Network of Schools of Public Policy, Affairs, and Administration (NASPAA)
NASPAA – the Network of Schools of Public Policy, Affairs, and Administration – represents The Global Standard in Public Service Education. NASPAA accreditation promotes the field by fostering and maintaining educational quality for professional public service degrees. NASPAA accreditation recognizes that a master’s program in public policy, affairs, or administration has undertaken a rigorous process of peer review conducted by the Commission on Peer Review and Accreditation (COPRA). All NASPAA accredited programs have successfully met the NASPAA Accreditation Standards for Professional Master’s Degree Programs in Public Affairs, Policy and Administration.
The NASPAA Standards are the quality benchmark used by graduate public service programs around the world. NASPAA’s accreditation process is mission-based and driven by public service values. Accredited programs must contribute to the knowledge, research, and practice of public service, establish observable goals and outcomes, and use information about their performance to guide program improvement. They must practice truth in advertising and ensure their students achieve learning objectives in five domains essential to public service.