2024-2025 IPEDS Meeting minutes & Lessons
- Brisey Lopez Bello
Meeting minutes
@Xiaoying Liu ,@Kevin Meleedy , @Brisey Lopez Bello , @Shruti Kumar
Winter surveys.
Admissions - Xiaoying shared the Admissions survey with Kevin. Kevin then reached out to Admissions and share the box folder containing the survey, requesting their approval. Kevin will follow up with Admissions today.
IT is required to add all the students with Denied status back. This was discussed with IT last year but this wasn't fixed. ODS needs this for building the dashboard for CDS and IPEDS. - This was also discussed during the meeting on 12/16/2024. - DONE.
Cost II- Xiaoying/Shruti went through the changes with Financial AID a while ago. - Follow up with Admissions.
Student Financial Aid. Follow up with Admissions. Kevin.
ODS pulls the data and shares with Admissions for approval. - We still submit an EDR for this one.
They have their own data and compare it with what we give them.
GRS 200- Inconsistencies were found bt the cohort adjustment and internal cohort file (ODS). Xiaoying met with IT and discussed these discrepancies. IT will work on adjusting their logic to fix the issue. - Xiaoying will check with IT for updates (today 01/14). She hasn’t heard anything back since we came back from the winter holidays.
GRS. - DONE, ready to be locked.
Outcome measures have no issues so far. - Once the SIF file is submitted (Due 01/17, Registrar’s Office), we will then re-run the appworx job to populate the students that are still enrolled. Xiaoying will complete this next week.
Check on pending items from the Registration Cycle. - Report Mapping update. - Shruti will reach out to Tracy Armes to follow up on this. - Target Dec 20th. - DONE. Shuti reached out to Tracy Armes and she confirmed that this process is still ongoing.
Kevin discussed the need for documentation for the newly added survey Cost I and II. - Brisey will create required issues in Jira. - Kevin to work on this next week. - Jan 31s target date. -
Kevin needs to draft the steps and run it by Xiaoying.
Brisey will send the invites for final and exec review. - DONE.
@Xiaoying Liu ,@Kevin Meleedy , @Brisey Lopez Bello , @Shruti Kumar
Winter surveys.
Cost II- Xiaoying/Shruti went through the changes with Financial AID a while ago.
ODS pulls the data and shares with Admissions for approval. - We still submit an EDR for this one.
They have their own data and compare it with what we give them.
GRS 200- Inconsistencies were found bt the cohort adjustment and internal cohort file (ODS). Xiaoying met with IT and discussed these discrepancies. IT will work on adjusting their logic to fix the issue.
Admissions - IT is required to add all the students with Denied status back. This was discussed with IT last year but this wasn't fixed. ODS needs this for building the dashboard for CDS and IPEDS. - This was also discussed during the meeting on 12/16/2024.
GRS and Outcome measures have no issues so far.
Kevin will check in with Financial Aid to check on progress/current status.
Xiaoying will follow up with IT through email, when we are back from the Winter break. -
Check on pending items from the Registration Cycle. - Report Mapping update. - Shruti will reach out to Tracy Armes to follow up on this. - Target Dec 20th.
Kevin discussed the need for documentation for the newly added survey Cost I and II. - Brisey will create required issues in Jira. - Kevin to work on this next week. - Dec 20th target date. -
Brisey will send the invites for final and exec review. - DONE.
@Xiaoying Liu ,@Kevin Meleedy , @Brisey Lopez Bello , @Shruti Kumar
Winter surveys.
Cost II- Xiaoying/Shruti went through the changes with Financial AID a while ago.
ODS pulls the data and shares with Admissions for approval. - We still submit an EDR for this one.
They have their own data and compare it with what we give them.
Xiaoying is working in all the internal surveys at the moment.
No need to meet with IT, email communication happens if Xiaoying finds any issues.
Check on pending items from the Registration Cycle. - Report Mapping update. - Shruti will reach out to Tracy Armes to follow up on this.
Report Mapping Progress: Shruti confirmed that the report mapping is in progress, with a dependency on financial aid, which is out of the team's control. The team is awaiting updates from financial aid regarding this task.
Kevin discussed the need for documentation for the newly added survey Cost I and II. - Brisey will create required issues in Jira. - Kevin to work on this next week. - Dec 13th target date.
Brisey will send the invites for final and exec review.
@Xiaoying Liu ,@Kevin Meleedy , @Brisey Lopez Bello , @Shruti Kumar
Final review. Cost I, Completions. 12 months enrollment.
Cost I.
12 months enrollment.
All surveys were reviewed during the meeting. Shruti approved all of them. Surveys are ready to be locked.
Prior to the meetings Xiaoying and her team performed QA on all data points.
Kevin will send DocuSigns for all surveys following the Exec review.
High-level points were discussed with Valeria during the executive review. Including the significant decrease on Physical Therapy degrees. - Valeria provided her approval to move forward with locking the surveys on Wednesday, Oct 14th, 2024.
Action items
Report Mapping: Follow up with financial aid for report mapping status (Shruti) - Around October.
Data Discrepancies: Resolve data discrepancies in 12 months enrollment survey with IT (Xiaoying)
Documentation: Document workflow steps for Cost 1 and 2 surveys (Kevin).
Meeting with Financial Aid: Schedule and conduct a meeting with financial aid to discuss survey changes (Shruti)
Email Communication: Forward the email sent to financial aid to Brisey and Kevin (Shruti)
Draft kick off email for Valeria. - Brisey- 08/22/2024 - DONE
Finalize stakeholder sheet. - Kevin, 08/22/2024- DONE
Send out general kick off to the external units - Valeria - 08/23/2024 - DONE
Reach out to Tracy to confirm the Reporting map. - Shruti- 08/23/2024 - DONE
Schedule bi-weekly meetings and final review meetings for all cycle. - Brisey. - 08/30/2024 - DONE
@Xiaoying Liu ,@Kevin Meleedy , @Brisey Lopez Bello , @Shruti Kumar
Check on pending items from the Registration Cycle. - Report Mapping update.
Status on the fall surveys. -
Communication with Financial Aid.
Check on pending items from the Registration Cycle. - Report Mapping update.
Report Mapping Progress: Shruti confirmed that the report mapping is in progress, with a dependency on financial aid, which is out of the team's control. The team is awaiting updates from financial aid regarding this task.
Status on the fall surveys. -
The work on all three surveys has already started.
Xiaoying reported finding discrepancies in the data for the 12 months enrollment survey, which requires modifications to the logic by IT. She met IT last Thursday 09/05/2024. She will follow up with them later this week.
Move Final review meeting, because IT just implemented for the 12 months enrollment survey- Xiaoying needs to review it before moving forward with the completion of the survey.
Completions- Xiaoying is reviewing the Completion data, she’s waiting on Cynthia to provide an updated list of Distance Education Programs. - Xiaoying to send a follow up email to confirm date.
Cost I- Kevin sent the survey for review, they approved it already. They should sign off on the survey.
Kevin discussed the need for documentation for the newly added survey Cost I and II. - Brisey will create required issues in Jira. --- Target end of October.
Shruti is arranging a meeting with financial aid to confirm the changes and walk them through the new survey structure, emphasizing the importance of this meeting for the project's documentation. - DONE.
Shruti explained that the new survey components are not entirely new but are restructured from existing surveys, with some questions moved from institutional characteristics to cost one and from SFA to cost two.
Brisey outlined the schedule for upcoming meetings, including a final review on October 9th and an executive debrief with Valeria on October 10th. This planning aims to ensure all project components are reviewed and approved in a timely manner. - The team was comfortable with this plan.
Action items
Report Mapping: Follow up with financial aid for report mapping status (Shruti) - Around October.
Data Discrepancies: Resolve data discrepancies in 12 months enrollment survey with IT (Xiaoying)
Documentation: Document workflow steps for Cost 1 and 2 surveys (Kevin).
Meeting with Financial Aid: Schedule and conduct a meeting with financial aid to discuss survey changes (Shruti)
Email Communication: Forward the email sent to financial aid to Brisey and Kevin (Shruti)
Draft kick off email for Valeria. - Brisey- 08/22/2024 - DONE
Finalize stakeholder sheet. - Kevin, 08/22/2024- DONE
Send out general kick off to the external units - Valeria - 08/23/2024 - DONE
Reach out to Tracy to confirm the Reporting map. - Shruti- 08/23/2024 - DONE
Schedule bi-weekly meetings and final review meetings for all cycle. - Brisey. - 08/30/2024 - DONE
Previous cycle
Process Highlights- FOR PM/TEAM REFERENCE
Registration Cycle
The Registration link is sent to the keyholder on the second Wednesday of August. Keyholder is required to share this with the team, since they don’t receive this information directly.
For the 2024-2025 cycle, They divided the survey Institutional Characteristics in two pieces: Institutional characteristics (Due with the registration submission) and Cost (CST) Part I (Due with the Fall Submission). CST I will be completed by ODS.
They also added a new survey, Cost II, which is responsibility of Financial Aid.
We have dependencies from IT for all internal surveys, with the exception of Institutional Characteristics.
Lessons Learned
Financial Aid, Lesson Learned: Double check the questions with them before sending them out to IPEDS. The other option is having them outline the questions in a clear and proper way.
Provide them with clear dates to allow team to finalize sign off or anything.