Versions Compared


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Cube NameDimension Unique NameDescription
SAM Goals
[DIMSAM Goals]
Baseline Assessment Category
SAM Goals[DIMSAM Goals]
Performance target assessment category of the objective/learning outcome. (Compliant, Needs Work, etc.)
SAM GoalsBaseline Assessment DescriptionPerformance target assessment description of the objective/learning outcome..
SAM Goals
[DIMSAM Goals]
CampusThis field defines the campus associated with the program that is being reviewed
SAM Goals
[DIMSAM Goals]CampusCollegeMajorHierarchy
CampusCollegeMajorHierarchyHierarchy showing the organizational structure of the individual plans starting at Campus level with drill downs to College and Major
SAM Goals
[DIMSAM Goals]CIP Code
CIP CodeProgram CIP code
SAM Goals
[DIMSAM Goals]
College DivisionCollege name / Division name
SAM Goals
[DIMSAM Goals]
Cycle YearCycle Year
SAM Goals
[DIMSAM Goals]Degree Type
Degree TypeDegree (BA, BS, MA, etc)
SAM Goals
[DIMSAM Goals]
Flag Baseline Assessment ActiveFlag indicating whether the Baseline Assessment is Active or not
SAM Goals
[DIMSAM Goals]
Flag Method Assessment ActiveFlag indicating whether the Method Assessment is Active or not
SAM Goals
[DIMSAM Goals]
Flag Objective Assessment ActiveFlag indicating whether the Objective Assessment is Active or not
Flag Objective Group Assessed This CycleFlag indicating whether the Objective Group has been assessed for a particular cycle
SAM Goals
[DIMSAM Goals]
Flag Result Assessment ActiveFlag indicating whether the Result Assessment is Active or not
Flag UseOfResult Assessemt ActiveFlag indicating whether the Use of Result Assessment is Active or not
SAM Goals
[DIMSAM Goals]
Goal StatementGoal Statement
SAM Goals
[DIMSAM Goals]
Goal StatusGoal Status (Submitted, Working , Unknown)
SAM Goals
[DIMSAM Goals]
Goal TypeGoal Type (Communication Skills , Critical Thinking Skills, Discipline-Specific Knowledge, General Goal, Not Assigned, Other (non-ALC))
SAM Goals
[DIMSAM Goals]
Learning Outcome Reviewed StatusLearning Outcome Reviewed Status (Not Reviewed, Plan Reviewed, Report Reviewed)
SAM Goals
[DIMSAM Goals]Level TypeSAM Goals[DIMSAM Goals]Major UnitSAM Goals[DIMSAM Goals]Method Assessment CategorySAM Goals[DIMSAM Goals]Method Assessment DescriptionSAM Goals[DIMSAM Goals]Objective Assessment CategorySAM Goals[DIMSAM Goals]
Level TypeLevel or type of the program or unit.  Values include Undergraduate, Graduate, Centers and Institues and Administrative.
SAM GoalsMajor UnitAcademic major or administrative unit.
SAM GoalsMethod Assessment CategoryMethod assessment category of the objective/learning outcome. (Compliant, Needs Work, etc.)
SAM GoalsMethod Assessment DescriptionObjective/learning outcome assessment description of the objective/learning outcome.
SAM GoalsObjective Assessment CategoryObjective/learning outcome assessment category of the objective/learning outcome. (Compliant, Needs Work, etc.)
SAM GoalsObjective Assessment Description
SAM Goals
[DIMSAM Goals]Plan StatusSAM Goals[DIMSAM Goals]Plan Type NameSAM Goals[DIMSAM Goals]Result Assessment CategorySAM Goals[DIMSAM Goals]Result Assessment DescriptionSAM Goals[DIMSAM Goals]Review StatusSAM Goals[DIMSAM Goals]Review TitleSAM Goals[DIMSAM Goals]UseOfResult Assessment CategorySAM Goals[DIMSAM Goals]UseOfResult Assessment DescriptionSAM Goals[Measures]Measures


cube_nameMeasureGroup_Namemeasure_Namemeasure_descriptionEXPRESSIONSAM GoalsFACTSAM
Plan StatusPlan status code. 0 = Not started, 1 = Edited, 2 = Submitted, 4 = Reviewed, 5 = Reopened
SAM GoalsPlan Type NameName of the plan type. (ex. Academic, Administrative)
SAM GoalsResult Assessment CategoryResults assessment category of the objective/learning outcome. (Compliant, Needs Work, etc.)
SAM GoalsResult Assessment DescriptionResults assessment description of the objective/learning outcome. 
SAM GoalsReview StatusReview status code. 0 = Plan not reviewed, 1 = Plan not approved, 2 = Plan approved, 3 = Report not reviewed, 4 = Report not approved, 5 = Report approved, 6 = In review
SAM GoalsReview TitleReview title or description. (Developed, Non-compliant, etc.)
SAM GoalsUseOfResult Assessment CategoryUse of results assessment category of the objective/learning outcome. (Compliant, Needs Work, etc.)
SAM GoalsUseOfResult Assessment DescriptionUse of results assessment description of the objective/learning outcome.


Cube NameMeasure NameMeasure DescriptionEXPRESSION
SAM GoalsCount Learning OutcomeCount Learning OutcomeThis computes the total number of learning outcomes available for an assessment.