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Annually, the Provost and college leadership engage in a review of the highlights, challenges, opportunities and goal setting of each college and unit in Academic Affairs. Throughout the year colleges are provided data updates (PPAs) on goals established in consultation with the Provost and the leadership team, culminating in a final report of actual performance to goal.


Undergraduate Lower Level FTE
Undergraduate Lower Level FTE


Report: Undergraduate Lower Level FTE

A student who has earned less than 60 credit hours, or a student who has not been admitted to the upper division. (BOG)

Source: ODS Internal - Student Instruction File (SIF)
Metric Data: AY (U+F+S)
Prompts: NA
Filters: College Group, Course Campus, Course College
Report: PPA Metrics: Tab 4: Enrollments



Education Abroad:  Number of Unduplicated Students
Education Abroad:  Number of Unduplicated Students


Report: Education Abroad:  Number of Unduplicated Students

Unduplicated number of degree seeking USF students (undergraduate and graduate) by 'home' college, engaging in any international credit‐bearing and (a small number of) non‐credit bearing experiences. These international experiences include participation in University‐sponsored exchanges, faculty‐led programs, international internships, and service learning programs as well as international experiences sponsored by another university or third party entity.This excludes independent study.

Source: External
Metric Data: AY (U+F+S)
Prompts: NA
Filters: College Group, Course Campus, Course College
Report: PPA Metrics: Tab 5: Education Abroad



Undergraduate Research Activity (Number of Students)
Undergraduate Research Activity (Number of Students)


Report: Undergraduate Research Activity (Number of Students)

This data reflects the number of students enrolled in specific courses for the academic year (monitored by OUR using Banner data) with activities or assignments in support of undergraduate research: an inquiry or investigation conducted by an undergraduate student that makes an original intellectual or creative contribution to the discipline.

Source: ODS Internal - Student Instruction File (SIF)
Metric Data: AY (U+F+S)



Internships (Number of Students)
Internships (Number of Students)


Report: Internships (Number of Students)

The data represents the number of students enrolled in Internship course sections (and equivalent courses, such as preceptorship) for the academic year.

Source: ODS Internal - Student Instruction File (SIF)
Metric Data: AY (U+F+S)



Service Learning (Number of Students)
Service Learning (Number of Students)


Report: Service Learning (Number of Students)

Service‐learning is a form of community engaged learning that explicitly connects academic courses with civic engagement, which includes individual and collective actions designed to identify and address issues of public concern, and to make a difference in the civic life of our communities. The key components of servicelearningservice learning are: (1) that it enhances the understanding of course content and is tiedtied  to specific learning goals through consciously designed reflection, (2) that one of the learning goals is civic engagement, intended to enhance students' sense of personal responsibility to participate in the public realm to address current pressing social problems, and thus going beyond the academic or skill based goals of the course, and (3) that it develops a reciprocal relationship through which the experiential activities are planned and implemented through a collaboration with a community partner so that they meet needs specifically identified by that partner. The data resource is Banner designated service‐learning courses and courses forwarded from each of the schedulers that should have been designated in banner as service‐learning. (Office of Community Engagement and Partnerships)

Source: ODS Internal - Student Instruction File (SIF)
Metric Data: AY (U+F+S)



Undergraduate In‐state
Undergraduate In‐state


Report: Undergraduate In‐state

The actual average of the total Undergraduate costs of tuition and fees (which will vary by income group due to the amount of credit hours students are enrolled) minus the average Gift Aid amount for In‐State students.

Source: External
Metric Data: AY (U+F+S)
Prompts: NA
Filters: College Group, Course Campus, Course College, Course Delivery Method
Report: PPA Metrics: Tab 2: Net Tuition



Undergraduate Out‐of‐state
Undergraduate Out‐of‐state


Report: Undergraduate Out‐of‐state

The actual average of the total Undergraduate costs of tuition and fees (which will vary by income group due to the amount of credit hours students are enrolled) minus the average Gift Aid amount for Out‐of‐State students.

Source: External
Metric Data: AY (U+F+S)
Prompts: NA
Filters: College Group, Course Campus, Course College, Course Delivery Method
Report: PPA Metrics: Tab 2: Net Tuition



Graduate In-state
Graduate In-state


Report: Graduate In-state

The actual average of the total Graduate costs of tuition and fees (which will vary by income group due to the amount of credit hours students are enrolled) minus the average Gift Aid amount for In‐State students.

Source: External
Metric Data: AY (U+F+S)
Prompts: NA
Filters: College Group, Course Campus, Course College, Course Delivery Method
Report: PPA Metrics: Tab 2: Net Tuition



Graduate Out‐of‐state
Graduate Out‐of‐state


Report: Graduate Out‐of‐state

The actual average of the total Graduate costs of tuition and fees (which will vary by income group due to the amount of credit hours students are enrolled) minus the average Gift Aid amount for Out‐of‐State students.

Source: External
Metric Data: AY (U+F+S)
Prompts: NA
Filters: College Group, Course Campus, Course College, Course Delivery Method
Report: PPA Metrics: Tab 2: Net Tuition



Grand Total
Grand Total


Report: Grand Total

The actual average of the total costs of tuition and fees (which will vary by income group due to the amount of credit hours students are enrolled) minus the average Gift Aid amount.(BOG) Tuition dollars reflected exclude the portion of differential tuition that is associated with Financial Aid.

Source: External
Metric Data: AY (U+F+S)
Prompts: NA
Filters: College Group, Course Campus, Course College, Course Delivery Method
Report: PPA Metrics: Tab 2: Net Tuition



Average GPA and SAT Score for Incoming Freshmen
Average GPA and SAT Score for Incoming Freshmen


Report: Average GPA and SAT Score for Incoming Freshmen

An average weighted grade point average of 4.0 or higher and an average SAT score of 1800 or higher for fall semester incoming freshmen, as reported annually in the admissions data that universities submit to the Board of Governors. This data includes registered First‐Time‐In‐College students.

Source: ODS Internal - Student Instruction File (SIF)
Metric Data: Fall



Freshmen in Top 10% of High School Graduating Class for Incoming Freshmen
Freshmen in Top 10% of High School Graduating Class for Incoming Freshmen


Report: Freshmen in Top 10% of High School Graduating Class for Incoming Freshmen 

Percent of all degree‐seeking, first‐time, first‐year (freshman) students who had high school class rank within the top 10% of their graduating high school class. As reported by the university to the Common Data Set (C10).

Source: ODS Internal - Student Instruction File (SIF)
Metric Data: Fall



Freshman Acceptance Rate for Incoming Freshmen
Freshman Acceptance Rate for Incoming Freshmen


Report: Freshman Acceptance Rate for Incoming Freshmen 

Acceptance rate is determined by the ratio of the number of students who are admitted to a university to the number of total applicants that applied to that Fall term.

Source: ODS Internal - Student Instruction File (SIF)
Metric Data: Fall



University Access Rate (Percent of Undergraduates with a Pell Grant)
University Access Rate (Percent of Undergraduates with a Pell Grant)


Report: University Access Rate (Percent of Undergraduates with a Pell Grant) 

This metric is based the number of undergraduates, enrolled during the fall term, who received a Pell‐grant during the fall term. Unclassified students, who are not eligible for Pellgrants, were excluded from this metric. Source: Accountability Report

Source: ODS Internal - Student Instruction File (SIF)
Metric Data: Fall



Average Cost to the Student
Average Cost to the Student


Report: Average Cost to the Student

For each of the last four years of data, the annual undergraduate total full expenditures (includes direct and indirect expenditures) were divided by the total fundable student credit hours to create a cost per credit hour for each year. This cost per credit hour was then multiplied by 30 credit hours to derive an average annual cost. The average annual cost for each of the four years was summed to provide an average cost per degree for a baccalaureate degree that requires 120 credit hours. Sources: State University Database System (SUDS), Expenditure Analysis: Report IV.

Source: External
Metric Data: Fall



Freshman Retention Rate (Full‐time, FTIC) USF
Freshman Retention Rate (Full‐time, FTIC) USF


Report: Freshman Retention Rate (Full‐time, FTIC): USF

Freshman Retention Rate (Full‐time, FTIC) as reported annually to the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS). The retention rates that are reported in the Board's annual Accountability report are preliminary because they are based on student enrollment in their second fall term as reported by the 28th calendar day following the first day of class. When the Board of Governors reports final retention rates to IPEDS in the Spring (usually the first week of April), that data is based on the student enrollment data as reported after the Fall semester has been completed. The preliminary and final retention rates are nearly identical when rounded to the nearest whole number.

Source: ODS Internal - Student Instruction File (SIF)
Metric Data: Fall
Report: PPA Metrics: Tab 1: PPA Metrics



Freshman Retention Rate (Full‐time, FTIC) SAME COLLEGE
Freshman Retention Rate (Full‐time, FTIC) SAME COLLEGE


Report: Freshman Retention Rate (Full‐time, FTIC): SAME COLLEGE

Freshman Retention Rate (Full‐time, FTIC) in the same college as reported annually to the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) . The retention rates that are reported in the Board's annual Accountability report are preliminary because they are based on student enrollment in their second fall term as reported by the 28th calendar day following the first day of class. When the Board of Governors reports final retention rates to IPEDS in the Spring (usually the first week of April), that data is based on the student enrollment data as reported after the Fall semester has been completed. The preliminary and final retention rates are nearly identical when rounded to the nearest whole number.

Source: ODS Internal - Student Instruction File (SIF)
Metric Data: Fall 
Prompts: NA
Filters: College Group, Course Campus, Course College
Report: PPA Metrics: Tab 1: PPA Metrics



Academic Progress Rate (2nd Year Retention with GPA above 2.0) USF
Academic Progress Rate (2nd Year Retention with GPA above 2.0) USF


Report: Academic Progress Rate (2nd Year Retention with GPA above 2.0): USF

Percent Retained with GPA Above 2.0 is based on student enrollment in the Fall term following their first years for those students with a GPA of 2.0 or higher at the end of their first year (Fall, Spring, Summer). The most recent year of Retention data is based on preliminary data (SIFP file) that is comparable to the final data (SIF file) but may be revised in the following years based on changes in student cohorts. (BOG)

Source: ODS Internal - Student Instruction File (SIF)
Metric Data: Fall
Prompts: NA
Filters: College Group, Course Campus, Course College
Report: PPA Metrics: Tab 1: PPA Metrics



Academic Progress Rate (2nd Year Retention with GPA above 2.0) SAME COLLEGE
Academic Progress Rate (2nd Year Retention with GPA above 2.0) SAME COLLEGE


Report: Academic Progress Rate (2nd Year Retention with GPA above 2.0): SAME COLLEGE

Percent Retained in same college with GPA Above 2.0 is based on student enrollment in the Fall term following their first years for those students with a GPA of 2.0 or higher at the end of their first year (Fall, Spring, Summer). The most recent year of Retention data is based on preliminary data (SIFP file) that is comparable to the final data (SIF file) but may be revised in the following years based on changes in student cohorts. (BOG)

Source: ODS Internal - Student Instruction File (SIF)
Metric Data: Fall
Prompts: NA
Filters: College Group, Course Campus, Course College
Report: PPA Metrics: Tab 1: PPA Metrics



4‐Year Graduation Rate (Full‐time, FTIC) USF
4‐Year Graduation Rate (Full‐time, FTIC) USF


Report: 4‐Year Graduation Rate (Full‐time, FTIC): USF

This metric complies with the requirements of the federal Student Right to Know Act that requires institutions to report the completion status at 200% of normal time (or four years).This metric does include students who enrolled as part‐time students (in their first year).This metric does not include student transfers into the institution. Percent Graduated reports the percent of FTICs who graduated from the same institution within four years.(BOG)

Source: ODS Internal - Degrees Awarded File (SIFD)
Metric Data: AY (U+F+S)
Prompts: NA
Filters: College Group, Course Campus, Course College
Report: PPA Metrics: Tab 1: PPA Metrics



4‐year Graduation Rate (Full‐time, FTIC) SAME COLLEGE
4‐year Graduation Rate (Full‐time, FTIC) SAME COLLEGE


Report: 4‐year Graduation Rate (Full‐time, FTIC): SAME COLLEGE

This metric complies with the requirements of the federal Student Right to Know Act that requires institutions to report the completion status at 200% of normal time (or four years).This metric does include students who enrolled as part‐time students (in their first year).This metric does not include student transfers into the institution. Percent Graduated reports the percent of FTICs who graduated from the same institution within four years.(BOG)

Source: ODS Internal - Degrees Awarded File (SIFD)
Metric Data: AY (U+F+S)
Prompts: NA
Filters: College Group, Course Campus, Course College
Report: PPA Metrics: Tab 1: PPA Metrics



6‐Year Graduation Rate (Full‐time, FTIC) USF
6‐Year Graduation Rate (Full‐time, FTIC) USF


Report: 6‐Year Graduation Rate (Full‐time, FTIC): USF

This metric complies with the requirements of the federal Student Right to Know Act that requires institutions to report the completion status at 150% of normal time (or six years).This metric does include students who enrolled as part‐time students (in their first year).This metric does not include student transfers into the institution. Percent Graduated reports the percent of FTICs who graduated from the same institution within six years.(BOG)

Source: ODS Internal - Degrees Awarded File (SIFD)
Metric Data: AY (U+F+S)
Prompts: NA
Filters: College Group, Course Campus, Course College
Report: PPA Metrics: Tab 1: PPA Metrics



6‐year Graduation Rate (Full‐time, FTIC) SAME COLLEGE
6‐year Graduation Rate (Full‐time, FTIC) SAME COLLEGE


Report: 6‐year Graduation Rate (Full‐time, FTIC): SAME COLLEGE

This metric complies with the requirements of the federal Student Right to Know Act that requires institutions to report the completion status at 150% of normal time (or six years).This metric does not include students who enrolled as parttimepart time students (in their first year), or who transfer into the institution. Percent Graduated reports the percent of FTICs who graduated from the same institution within six years.(IPEDS)

Source: ODS Internal - Degrees Awarded File (SIFD)
Metric Data: AY (U+F+S)
Prompts: NA
Filters: College Group, Course Campus, Course College
Report: PPA Metrics: Tab 1: PPA Metrics



6‐year Graduation Rate (Full‐ and Part‐time, FTIC) USF
6‐year Graduation Rate (Full‐ and Part‐time, FTIC) USF


Report: 6‐year Graduation Rate (Full‐ and Part‐time, FTIC): USF

This metric complies with the requirements of the federal Student Right to Know Act that requires institutions to report the completion status at 150% of normal time (or six years).This metric does include students who enrolled as part‐time students (in their first year).This metric does not include student transfers into the institution. Percent Graduated reports the percent of FTICs who graduated from the same institution within six years.(BOG)

Source: ODS Internal - Degrees Awarded File (SIFD)
Metric Data: AY (U+F+S)
Prompts: NA
Filters: College Group, Course Campus, Course College
Report: PPA Metrics: Tab 1: PPA Metrics



6‐year Graduation Rate (Full‐ and Part‐time, FTIC) SAME COLLEGE
6‐year Graduation Rate (Full‐ and Part‐time, FTIC) SAME COLLEGE


Report: 6‐year Graduation Rate (Full‐ and Part‐time, FTIC): SAME COLLEGE

This metric complies with the requirements of the federal Student Right to Know Act that requires institutions to report the completion status at 150% of normal time (or six years).This metric does not include students who enrolled as parttimepart time students (in their first year), or who transfer into the institution. Percent Graduated reports the percent of FTICs who graduated from the same institution within six years.(IPEDS)

Source: ODS Internal - Degrees Awarded File (SIFD)
Metric Data: AY (U+F+S)
Prompts: NA
Filters: College Group, Course Campus, Course College
Report: PPA Metrics: Tab 1: PPA Metrics



2‐year Graduation Rate (AA Transfers) USF
2‐year Graduation Rate (AA Transfers) USF


Report: 2‐year Graduation Rate (AA Transfers): USF

AA Transfer cohort is defined as undergraduates entering in the fall term (or summer continuing to fall) and having earned an AA degree from an institution inthe inthe Florida College System. For comparability with FTIC cohorts, AA Transfer cohorts are based on undergraduate students who enter the institution in the Fall term (or Summer term and continue into the Fall term) and graduate from the same institution within two years.(BOG)

Source: ODS Internal - Degrees Awarded File (SIFD)
Metric Data: AY (U+F+S)
Prompts: NA
Filters: College Group, Course Campus, Course College
Report: PPA Metrics: Tab 1: PPA Metrics



2‐year Graduation Rate (AA Transfers) SAME COLLEGE
2‐year Graduation Rate (AA Transfers) SAME COLLEGE


Report: 2‐year Graduation Rate (AA Transfers): SAME COLLEGE

AA Transfer cohort is defined as undergraduates entering in the fall term (or summer continuing to fall) and having earned an AA degree from an institution in the Florida College System. For comparability with FTIC cohorts, AA Transfer cohorts are based on undergraduate students who enter the institution in the Fall

term (or Summer term and continue into the Fall term) and graduate from the same institution within two years.(BOG)

Source: ODS Internal - Degrees Awarded File (SIFD)
Metric Data: AY (U+F+S)
Prompts: NA
Filters: College Group, Course Campus, Course College
Report: PPA Metrics: Tab 1: PPA Metrics



4‐year Graduation Rate (AA Transfers) USF
4‐year Graduation Rate (AA Transfers) USF


Report: 4‐year Graduation Rate (AA Transfers): USF

AA Transfer cohort is defined as undergraduates entering in the fall term (or summer continuing to fall) and having earned an AA degree from an institution in the Florida College System. For comparability with FTIC cohorts, AA Transfer cohorts are based on undergraduate students who enter the institution in the Fall term (or Summer term and continue into the Fall term) and graduate from the same institution within four years.(BOG)

Source: ODS Internal - Degrees Awarded File (SIFD)
Metric Data: AY (U+F+S)
Prompts: NA
Filters: College Group, Course Campus, Course College
Report: PPA Metrics: Tab 1: PPA Metrics



4‐year Graduation Rate (AA Transfers) SAME COLLEGE
4‐year Graduation Rate (AA Transfers) SAME COLLEGE


Report: 4‐year Graduation Rate (AA Transfers): SAME COLLEGE

AA Transfer cohort is defined as undergraduates entering in the fall term (or summer continuing to fall) and having earned an AA degree from an institution in the Florida College System. For comparability with FTIC cohorts, AA Transfer cohorts are based on undergraduate students who enter the institution in the Fall term (or Summer term and continue into the Fall term) and graduate from the same institution within four years.(BOG)

Source: ODS Internal - Degrees Awarded File (SIFD)
Metric Data: AY (U+F+S)
Prompts: NA
Filters: College Group, Course Campus, Course College
Report: PPA Metrics: Tab 1: PPA Metrics



Bachelors Degrees Awarded
Bachelors Degrees Awarded


Report: Bachelors Degrees Awarded

The number of Undergraduate degrees awarded is a count of graduates with certain skill sets (not an unduplicated count of degrees), so we include all of the disciplines/CIP codes that a student completes – this includes first majors, second majors, and dual degrees. (BOG)

Source: ODS Internal - Degrees Awarded File (SIFD)
Metric Data: AY (U+F+S)
Prompts: NA
Filters: College Group, Course Campus, Course College
Report: PPA Metrics: Tab 1: PPA Metrics



Masters Degrees Awarded
Masters Degrees Awarded


Report: Masters Degrees Awarded

The number of Graduate degrees awarded is a count of graduates with certain skill sets (not an unduplicated count of degrees), so we include all of the disciplines/CIP codes that a student completes – this includes first majors, second majors, and dual degrees. (BOG)

Source: ODS Internal - Degrees Awarded File (SIFD)
Metric Data: AY (U+F+S)
Prompts: NA
Filters: College Group, Course Campus, Course College
Report: PPA Metrics: Tab 1: PPA Metrics



Doctoral Degrees Awarded
Doctoral Degrees Awarded


Report: Doctoral Degrees Awarded

The number of Graduate degrees awarded is a count of graduates with certain skill sets (not an unduplicated count of degrees), so we include all of the disciplines/CIP codes that a student completes – this includes first majors, second majors, and dual degrees. (BOG)

Source: ODS Internal - Degrees Awarded File (SIFD)
Metric Data: AY (U+F+S)
Prompts: NA
Filters: College Group, Course Campus, Course College
Report: PPA Metrics: Tab 1: PPA Metrics



Bachelor's Degrees Awarded in Areas of Strategic Emphasis (includes STEM) (%)
Bachelor's Degrees Awarded in Areas of Strategic Emphasis (includes STEM) (%)


Report: Bachelor's Degrees Awarded in Areas of Strategic Emphasis (includes STEM) (%)

This metric is based on the number of Undergraduate or Graduate degrees awarded within the programs designated by the Board of Governors as ‘Programs of Strategic Emphasis’. A student who has multiple majors in the subset of targeted Classification of Instruction Program codes will be counted twice (i.e., double‐majors are included). (BOG)

Source: ODS Internal - Degrees Awarded File (SIFD)
Metric Data: AY (U+F+S)
Prompts: NA
Filters: College Group, Course Campus, Course College
Report: PPA Metrics: Tab 1: PPA Metrics



Percent of Bachelor's Degrees Awarded in STEM and Health
Percent of Bachelor's Degrees Awarded in STEM and Health


Report: Percent of Bachelor's Degrees Awarded in STEM and Health

The percentage of Graduate degrees that are classified as STEM by the Board of Governors in the SUS program inventory as reported in the annual Accountability Report (Table 5C).

Source: ODS Internal - Degrees Awarded File (SIFD)
Metric Data: AY (U+F+S)
Prompts: NA
Filters: College Group, Course Campus, Course College
Report: PPA Metrics: Tab 1: PPA Metrics



Graduate Degrees Awarded in Areas of Strategic Emphasis (includes STEM) (%)
Graduate Degrees Awarded in Areas of Strategic Emphasis (includes STEM) (%)


Report: Graduate Degrees Awarded in Areas of Strategic Emphasis (includes STEM) (%)

This metric is based on the number of graduate degrees awarded within the programs designated by the Board of Governors as ‘Programs of Strategic Emphasis’. A student who has multiple majors in the subset of targeted Classification of Instruction Program codes will be counted twice (i.e., doublemajorsdouble majors are included). Source: Accountability Report (Table 5C)

Source: ODS Internal - Degrees Awarded File (SIFD)
Metric Data: AY (U+F+S)
Prompts: NA
Filters: College Group, Course Campus, Course College
Report: PPA Metrics: Tab 1: PPA Metrics



Percent of Graduate Degrees Awarded in STEM and Health
Percent of Graduate Degrees Awarded in STEM and Health


Report: Percent of Graduate Degrees Awarded in STEM and Health

The percentage of Graduate degrees that are classified as STEM by the Board of Governors in the SUS program inventory as reported in the annual Accountability Report (Table 5C).

Source: ODS Internal - Degrees Awarded File (SIFD)
Metric Data: AY (U+F+S)
Prompts: NA
Filters: College Group, Course Campus, Course College
Report: PPA Metrics: Tab 1: PPA Metrics
