Accrediting Council on Education in Journalism and Mass Communications (ACEJMC)

The Process of Accreditation

The ACEJMC has developed a process of accreditation that follows four steps.

  • The unit undertakes a self-study, a rigorous and detailed examination of the program by faculty, administrators, and students.
  • A team consisting of educators and professionals visits the campus to assess curriculum, faculty, administration, students, facilities, and resources.
  • The national Accrediting Committee, composed of educators and professionals, each year reviews and discusses the reports of all the site teams and votes whether to recommend each unit to the Accrediting Council for accreditation.
  • The national Accrediting Council reviews the work of the site teams and the recommendations of the Accrediting Committee and takes final action.

Meetings of the Accrediting Committee and Accrediting Council are open. The accrediting process offers opportunities for units to respond to the findings of the site teams and the Committee and to appeal actions of the Council.

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