US Department of Health & Human Services - National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH)

The Office of Housing & Residential Education received a visit from a representative of RTI International in September 2018. They are a research firm that has been contracted by the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. They are preparing to conduct a research study for the 2019 National Survey on Drug Use and Health. They have selected the residential areas bordered by Holly Drive, Palm Drive, Fletcher Avenue, and Maple Drive. This area consists of Cypress Halls A and B, Cypress Apartments C and D, Holly Apartments A, B, and C, and the entire Greek Village Complex.

At this time they are only looking for a listing of the bed spaces including Building and Floor. From that listing they will pull a random sampling based on their metrics. At the time of survey, scheduled for late 2019 early 2020, they may require space to be made available on campus.

Please note that The Office of Housing & Residential Education receives requests like this from the US Census Bureau on a monthly basis for at least two separate surveys (group quarters and American community) and the decennial census in 2020.

For more details about the study, please visit

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