CM-Content Objective

CM-Content Objective

Report Description

Report displays Content Objectives as tied to Sessions and Courses. Report can be filtered by Content Area, Course Academic Year, Med Year, and Curriculum Program. There are two tabs on this report: Content to Session Objectives Drill, Content to Session Objectives Details, Content Objectives by Curriculum Program, and Content Objective Export Details. The first tab focuses mostly on Content Objectives, allowing for very visual forms of seeing the data and multiple ways to drill down to specifics about the data. Both tabs allow you to interact with the tables and visualizations to create slices of the data to answer many questions.

Content to Session Objectives Drill


Content Area

Content Area is the Discipline that the Content is currently listed under.

Course Academic Year

Academic year the courses were offered, listed in four digit format for the year the term began.

Med Year

Year of academic progress for the medical school program, year 1-4.

Curriculum Program

Core or SELECT options available. Choosing a program will display all items a student in that program could experience.

Choosing (Blank) will return items that have never been mapped.


Drillable Session Counts by Med Years table

Displays the count of unique Sessions per Med Year and per drillable Content Area -> Content Heading -> Content Objective, all based on the page filters and items selected in the other visualizations on the page.

Session Distribution by Content Heading over Course stacked bar chart

Displays the count of unique Sessions per Course stacked by Content Heading, all based on the page filters, with highlighting done via items selected in the other visualizations on the page.

Session Distribution by Course over Med Years stacked bar chart

Displays the count of unique Sessions per Med Year stacked by Course, all based on the page filters, with highlighting done via items selected in the other visualizations on the page.

Courses by Med Year pie chart

Displays the count of unique Courses per Med Year, based on the page filters, with highlighting done via items selected in the other visualizations on the page.

Content to Session Objectives Detail


Content Area

Content Area is the Discipline that the Content is currently listed under.

Course Academic Year

Academic year the courses were offered, listed in four digit format for the year the term began.

Med Year

Year of academic progress for the medical school program, year 1-4.

Curriculum Program

Core or SELECT options available. Choosing a program will display all items a student in that program could experience.

Choosing (Blank) will return items that have never been mapped.


Content Heading count

Shows total unique count of Content Headings based on selected filters.

Courses count

Shows total unique count of Courses based on selected filters. 

Content Objectives count

Shows total unique count of Course Objectives based on selected filters. 

Sessions count

Shows total unique count of Sessions based on selected filters.


Content Heading list

Displays the unique list of Content Headings, based on the page filters and items selected in the other visualizations on the page.

One or more Content Heading entries can be selected in order to filter the other visualizations on the page.

Content Objectives list

Shows the list of unique Content Content Area, Content Heading, and Content Objectives in a Hierarchical Display format based on selected filters.  Also includes a Search box to make it easier to find a specific Content Objective, especially since there may be some Content Objectives that are not mapped to any Sessions.

One or more Content Area, Content Heading, and Content Objectives entries can be selected in order to filter the other visualizations on the page.

Session list

Shows the list of unique Sessions based on selected filters.  For each Session, it also shows the number of related Content Objectives, Med Year, and Session Hours.

One or more Session entries can be selected in order to filter the other visualizations on the page.

Course list

Shows the list of unique Courses based on selected filters.  For each Course, it also shows the Med Year, Curriculum Program, number of related Content Objectives, and sum Total of related Sessions' Hours.

One or more Course entries can be selected in order to filter the other visualizations on the page.

Content Objectives by Curriculum Program


Content Area

Content Area is the Discipline that the Content is currently listed under.

Course Academic Year

Academic year the courses were offered, listed in four digit format for the year the term began.

Med Year

Year of academic progress for the medical school program, year 1-4.

Curriculum Program

Core or SELECT options available. Choosing a program will display all items a student in that program could experience.

Choosing (Blank) will return items that have never been mapped.


SELECT Content Objectives by Content Area 

Displays the Unique Counts of Content Objectives by each Content Area for SELECT Curriculum types, all based on the page filters and items selected in the other visualizations on the page.


Session by Curriculum Program 

Unique count of Sessions by Curriculum Program and count of Sessions that are both SELECT and Core, all based on the page filters and items selected in the other visualizations on the page. 

Core Content Objectives by Content Area

Displays the Unique Counts of Content Objectives by each Content Area for Core Curriculum types, all based on the page filters and items selected in the other visualizations on the page.

SELECT Session Detail

Displays the Session, Content Area, and Content Objectives for only SELECT Content, all based on the page filters and items selected in the other visualizations on the page.

Core Session Detail

Displays the Session, Content Area, and Content Objectives for only Core Content, all based on the page filters and items selected in the other visualizations on the page. 


Content Objectives Export Details


Content Area

Content Area is the Discipline that the Content is currently listed under.

Course Academic Year

Academic year the courses were offered, listed in four digit format for the year the term began.

Med Year

Year of academic progress for the medical school program, year 1-4.

Curriculum Program

Core or SELECT options available. Choosing a program will display all items a student in that program could experience.


Content Objective Export Detail

Displays Index (Line Count for Total - Needed as Place Holder), Content Heading, Content Objective, Session Title, Session Objective, Course, Med Year, Academic Year,  and Curriculum Program based on selected filters. 

These details were designed for easy export to Excel so that the user can refine their search beyond what the report is capable of (such as excluding certain rows).

Data Refreshed On

Data in this report is not live, but refreshed regularly. The date on the bottom right of the report displays the last day the data was refreshed from Archivum Curriculum Mapping. 


This report only displays values as the were in Archivum Curriculum Mapping at last refresh as indicated at the bottom of the report. Those values are subject to change over time. Unauthorized use of this report is prohibited. If you log on to this computer system, you acknowledge your awareness of and concurrence with the University of South Florida policies. The University will prosecute violators to the full extent of the law. 


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