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On behalf of the faculty, administration, staff and student body, we are delighted to welcome you to the University of South Florida Morsani College of Medicine (MCOM).

This handbook has been developed by the Office of Educational Affairs to assist you. It contains guidance statements and procedures, as approved by the Dean of the College. The procedures relate to student activities as well as helpful hints and advice on facilitating your experiences in medical school. If you have questions or need clarification, please contact the Office of Student Affairs, MDC 1002, phone 813-974-2068. This Handbook is not a contract between the university and you. Rather it is intended to provide up-to-date information, which may be helpful to you.

Handbook Acknowledgement and Computer Account Certification

Read the Acknowledgement of Receipt and Understanding of the 2018-2019 MD Student Handbook form and Student Pledge of Honor Statement. Submit the signed and dated form to the Office of Student Affairs, MDC 1002.

I acknowledge receipt of the University of South Florida Morsani College of Medicine 2018-2019 MD Student Handbook. By signing this statement, I agree to abide by all guidelines contained herein. I understand that MCOM has the right to periodically review and update its guidelines and procedures in order to serve the needs of the USF and MCOM, and to respond to mandates of the Florida State Legislature, Florida Board of Governors, University of South Florida System Board of Trustees, federal government, and other regulatory and accrediting agencies.

The 2018-2019 MD Student Handbook is not all inclusive of all USF and MCOM guidelines, policies, procedures, and regulations. MCOM reserves the right to change, rescind, or include additional guidelines and procedures in the MCOM 2018-2019 MD Student Handbook. I understand that such changes may occur without notice. I agree it is my responsibility to check online for the latest version of the 2018-2019 MD Student Handbook. I also understand this signed acknowledgement will be kept in my student file in the MCOM Office of Student Affairs until graduation. A copy can be made available for my records, upon request.

Honor Code


In the tradition of the high standards of professional and personal conduct established over two thousand years ago by our ancestral physicians and scientists, the students of the University of South Florida Morsani College of Medicine create this Honor Code.

It is our intention that these standards should guide us not only during our medical training, but also during our lives as physicians, researchers, and community leaders.  In these roles, we hope to pursue actively the respect of our patients, peers, and fellow men and women, rather than to accept passively any respect that may be given our title.

We recognize that the practice of medicine is a great privilege and carries with it the responsibility to uphold certain expectations of character and behavior.  These principles have long been held as the foundation of ethical medicine, and we must recognize that fact as we now enter the medical community.  The central elements of the oaths and creeds repeated over history by those entering medicine comprise the ideals of Self-discipline, Judgement, Conscience, and Personal Responsibility.

                SELF-DISCIPLINE:  We will strive to master the information presented to us in the classroom, laboratory, and clinic, and will conduct ourselves in a manner befitting our role as healers, scientists, and leaders.

                JUDGEMENT:  We will adopt only the highest standards and ideals to shape our actions and decisions concerning academic, professional, and personal affairs.

                CONSCIENCE:  We will hold life in the highest regard, whether human or animal, and will strive to uphold human dignity.

                PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY:  We will deal honestly with our patients and colleagues, and will encourage such behavior in others by example.  We recognize that personal accountability can be delegated to no higher authority than oneself.



I have read and understand the statement of the Honor Code in the Preamble and understand the procedures outlined in this document, and hereby agree to abide by them.

As stated in the USF Technology Polices, I understand that the following activity is forbidden and may subject me to loss of my computer account, administrative sanctions and penalties by the University and/or Morsani College of Medicine, as well as imprisonment and fine by civil authorities. I will not:

  • ·         Use any account managed by USF-IT or other USF department other than my own.
  • ·         Allow another person to access my account.
  • ·         Share my password.
  • ·         Use computing resources for private profit or for promoting a religious or political group.
  • ·         Intentionally impede the legitimate use of computing facilities by other people.
  • ·         Use facilities, including printers, for junk mail, mass mailing, or non-course related work.
  • ·         Use computers to access pornographic material.

Individuals using this system without authority or in excess of their authority are subject to having all of their activities on this system monitored and recorded by system personnel. While monitoring individuals improperly using this system or during system maintenance the activities of authorized users may be examined. Anyone using this system agrees to such examination and is advised that if it reveals possible evidence of criminal activity, system personnel may provide this evidence to law enforcement officials.



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Philosophy of Medical Education

Medicine, as a profession for the 21st century, must be responsive to social needs and demands, as well as keeping pace with changing technology. In response to this challenge, the faculty of MCOM emphasizes ongoing review and adaptation of educational programs to meet the needs of society for today and tomorrow.

The curriculum is designed to instill in the medical student the attitude of a compassionate, competent physician. Principles stressed to achieve this goal include development of a strong foundation in the basic sciences relevant to the practice of clinical medicine, early exposure to patients in a clinical setting, an emphasis on active student-centered learning, and leveraging technology in both classroom and clinical settings. Through these principles students learn to take on progressive responsibility for patient care commensurate with their level of training. Using a competency based curriculum, student progress is tracked to ensure that graduates are well prepared for residency training.

Student progress toward these competencies is carefully monitored to determine that mastery of knowledge fundamental to the basic sciences in a meaningful relation to clinical medicine is achieved. Although during the first and second years the emphasis is on the sciences basic to medicine, clinical medicine is an integral part of training beginning in the first year. The latter two years emphasize clinical training with repeated reinforcement of basic science themes throughout the educational process. Interactive learning is practiced through small group discussions, laboratory exercises, clinical performance encounters and examinations, self-directed online instruction, and extensive interaction with patients and physician mentors in outpatient and inpatient settings. Through this training program students will attain established competencies related to the knowledge, skills, attitudes and values of a physician.


Morsani College of Medicine Mission, Vision, and Values


The mission of the Morsani College of Medicine at the University of South Florida is to provide for the education of students and professionals of the health and biomedical sciences through the creation of a scholarly environment that fosters excellence in the lifelong goals of education, research activity and compassionate patient care.


The Morsani College of Medicine will strive for national prominence through excellence, professionalism, diversity, timeliness and strategic growth.


The faculty and staff at MCOM commit to these values as guides for our decisions and behaviors:

High Standards

In upholding the highest standards, we will:

  • ·         Demonstrate ethical leadership by example
  • ·         Conduct ourselves with integrity, avoiding conflicts of interest
  • ·         Hold our work to the highest academic standards

Respect for Individuals

In valuing respect for individuals, we pledge to:

  • ·         Treat others with respect and dignity, honoring individual differences
  • ·         Promote open communication and listen proactively
  • ·         Create collegial environment based on loyalty to our co-workers

Advancing Knowledge

In expressing our passion for learning, we encourage:

  • ·         Exploration of new ideas in our teaching and research
  • ·         Risk-taking and acceptance of the inevitable mistakes
  • ·         Diverse learning opportunities where creativity thrives
  • ·         Interdisciplinary teamwork

Personal Development and Leadership

Recognizing that exceptional quality begins with people, we create:

  • ·         A culture of personal development and professional fulfillment
  • ·         A workplace where expectations are matched by our reward system
  • ·         An atmosphere where people value the balance between work and family
  • ·         A mentor-rich culture where faculty, staff and students can enhance their leadership skills

Commitment to Health

Supporting our fundamental belief in the doctor/patient relations, we are committed to:

  • ·         The highest quality medical care to our patients
  • ·         Training the next generation of physicians and health care professionals to be capable and compassionate
  • ·         Promoting good health and well-being in response to the needs of our community
  • ·         Our community partners who help us achieve excellence in all that we do

Students are expected to follow all policies as delineated on the University of South Florida Student Handbook webpage. Students are also expected to follow the guidelines set out below.


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