasaiah Kolliputinkollipu@usf.edu Lourdes Rodriguezlrodrig9@usf.eduT-VAH4441 1 - 11Research
Int MedTampaMDT 8200C Adv Concepts-GastroenterologyYr 4 StatusDr. Patrick Bradypgb@usf.eduLourdes Rodriguezlrodrig9@usf.eduUSFMS2406 10ABasic Science
Int MedTampaMDT 8200E Adv Respiratory PathophysiologyYr 4 StatusDr. Kendall Morriskmorris5@usf.edu Lourdes Rodriguezlrodrig9@usf.eduUSFMS24010 11ABasic Science
Int Med
MEL 7320M Extern-Internal MedicineYr 4 StatusFaculty

EXT444No Limit 1 - 7Externship
Int MedTampaMEL 7388 Intro to Sleep MedicineAdult Med, Pri CareDr. William Andersonwanders2@usf.edu Lourdes Rodriguezlrodrig9@usf.eduTGH2,4442 1 - 11Clinical
Int MedTampaMEL 8121 Hospital Med & Patient SafetyAdult Med, Pri CareDr. Alexander ReissAlexander.reiss@va.govLourdes Rodriguezlrodrig9@usf.eduT-VAH2401 2 4A, 5B, 6, 7A, 8B - 11Clinical
Int MedLehigh ValleyMEL 8305 Clinical Endo & MetabolismYr 4 StatusDr. Gretchen PerilliGretchen_A.Perilli@lvhn.orgMelissa KeyserMelissa.Keyser@lvhn.orgLVH-CC2,440-441 1 - 11Clinical
Int MedTampaMEL 8305 Clinical Endo & MetabolismAdult Med, Pri CareDr. Joaquin Gomez-DaspetJoaquin.gomez-daspet@va.gov Lourdes Rodriguezlrodrig9@usf.eduT-VAH440-441 1 - 11Clinical
Int MedLehigh ValleyMEL 8306 Gastroenterology ElectiveYr 4 StatusDr. Paola G BlancoPaola_G.Blanco@lvhn.orgMelissa KeyserMelissa.Keyser@lvhn.orgLVH-CC2,4441 1 - 11Clinical
Int MedTampaMEL 8306 Gastroenterology ElectiveAdult Med, Pri CareDr. Patrick Bradypgb@usf.edu Lourdes Rodriguezlrodrig9@usf.eduMCAH2,4442 1 - 11Clinical
Int MedTampaMEL 8306 Gastroenterology ElectiveAdult Med, Pri CareDr. Patrick Bradypgb@usf.edu Lourdes Rodriguezlrodrig9@usf.eduTGH2,4441 1 - 10Clinical
Int MedTampaMEL 8306 Gastroenterology ElectiveAdult Med, Pri CareDr. Patrick Bradypgb@usf.edu Lourdes Rodriguezlrodrig9@usf.eduT-VAH2,4441 1 - 11Clinical
Int MedTampaMEL 8310 Infect Disease & Interntl MedAdult Med, Pri CareDr. John Greenejohn.greene@usf.edu Lourdes Rodriguezlrodrig9@usf.eduMCC2,4444 1 - 11Clinical
Int MedTampaMEL 8310 Infect Disease & Interntl MedAdult Med, Pri CareDr. Ambika Erankiaeranki@usf.eduLourdes Rodriguezlrodrig9@usf.eduTGH2,4443 1 - 11Clinical
Int MedTampaMEL 8310 Infect Disease & Interntl MedAdult Med, Pri CareDr. Sandra Gompfsandra.gompf@va.gov Lourdes Rodriguezlrodrig9@usf.eduT-VAH2,4442 1 - 11Clinical
Int MedLehigh ValleyMEL 8313 Clinical NephrologyYr 4 StatusDr. Margaret Duffy


Melissa KeyserMelissa.Keyser@lvhn.orgLVH-CC440-442 1 - 11Clinical
Int MedTampaMEL 8313 Clinical NephrologyAdult Med, Pri CareDr. Naveen Narayanankuttynp3@usf.eduLourdes Rodriguezlrodrig9@usf.eduTGH2,440-441 1 - 11Clinical
Int MedTampaMEL 8313 Clinical NephrologyAdult Med, Pri CareDr. Jorge Lamarchejorge.lamarche@va.gov Lourdes Rodriguezlrodrig9@usf.eduT-VAH2,440-441 1 - 11Clinical
Int MedTampaMEL 8315 Clinical Allergy/ImmunologyAdult Med, Pri CareDr. Mark Glaumglaum@usf.eduLourdes Rodriguezlrodrig9@usf.eduT-VAH2,440-442 1 - 11Clinical
Int MedTampaMEL 8335 General Int Med Consult SrvcAdult Med, Pri CareDr. Kevin O'Brienobrienk@usf.edu Lourdes Rodriguezlrodrig9@usf.eduTGH2441 1 - 11Clinical
Int MedTampaMEL 8335 General Internal Medicine Consult ServiceYr 4 StatusDr. Olga KlinkovaOlga.klinkova@moffitt.org Lourdes Rodriguezlrodrig9@usf.eduMCC4441 1 - 11Clinical
Int MedLehigh ValleyMEL 8339 Rheumatology Clinical ElectiveYr 4 StatusDr. Marie O'BrienMarie_S.OBrien@lvhn.orgMelissa KeyserMelissa.Keyser@lvhn.orgLVH-CC2,4441*1 - 11Clinical
Int MedTampaMEL 8339 Rheumatology Clinical ElectiveNoneDr. Loutfi Succarilsuccari@usf.eduLourdes Rodriguezlrodrig9@usf.eduMOR/TGH/VA/STC2,4402 1 - 11Clinical
Int MedTampaMEL 8340 Pulmonary DiseaseAdult Med, Pri CareDr. Keriann Van Nostrandkeriannv@usf.eduLourdes Rodriguezlrodrig9@usf.eduTGH2,4442 1 - 11Clinical
Int MedTampaMEL 8340 Pulmonary DiseaseAdult Med, Pri CareDr. Ana Negronana.negron@va.gov Lourdes Rodriguezlrodrig9@usf.eduT-VAH2,4442 1 - 11Clinical
Int MedTampaMEL 8351 Harvey Elective in CardiologyYr 4 StatusDawn Schockenschocken@usf.eduLourdes Rodriguezlrodrig9@usf.eduUSFMS444153,5,7,9,10Basic Science
Int MedTampaMEL 8357 Infects Trnsplnt Med/ImmunocomAdult Med, Pri CareDr. Jose Monteromonteroj@usf.edu Lourdes Rodriguezlrodrig9@usf.eduTGH2,4442 1 - 11Clinical
Int MedTampaMEL 8363 Infections in ICUAdult Med, Pri CareDr. Jose Monteromonteroj@usf.edu Lourdes Rodriguezlrodrig9@usf.eduTGH2,4442 1 - 11Clinical
Int MedTampaMEL 8368 Emerg Med Outside the Hospital Yr 4 StatusDr. Rachel Semmonsrsemmons@usf.eduLourdes Rodriguezlrodrig9@usf.eduTGH4442 1 - 11Clinical
Int MedTampaMEL 8953 Integrative Clinical SkillsYr 4 StatusDr. Nikesh Kapadiankapadi@usf.eduLourdes Rodriguezlrodrig9@usf.eduTGH4401211Clinical
Int Med
MEL 9999M Indep Study-Internal MedAdult Med, Pri CareFaculty

USFMS or LVHN2,440No Limit 1 - 11Indep Study
Int Med Lehigh ValleyMDE 8224 Consultative CardiologyYr 4 StatusDr. Apurva VyasApurva_V.Vyas@lvhn.orgMelissa KeyserMelissa.Keyser@lvhn.orgLVH-CC 2,4442 1 - 11Clinical
Int Med TampaMDE 8224 Consultative CardiologyAdult Med, Pri CareDr. Xavier Pridaxavierprida@usf.edu Lourdes Rodriguezlrodrig9@usf.eduTGH2,4442 1 - 11Clinical
Int Med TampaMDE 8224 Consultative CardiologyAdult Med, Pri CareDr. Fabio Leonellifabio.leonelli@va.gov Lourdes Rodriguezlrodrig9@usf.eduT-VAH2,4442 1 - 11Clinical
InterdeptTampaBMS 6994 Schol Conc ElectiveNoneDr. Susan Prossspross@usf.eduErin Mayerinmay@usf.eduUSFMS444No Limit 1 - 8
InterdeptLehigh ValleyMDC 8340 Critical Care MedicineYr 4 StatusDr. Daniel Schwed-Lustgarten Daniel.Schwed@lvhn.orgMelissa KeyserMelissa.Keyser@lvhn.orgLVHN440-803 1 - 11Clinical
InterdeptTampaMDC 8340 Critical Care MedicineYr 4 StatusDr. Jennifer Cox Taylor coxjd@moffitt.orgAmber Dowdyadowdy@usf.eduUSFMS440-80161-5, 8-11Clinical
InterdeptTampaMDE 8030 BRIDGE Clinic Elective (Directors)Yr 4 Status, BRIDGE DirectorDr. Eduardo Gonzalezegonzale@usf.edu

USFMS4445Semester 1 (Periods 1-6) Semester 2 (Periods 7-11)
InterdeptTampaMDE 8030 BRIDGE Mentor LongitudinalYr 4 StatusDr. Eduardo Gonzalezegonzale@usf.edu

USFMS4446Semester 1 (Periods 1-6) Semester 2 (Periods 7-11)
InterdeptTampaMDE 8040 Medical SpanishYr 4 StatusDr. Elimarys Perez-Coloneperezco@usf.edu

Semester 1 (1 - 6), Semester 2 (7-11)
InterdeptTampaMDE 8393 Diving and Hyperbaric MedicineYr 4 StatusDr. Joseph Dituridituri@usf.eduDr. Joseph Dituridituri@usf.eduUSFMS24011, 5, 9, 11Clinical
InterdeptTampaMDE 8720 Outdoor Medicine ElectiveYr 4 StatusDr. Ryan Naughtinrnaughti@usf.eduDr. Ryan Naughtinrnaughti@usf.eduUSFMS444No LimitSemester 1 (1 - 6), Semester 2 (7-11)Clinical
InterdeptLehigh ValleyMDE 8920 SELECT 4Yr 4 StatusDr. Marna GreenbergMarna.Greenberg@lvhn.orgDavida LeaymanDavida_M.Leayman@lvhn.orgLVHN240No Limit 1A, 10BSELECT
InterdeptTampaMDE 8942 Clinical Enrichment ElectiveNoneDr. Vinita Kiluk and Dawn Schockenvkiluk@usf.edu

USFMS2,440No Limit 1 - 11Clinical
InterdeptLehigh ValleyMDE 8950 SELECT CapstoneYr 4 StatusDr. Bryan KaneBryan.Kane@lvhn.orgSydney ClouserSydney.Clouser@lvhn.orgLVHN444No LimitSemester 1 (1 - 6), Semester 2 (7-11)SELECT
InterdeptLehigh ValleyMDT 8010 Specialty EPAYr 4 StatusFaculty

LVHN240No Limit10AClinical
InterdeptTampaMDT 8010 Specialty EPA Yr 4 StatusFaculty

USFMS240No Limit10AClinical
InterdeptTampaMEL 8954 Becoming the Physician EducatorYr 4 StatusDr. Vinita Kiluk and Dawn Schockenvkiluk@usf.edu

Med EducationTampaMDE 8090 Doctoring IV (Core Section)Yr 4 StatusDr. Amol Purandareamolpurandare@usf.eduSasha Afanadorafanadors@usf.eduUSFMS4414No LimitSemester 1 (Periods 1-6) Semester 2 (Periods 7-11)
Med EducationTampaMDE 8090 Doctoring IV (SELECT section)Yr 4 StatusDr. Amol Purandareamolpurandare@usf.eduSasha Afanadorafanadors@usf.eduUSFMS446No LimitSemester 1 (Periods 1-6) Semester 2 (Periods 7-11)
Molec Pharm PhysioTampaBMS 7560 Research in PhysiologyNoneDr. Jessica Dominguez Riegjdominguezrieg@usf.eduDr. Jessica Dominguez Riegjdominguezrieg@usf.eduUSFMS2,4444 1 - 11Research
Molec Pharm Physio
MEL 9999D Indep Study - PharmacologyNoneFaculty

USFMS2,444No Limit 1 - 11Indep Study
Molec Pharm Physio
MEL 9999H Indep Study - PhysiologyNoneFaculty

USFMS2,444No Limit 1 - 11Indep Study
NeurologyLehigh ValleyMDE 8580 Intro to Physical Med & RehabYr 4 StatusDr. Jeffrey RadeckiJeffrey.Radecki@lvhn.orgDavida LeaymanDavida_M.Leayman@lvhn.orgLVHN2,4441 1 - 11Clinical
NeurologyTampaMDE 8580 Intro to Physical Med & RehabNoneDr. Marissa McCarthymarissa.mccarthy@va.govShereena Farringtonsfarring@usf.eduT-VAH2,4442 1 - 11Clinical
NeurologyLehigh ValleyMDE 8804 Senior Elective in Neurocritical CareYr 4 StatusDr. Christopher MelinoskyChristopher.Melinosky@lvhn.orgAngeline Regisangeline.regis@lvhn.orgLVH-CC4401 1 - 11Clinical
NeurologyTampaMDE 8804 Senior Elective in Neurocritical CareYr 4 StatusDr. Keith Dombroskikdombrowski@usf.eduShereena Farringtonsfarring@usf.eduTGH44013 - 9, 11Clinical
NeurologyTampaMDR 8800 Research in NeurologyNoneDr. Charles Brockcharles.brock@va.govShereena Farringtonsfarring@usf.eduUSFMS2,4442 1 - 11Research
NeurologyTampaMDT 8800 Neuroimmuno in Neuro DiseaseYr 4 StatusDr. Marzenna Wiranowskamwiranow@usf.eduShereena Farringtonsfarring@usf.eduUSFMS240-60210BBasic Science 
MEL 7320N Externship - NeurologyYr 4 StatusFaculty

EXT444No Limit 1 - 7Externship
NeurologyLehigh ValleyMEL 8671 Elect in Inpatient Gen NeuroYr 4 StatusDr. Jay VarratoJay.Varrato@lvhn.orgAngeline Regisangeline.regis@lvhn.orgLVHN2,4401 1 - 11Clinical
NeurologyTampaMEL 8671 Elect in Inpatient Gen NeuroNoneDr. Rebecca Hurstrlhurst@usf.eduShereena Farringtonsfarring@usf.eduTGH2,4401 1 - 11Clinical
NeurologyTampaMEL 8671 Elect in Inpatient Gen NeuroNoneDr. Alfred Fronteraafronter@usf.eduShereena Farringtonsfarring@usf.eduT-VAH2,4401 1 - 11Clinical
NeurologyTampaMEL 8673 Elective in EpilepsyNoneDr. Selim Benbadissbenbadi@usf.eduShereena Farringtonsfarring@usf.eduTGH2,4402 1 - 11Clinical
NeurologyTampaMEL 8674 Elect in Headache & Pain MedNoneDr. Kavita Kalidaskkalidas@usf.eduShereena Farringtonsfarring@usf.eduMCAH2,4402 1 - 11Clinical
NeurologyTampaMEL 8675 Elective in Movement DisordersNoneDr. Theresa Zesiewicztzesiewi@usf.eduShereena Farringtonsfarring@usf.eduMCAH2,4401 1 - 11Clinical
NeurologyLehigh ValleyMEL 8677 Outpatient NeurologyYr 4 StatusDr. Jay VarratoJay.Varrato@lvhn.orgAngeline Regisangeline.regis@lvhn.orgLVHN2,444-501 1 - 11Clinical
NeurologyTampaMEL 8677 Outpatient NeurologyNoneDr. Rebecca Hurstrlhurst@usf.eduShereena Farringtonsfarring@usf.eduUSFMS2,444-502 1 - 11Clinical
NeurologyLehigh ValleyMEL 8678 Vascular NeurologyYr 4 StatusDr. Jay VarratoJay.Varrato@lvhn.orgAngeline Regisangeline.regis@lvhn.orgLVHN2,440-601 1 - 11Clinical
NeurologyTampaMEL 8678 Vascular NeurologyNoneDr. David Rosedrose1@usf.eduShereena Farringtonsfarring@usf.eduTGH2,440-601 1 - 11Clinical
MEL 9999N Indep Study - NeurologyYr 4 StatusFaculty

USFMS or LVHN2,440No Limit 1 - 11Indep Study
NeuroSurgLehigh ValleyMDI 8650 Neurosurgery AIYr 4 StatusDr. Andrew TsenAndrew.Tsen@lvhn.orgNichole Sierranichole.sierra@lvhn.orgLVH-CC440-701 1 - 11Clinical
NeuroSurgTampaMDI 8650 Neurosurgery AIYr 4 StatusDr. Kunal Vakhariakvakharia@usf.eduMichelle Campbellmemaldonado@usf.edu TGH440-704 1 - 11Clinical
NeuroSurgTampaMDR 8650 Neurosurgical ResearchYr 4 StatusDr. Mark Greenbergmsg@usf.eduMichelle Campbellmemaldonado@usf.edu USFMS2,4443 1 - 11Research
MEL 7320V Externship - NeurosurgeryYr 4 StatusFaculty

EXT444No Limit 1 - 7Externship
MEL 9999V Indep Study - NeurosurgeryYr 4 StatusFaculty

USFMS2,440No Limit 1 - 11Indep Study
Ob/GynLehigh ValleyMDE 8162 Gynecologic OncologyYr 4 Status Dr. Christine KimChristine.Kim@lvhn.orgAustyn HamiltonAustyn.Hamilton@lvhn.orgLVH-CC 4601  1 - 11Clinical
Ob/GynLehigh ValleyMDE 8165 Gynecology ElectiveYr 4 StatusDr. Susan Haassusan.haas@lvhn.orgAustyn HamiltonAustyn.Hamilton@lvhn.orgLVHN4601  1 - 11Clinical
Ob/GynLehigh ValleyMDI 8160 Ob/Gyn Acting InternshipYr 4 StatusDr. Susan AngelisantiSusan_J.Angelisanti@lvhn.orgAustyn HamiltonAustyn.Hamilton@lvhn.orgLVHN4802  1 - 11Clinical
Ob/GynTampaMDI 8160 Ob/Gyn Acting InternshipYr 4 StatusDr. Samantha Baerbaers@usf.eduMelissa Mancaomjmancao@usf.eduTGH440-604 1 - 5Clinical
MEL 7320O Externship - OB/GYNYr 4 StatusFaculty

EXT444No Limit 1 - 9Externship
Ob/GynTampaMEL 8420 Ob/Gyn Subspecialty ElectiveYr 4 StatusDr. Samantha Baerbaers@usf.eduMelissa Mancaomjmancao@usf.eduTGH/MCAH4404 6 - 11Clinical
MEL 9999O Indep Study - OB/GYNYr 4 StatusFaculty

USFMS or LVHN2,440No Limit 1 - 11Indep Study
Ob/Gyn Lehigh ValleyMDE 8168 UrogynecologyYr 4 StatusDr. Nabila NoorNabila.Noor@lvhn.orgAustyn HamiltonAustyn.Hamilton@lvhn.orgLVHN4601 1 - 11 Clinical 
Ob/Gyn Lehigh ValleyMDE 8180 Maternal-Fetal MedicineYr 4 StatusDr. Daniel KrausDaniel_M.Kraus@lvhn.orgAustyn HamiltonAustyn.Hamilton@lvhn.orgLVHN 60 1 - 11 Clinical 
Ob/Gyn Lehigh ValleyMEL 8420 Immersion/Specialty ElectiveYr 4 StatusDr. Nabila NoorNabila.Noor@lvhn.orgAustyn HamiltonAustyn.Hamilton@lvhn.orgLVHN4601 1 - 11 Clinical 
Oncologic SciencesTampaMDE 8150T Intro to Palliative CareYr 4 StatusDr. Hannah BrombergHannah.Bromberg@moffitt.orgPatricia Moscoso


MCC4441 4 - 11Clinical
Oncologic SciencesTampaMDE 8292 Advanced Genitourinary OncologySurgical CareDr. Logan Zemp


Valerie GriffinValerie.Griffin@moffitt.orgMCC2,4402 1 -11Clinical
Oncologic SciencesTampaMDE 8633 Thoracic Surgical OncologySurgical CareDr. Jobelle BaldonadoJobelle.baldonado@moffitt.orgAmber Dowdyadowdy@usf.eduMCC4601 1 - 11Clinical
Oncologic SciencesTampaMDE 8646 Head and Neck OncologyYr 4 StatusDr. Kristen J. OttoKristen.Otto@moffitt.orgApril MannaApril.Manna@moffitt.orgMCC2,4401 1 -11Clinical
Oncologic Sciences
MEL 7320G Externship - RadiationOncologyYr 4 StatusFaculty

EXT440No Limit 1 - 7Externship
Oncologic SciencesTampaMEL 7740 Radiation-OncologyYr 4 StatusDr. George YangGeorge.Yang@moffitt.orgAngie Courtneyangie.courtney@moffitt.orgMCC4444 1 - 6Clinical
Oncologic SciencesTampaMEL 8308 Ambulatory Hematology-OncologyAdult Med, Pri CareDr. Michael Jaglalmichael.jaglal@moffitt.orgAdda Ramosaddanilka.ramospena@moffitt.orgMCC2,4401 3-6, 8 - 11Clinical
Oncologic SciencesTampaMEL 8309 Inpatient HematologyAdult Med, Pri CareDr. Michael Jaglalmichael.jaglal@moffitt.orgAdda Ramosaddanilka.ramospena@moffitt.orgMCC2,4401 1 - 11Clinical
Oncologic SciencesTampaMEL 8366 Adult Bone Marrow Transplant and Cellular ImmunotherapyAdult Med, Pri CareDr. Farhad KhimaniFarhad.khimani@moffitt.orgNicole MuffNicole.Muff@moffitt.orgMCC2,4441 1 - 11Clinical
Oncologic SciencesTampaMEL 8831 Surgical OncologyYr 4 Status, Prior approval from Course DirectorDr. John KilukJohn.Kiluk@moffitt.orgAmber Dowdyadowdy@usf.eduMCC2,48010 1 - 11Clinical
Oncologic Sciences
MEL 9999G Indep Study - RadiationOncologyYr 4 StatusFaculty

USFMS2,444No Li4mit 1 - 11Indep Study
MEL 7320E Externship - OphthalmologyYr 4 StatusFaculty

EXT444No Limit 1 - 7Externship
OphthalLehigh ValleyMEL 8501 Medical OphthalmologyYr 4 StatusDr. Christine Saadchristine_g.saad@lvhn.orgNichole Sierra nichole.sierra@lvhn.orgLVHN2,4441 1 - 11Clinical
OphthalTampaMEL 8501 Medical OphthalmologyNoneDr. Swetangi Bhaleeyasbhaleeya@usf.eduMarianne Duggandugganm@usf.edu MCAH2,4442 1 - 11 (Yr 4); 9 - 11 (Yr 3)Clinical
OphthalTampaMEL 8506 Cornea/External DiseaseNoneDr. Edgar Espanaeespana@usf.eduMarianne Duggandugganm@usf.edu MCAH2,44411 - 11 (Yr 4); 9 - 11 (Yr 3)Clinical
OphthalLehigh ValleyMEL 8507 Retinal ElectiveYr 4 StatusDr. Masayuki Kazahayamasayuki.kazahaya@lvhn.orgNichole Sierra nichole.sierra@lvhn.orgLVHN2,444-701 1 - 11Clinical
OphthalTampaMEL 8507 Retinal ElectiveNoneDr. Swetangi Bhaleeyasbhaleeya@usf.eduMarianne Duggandugganm@usf.edu MCAH2,444-7011 - 11 (Yr 4); 9 - 11 (Yr 3)Clinical
OphthalTampaMEL 8509 GlaucomaNoneDr. Ramesh Ayyalarayyala@usf.eduMarianne Duggandugganm@usf.edu MCAH2,44011 - 11 (Yr 4); 9 - 11 (Yr 3)Clinical
MEL 9999E Indep Study - OphthalmologyNoneFaculty

USFMS2,444No Limit 1 - 11Indep Study
OrthoTampaMDI 8570 Orthopaedics Acting InternshipYr 4 StatusDr. Hassan Mirhmir@usf.eduNikki Rivesnrives@usf.eduMOR/TGH/VA 440-704 1 - 11Clinical
OrthoTampaMDT 8600 Intro to OrthoNone, Yr 3 onlyDr. Caroline Cheblicarolinechebli@gmail.comDr. Caroline Cheblicarolinechebli@gmail.comT-VAH2402 1 - 11Clinical
OrthoTampaMDT 8600 Intro to Ortho TraumaNone, Yr 3 onlyDr. Hassan Mirhmir@usf.eduNikki Rivesnrives@usf.eduTGH2402 9 - 11 Clinical
MEL 7320U Externship - OrthopaedicsYr 4 StatusFaculty

EXT444No Limit 1 - 9Externship
MEL 9999U Indep Study - OrthopaedicsYr 4 StatusFaculty

USFMS2,444No Limit 1 - 7Indep Study
OtolarynLehigh ValleyMDI 8603 Otolaryngology AIYr 4 StatusDr. Robert DeDioRobert.dedio@lvhn.orgNichole Sierranichole.sierra@lvhn.orgLVH-CC444-701 1 - 11Clinical
OtolarynTampaMDI 8603 Otolaryngology AIYr 4 StatusDr. Arjun Parasheraparasher@usf.eduNicole Llerenallerenan@usf.eduMC/TG/VA/M444-703 1 - 11Clinical
MEL 7320T Externship - OtolaryngologyYr 4 StatusFaculty

EXT444No Limit 1 - 8Externship
MEL 9999T Indep Study - OtolaryngologyYr 4 StatusFaculty

USFMS2,444No Limit 1 - 11Indep Study
PathLehigh ValleyBMS 7663 Anatomic PathologyYr 4 StatusDr. Sajjid MalikSajjad.Malik@healthnetworklabs.comDavida LeaymanDavida_M.Leayman@lvhn.orgLVH-CC2,440-4414-6, 7B-11Clinical
PathTampaBMS 7663 Anatomic PathologyNoneDr. Nicole Riddleriddlen@rha-pa.comMichelle Burnhammburnham@usf.eduTGH2,440-4421 - 11 Clinical
PathTampaBMS 7663 Anatomic PathologyYr 4 StatusDr. Gino Piparogino.piparo@va.govMichelle Burnhammburnham@usf.eduT-VAH2,440-441 3 - 11 Clinical
PathTampaBMS 7664 Flexible Elective in PathologyNoneDr. Ardeshir Hakamardeshir.hakam@moffitt.orgMichelle Burnhammburnham@usf.eduMCC2,44411, 4-11 Clinical
PathTampaBMS 7664 Flexible Elective in PathologyNoneDr. Gino Piparogino.piparo@va.govMichelle Burnhammburnham@usf.eduT-VAH2,44411, 3-11 Clinical
PathTampaBMS 7666 Clinical CytopathologyYr 4 StatusDr. Ardeshir Hakamardeshir.hakam@moffitt.orgMichelle Burnhammburnham@usf.eduMCC2,44411, 4-11 Clinical
PathTampaBMS 7666 Clinical CytopathologyNoneDr. Gino Piparogino.piparo@va.govMichelle Burnhammburnham@usf.eduT-VAH2,44411, 3-11 Clinical
PathTampaBMS 7667 Elective in Lab MedicineYr 4 StatusDr. Gino Piparogino.piparo@va.govMichelle Burnhammburnham@usf.eduT-VAH2,44411, 3-11 Clinical
PathTampaBMS 7668 Forensic PathologyYr 4 StatusDr. Caroline McEnnanmcennanc@hillsboroughcounty.orgMichelle Burnhammburnham@usf.eduHCME2,44411, 5-6, 8-11 Clinical
PathTampaBMS 8661 Research in PathologyNoneDr. Gino Piparogino.piparo@va.govMichelle Burnhammburnham@usf.eduT-VAH44411-6, 8-11
PathTampaBMS 8661 Research in PathologyNoneDr. Wei-Shen Chenweishenchen@usf.eduMichelle Burnhammburnham@usf.eduUSFMS44411-6, 8-11
MEL 7320P Externship - PathologyYr 4 StatusFaculty

EXT444No Limit 1 - 8Externship
MEL 9999P Independent Study - PathologyYr 4 StatusFaculty

USFMS2,444No Limit1, 3-11Indep Study
PedsLehigh ValleyMDE 8407 Elective in Child Protection Yr 4 StatusDr. Debra Esernio-JenssenDebr.Esernio-Jenssen@lvhn.orgJessica McKeeJessica_A.McKee@lvhn.orgLVHN 4 40 1 1 - 11Clinical
PedsLehigh ValleyMDE 8415 Child Development and BehaviorYr 4 StatusDr. Hatim OmarHatim.Omar@lvhn.orgJessica McKeeJessica_A.McKee@lvhn.orgLVHN440-441 1 - 11Clinical
PedsLehigh ValleyMDE 8430 Pediatric Endocrinology Yr 4 StatusDr. Laurissa KashmerLaurissa_L.Kashmer@lvhn.orgJessica McKeeJessica_A.McKee@lvhn.orgLVHN 4 40 1 1 - 11Clinical
PedsTampaMDE 8430 Pediatric Endocrinology Elective Yr 4 StatusDr. Dorothy Shulman dshulman@usf.eduCarie McGugincmcgugin@usf.eduMCAH 4 40 1 1 - 11Clinical
PedsTampaMDE 8455 Acquired Immunodeficiency ElectivePri Care or Mat NewbornDr. Carina Rodriguezcrodrig1@usf.eduCarie McGugincmcgugin@usf.eduTGH4441 1 -11Clinical
PedsLehigh ValleyMDE 8470 Child NeurologyYr 4 StatusDr. Muhammed SheikhMuhammed_R.Sheikh@lvhn.orgJessica McKeeJessica_A.McKee@lvhn.orgLVH-CC4401 1 - 11Clinical
PedsTampaMDE 8470 Child NeurologyAdult Med, Pri Care, or Maternal NewbornDr. Gieronmgieron@usf.eduCarie McGugincmcgugin@usf.eduTGH2, 4401 1 - 11Clinical
PedsLehigh ValleyMDI 8400 AI-In-Inpatient PediatricsYr 4 StatusDr. Lindsey KudenchakLindsey.Kudenchak@lvhn.orgJessica McKeeJessica_A.McKee@lvhn.orgLVH-CC440-442 1 - 11Clinical
PedsTampaMDI 8400 AI-In-Patient PediatricsYr 4 StatusDr. Shaila Sirajssiraj@usf.eduCarie McGugincmcgugin@usf.eduACH4442 1 -11Clinical
PedsTampaMDI 8400 AI-In-Patient PediatricsYr 4 StatusDr. Tanner Wrighttwright5@usf.eduCarie McGugincmcgugin@usf.eduTGH440-442 1 - 11Clinical
PedsLehigh ValleyMEL 7103 Pediatric CardiologyYr 4 StatusDr. Louis HansroteLouis.Hansrote@lvhn.orgJessica McKeeJessica_A.McKee@lvhn.orgLVHN2,4401 1 - 11Clinical
PedsTampaMEL 7103 Pediatric Cardiology ElectiveAdult Med or Mat NewbornDr. Dan MaurielloDaniel.mauriello@jhmi.eduCarie McGugincmcgugin@usf.eduACH4441 1 - 11Clinical
MEL 7320K Externship in PediatricsYr 4 StatusFaculty
Carie McGugincmcgugin@usf.eduEXT444No Limit 1 - 7Externship
PedsTampaMEL 7563 Pediatric Nephrology ElectiveAdult Med, Pri Care, or Maternal NewbornDr. Frank Ayestaranfrankayestar@usf.eduCarie McGugincmcgugin@usf.eduACH2,4441 1 - 11Clinical
PedsTampaMEL 7563 Pediatric Nephrology ElectiveAdult Med, Pri Care, or Maternal NewbornDr. Camposacampos@usf.eduCarie McGugincmcgugin@usf.eduTGH2,4441 1 - 11Clinical
PedsLehigh ValleyMEL 7565 Neonatology Intensive CareYr 4 StatusDr. Nachammai ChinnakaruppanNac_R.Chinnakaruppan@lvhn.orgJessica McKeeJessica_A.McKee@lvhn.orgLVH-CC440-441 1 - 11Clinical
PedsTampaMEL 7565 Neonatology Intensive CareYr 4 StatusDr. Erica Petersoneelseed@usf.eduCarie McGugincmcgugin@usf.eduTGH4442 1 - 11Clinical
PedsTampaMEL 8134 Intro to Med-Peds ElectiveYr 4 StatusDr. John McCormickjdmccormick@usf.eduCarie McGugincmcgugin@usf.eduSTC (17 Davis)4401 1 -11Clinical
PedsLehigh ValleyMEL 8554 Primary Care - PediatricsYr 4 StatusDr. Anne Marie CoughlinAnneMarie.Coughlin@lvhn.orgJessica McKeeJessica_A.McKee@lvhn.orgLVHN440-441 1-5, 7-11Clinical
PedsTampaMEL 8554 Primary Care - PediatricsYr 4 StatusDr. Sharon Dabrowsdabrow@usf.eduCarie McGugincmcgugin@usf.eduSTC (17 Davis)440-441 1 - 11Clinical
PedsLehigh ValleyMEL 8568 Pedi Hematology-OncologyYr 4 StatusDr. Jacob TroutmanJacob.Troutman@lvhn.orgJessica McKeeJessica_A.McKee@lvhn.orgLVH-CC440-441 1 -11Clinical
PedsTampaMEL 8568 Pedi Hematology-OncologyAdult Med or Mat NewbornDr. Nanette Granananette.grana@allkids.orgCarie McGugincmcgugin@usf.eduACH2,440-441 1 -11Clinical
PedsTampaMEL 8568 Pedi Hematology-OncologyPri Care, Mat NewbornDr. Andrew Galliganagalligan@usf.eduCarie McGugincmcgugin@usf.eduTGH2,440-441 1 -11Clinical
PedsTampaMEL 8571 Developmental PediatricsPri Care or Mat NewbornDr. Tanuja KothintiKt126@usf.eduCarie McGugincmcgugin@usf.eduCMS2,4441 1 -11Clinical
PedsTampaMEL 8573 Peds Allergy & ImmunologyYr 4 StatusDr. Panida Sriaroonpsriaroo@usf.eduCarie McGugincmcgugin@usf.eduACH4441 1 -11Clinical
PedsLehigh ValleyMEL 8574 Pediatric Pulmonary DiseaseYr 4 StatusDr. Michael SchwartzMichael.Schwartz@lvhn.orgJessica McKeeJessica_A.McKee@lvhn.orgLVH-CC440-441 1 - 11 Clinical
PedsTampaMEL 8574 Pediatric Pulmonary DiseasePri Care or Mat NewbornDr. Carolyn Robinsoncrobin84@jhmi.eduCarie McGugincmcgugin@usf.eduACH2, 440-4411-5, 7-8, 10-11Clinical
PedsTampaMEL 8574 Pediatric Pulmonary DiseasePri Care or Mat NewbornDr. Marisa Coulurismcouluri@usf.eduCarie McGugincmcgugin@usf.eduTGH440-4411-5, 7-8, 10-11Clinical
PedsLehigh ValleyMEL 8575 Pediatric Intensive CareYr 4 StatusDr. Amy LindmarkAmy_L.Lindmark@lvhn.orgJessica McKeeJessica_A.McKee@lvhn.orgLVH-CC440-441 1 - 11 Clinical
PedsTampaMEL 8575 Pediatric Intensive CareYr 4 StatusDr. John Kotula   jkotula2@jhmi.eduCarie McGugincmcgugin@usf.eduACH2,440-441 1 - 11 Clinical
PedsTampaMEL 8575 Pediatric Intensive CareYr 4 StatusDr. Sunita Bhandaresunitabhandare7@gmail.comCarie McGugincmcgugin@usf.eduTGH2,440-441 1 - 11 Clinical
PedsTampaMEL 8577 Neonatology ElectiveYr 4 StatusDr. Noura Nickelnnickel1@jhmi.eduCarie McGugincmcgugin@usf.eduACH4441 1 - 11 Clinical
PedsLehigh ValleyMEL 8579 Ped Gastroenterology/NutritionYr 4 StatusDr. Patrick LinPatrick.Lin@lvhn.orgJessica McKeeJessica_A.McKee@lvhn.orgLVH-CC4401  1 - 11Clinical
PedsTampaMEL 8579 Ped Gastroenterology/NutritionAdult Med or Mat NewbornDr. McClenathanmcclenathan@pedgi.orgCarie McGugincmcgugin@usf.eduACH4401 1 - 11 Clinical
PedsTampaMEL 8580 Pediatric Emergency MedicinePri Care or Mat NewbornDr. Lisa Odendallodenda1@jhmi.eduCarie McGugincmcgugin@usf.eduACH4442 1 - 11 Clinical
PedsTampaMEL 8580 Pediatric Emergency MedicinePri Care or Mat NewbornDr. Jasmine PattersonJasmine_Patterson@teamhealth.comCarie McGugin cmcgugin@usf.eduTGH4441 1 - 11 Clinical
PedsLehigh ValleyMEL 8582 Pediatric Infectious DiseasesYr 4 StatusDr. Tibisay VillalobosTibisay.Villalobos@lvhn.orgJessica McKeeJessica_A.McKee@lvhn.orgLVH-CC440-441  1 - 11Clinical
PedsTampaMEL 8582 Pediatric Infectious DiseasesPri Care or Mat NewbornDr. Matthew Thomas


Carie McGugincmcgugin@usf.eduACH440-441 2 -11Clinical
PedsTampaMEL 8582 Pediatric Infectious DiseasesPri Care or Mat NewbornDr. Claudia Gaviriaclaudiag13@usf.eduCarie McGugincmcgugin@usf.eduTGH440-441 2 -11Clinical
MEL 9999K Indep Study - PediatricsYr 4 StatusFaculty

USFMS or LVHN444No Limit 1 - 11Indep Study
PsychTampaMDE 8811 Integration of Brain NetworksYr 4 StatusDr. Michael CentorinoMichael.Centorino@va.govPat Crumppcrump@usf.eduT-VAH2401011ABasic Science 
PsychTampaMDE 8842 Emergency PsychiatryYr 4 StatusDr. Cory KlippelCory.Klippel@va.govPat Crumppcrump@usf.eduT-VAH240-501 1 -11Clinical
PsychLehigh ValleyMDI 8841 AI: Adv Adult Psych ConsultsYr 4 StatusDr. Siddhartha Marusiddhartha.maru@lvhn.orgHeidi ZaldivarHeidi.Zaldivar@lvhn.orgLVH-M444-501 1 -11Clinical
PsychTampaMDI 8841 AI: Adv Adult Psych ConsultsAdult Med, Psych/NeuroDr. Saundra Stocksstock@usf.eduPat Crumppcrump@usf.eduTGH2,444-502 1 -11Clinical
PsychTampaMDI 8841 AI: Adv Adult Psych ConsultsAdult Med, Psych/NeuroDr. Adam Fusick Adam.Fusick@va.govPat Crumppcrump@usf.eduT-VAH2,444-502 1 -11Clinical
PsychLehigh ValleyMDI 8843 AI Psych: Adv Adult InpatientYr 4 StatusDr. Siddhartha Marusiddhartha.maru@lvhn.orgHeidi ZaldivarHeidi.Zaldivar@lvhn.orgLVH-M440-501 1 -11Clinical
PsychTampaMDI 8843 AI Psych: Adv Adult InpatientYr 4 StatusDr. Saundra Stocksstock@usf.eduPat Crumppcrump@usf.eduT-VAH440-502 1 -11Clinical
PsychTampaMDR 8840 Psychiatric ResearchYr 4 StatusDr. Glenn CatalanoGlenn.Catalano@va.govPat Crumppcrump@usf.eduT-VAH4441 1 -11Research
PsychTampaMDR 8840 Psychiatric ResearchYr 4 StatusDr. Glenn Curriergwcurrier@usf.eduPat Crumppcrump@usf.eduUPC4441 1 -11Research
MEL 7320Y Externship - PsychiatryYr 4 StatusFaculty

EXT444No Limit 1 - 7Externship
PsychTampaMEL 8109 Outpatient PsychiatryNoneDr. Saundra Stocksstock@usf.eduPat Crumppcrump@usf.eduUPC2,4401 1 -11Clinical
PsychLehigh ValleyMEL 8602 Child & Adolescent PsychiatryYr 4 StatusDr. Siddhartha Marusiddhartha.maru@lvhn.orgHeidi ZaldivarHeidi.Zaldivar@lvhn.orgLVH-M444-501 1 -11Clinical
PsychTampaMEL 8602 Child & Adolescent PsychiatryNoneDr. Saundra Stocksstock@usf.eduPat Crumppcrump@usf.eduUPC2,4401 1 - 11Clinical
PsychTampaMEL 8608 Memory Disorders ClinicNoneDr. Ram Bishnoibishnoi@usf.eduPat Crumppcrump@usf.eduUSFMS2,4441 1 -11Clinical
PsychTampaMEL 8612 Geriatric PsychiatryNoneDr. Gregory SullivanGregory.Sullivan1@va.govPat Crumppcrump@usf.eduT-VAH2,4441 1 -11Clinical
PsychTampaMEL 8613 Alcoholism & Substance AbusePsych/NeuroDr. Mildred BarnettMildred.Barnett@va.govPat Crumppcrump@usf.eduT-VAH2,4441 1 -11Clinical
PsychTampaMEL 8626 Neurostimulation in PsychPsych/NeuroDr. Alexis Cohen ancohen@usf.eduPat Crumppcrump@usf.eduT-VAH2,4401 1 -11Clinical
MEL 9999Y Indep Study - PsychiatryNoneFaculty

USFMS or LVHN2,444No Limit 1 -11Indep Study
RadiologyTampaMDE 8760 General RadiologyNone, Yr 3 onlyDr. Jonathan Kassjkass@usf.eduDestiny McArthurdmcarthur@usf.eduTGH2402 2 -11Clinical
RadiologyLehigh ValleyMDE 8769 Pediatric RadiologyYr 4 StatusDr. Alexander KowalAlexander_M.Kowal@lvhn.orgCody DonchezCody_A.Donchez@lvhn.orgLVHN2,4401 1 -11Clinical
RadiologyTampaMDE 8771 Radiological AnatomyNoneDr. Summer Deckersdecker@usf.eduDestiny McArthurdmcarthur@usf.eduUSFMS440No Limit 1-11Basic Science 
RadiologyTampaMDE 8772 Breast ImagingYr 4 StatusDr. Shannon Falconshannon.falcon@moffitt.orgDestiny McArthurdmcarthur@usf.eduMCC2,4401 3-11 Clinical
MEL 7320R Externship - RadiologyYr 4 StatusFaculty

EXT444No Limit 1 - 7Externship
RadiologyTampaMEL 7701 NeuroradiologyYr 4 StatusDr. Douglas Rodriguezdougla@usf.eduDestiny McArthurdmcarthur@usf.eduTGH2401 2 -11Clinical
RadiologyTampaMEL 7703 Interventional RadiologyYr 4 StatusDr. Junsung Choijunsung.choi@moffitt.orgDestiny McArthurdmcarthur@usf.eduMCC2,4441 3 -11Clinical
RadiologyTampaMEL 7703 Interventional RadiologyYr 4 StatusDr. Glenn Hootshoots@usf.eduDestiny McArthurdmcarthur@usf.eduTGH4442 2 -11Clinical
RadiologyTampaMEL 7710 Musculoskeletal ImagingYr 4 StatusDr. Neel Prakashnprakash@usf.eduDestiny McArthurdmcarthur@usf.eduMCAH2,4402 2 -11Clinical
RadiologyLehigh ValleyMEL 8704 Diagnostic RadiologyYr 4 StatusDr. Alexander KowalAlexander_M.Kowal@lvhn.orgCody DonchezCody_A.Donchez@lvhn.orgLVH-CC2,440-442 1 -11Clinical
RadiologyTampaMEL 8704 Diagnostic RadiologyYr 4 StatusDr. Jonathan Kassjkass@usf.eduDestiny McArthurdmcarthur@usf.eduTGH440-447 2 -11Clinical
RadiologyTampaMEL 8707 Cardiothoracic RadiologyYr 4 StatusDr. Hirstina Natchevahnatcheva@usf.eduDestiny McArthurdmcarthur@usf.eduTGH2,4402 2 -11Clinical
RadiologyTampaMEL 8711 Body ImagingYr 4 StatusDr. Rajendra KedarRKedar@usf.eduDestiny McArthurdmcarthur@usf.eduTGH2,4402 2 -11Clinical
MEL 9999R Indep Study - RadiologyYr 4 StatusFaculty

USFMS2,440No Limit 1 -11Indep Study
SurgeryLehigh ValleyMDE 8605 Vascular Surgery ElectiveYr 4 StatusDr. Mila JuMila.ju@lvhn.orgNichole Sierranichole.sierra@lvhn.orgLVH-CC460-701 1 -11Clinical
SurgeryTampaMDE 8607 Adv Surg Anat/PathophysiologyYr 4 StatusDr. Joseph Sujkajosephsujka@usf.eduJasmine Kinslerjasminek@usf.eduUSFMS440352Basic Science 
SurgeryLehigh ValleyMDE 8632 Cardiothoracic SurgeryYr 4 StatusDr. Tim MisselbeckTimothy.misselbeck@lvhn.orgNichole Sierranichole.sierra@lvhn.orgLVH-CC460-701 1 -11Clinical
SurgeryLehigh ValleyMDE 8660 Plastic Surg ElectiveYr 4 StatusDr. Marshall MilesMarshall.miles@lvhn.orgNichole Sierranichole.sierra@lvhn.orgLVH-CC2,460-701 1 -11Clinical
SurgeryLehigh ValleyMDE 8676 Colorectal SurgeryYr 4 StatusDr. John Parkjohn_s.park@lvhn.orgNichole Sierranichole.sierra@lvhn.orgLVH-CC2,460-701 1 -11Clinical
SurgeryLehigh ValleyMDI 8600 Gen Surg Acting InternshipYr 4 StatusDr. Jeffrey GlaserJeffrey.glaser@lvhn.orgNichole Sierranichole.sierra@lvhn.orgLVH-CC4702 1 -11Clinical
SurgeryTampaMDI 8600 Gen Surg Acting InternshipYr 4 StatusDr. Christopher DuCoincducoin@usf.eduJasmine Kinslerjasminek@usf.eduTGH4704 1 -11Clinical
SurgeryTampaMDI 8600 Gen Surg Acting InternshipYr 4 StatusDr. Christopher DuCoincducoin@usf.eduJasmine Kinslerjasminek@usf.eduT-VAH4701 1 -11Clinical
SurgeryLehigh ValleyMDI 8604 Vascular Surgery AIYr 4 StatusDr. Mila JuMila.ju@lvhn.orgNichole Sierranichole.sierra@lvhn.orgLVH-CC460-701 1 -11Clinical
SurgeryTampaMDI 8604 Vascular Surgery AIYr 4 StatusDr. Mary Ottingermottinger@usf.eduHailee Hallhaileehall@usf.eduTGH460-704 1 -11Clinical
SurgeryTampaMDI 8604 Vascular Surgery AIYr 4 StatusDr. Mary Ottingermottinger@usf.eduHailee Hallhaileehall@usf.eduT-VAH460-701 1 -11Clinical
SurgeryLehigh ValleyMDI 8660 Plastic Surg Acting InternshipYr 4 StatusDr. Marshall MilesMarshall.miles@lvhn.orgNichole Sierranichole.sierra@lvhn.orgLVH-CC460-701 1 -11Clinical
SurgeryLehigh ValleyMDI 8680 Trauma Surgery AIYr 4 StatusDr. Jeffrey Glaserjeffrey.glaser@lvhn.orgNichole Sierranichole.sierra@lvhn.orgLVH-CC460-701 1 -11Clinical
SurgeryTampaMDI 8680 Trauma Surgery AIYr 4 StatusDr. Steven Lorchslorch@usf.eduJasmine Kinslerjasminek@usf.eduTGH460-701 1 -11Clinical
SurgeryTampaMDT 8600 Intro to Surg SubspecialtiesNone, Yr 3 onlyDr. Joseph Sujkajosephsujka@usf.eduJasmine Kinslerjasminek@usf.eduTGH270-803 1 -12Clinical
MEL 7320S Externship - SurgeryYr 4 StatusFaculty

EXT444No Limit 1 -7Externship
SurgeryLehigh ValleyMEL 7815 Advanced Surgical SkillsYr 4 StatusDr. Joseph StirparoJoseph_j.stirparo@lvhn.orgNichole Sierranichole.sierra@lvhn.orgLVH-CC440159Clinical
SurgeryTampaMEL 7815 Advanced Surgical SkillsYr 4 StatusDr. Joseph Sujkajosephsujka@usf.eduJasmine Kinslerjasminek@usf.eduUSFMS440359Clinical
SurgeryLehigh ValleyMEL 7819 Surgical Transplant ElectiveYr 4 StatusDr. Christine DuChristine.Du@lvhn.orgNichole Sierranichole.sierra@lvhn.orgLVH-CC460-701 1 -11Clinical
SurgeryTampaMEL 7819 Surgical Transplant ElectiveYr 4 StatusDr. Christopher DuCoincducoin@usf.eduJasmine Kinslerjasminek@usf.eduTGH460-701 1 -10Clinical
SurgeryLehigh ValleyMEL 7827 Advanced Surgical Intensive CareYr 4 StatusDr. Joseph StirparoJoseph_j.stirparo@lvhn.orgNichole Sierranichole.sierra@lvhn.orgLVH-CC460-702 1 -11Clinical
MEL 9999S Indep Study - SurgerySurg Care    Faculty

USFMS or LVHN444No Limit 1 -10Indep Study
Surgery - PlasticsTampaMDI 8660 Plastic Surg Acting InternshipYr 4 StatusDr. Michael Harringtonmharring@usf.eduCourtney Johns Rejanocbjohns6@usf.eduTGH/MCC460-704 2 -11Clinical
UrologyLehigh ValleyMDI 8674 Clinical Urology AIYr 4 StatusDr. James JohannesJames_r.johannes@lvhn.orgNichole Sierranichole.sierra@lvhn.orgLVH-CC2,450-701 1 - 11Clinical
UrologyTampaMDI 8674 Clinical Urology AIYr 4 StatusDr. Trushar Patel tpatel7@usf.eduEleni Spirouespirou@usf.eduTGH/VA450-705 1 - 6Clinical

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