EIS Admissions Mart CUBE Documentation - Admissions Mart.

EIS Admissions Mart CUBE Documentation - Admissions Mart.


Cube NameDimension Unique NameDescription
AdmissionsMartAdmissions Deposit IndicatorThis indicates whether the admissions deposit requirement has been fulfilled. Valid values are not paid, paid, waived or not assessed. It is only required of freshmen. BANNER Logic: CASE WHEN SARADAP_STYP_CODE<>'B' THEN 'Not Assessed' WHEN C0.SARCHKL_RECEIVE_DATE IS NOT NULL THEN 'Deposit Paid' WHEN C1.SARCHKL_ADMR_CODE='DNON' THEN 'Not Assessed' WHEN C2.SARCHKL_ADMR_CODE='DREF' THEN 'Deposit Refunded' WHEN C3.SARCHKL_ADMR_CODE='DWAV' THEN 'Deposit Waived' WHEN C0.SARCHKL_RECEIVE_DATE IS NULL THEN 'Deposit Not Paid' ELSE 'Not Assessed' END AS "DEPOSIT" 
AdmissionsMartApplicant Admit TypeIdentifies the applicant admit type (values: Values: Freshmen, Transfer, Masters, PhD Professional, or PhD Research) BANNER Field: SARADAP_STYP_CODE
AdmissionsMartApplicant LevelIdentifies the applicant level associated with the applicant level code. Valid values are Undergraduate and Graduate.
AdmissionsMartApplicant Level Hierarchy
AdmissionsMartApplicant Transfer SourceIdentifies the applicant transfer source; indicates whether student is transfering in from a institution withing the Florida College System or other two/four year institution(Values: FCS or Other) BANNER Field: SARADAP_ADMT_CODE
AdmissionsMartApplicant Transfer TypeIdentifies the applicant transfer type (Values: Lower level, Upper level, or FSR - FormerStudentReturning)
AdmissionsMartApplicant Type Hierarchy
AdmissionsMartCitizenship StatusCitizenship Status
AdmissionsMartRace EthnicityRace - Ethnicity
AdmissionsMartApplicant NationNationality of Applicant
AdmissionsMartOrientation Registered FlagIdentifies whether or not the admitted student has fulfilled the mandatory orientation requirement. Flag indicates whether the registered or not, and whether the student attended or not. BANNER field: SGBSTDN_ORSN_CODE . Note: This data is not used for the graduate admissions process.
AdmissionsMartFlag In StateIdentifies in-state students
AdmissionsMartFlag Out Of StateIdentifies out of state students
AdmissionsMartResidencyThe description of the residency code for the applicant. Values include - Florida Resident;Res Alien, Fl Res (Non USA);Non-Resident Alien (Non USA);Non-Florida Resident (USA);Res Alien, Non-Fl Res(Non USA);Undeclared;Florida Resident - Spec Cat;Florida Resident (Pending)
AdmissionsMartAcademic Success FactorNumber of Academic Success Factors asocciated with an freshman application. Based on an evaluation of the applicant's transcript and test scores, valid values are 0-7 or E (Exempt). Students with international transcripts, GED's or who are home-schooled are exempt. ASF's are predictors of a student's success at the post-secondary level. For the 2011-12 academic year, ASF points are awarded for the following: (a) AP, IB or AICE Coursework (3 or more courses)* (b) One or more math courses at the Pre-Calculus, Calculus, or higher math level. See list of specific math courses (c) Additional natural science course(s) (with lab)* (d) Additional foreign language course(s)* (e) An SAT Writing score of at least 550 or ACT English/Writing score of at least 24 (f) College level dual enrollment coursework (2 or more courses) (g) A postsecondary GPA of 3.0 or higher in dual enrollment coursework attempted *NOTE: All grades earned for advanced or additional coursework must be C or higher to earn the Academic Success Factor
AdmissionsMartApplication Seq NBRIdentifies the application number of the admissions record for a specific term.
AdmissionsMartHighest Degree InstitutionPost-secondary institution from which the applicant earned highest degree prior to applying and/or admission to USF.
AdmissionsMartLast Institution AttendedRefers to the most recent post-secondary institution attended by a transfer applicant
AdmissionsMartStudentID PIDMOASIS PIDM identifier
AdmissionsMartStudentID U-NumberUID of applicant
AdmissionsMartCIP CodeCIP code associated with program
AdmissionsMartCollegeProgram College
AdmissionsMartCollege-Major-Conc Hierarchy
AdmissionsMartConcentrationProgram concentration
AdmissionsMartConcentration CodeProgram concentration code
AdmissionsMartDegree CodeThis is the base curriculum degree code.
AdmissionsMartMajorSpecifies the major area of study associated with the major code.
AdmissionsMartMajor CodeSpecifies the major area of study associated with the major code.
AdmissionsMartCampus of ApplicationUnique campus name, for cross system use
AdmissionsMartCounty of AdmissionIdentifies the county at time of admission
AdmissionsMartState DescrIdentifies the state at time of admission
AdmissionsMartAcademic Year Sort
AdmissionsMartFlag SpringIdentifies spring terms.
AdmissionsMartFlag SummerIdentifies summer terms.
AdmissionsMartTerm Academic Year HierarchyIdentifies fall terms
AdmissionsMartTerm TitleTerm Title of record.
AdmissionsMartYear AcademicAcademic year as identified by Summer + Fall + Spring.
AdmissionsMartWeek Of TermIdentifies the week of the term associated with the data snapshot.


Cube NameMeasure Name Measure Description


AdmissionsMartTotal Pre DecisionApplication does not carry a significant decision, meaning it has not been given a decision of admitted, cancelled, or denied
AdmissionsMartDecision ReadyAn application is decision ready if all of the following conditions are met (Graduate only; for all campuses):1. No significant admissions action has been taken (admitted, cancelled, or denied) 2. Conduct record with a C or N code 3. Application status code = 'C' An application is decision ready if all of the following conditions are met (Undergraduate only; Tampa campus only):1. No significant admissions action has been taken (admitted, cancelled, or denied) 2. Conduct record with a C or N code 3. All CTR checklist rows for mandatory items have a receive date or a CTR checklist row with a null receive date has a matching SOAPCOL record with a non-null receive date 4. FEE checklist row has a receive date or (FNON or FWAV) row for same application 5. HSTP checklist row has a receive date 6. Test score checklist row(s) has a receive date
AdmissionsMartWait ListedIdentifies that an application is "waitlisted" and no decision has been made. Used on in conjunction with freshman applications. SARAPPD_APDC_CODE=RW and SARADAP_APST_CODE=L. Note: Waitlisted is not used in the graduate admissions process
AdmissionsMartDeferredIdentifies that an application is "deferred" and no final decision has been made. Applications are placed in a deferred status until student submits additional academic information (test scores, grades) for evaluation. SARAPPD_APDC_CODE=RR . Identifies that an application is "deferred" and no final decision has been made. Applications are placed in a deferred status until student submits additional academic information (test scores, grades) for evaluation. SARAPPD_APDC_CODE=RR Identifies that an application is "deferred" and no final decision has been made. Applications are placed in a deferred status until student submits additional academic information (test scores, grades) for evaluation. SARAPPD_APDC_CODE=RR Note: This data is only is used at the undergraduate level.
AdmissionsMartReferredFor Graduates - Identifies that an application is "referred" and no decision has been made. Referred decision codes SARAPPD_APDC_CODE ="RG, RP, RO, RN, RX, RE" (D002291) ; For Undergraduates - Identifies that an application is "referred" and no decision has been made. Application is pending review by another university unit or entity. SARAPPD_APDC_CODE LIKE R% BUT NOT EQUAL TO RM or RR
AdmissionsMartApplication IncompleteIf no significant admissions action has been taken (Admitted [D002281], Cancelled [D002280], or Denied [D002279]), and the application is not Decision Ready [D002273], Waitlisted [D002274], Deferred [D002275], or Referred [D002276], it is considered incomplete.
AdmissionsMartTotal Post DecisionApplication carries a significant decision (admitted, cancelled, denied).
AdmissionsMartTotal AdmittedFor Graduates - Identifies that a decision of "Admitted" was made on an application, which includes applications admitted on an exception and those cancelled after admission. SARAPPDAPDC_CODE = CA OR "GD" (same as D002291) OR SARAPPD_APDC_CODE=STVAPDC_CODE AND STVAPDC_INST_ACC_IND=Y ; For Undergraduates - Identifies that a decision of "Admitted" was made on an application, which includes applications admitted on an exception and those cancelled after admission. SARAPPDAPDC_CODE = CA OR SARAPPD_APDC_CODE=STVAPDC_CODE AND STVAPDC_INST_ACC_IND=Y
AdmissionsMartAcceptedFor Graduates - Indicates whether or not an application decision caused a record to be created in the Student Base Table (SGBSTDN) (i.e. STVAPDC_INST_ACC_IND = 'Y' means a record has been created in SGBSTDN). ; For Undergraduates - Indicates whether or not an application decision caused a record to be created in the Student Base Table (SGBSTDN) (i.e. STVAPDC_INST_ACC_IND = 'Y' means a record has been created in SGBSTDN) and the student remains active and eligible to enroll.
AdmissionsMartCancelled After AdmitFor Graduates - Identifies that a decision of "cancelled after admitted" was made on an application. cancelled after admitted decision codes SARAPPD_APDC_CODE ="CA, GD" (D002291) ; For Undergraduates - Identifies that an application was cancelled after the student was admitted. Cancellation inactivates the student record, taking person out of eligible to register population. SARAPPD_APDC_CODE='CA'
AdmissionsMartEnrolledIndicates whether or not an applicant is enrolled. Enrollment is calculated based on the term of entry, level, campus, degree program (graduate only), and the existence of fee liable credit hours
AdmissionsMartDeniedFor Graduates - Identifies that a decision of "denied" was made on an application. Denied decision codes SARAPPD_APDC_CODE ="D%" (D002291) ; For Undergraduates - Application for admission is denied. SARAPPD_APDC_CODE=STVAPDC_CODE AND STVAPDC_REJECT_IND='Y'
AdmissionsMartCancelled Prior To AdmitFor Graduates - Identifies that an application was cancelled prior to being either admitted or denied. Cancellations may be student-initiated or posted by the Office of Admissions when an application is not completed within a designated time (e.g. fee not paid, documents not submitted) SARAPPD_APDC_CODE LIKE C% or GU or AE, BUT NOT EQUAL TO CA.  ; For Undergraduates - Identifies that an application was cancelled prior to being either admitted or denied. Cancellations may be student-initiated or posted by the Office of Admissions when an application is not completed within a designated time (e.g. fee not paid, documents not submitted) SARAPPD_APDC_CODE LIKE C% BUT NOT EQUAL TO CA
AdmissionsMartTotal ApplicationsTotal Applications

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