SAM Reports

SAM Reports

SAM  Reports

SAM is an online assessment system used to enter and edit all assessment plans for Academic Programs (undergraduate, graduate, certificate), Administrative Units, and Centers and Institutes to meet SACS and BOG requirements. There should be a designated person(s) in the department responsible for uploading/editing the reports during the assessment cycle. Please refer to our website for resources and important dates.

Assessment is an ongoing effort at USF and is linked to the broader enterprise of continuous quality improvement. External forces have shaped the direction of assessment over the past decade including the requirements of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS) and new requirements by the Board of Governors (BOG).

Report : SAM Learning Outcomes

Report: SAM Learning Outcomes

This report displays a table listing of all of the student learning outcomes (SLOs) in the SAM system.  Data displayed includes the program, the goals of the program, and the learning outcomes of each goal.

Report Elements Glossary Table

The table below lists all the elements used in the SAM reports.

Cycle YearAssess->Plans->CycleYearAssessment group cycle year.
CampusAssess->Plans->CampusAssessment Campus.
CollegeAssess->Plans->CollegeDivAssessment College.
MajorAssess->Plans->MajorUnitAcademic Major.
LevelAssess->Plans->LevelTypeAcademic Level: Undergraduate, Graduate
DegreeAssess->Plans->DegreeAcademic Degree.
CIP CodeAssess->Plans->CIPCodeCIP code of the academic program.
Goal StatementAssess->Goals->GoalStatementStated goal of the program.
Goal TypeAssess->GoalsTypes->GoalTypeNameGoal type or category of the goal. (Discipline specific knowledge, Communication Skills, etc.)
Student Learning OutcomeAssess->Objectives->ObjectiveThe expected student learning outcome of the program.
Method of AssessmentAssess->Objectives->MethodThe method of assessment used to assess the learning outcome.
Performance TargetsAssess->Objectives->BaselineThe performance targets that the students should achieve.
Assessment ResultsAssess->Objectives->ResultsThe results of the assessment.
Use of Assessment ResultsAssess->Objectives->UseofResultsThe action taken based on the assessment results.

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