CM-EPAs to Course Objectives

CM-EPAs to Course Objectives

Report Description

Report displays Program Objectives as it relates to a Course Objective. Report can be sorted by Academic Year, Med Year, Subject Code, Core versus SELECT, or courses taken by both programs. There are three views of this data available on tabs at the bottom: Program Objective to Course ObjectiveProgram Objective by Med YearProgram Objective by Core/SELECT, and Program Objective to Session. Each tab allows you to interact with the visualizations to create slices of the data to answer many questions. As you interact, you will see the counts of Program Objectives and Course Objectives as the two relate to each other. The second tab displays a count of courses by Med Year for a selected Program Objective, as well as count of Course Objectives by Med Year for a selected Program Objective. The third tab displays Course Count to be broken down by Core or SELECT count when filtered by a particular Program Objective(s). An individual or several program objectives can be selected, and the courses that satisfy the selected program will select with a count of the corresponding courses and program objectives.

Program Objective to Course Objective


Course Academic Year

Academic year the courses were offered, listed in four digit format for the year the term began.

Med Year

Year of academic progress for the medical school program, year 1-4.

Subject Code

Main instructional subject area for the course as assigned by the state.

Curriculum Program

Core or SELECT options available. Choosing a program will display all items a student in that program could experience.

Program Objective Title

Detailed learning objectives for the Morsani College of Medicine MD student program. Choose one or more Program Objectives to improve readability of the visualizations. You can search for specific words within titles using the box at the top.


Program Objective to Course Relationships

There are 4 pieces of information in this visualization:

  1. Count of Program Objectives selected.
  2. Count of unique Course Objectives related to the Program Objectives selected.
  3. Count of Courses related to the Program Objectives selected.
  4. A relationship diagram between the Program Objective(s) and Courses. The originating circle represents the Program Objective, with a line pointing towards the Course circle. The number and line thickness represent the count of Course Objectives. Any of the circles can be moved around to give a better view of the relationship diagram.



Course identifier consisting of subject code, main instructional subject area for this course, along with the course number associated with the subject for the course - usually 4 numbers and sometimes a 5th character.

Course Title

The Health Banner name of the course being offered.

Course Objective

Detailed learning objective for a course which fulfills at least one Program Objective. A Course Objective can be covered in more than one course.

Program Objective by Med Year


Course Academic Year

Academic year the courses were offered, listed in four digit format for the year the term began.

Med Year

Year of academic progress for the medical school program, year 1-4.

Subject Code

Main instructional subject area for the course as assigned by the state.

Curriculum Program

Core or SELECT options available. Choosing a program will display all items a student in that program could experience.

Program Objective Title

Detailed learning objectives for the Morsani College of Medicine MD student program. Choose one or more Program Objectives to improve readability of the visualizations. You can search for specific words within titles using the box at the top.


Course Count by Med Year

A bar graph showing the count of Course(s) by Med Year for all filters selected. You can drill down the groupings of the bars from Med Year to Course Objectives. Selecting bar(s) in this visualization will highlight the relevant items in the other visualization.

See Records is available for this visualization.

Course Objective Count by Med Year

A bar graph showing the count of Course Objective(s) by Med Year for all filters selected. You can drill down the groupings of the bars from Med Year to Courses to Course Objectives. Selecting bar(s) in this visualization will highlight the relevant items in the other visualization.


Details are accessible via the See Records option on the visualizations. "Course Count by Med Year" allows a view of all details, but the "Course Objective Count by Med Year" only displays the course objectives.

Program Objective by Core/SELECT


Course Academic Year

Academic year the courses were offered, listed in four digit format for the year the term began.

Med Year

Year of academic progress for the medical school program, year 1-4.

Subject Code

Main instructional subject area for the course as assigned by the state.

Curriculum Program

Core or SELECT options available. Choosing a program will display all items a student in that program could experience.

Program Objective Title

Detailed learning objectives for the Morsani College of Medicine MD student program. Choose one or more Program Objectives to improve readability of the visualizations. You can search for specific words within titles using the box at the top.


Course Count by Core and SELECT

Venn diagram of the count of Course(s) by Curriculum Program for filters selected. Courses offered to one program appear in the outside area, with the courses offered to both programs displayed in the overlapping area. You are unable to select items within this visualization for interactivity.

Course Count by Med Year and Curriculum Program

Bar graph of count of Course(s) by Med Year and Curriculum Program (Core or SELECT) for all filters selected. Selecting bar(s) in this visualization will highlight the relevant items in the other visualization.

See Records is available for this visualization.

Program Objective to Session


Course Academic Year

Academic year the courses were offered, listed in four digit format for the year the term began.

Med Year

Year of academic progress for the medical school program, year 1-4.

Subject Code

Main instructional subject area for the course as assigned by the state.

Curriculum Program

Core or SELECT options available. Choosing a program will display all items a student in that program could experience.

Program Objective Title

Detailed learning objectives for the Morsani College of Medicine MD student program. Choose one or more Program Objectives to improve readability of the visualizations. You can search for specific words within titles using the box at the top.


Course Objectives Count

Number of Courses tied to a Program Objective based on all filters and items selected in visualizations or details. A unique Course is identified by a unique Course Number


Course Objectives Count

Number of Course Objectives tied to a Session Objective based on all filters and items selected in visualizations or details. A unique Course Objective is identified by a unique Course Objective text.

Program Objective Count

Number of Program Objectives based on all filters and items selected in visualizations or details. A unique Program Objective is identified by a unique Program Objective text.


Session Count

Number of Session Titles based on all filters and items selected in visualizations or details. A unique Session Title is identified by a unique Session text.


Session Objectives Count

Number of Session Objectives based on all filters and items selected in visualizations or details. A unique Session Objective is identified by a unique Session Objective text.



Course/Course Title Table

Displays Course and Course Title based on all filters and items selected in visualizations or details.

Session and Session Duration Table

The table contains Sessions and Session Durations on all filters and items selected in visualizations or details.

The Columns Consist of:

  1. Session
  2. Duration - Time Spent within in the Session
  3. Preparation Hours - Time Spent Preparing for Session
  4. Total Hours - Sum of both Duration and Preparation Hours


Details are accessible via the See Records option on the Course Count by Med Year and Curriculum Program visualization.

Data Refreshed On

Data in this report is not live, but refreshed regularly. The date on the bottom right of the report displays the last day the data was refreshed from Archivum Curriculum Mapping.  


This report only displays values as the were in Archivum Curriculum Mapping at last refresh as indicated at the bottom of the report. Those values are subject to change over time. Unauthorized use of this report is prohibited. If you log on to this computer system, you acknowledge your awareness of and concurrence with the University of South Florida policies. The University will prosecute violators to the full extent of the law.





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