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title08.21.2024 2024-2025 Project Kickoff


Xiaoying Liu ,Kevin Meleedy , Brisey Lopez Bello , Shruti Kumar


  1. Project description, roles/responsibilities, project structure.

    1. 2023 2025 Project Structure, planning and tracking. (Jira, Confluence)

    2. Stakeholder management. – External dependencies. (IT, Libraries, Finance, Admissions)

  2. External kick off, Internal communication, project status.

  3. Changes for the 2024 2025 cycle. - Xiaoying/Shruti.

  4. Registration cycle updates. - Xiaoying/Shruti.

  5. Pending item from Retrospective. - Confirm how

    1. Create or connect Jira issues on the EDR board. - Kevin to prep sign off documents for all surveys. - Directors and Valeria should sign off. - Sign off should happen after the Final Review meeting. - The Project Management for all surveys will be kept as is.


  1. Project description, roles/responsibilities, project structure.

    1. Xiaoying - SME/Data owner for all surveys with the exception of the external ones and HR. - Sign off as Unit Data Coordinator.

    2. Shruti - Product Owner/Accountable Officer- Accountable Officer. - Provide final approval and sign off as Accountable Officer on all “internal“ surveys with the exception of HR.

    3. Adam - Accountable Officer for HR survey. -Final approval and sign off.

    4. Valeria - Key Holder - Sign off on all surveys as ODS Representative.

    5. Kevin - BA - Documentation Support, EDR process, create and submit DocuSign for surveys sign off.

    6. Chirag - SME/Data owner for Human Resources survey. -Sign off as Unit Data Coordinator.

    7. Brisey - PMIT, . - Project plan, tracking, meetings coordination, project status, blockers (navigate resolution).

    8. IT, Admissions, Financial Aid, Finance and Libraries 2023

  2. 2025 Project Structure, planning and tracking. (Jira, Confluence)

  3. Stakeholder management. – External dependencies. (IT, Libraries, Finance, Admissions)

    1. General kick off from Valeria.

    2. Communication as needed from the team.

  4. External kick off, Internal communication, project status.

  5. Changes for the 2024 cycle.

  6. Registration cycle UPDATES.

  7. Pending item from Retrospective.

    1. Create or connect Jira issues on the EDR board. - Kevin to prep sign off documents for all surveys. - Directors and Valeria should sign off. - Sign off should happen after the Final Review meeting. - The Project Management for all surveys will be kept as is.

Action items
    1. Brisey will draft email for Valeria to send to the external units. This will contain:

      1. High level aspects on the importance of the IPEDS submission.

      2. General info regarding the ODS team.

      3. Changes for the 2025 cycle.

      4. IPEDS calendar

      5. Link to ODS website for historical information/surveys.

  1. Changes for the 2025 cycle.

    1. Xiaoying brought up the document containing the changes and outlined the following:

      1. Some changes identified on the Financial Aid survey, that will require review from the unit.

      2. Fall Enrollment Survey- Incorporate students who have completed their bachelor's degree into the survey data. This should be reflected in the dashboards to ensure consistency.
        Analysis will commence once the Fall enrollment period begins.

      3. Shruti attended a webinar that covered the changes related to the survey. Shewill share the webinar link, to be shared with the units. Team members are encouraged to watch the event to gain insights and generate better ideas for implementation.

      4. Some minor changes on the HR survey.

      5. No dependencies have been identified from IT, there's no need to update the logic.

  2. Registration cycle- status.

    1. Team met with Valeria and discussed all questions and Cynthia.

    2. Question for Valeria regarding reporting map. - We should be updating it. (Per Valeria). - Email from Shruti to Tracy to confirm this, forwarding Billie Jo response for last year to provide some context.

  3. Pending item from Retrospective.

    1. Create or connect Jira issues on the EDR board. - Kevin to prep sign off documents for all surveys. - Directors and Valeria should sign off. - Sign off should happen after the Final Review meeting. - The Project Management for all surveys will be kept as is. - Approved, implementation is in Progress.

      1. Directors will provide final approval of all data.

      2. If escalation on data issues is required the team will reach out to Valeria ahead of time.

      3. SMEs will sign off as Unit data coordinators, Directors will sign off as Accountable Officers and Valeria as ODS Representative.

      4. Kevin will create and submit the documents through DocuSign.

  4. Final approval- This process is changing for the 2025 cycle. Final approval will be executed in two parts.

    1. A 30 min minutes where the Directors will review the data, item by item with the SME and team and provide approval. A 15 min meeting with Valeria, just to brief her on high-level items.

Action items

  • Draft kick off email for Valeria. - Brisey- 08/22/2024

  • Finalize stakeholder sheet. - Kevin, 08/22/2024

  • Send out general kick off to the external units - Valeria - 08/23/2024

  • Reach out to Tracy to confirm the Reporting map. - Shruti- 08/23/2024

  • Schedule bi-weekly meetings and final review meetings for all cycle. - Brisey. - 08/30/2024

title08.14.2024 Final Review-Spring Cycle


Xiaoying Liu ,Kevin Meleedy , Brisey Lopez Bello , Shruti Kumar


  1. Start Registration Cycle

    1. IC-Header survey

  2. Official kick off

  3. Project initial phase

    1. Project plan-Jira

    2. Confluence updates

    3. Box

    4. Stakeholder registry


  1. Start Registration Cycle

    1. IC-Header survey

      1. Team has already registered.

  2. Official kick off

    1. Kevin will update the stakeholder sheet and place it in box. - 08.16.2024

    2. Changes- Several changes will be present for the upcoming cycle. - Xiaoying will review and get ready to explain the changes during the kickoff meeting.

      1. Kevin placed the changes document in box.

      2. Shruti and Xiaoying will review the changes document tomorrow 08.14.2024. They will decide and let PM know if there’s a need to send an immediate communication to the external units.

      3. Agenda item for kick off, revisit the following item from the retro:

        1. Create or connect Jira issues on the EDR board. - Kevin to prep sign off documents for all surveys. - Directors and Valeria should sign off. - Sign off should happen after the Final Review meeting. - The Project Management for all surveys will be kept as is.

  3. Review items from Retrospective.

    1. For now, we can keep communication with external units through emails.

      1. Brisey will draft kick off email from Valeria.

  4. Project initial phase

    1. Project plan-Jira

    2. Confluence updates

    3. Box

    4. Stakeholder registry

Action items
