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BOG Views AnchorBOG ViewsBOG ViewsViews


Table and view naming standards aid developers by providing uniformity for Data Warehouse database objects.

BOG Views

Views of BOG tables created under DATA_HUB should end with "_VW".


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Course-Section Tables

Tables containing course-section information should begin with CRSE_SECT.


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titleTable of Contents
  • BOG Views
  • Course-Section Tables
  • DATA_HUB Tables and Views
  • Detail Tables
  • GOFAST Tables
  • Grade Tables
  • ID Request Tables
  • OASIS Financial Information Tables (OFI)
  • ODS Table
  • Registration Tables
  • Snapshot Tables and Materialized Views
  • Summary Table
  • Table/View Groupings
  • Table/View Name Length

    DATA_HUB Tables and Views



    Tables and ViewsDATA_HUB Tables and Views

    DATA_HUB tables should begin with HUB. DATA_HUB views created under MARTIAN should end with "_V".  Example: HUB_BUILDINGS_V

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    Detail Tablesanchor

    Detail Tables

    Detail TablesA detail table should end with DETAIL.  Examples: CRSE_SECT_DETAIL, GRDE_DETAIL

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    GOFAST Tables

    AnchorGOFAST TablesGOFAST TablesGOFAST tables should begin with GOFAST.  Example: GOFAST_DL_CTRL

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    Grade Tables


    Grade TablesGrade TablesGrade tables should begin with GRDE.  Example: GRDE_DETAIL

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    ID Request Tables Anchor

    ID Request Tables

    ID Request TablesData Warehouse ID request tables should begin with IDR.  Example: IDR_APPROVAL

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    OASIS Financial Information Tables (OFI)


    OASIS financial information tables should begin with OFI.  Example: OFI_JRNL_TRANS

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    ODS Table (temporary table, control table)

    AnchorODS TableODS Table

    An ODS table is a table used to hold data during a data extract/load process and that will not be made available to users should have a name that begins with ODS_ (Optional Data Store). ODS tables are often referred to as temporary tables, even though, some tables contain data that is not truncated after use.  Data in a table, such as a control table, may be updated or appended via an automated process or manually input. Control table names should also begin with ODS_.  If data in a control table needs to be made available to users, create a view of the ODS table using the table name minus ODS_.  Examples: ;ODS_GOFAST_GRANT_BUDGET_TREE, ODS_GOFAST_DL_CTRL

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    Registration Tables


    Registration Tables Registration TablesTables containing OASIS registration information should begin with REG. Tables containing student registration information should begin with REG_STDN.  Examples: REG_TRANS_SUM, REG_STDN_CRN_HIST

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    Snapshot Tables and Materialized Views Anchor

    Snapshot Tables and Materialized Views

    Snapshot Tables and Materialized ViewsA snapshot tables and materialized views should have the same name as the table in the production system, and it should be prefixed with the system name.  Examples: FAST_PS_FUND_TBL, OASIS_SPRIDEN_USF_ID, GEMS_PS_ACCT_CD_TBL

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    Summary Tableanchor

    Summary Table

    Summary TableA summary table name should end with _SUM or SUMMARY.  Examples: REG_CS_SCH_SUM, AWS_COURSE_SECTION_SUMMARY

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    Table/View Groupings

    AnchorTable/View GroupingsTable/View GroupingsTables/views sharing a close association should have names that group them together.  Examples: GOFAST_DL_BS, GOFAST_DL_REVEXP, and HUB_ADM_EXCEPTIONS_CURR, HUB_ADM_EXCEPTIONS_HIST

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    Table/View Name Length

    AnchorTable/View Name LengthTable/View Name LengthIf the table/view will be assigned a DAL, the length of the name cannot be longer than 27 characters or the nightly DAL view create process will fail. Back to Top

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