EIS SAM Documentation - Plans CUBE.

EIS SAM Documentation - Plans CUBE.


Cube NameDimension Unique NameDescription
SAM PlansAssessment CodeAssessment review code
SAM PlansAssessment Code CategoryAssessment code category. Categories include Not Reviewed, Missing Element, Needs Work and Compliant.
SAM PlansAssessment Code DescriptionDescription of the assessment code.
SAM PlansCampusCampus name
SAM PlansCampusCollegeMajorHierarchyHierarchy showing the organizational structure of the individual plans starting at Campus level with drill downs to College and Major
SAM PlansCIP CodeProgram CIP code
SAM PlansCollege DivisionCollege name / Division name
SAM PlansCycle YearCycle Year
SAM PlansDegree TypeDegree (BA, BS, MA, etc)
SAM PlansDurationDuration of assessment (1 year or 3 year)
SAM PlansDuration YearCurrent year of assessment. Year 1,2 or 3
SAM PlansFlag Assessment ActiveFlag indicating if the objective assessment code is currently active.
SAM PlansFlag Review ActiveFlag indicating if the overall review code is active.
SAM PlansFlag Review ApprovedFlag indicating if the review code idicates an assessment approval.
SAM PlansLevel TypeLevel or type of the program or unit.  Values include Undergraduate, Graduate, Centers and Institues and Administrative.
SAM PlansMajor UnitAcademic major or administrative unit.
SAM PlansMission StatementMission statement of the program.
SAM PlansMission Statement AssessmentAssessment review of the missions statement.
SAM PlansPlan StatusPlan status code. 0 = Not started, 1 = Edited, 2 = Submitted, 4 = Reviewed, 5 = Reopened
SAM PlansPlan Type NameName of the plan type. (ex. Academic, Administrative)
SAM PlansReview StatusReview status code. 0 = Plan not reviewed, 1 = Plan not approved, 2 = Plan approved, 3 = Report not reviewed, 4 = Report not approved, 5 = Report approved, 6 = In review
SAM PlansReview TitleReview title or description. (Developed, Non-compliant, etc.)


Cube NameMeasure NameMeasure DescriptionEXPRESSION
SAM PlansCount AssessmentsCount AssessmentsCount of assessments (Plans).
SAM PlansNo Of GoalsNo Of GoalsCount of goals in an assessment.

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