Learning Analytics Reports

Learning Analytics Reports

Table of Contents

Overview: Learning Analytics Reports

The 'Learning Analytics reports' are diagnostic dashboards that showcase the canvas data (Assignment scores, submission timelines etc. ) combined with student data like grades,  gender, demographics, and other variables from Banner to provide tracking and insights into  students’ learning behavior.  The goals overall  are to identify factors that may impact and improve learning outcomes and success rates for students enrolled in PSY 2012 and identify factors that may impact and improve overall degree progression and graduation rates for students.

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Use the report filters to drill down to specific populations or trends in the the data.

Helpful Hints

Filters are listed on both the top and left side of the report.

Refresh: Reports are refreshed on demand 

Read below for information on working with the reports, or click on the Report Elements Glossary link in the Table of Contents above to view definitions for the report filters and display elements. 

Report1: LA – Trend over terms 

Tab 1: Submission Trends


One USF College

One USF Dept






Course Section


Delivery Method 

Student Type

Quiz Type

Report Visualizations

Term: This visual displays the 3 terms of the year  

Avg Submissions: This visual displays the average submissions per student

Total Submissions: This visual displays total submissions of all students

Distinct Assignments: This visual displays the distinct assignments 

Total Enrollments: This visual displays the total student enrollment 

% On-Time Submissions: This line chart displays the % On-Time Submissions

Conditions that flag an assignment as on time are

No Due Date  

OR Due Date exists and Score Exists and sub date exists and  due date>sub date 

OR Due Date exists and Score Exists (not 0 or \n) and Sub date does not exist 

OR Due Date exists and Score Does not exist (\n) and Sub date exists and due date>sub date

% Late Submissions: This line chart displays the % Late Submissions 

 Conditions that flag an assignment as late are

Due Date exists and Score Exists and sub date exists and  due date<sub date 

OR Due Date exists and Score Does not exist (\n) and Sub date exists and due date<sub date

% Not Submitted: This line chart displays the % of not submitted assignments

Conditions that flag an assignment as not submitted are

Due Date exists and Score Exists (0) and Sub date does not exist

OR Due Date exists and Score Does not exist (\n) and Sub date does not exist

Tab 2: Grade Trends


One USF College

One USF Dept






Course Section


Delivery Method 

Student Type

Quiz Type

Report Visualizations

Term: This visual displays the 3 terms of the year

% A Grades: This line chart shows the % of students who scored 'A' grade

% B& C Grades: This line chart shows the % of students who scored 'B' and 'C' grades

% D,F & W Grades: This line chart shows the % of students who scored 'D', 'F' and W grades

% Other Grades: This line chart shows the % of students who scored grades  other than the above

Report 2: LA – Assignment Submission & Grades

Tab 1:Assignment Submission & Grades


One USF College

One USF Dept






Course Section


Student Name

FT / PT 

Delivery Method 

Student Type

Quiz Type

Report Visualizations

Student's Grade: This displays the grade obtained by the student in the specific section of the course

Class Grade: This line chart displays the student count, Percentage grouped by their grades (A, B etc.)

Student Submission: This pie chart displays the breakdown of the student's assignment submission timelines by On-Time/Not Submitted and Late.

Class Submission: This pie chart displays the breakdown of the student's assignment submission timelines by On-Time/Not Submitted and Late.

Student Submission Details: This table displays the details of the student's assignments (Assignment name, Submission Status ,Score and Quiz Type)

Class Submission Details: This bar chart displays the class's submission status percentages for each assignment

Student Score%: This line chart displays the student's scores trend in the various assignments.

Class Score%: This line chart display's the class's average scores trend in the various assignments.

Report 3: LA – Graduation


One USF College

One USF Dept






Course Section

FT / PT 

Delivery Method 

Student Type


Year of Course 

Report Visualizations

Total Cohort#: Total number of student enrolled for selected cohort.

Graduated # : No of student graduated for selected cohort.

                       Visual : This pie chart displays count of students graduated in 4 year , 6 year , 6+ year or Not graduated.

ACT Score :  This chart displays ACT score in range with count of students.

SAT Old Score: This chart displays SAT Score (OLD) in range with count of students.

SAT Score : This chart displays SAT score in range with count of students.

GPA Score : This chart displays GPA score in range with count of students.

Transfer GPA Score : This chart displays Transfer GPA Score in range with count of students.

Report Elements Glossary

The table below lists all of the elements used in the report LA – Graduation





OneUSF College[BI_Analytics].[dbo].[LA_StudentCourseMaster]-Global CollegeThis field describe Global College .
One USF Dept[BI_Analytics].[dbo].[LA_StudentCourseMaster]- Global DepartmentThis field describe Global Dept.
Campus[BI_Analytics].[dbo].[LA_StudentCourseMaster] - CampusCampus
Term[BI_Analytics].[dbo].[LA_StudentCourseMaster] - Term
Major[BI_Analytics].[dbo].[LA_StudentCourseMaster]-MajorStudent Major
Gender[BI_Analytics].[dbo].[LA_StudentCourseMaster] - GenderStudent Gender
Ethnicity[BI_Analytics].[dbo].[LA_StudentCourseMaster] - EthnicityStudent Ethinicity
Course Section

LA_StudentCourseMaster[CRS_PREFIX] + LA_StudentCourseMaster[CRS_NBR] + LA_StudentCourseMaster[CRS_SECTN_NBR]

Student Grade[BI_Analytics].[dbo].[LA_StudentCourseMaster] - GradeStudent Grade for selected course 
Student uid[BI_Analytics].[dbo].[LA_StudentCourseMaster] - UIDStudent UID
Student name[BI_Analytics].[dbo].[LA_StudentCourseMaster] - NameStudent Name 
Student Type[BI_Analytics].[dbo].[LA_StudentCourseMaster]- Student TypeStudent type like FTIC , College Transfer , Other Transfer 
FT/PT[BI_Analytics].[dbo].[LA_StudentCourseMaster] - FT/PTFull Time or Part Time
Grade[BI_Analytics].[dbo].[LA_StudentCourseMaster] - Grade
Year of Course[BI_Analytics].[dbo].[LA_StudentCourseMaster] - Year of course

Delivery Method 

[BI_Analytics].[dbo].[LA_StudentCourseMaster] - Delivery method 

The table below lists all of the elements used in the report LA – Assignment Submission and Grades  and in the LA - Trend over terms reports





OneUSF Collegesid_enrollments.Global_CollegeGlobal College
One USF Deptsid_enrollments.Global_DeptGlobal Department
Campussid_enrollments.HOMECAMPUSStudent Campus
Majorsid_enrollments.MAJORStudent Major
Gendersid_enrollments.GENDERStudent gender
Ethnicitysid_enrollments.ETHNICstudent Ethnicity
Course Section





Course Section
UIDsid_enrollments.UIDStudent UID
Student NameSID_Person_Demo.name_last,nameStudent Full name






Derived from Logic based on these fields
Delivery Method



Derived from logic based these two tables.
Student Typesid_enrollments.stu_recent_adm_typ
Derived from Logic based on these fields
Quiz TypeLa_Quiz_Dim
Letter Gradessid_courses_taken
Enrollment CountSID_Person_Demo




 UID SID_Person_Demo.UID
Student Assignment nameLA_ASSIGNMENT_DIM
Student Assignment ScoreLA_ASSIGNEMENT_FACT
Student Submission DateLA_SUBMISSION_DIM

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