Exception Approval Process - Tech Purchases

Exception Approval Process - Tech Purchases

If the procurement is not a standard or exceeds the listed thresholds, the purchase requester will login to USF Bull Marketplace and submit a "Technology Purchase Exception Request (UTSB)” for approval. The submitted request will be automatically routed to the appropriate personnel for approval. If approved, the procurement can proceed.

Submit Form

To complete the approval form, select “Technology Purchase Exception Request (UTSB).” Complete the form by entering the information requested.

Once Completed

When completed, the form automatically routes for approval. A form number will be assigned. The requestor can check on the status of the request at any time by returning to USF Bull Marketplace and searching for the form by the number.


When approved the requestor will be notified by email. The requestor can proceed with the purchase or the appropriate Purchasing Department process. Purchasing will only process the Purchase Order after receiving verification that the UTSB has approved the request. Please add your Form Number in your Purchase Requisition for easy reference.


If you are denied you will be notified by email.  The requestor may appeal the decision through the University Technology Standard Board (UTSB) process by simply notifying the same person handling the exception request. The appeal will be considered by the UTSB and a recommendation made to the Vice President for Information Technology.