Data Warehouse Oracle Tables & Views Naming Standards

Data Warehouse Oracle Tables & Views Naming Standards


Table and view naming standards aid developers by providing uniformity for Data Warehouse database objects.

BOG Views

Views of BOG tables created under DATA_HUB should end with "_VW".  Example: APPLICANTS_ADMITS_VW

Course-Section Tables

Tables containing course-section information should begin with CRSE_SECT.  Example: CRSE_SECT_DETAIL_CURRENT

DATA_HUB Tables and Views

DATA_HUB tables should begin with HUB. DATA_HUB views created under MARTIAN should end with "_V".  Example: HUB_BUILDINGS_V

Detail Tables

A detail table should end with DETAIL.  Examples: CRSE_SECT_DETAIL, GRDE_DETAIL


GOFAST tables should begin with GOFAST.  Example: GOFAST_DL_CTRL

Grade Tables

Grade tables should begin with GRDE.  Example: GRDE_DETAIL

ID Request Tables

Data Warehouse ID request tables should begin with IDR.  Example: IDR_APPROVAL

OASIS Financial Information Tables (OFI)

OASIS financial information tables should begin with OFI.  Example: OFI_JRNL_TRANS

ODS Table (temporary table, control table)

An ODS table is a table used to hold data during a data extract/load process and that will not be made available to users should have a name that begins with ODS_ (Optional Data Store). ODS tables are often referred to as temporary tables, even though, some tables contain data that is not truncated after use.  Data in a table, such as a control table, may be updated or appended via an automated process or manually input. Control table names should also begin with ODS_.  If data in a control table needs to be made available to users, create a view of the ODS table using the table name minus ODS_.  Examples: ;ODS_GOFAST_GRANT_BUDGET_TREE, ODS_GOFAST_DL_CTRL

Registration Tables

Tables containing OASIS registration information should begin with REG. Tables containing student registration information should begin with REG_STDN.  Examples: REG_TRANS_SUM, REG_STDN_CRN_HIST

Snapshot Tables and Materialized Views

A snapshot tables and materialized views should have the same name as the table in the production system, and it should be prefixed with the system name.  Examples: FAST_PS_FUND_TBL, OASIS_SPRIDEN_USF_ID, GEMS_PS_ACCT_CD_TBL

Summary Table

A summary table name should end with _SUM or SUMMARY.  Examples: REG_CS_SCH_SUM, AWS_COURSE_SECTION_SUMMARY

Table/View Groupings

Tables/views sharing a close association should have names that group them together.  Examples: GOFAST_DL_BS, GOFAST_DL_REVEXP, and HUB_ADM_EXCEPTIONS_CURR, HUB_ADM_EXCEPTIONS_HIST

Table/View Name Length

If the table/view will be assigned a DAL, the length of the name cannot be longer than 27 characters or the nightly DAL view create process will fail. 

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