Outlook - How to share folders from your mailbox

Outlook - How to share folders from your mailbox


This guide is used to share folders from your mailbox to individuals you want to have access. The individuals you select will only have access to the specific folders you select, and not any others.

Only for personal mailboxes. Do not do this with a Shared Mailbox. IT is not liable for any issues that may arise if done with a Shared Mailbox.

Sharing a folder in Outlook on the web

  1. Right click on the word "Folders" at the top of the left panel, and click "Permissions"

  2. Click the plus button and search for the person you want to have access to the folder(s) you'll give them access to later.

  3. Once added, set the permission level to "Reviewer". This will only allow the person you select to be able to get to your mailbox and then see the selected folders. It does not allow them to see your whole mailbox.

  4. Click apply.

  5. On the folder you would like to share, right click and select "Permissions"

  6. Repeat the above to add and give the permissions level you would like them to have to this folder.

  7.  Repeat step 6 for every other folder you'd like to share.

  8. The user who has been added should wait 2 hours, and then use the "Add a shared mailbox" guide, which is found here: How to Add a Shared Mailbox

Once added, they will only be able to see the folders you allow them to.

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Sharing a folder in Outlook Desktop

  1. Right click on your own email address at the top of the left panel, and click "Folder Permissions"

  2. Click "Add" and search for the person you want to have access to the folder(s) you'll give them access to later.

  3. Once added, set the permission level to "Reviewer". This will only allow the person you select to be able to get to your mailbox and then see the selected folders. It does not allow them to see your whole mailbox.

  4. Click apply.

  5. On the folder you would like to share, right click and select "Properties", then navigate to the "Permissions" tab.

  6. Repeat the above to add and give the permissions level you would like them to have to this folder.

  7. Repeat step 6 for every other folder you'd like to share.

  8. The user who has been added should wait 2 hours, and then use the "Add a shared mailbox" guide, which is found here: How to Add a Shared Mailbox

Once added, they will only be able to see the folders you allow them to.

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