College Reviews

College Reviews

College Review reports are a product of the USF System Office of Decision Support (ODS). These reports have been automated by IT on behalf of ODS as a part of a joint venture. The functional data and business process are owned by ODS. These reports have been validated and signed off by ODS prior to being made available via the IT-BIA Data and Analytics portal. For all functional questions regarding the metrics please contact ods-data-help@usf.edu . For technical assistance with the D&A portal, please contact it-bia@usf.edu.

The reports are used in the college review process to compare and contrast college performance across the past 5 years. Further data are available at a department level within the colleges. The various key metrics span across Access, Fiscal Resources, Human Resources, Progression & Retention, Research, and Student Success.

Data Refresh:

Where applicable, the report footer indicates when the data last refreshed and whether any data are incomplete. In addition, the footer notes include the type of benchmark data provided, such as Preliminary or Final. 

Academic Program Planning & Review

Report: Academic Program Reviews and External Accreditations

This report displays a list of the academic programs reviewed by year. The report displays in separately grouped panels, depending on the review year. If recommendations have been implemented, the report also provides the status of the report (the report displays a Status Report Submitted column). 

Prompts: N/A

Tab1:  Academic Program Reviews and External Accreditations

This report displays a list of the academic programs reviewed by year. The report displays in separately grouped panels, depending on the review year. If recommendations have been implemented, the report also provides the status of the report (the report displays a Status Report Submitted column). 



Review Year

Report Elements

College Reviews#Year Sub Header



CIP Title

Degree Level

Status Report Submitted

Report: Low Productivity Academic Program Review

This report displays the programs that have not met the performance thresholds set by the Board of Governors and by USF for the number of degrees awarded over a five-year period. The report includes responses from the colleges to the assessments.

Prompts: N/A



Review Year

Report Elements





Total Degrees Over Five Years

College Reviews#College Response Summary

Report: New Academic Programs Proposed

This report displays all the proposed new degree programs that are proceeding through the approval process at the university and, if appropriate, the Board of Governors. It does not include new majors or concentrations added under an existing degree program CIP Code. (BOG)

Prompts: N/A

Tab1:  New Academic Programs Proposed

This report displays all the proposed new degree programs that are proceeding through the approval process at the university and, if appropriate, the Board of Governors. It does not include new majors or concentrations added under an existing degree program CIP Code. (BOG)



Review Year

College Reviews#Proposal Type

 Report Elements


College Reviews#Proposal Type




College Reviews#Status

College Reviews#Implementation Date

Report: Terminated Academic Programs

This report displays the academic degree programs (i.e., the entire CIP Code) that have been or are in process of being removed from the Board of Governor's inventory of programs. This does not include majors or concentrations terminated under an existing degree program. 

Prompts: N/A



Review Year

Report Elements


College Reviews#Accountability Report Date




College Reviews#BOT Action

College Reviews#BOG Termination


Report: Education Abroad: Headcount by Level

This report shows the unduplicated number of degree and non‐degree seeking USF students (undergraduate and graduate) by "home" college, who are engaging in any international credit-bearing and (a small number of) non‐credit-bearing experiences. These international experiences include participation in University‐sponsored exchanges, faculty‐led programs, international internships, and service learning programs as well as international experiences sponsored by another university or third party entity. This excludes independent study.

Report Business Logic Exceptions
CollegeSpecial Filters used in the college's publication
USF World Campus-Tampa; Person Race-Non-Resident Alien

Prompts: N/A

Tab1: Education Abroad: Headcount by Level

 This tab displays the headcount of Education Abroad students.


Ed Abroad Campus

College Reviews#Ed Abroad College

Report Elements

Student Level

Financial Aid Year 

Student Count

Report: Enrollment by Level

This report shows the enrollment by level over the last 3 years for the campuses/colleges/departments.

Report Business Logic Exceptions
CollegeSpecial Filters used in the college's publication
USF World Campus-Tampa; Person Race-Non-Resident Alien
Graduate Studies Campus-Tampa and Lakeland;  Student Type-Graduate 
CyberSecurityStudent CIP- 43.0303
Honors CollegeCampus-Tampa; Flag Student Honors- True; Course Level-Undergraduate

Prompts: N/A

Tab1: Enrollment by Level by Academic Year (SCH)

This tab displays enrollment by level (SCH) over the years for the campuses/colleges/departments in a tabular format and as a bar graph. Student Credit Hours (SCH) for a course section is the total number of fundable student credit hours (SCHs) generated (to the nearest tenth) for the course section based on the actual enrollment with "State Fundable Credit Hours.". (BOG)


College Reviews#Course Campus

Course  College

College Reviews#Course Department

Report Elements

College Reviews#Course Level Group:    Undergraduate - Lower Level, Upper Level; Graduate - Grad I, Grad II

College Reviews#Academic Year 

College Reviews#Credit Hours Gross

Tab 2: Enrollment by Level by Academic Year (FTE)

This tab displays enrollment by level (FTE) over the years for the campuses/colleges/departments in a tabular format and as a bar graph. Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) student is a measure of instructional effort (and student activity) that is based on the number of credit hours that students enroll by course level. FTE is based on the Florida definition, which divides undergraduate credit hours by 40 and graduate credit hours by 32 (US definition based on Undergraduate FTE = 30 and Graduate FTE = 24 credit hours). In 2013-14, the Florida Legislature chose to no longer separate funded non-resident FTE from funded resident FTE. Funded enrollment is as reported in the General Appropriations Act and Board of Governors’ Allocation Summary. (BOG)


College Reviews#Course Campus

Course  College

College Reviews#Course Department

Report Elements

College Reviews#Course Level Group:  Undergraduate - Lower Level, Upper Level; Graduate - Grad I, Grad II

College Reviews#Academic Year 

College Reviews#FTE Federal Gross Student

Report: Enrollment by Level by Term

This report shows the enrollment by level by term over the last 5 years for the campuses/colleges/departments.

Report Business Logic Exceptions
CollegeSpecial Filters used in the college's publication
USF World Campus-Tampa; Person Race-Non-Resident Alien’

Prompts: N/A

Tab1: Enrollment by Level by Term

This tab displays enrollment by level (SCH) over the years for the campuses/colleges/departments in a tabular format and as a bar graph. Student Credit Hours (SCH) for a course section is the total number of fundable student credit hours (SCHs) generated (to the nearest tenth) for the course section based on the actual enrollment with "State Fundable Credit Hours." (BOG)


College Reviews#Org Unit Campus

College Reviews#Org Unit College

College Reviews#Org Unit Department

Report Elements

College Reviews#Course Level Group:     Undergraduate - Lower Level, Upper Level; Graduate - Grad I, Grad II

College Reviews#Academic Year 

College Reviews#Credit Hours Gross

Report: Fully Online Programs 

This report displays the number of fully online programs (degree or certificate) by college. A fully online program is where 100% of the direct instruction of the program is available using some form of technology where the student and instructor are separated by time, space, or both. All program requirements that cannot be completed online can be completed off‐campus. (BOG) Online Degree Programs are updated once a year by the Associate Deans or designee in each college. Fully online programs require an AA or AS for admission into the program.

Report Business Logic Exceptions
CollegeSpecial Filters used in the college's publication
Innovative EducationYear

Prompts: N/A

Tab1: Fully Online Programs

 This tab displays the fully online programs by College.



InnEd Review Year

Report Elements

Name of the Program

Level (Graduate or Undergraduate)

Report: Headcount by Level

This report shows the student headcount by level over the last 5 fall terms for the campuses/colleges/departments. This variable reflects the percent of students at different levels of the total student enrollment (headcount) based on fall enrollment. The level is the categorization of student progress at the beginning of the term toward a specific degree or certificate as it applies to allocation of resources within the State University System.(BOG)

Report Business Logic Exceptions
CollegeSpecial Filters used in the college's publication
USF World Campus-Tampa; Person Race-Non-Resident Alien
CyberSecurityStudent CIP- 430303
Graduate Studies Campus-Tampa and Lakeland;  Student Type-Graduate 
Honors CollegeCampus-Tampa; Flag Student Honors- True; Student Level-Lower and Upper 

Prompts: N/A

Tab1: Headcount by Level

 This tab displays the student headcount by level over the fall terms for the campuses/colleges/departments.


College Reviews#Org Unit Campus

College Reviews#Org Unit College

College Reviews#Org Unit Department

Report Elements

College Reviews#Student Level :  Undergraduate - Lower Level, Upper Level; Graduate - Grad I, Grad II

Lower Level: A student who has earned less than 60 credit hours, or a student who has not been admitted to the upper division. (BOG)

Upper Level: A student who has earned 60 or more credit hours or has an associate of arts degree and has completed requirements in English and Mathematics as prescribed by FAC 6A - 10.030 or is working toward an additional baccalaureate degree. (BOG)

Grad Level I: A graduate student who has been formally admitted to a graduate degree program and is not an advanced graduate student. (BOG)

Grad Level II: A graduate student who has been formally admitted to a recognized Doctoral or Post-Master's degree program. (BOG)

College Reviews#Term Title : Fall terms only

College Reviews#Academic Year 

College Reviews#Count Enrollment

%1-Year Change:  Difference in percentage in headcounts between the latest 2 fall terms.

Report: Headcount by Nationality - Appendix

This report shows the student enrollment headcount categorized by country of origin (including the US) over the last 5 fall terms for all campuses. This report provides additional information for the Headcount by Nationality (Top 10) report. 

Report Business Logic Exceptions
CollegeSpecial Filters used in the college's publication
USF World Campus-Tampa; Person Race-Non-Resident Alien; Student Type: Graduate, Undergraduate
Honors CollegeCampus-Tampa; Flag Student Honors- True; Student Level-Lower and Upper 

Prompts: N/A

Tab1: Headcount by Nationality - Appendix

This report lists the enrollment for all USF campuses by country of origin at the time of fall enrollment over the last five fall terms.

The report can be filtered to give enrollment numbers for only graduate or only undergraduate students.


College Reviews#Org Unit Campus

College Reviews#Org Unit College

College Reviews#Student Type : Graduate, Undergraduate

Report Elements

College Reviews#Country of Nationality

College Reviews#Term Title: Fall terms only

College Reviews#Count Enrollment

%1-Year Change:  Difference in percentage in headcounts between the latest 2 fall terms.

Report: Headcount by Nationality (Top 10)

This report shows the student enrollment by nationality for the top 10 countries over the last 5 fall terms for the Tampa campus. 

Report Business Logic Exceptions
CollegeSpecial Filters used in the college's publication
USF World Campus-Tampa; Person Race-Non-Resident Alien; Student Type: Graduate, Undergraduate

Prompts: N/A

Tab1: Headcount by Nationality (Top 10)

This report lists the USF student enrollment for the top 10 countries of origin at the time of fall enrollment over the last five terms. The report provides totals and percentages for graduate enrollment, undergraduate enrollment, and total enrollment. 

The report displays the data in tabular and bar chart formats for the top ten countries of origin, with counts for each of the top 10 countries over the last five fall terms. 


College Reviews#Org Unit Campus

College Reviews#Org Unit College

College Reviews#Student Type : Graduate, Undergraduate

Report Elements

College Reviews#Country of Nationality

College Reviews#Term Title: Fall terms only

College Reviews#Count Enrollment

%1-Year Change:  Difference in percentage in headcounts between the latest 2 fall terms.

Report: Headcount International

This report shows the student headcount by international status over the last 5 fall terms for the campuses/colleges/departments. It reflects the percent of international students (i.e., non-resident aliens) of the total student enrollment (headcount) based on fall enrollment. An international student is a person who is not a citizen national of the United States and who is in this country on a visa or temporary basis and does not have the right to remain indefinitely. (BOG)

Report Business Logic Exceptions
CollegeSpecial Filters used in the college's publication
USF World Campus-Tampa; Person Race-Non-Resident Alien
Graduate Studies Campus-Tampa and Lakeland;  Student Type-Graduate 
CyberSecurityStudent CIP- 430303
Honors CollegeCampus-Tampa; Flag Student Honors- True; Student Level-Lower and Upper 

Prompts: N/A

Tab1: Headcount International

 This tab displays the student headcount by international status over the fall terms for the campuses/colleges/departments.


College Reviews#Org Unit Campus

College Reviews#Org Unit College

College Reviews#Org Unit Department

Report Elements

College Reviews#International Status International, Non-International

College Reviews#Student Type:         Graduate, Undergraduate

College Reviews#Term Title (Fall)

College Reviews#Academic Year 

College Reviews#Count Enrollment

%1-Year Change:  Difference in headcount percentage between the latest 2 fall terms.

Report: Headcount Residency

This report shows the student headcount by residency over the last 5 fall terms for the campuses/colleges/departments. It reflects the percent of instate and out-of-state students relative to the total student enrollment (headcount) based on fall enrollment. Residency of a student, within or outside of the State of Florida, is identified for the purpose of assessing fees at the institution. A student shall be classified as Florida or Non-Florida as of the first day of classes. (BOG)

Report Business Logic Exceptions
CollegeSpecial Filters used in the college's publication
USF World Campus-Tampa; Person Race-Non-Resident Alien
Graduate Studies Campus-Tampa and Lakeland;  Student Type-Graduate 
CyberSecurityStudent CIP- 430303
Honors CollegeCampus-Tampa; Flag Student Honors- True; Student Level-Lower and Upper 

Prompts: N/A

Tab1: Headcount by Residency

 This tab displays the student headcount by level over the fall terms for the campuses/colleges/departments.


College Reviews#Org Unit Campus

College Reviews#Org Unit College

College Reviews#Org Unit Department

Report Elements

Residency Status: Instate, Out of State

College Reviews#Student Type:  Graduate, Undergraduate

College Reviews#Term Title:  Fall (filter selected)

College Reviews#Academic Year 

College Reviews#Count Enrollment

%1-Year Change:  Difference in percentage between the latest 2 fall terms.

Report: Online Education by Level

This report shows the FTE Fundable and Credit Hours Fundable for Online Education over the last 3 years for the campuses/colleges/departments. An online course is a course in which at least 80 percent of the direct instruction of the course is delivered using some form of technology where the student and instructor are separated by time or space or both (per 1009.24(17), F.S.). (BOG)

Report Business Logic Exceptions
CollegeSpecial Filters used in the college's publication
USF World Campus-Tampa; Person Race-Non-Resident Alien
Graduate Studies Campus-Tampa and Lakeland;  Student Type-Graduate 
CyberSecurityStudent CIP- 430303
Honors CollegeCampus-Tampa; Flag Student Honors- True; Course Level-Undergraduate
Innovative EducationCampus-Tampa

Prompts: N/A

Tab1: Online Education by Level (SCH)

This tab displays Credit Hours Fundable (SCH) for Online Education (where Delivery Method is either All Distance Learning, Distance Learning, or Primary Distance Learning) over the years for the campuses/colleges/departments. Data display in a tabular format and as a bar graph.


College Reviews#Course Campus

Course  College

College Reviews#Course Department

Report Elements

College Reviews#Course Level Group:  Undergraduate - Lower Level, Upper Level; Graduate - Grad I, Grad II

Lower Level: A student who has earned less than 60 credit hours, or a student who has not been admitted to the upper division. (BOG)

Upper Level: A student who has earned 60 or more credit hours or has an associate of arts degree and has completed requirements in English and Mathematics as prescribed by FAC 6A - 10.030 or is working toward an additional baccalaureate degree. (BOG)

Grad Level I: A graduate student who has been formally admitted to a graduate degree program and is not an advanced graduate student. (BOG)

Grad Level II: A graduate student who has been formally admitted to a recognized Doctoral or Post-Master's degree program.(BOG)

College Reviews#Academic Year 

College Reviews#Credit Hours Gross

College Reviews#Course Delivery Method : All Distance Learning, Distance Learning, and Primary Distance Learning

Tab 2: 

Online Education by Level (FTE)

This tab displays Full Time Equivalent Fundable (FTE) for Online Education (where delivery method is All Distance Learning, Distance Learning, and Primary Distance Learning) over the years for the campuses/colleges/departments. The data display in a tabular format and as a bar graph.


College Reviews#Course Campus

Course  College

College Reviews#Course Department

Report Elements

College Reviews#Course Level Group: Undergraduate - Lower Level, Upper Level; Graduate - Grad I, Grad II

Lower Level: A student who has earned less than 60 credit hours, or a student who has not been admitted to the upper division. (BOG)

Upper Level: A student who has earned 60 or more credit hours or has an associate of arts degree and has completed requirements in English and Mathematics as prescribed by FAC 6A - 10.030 or is working toward an additional baccalaureate degree. (BOG)

Grad Level I: A graduate student who has been formally admitted to a graduate degree program and is not an advanced graduate student. (BOG)

Grad Level II: A graduate student who has been formally admitted to a recognized Doctoral or Post-Master's degree program. (BOG)

College Reviews#Academic Year 

College Reviews#FTE Federal Gross Student

College Reviews#Course Delivery Method: All Distance Learning, Distance Learning, and Primary Distance Learning

Report: Undergraduate Experiential & Service Learning 

This report displays the number of course sections and number of students enrolled in service‐learning courses. Service learning is a form of community engaged learning that explicitly connects academic courses with civic engagement, including individual and collective actions designed to identify and address issues of public concern and make a difference in the civic life of our communities.

The key components of service‐learning are:

  • that it enhances the understanding of course content and is tied to specific learning goals through consciously designed reflection 
  • that one of the learning goals is civic engagement intended to enhance students' sense of personal responsibility to participate in the public realm to address current pressing social problems, and thus go beyond the  academic- or skill-based goals of the course
  • that it develops a reciprocal relationship through which the experiential activities are planned and implemented through a collaboration with a community partner so that they meet needs specifically identified by that partner

The data resource is Banner-designated service‐learning courses and courses forwarded from each of the schedulers that should have been designated in Banner as service‐learning. (Office of Community Engagement and Partnerships)

Prompts: N/A

Tab1: Undergraduate Experiential & Service Learning

This tab displays the number of course sections and number of students enrolled in service‐learning courses.


College Reviews#OCEP College

Report Elements

College Reviews#OCEP Review Year

College Reviews#Number of Course Sections

College Reviews#Number of Students Enrolled

Report: Undergraduate Research

This data represents the headcounts for the level of undergraduate research engagement for the academic year as monitored by the Office of Undergraduate Research (OUR) using specific courses to capture research or thesis activity. (OUR, Banner Data)

Prompts: N/A

Tab1: Undergraduate Research

 This tab displays headcounts for students engaged in undergraduate research courses during the academic year. The query for the report tallies the number of students enrolled in courses that involve research or writing theses. 


College Reviews#UG Research College

College Reviews#UG Research Review Year

Report Elements

College Reviews#UG Research Count

Community Engagement

Report: Community Service Proposals & Awards (in Numbers)

This report displays the counts of USF community service projects for the past five fiscal years, including the current year. The numbers are broken down by the number of proposals submitted and the number of those that are then awarded. A five-year average is calculated for each category and a percent of proposals awarded is calculated for each year. 

Prompts: N/A



Report Elements

Fiscal Year

College Reviews#Community Service Proposals

College Reviews#Community Service Awards

College Reviews#% of Hits

Report: Community Service Proposed Amount, Awards, and Expenditures (in Dollars)

This report displays the funds for USF community service projects for the pas six fiscal years, including the current year. The funds are broken down by proposed amount, awarded amount, and expenditures. A five-year average is calculated for each category. 

Prompts: N/A



Report Elements

Fiscal Year

College Reviews#Community Service Proposed Amount

College Reviews#Community Service Awards Amount

College Reviews#Community Service Expenditures

Fiscal Resources

Report: Tuition

This report shows the gross tuition, waivers, and net tuition grouped by course level (Undergraduate, Graduate) and then by residency (Instate, Out of State) over the years for the campuses/colleges/departments. Gross tuition dollars are broken down by online and traditional course delivery method. Bar graphs display the actual resident & non-resident tuition revenues collected from students, net of fee waivers. (Source: Operating Budget, Report 625 – Schedule I-A. (BOG)) Tuition dollars reflected exclude the portion of differential tuition that is associated with Financial aid.

Report Business Logic Exceptions


Special Filters used in the college's publication

Global Sustainability 

Campus-Tampa and Lakeland;  College- Graduate Studies and Global Sustainability 

Prompts: N/A

Tab1: Tuition

This tab displays the gross tuition (broken down by online or traditional course delivery method), waivers, and net tuition. Tuition dollars are grouped by course level (Graduate, Undergraduate) and then by residency (Instate, Out of State) over the years for the campuses/colleges/departments.

Bar graphs on this tab display undergraduate and graduate net tuition broken down by residency over the years for the campuses/colleges/departments as a bar graph.


College Reviews#Course Campus

Course  College

College Reviews#Course Department

Report Elements

College Reviews#Course Level Group: Undergraduate, Graduate

College Reviews#Academic Year 

Residency Status: Instate, Out of State

College Reviews#Course Delivery Method : Online and Traditional. Online includes Primarily Distance Learning, Hybrid Blend, Distance Learning, All Distance Learning whereas Traditional includes Traditional and Classroom

College Reviews#Gross Tuition

College Reviews#Waivers

College Reviews#Net Tuition: The actual average of the total costs of tuition and fees (which will vary by income group due to the amount of credit hours students are enrolled) minus the average Gift Aid amount (BOG). Tuition dollars reflected exclude the portion of differential tuition that is associated with financial aid.

Net Tuition Variance: Variance in net tuition between the current and previous year.

Bar Charts

Human Resources

Report: Fall Employee FTE

This report shows the fall employee FTE by type, rank, and level over the last 5 fall terms for the campuses/colleges/departments. 

Instructional Personnel - Academic Rank (as defined by IPEDS)
Professor: Employees who are classified as Faculty by their pay plan (Faculty and OPS - Phased retiree), classification code 9001, 9006, 9007, or 9009, and appointment type not equal to Research. (FAIR)
Associate Professor: Employees who are classified as Faculty by their pay plan (Faculty and OPS - Phased retiree), classification code 9002, and appointment type not equal to Research. (FAIR)
Assistant Professor: Employees who are classified as Faculty by their pay plan (Faculty and OPS - Phased retiree), classification code 9003, and appointment type not equal to Research. (FAIR)
Instructor: Employees who are classified as Faculty by their pay plan (Faculty and OPS - Phased retiree), classification code 9004, 9014, or 9015, and appointment type not equal to Research. (FAIR)
Lecturer: Employees who are classified as Faculty by their pay plan (Faculty and OPS - Phased retiree), classification code 9005, and appointment type not equal to Research. (FAIR)

Instructional Personnel - No Academic Rank
Faculty: Employees who are classified as Faculty by their pay plan (Faculty and OPS - Phased retiree), classification code 9008 or 9177, and appointment type not equal to Research. (FAIR)
Adjunct: Employees who are classified as adjunct by their pay plan (OPS-Faculty), appointment type (OPS Adjunct Faculty), and appointment type not equal to Research. (FAIR)
Graduate Assistants: Student employees who are graduate assistants by pay plan (OPS-Graduate Assistant), appointment type (OPS-Graduate Assistant), and Classification Codes 9183, 9184, or 9550. (FAIR)

Research Personnel - Academic Rank (as defined by IPEDS)
Professor: Employees who are classified as Faculty by their pay plan (Faculty and OPS - Phased retiree), classification code 9001, 9006, 9007, or 9009, and appointment type (Research). (FAIR)
Associate Professor: Employees who are classified as Faculty by their pay plan (Faculty and OPS - Phased retiree), classification code 9002, and appointment type not equal to Research. (FAIR)
Assistant Professor: Employees who are classified as Faculty by their pay plan (Faculty and OPS - Phased retiree), classification code 9003, and appointment type not equal to Research. (FAIR)
Instructor: Employees who are classified as Faculty by their pay plan (Faculty and OPS - Phased retiree), classification code 9004, 9014, or 9015, and appointment type (Research). (FAIR)
Lecturer: Employees who are classified as Faculty by their pay plan (Faculty and OPS - Phased retiree), classification code 9005, and appointment type (Research). (FAIR)

Research Personnel - No Academic Rank
Faculty: Employees who are classified as Faculty by their pay plan (Faculty and OPS - Phased retiree), classification code 9008, 9120, 9121, 9160, or 9166, and appointment type (Research). (FAIR)
Graduate Assistants: Student employees who are graduate assistants by pay plan (OPS-Graduate Assistant), appointment type (OPS-Graduate Assistant), and classification code 9181 or 9182. (FAIR)

Other Personnel- Administrators and Staff
A & P: Employees who are classified as A&P by their pay plan (A&P Regular and A&P Executive). (FAIR)
USPS: Employees who are classified as USPS by their pay plan. (FAIR)
OPS: Employees who are classified as OPS by their pay plan. (FAIR)
Adjunct: Employees who are classified as adjunct by their pay plan (OPS-Faculty) but not by appointment type (OPS Adjunct Faculty). (FAIR)
Faculty: Employees who are classified as Faculty by their pay plan but do not fit any of the other instructional/research faculty criteria above. (FAIR)
Postdoc: Employees who are classified as Postdoc by their pay plan. (FAIR)

Other Personnel-Student Employees
Graduate Assistants: Student employees who are graduate assistants by pay plan (OPS-Graduate Assistant), appointment type (OPS-Graduate Assistant), and classification code 9185. (FAIR)
Student Assistants: Student employees who are student assistants by pay plan (OPS-Student Assistant). (FAIR)

Report Business Logic Exceptions


Special Filters used in the college's publication

USF World

 Campus-Tampa; College-International Affairs Center ; Department -4900 International Affairs

Global Sustainbility

Campus-Tampa ;  College:-Global Sustainbility;  Department -3210

Prompts: N/A

Tab1: Fall Employee FTE

 This tab shows the fall employee FTE by type, rank, and level over the last 5 fall terms for the campuses/colleges/departments in a tabular format.


College Reviews#Employee Unit - Org Unit Campus

College Reviews#Employee Unit - Org Unit College

College Reviews#Employee Unit - Org Unit Department

Report Elements

College Reviews#Group College Review Level

College Reviews#Group College Review Rank

College Reviews#Group College Review Type

College Reviews#Term Title : Fall terms only

College Reviews#Academic Year 

College Reviews#FTE Employee Appointment


Report: Fall Employee Headcount

This report shows the fall employee headcount by type, rank, and level over the last 5 fall terms for the campuses/colleges/departments. 

Instructional Personnel - Academic Rank (as defined by IPEDS)
Professor: Employees who are classified as Faculty by their pay plan (Faculty and OPS - Phased retiree), classification code 9001, 9006, 9007, or 9009, and appointment type not equal to Research. (FAIR)
Associate Professor: Employees who are classified as Faculty by their pay plan (Faculty and OPS - Phased retiree), classification code 9002, and appointment type not equal to Research. (FAIR)
Assistant Professor: Employees who are classified as Faculty by their pay plan (Faculty and OPS - Phased retiree), classification code 9003, and appointment type not equal to Research. (FAIR)
Instructor: Employees who are classified as Faculty by their pay plan (Faculty and OPS - Phased retiree), classification code 9004, 9014, or 9015, and appointment type not equal to Research. (FAIR)
Lecturer: Employees who are classified as Faculty by their pay plan (Faculty and OPS - Phased retiree), classification code 9005, and appointment type not equal to Research. (FAIR)

Instructional Personnel - No Academic Rank
Faculty: Employees who are classified as Faculty by their pay plan (Faculty and OPS - Phased retiree), classification code 9008 or 9177, and appointment type not equal to Research. (FAIR)
Adjunct: Employees who are classified as adjunct by their pay plan (OPS-Faculty), appointment type (OPS Adjunct Faculty), and appointment type not equal to Research. (FAIR)
Graduate Assistants: Student employees who are graduate assistants by pay plan (OPS-Graduate Assistant), appointment type (OPS-Graduate Assistant), and Classification Codes 9183, 9184, or 9550. (FAIR)

Research Personnel - Academic Rank (as defined by IPEDS)
Professor: Employees who are classified as Faculty by their pay plan (Faculty and OPS - Phased retiree), classification code 9001, 9006, 9007, or 9009, and appointment type (Research). (FAIR)
Associate Professor: Employees who are classified as Faculty by their pay plan (Faculty and OPS - Phased retiree), classification code 9002, and appointment type not equal to Research. (FAIR)
Assistant Professor: Employees who are classified as Faculty by their pay plan (Faculty and OPS - Phased retiree), classification code 9003, and appointment type not equal to Research. (FAIR)
Instructor: Employees who are classified as Faculty by their pay plan (Faculty and OPS - Phased retiree), classification code 9004, 9014, or 9015, and appointment type (Research). (FAIR)
Lecturer: Employees who are classified as Faculty by their pay plan (Faculty and OPS - Phased retiree), classification code 9005, and appointment type (Research). (FAIR)

Research Personnel - No Academic Rank
Faculty: Employees who are classified as Faculty by their pay plan (Faculty and OPS - Phased retiree), classification code 9008, 9120, 9121, 9160, or 9166, and appointment type (Research). (FAIR)
Graduate Assistants: Student employees who are graduate assistants by pay plan (OPS-Graduate Assistant), appointment type (OPS-Graduate Assistant), and classification code 9181 or 9182. (FAIR)

Other Personnel- Administrators and Staff
A & P: Employees who are classified as A&P by their pay plan (A&P Regular and A&P Executive). (FAIR)
USPS: Employees who are classified as USPS by their pay plan. (FAIR)
OPS: Employees who are classified as OPS by their pay plan. (FAIR)
Adjunct: Employees who are classified as adjunct by their pay plan (OPS-Faculty) but not by appointment type (OPS Adjunct Faculty). (FAIR)
Faculty: Employees who are classified as Faculty by their pay plan but do not fit any of the other instructional/research faculty criteria above. (FAIR)
Postdoc: Employees who are classified as Postdoc by their pay plan. (FAIR)

Other Personnel-Student Employees
Graduate Assistants: Student employees who are graduate assistants by pay plan (OPS-Graduate Assistant), appointment type (OPS-Graduate Assistant), and classification code 9185. (FAIR)
Student Assistants: Student employees who are student assistants by pay plan (OPS-Student Assistant). (FAIR)

Report Business Logic Exceptions


Special Filters used in the college's publication

USF World

 Campus-Tampa; College-International Affairs Center ; Department -4900 International Affairs

Global Sustainbility

Campus-Tampa ;  College:-Global Sustainbility;  Department -3210

Prompts: N/A

Tab1: Fall Employee Headcount

 This tab shows the fall employee headcount by type, rank, and level over the last 5 fall terms for the campuses/colleges/departments in a tabular format.


College Reviews#Employee Unit - Org Unit Campus

College Reviews#Employee Unit - Org Unit College

College Reviews#Employee Unit - Org Unit Department

Report Elements

College Reviews#Group College Review Level

College Reviews#Group College Review Rank

College Reviews#Group College Review Type

College Reviews#Term Title : Fall terms only

College Reviews#Academic Year 

College Reviews#Employee Count 




Report: Annual Fundraising

This report reflects contributions (in current dollars) given to the institution. The annual giving data include all contributions actually received during the institution’s fiscal year in the form of cash, securities, company products, and other property from alumni, non-alumni, individuals, corporations, foundations, religious organizations, and other groups. Not included in the totals are public funds, earnings on investments held by the institution, and unfulfilled pledges. The amount shown is in thousands.

Prompts: N/A 

Tab1: Annual Fundraising

 This tab displays contributions (in current dollars) given to the institution.



Report Elements

College Reviews#Fundraising Commitment

Fiscal Year


Report: Endowment 

This report displays endowments at the department level. Data summarize the market value of the endowment by fiscal year.

Prompts: N/A

Tab1: Endowment

 This tab displays endowments at the department level.



Report Elements


Fiscal Year

College Reviews#Endowment Market Value

Progression & Retention

Report: DF Rate greater than or equal to 25 Percent by College and Instructor

This report reflects DF and W rates for courses with enrollments greater than five (5) students (Excluding Nondegree). All grades are included in the denominator for the percentage calculation. Grades of D, D+, D-, F, and FF are grouped as DF and only grades of W are grouped as W. Incompletes (I) are not included in DF or W.   WC and WE are not included in the W grades. The analysis is done for all terms for the last three (3) calendar years. It includes sections that had a DF rate >=25% in any semester in any of the three latest academic years. Only sections taught by the same instructor that had a DF Rate >= 25% in any semester throughout the three calendar years have been presented. The rows have been sorted by section name and only include courses that have at least five enrolled students in at least one term.


Enter the Campus

Enter the College

Tab1: DF Rate >=25% by College and Instructor

This report reflects DF and W rates for courses with enrollments greater than five (5) students (Excluding Nondegree). . All grades are included in the denominator for the percentage calculation. Grades of D, D+, D-, F, and FF are grouped as DF and only grades of W are grouped as W. Incompletes (I) are not included in DF or W. The analysis is done for all terms for the last three (3) calendar years. It includes sections that had a DF rate >=25% in any semester in any of the three latest academic years. Only sections taught by the same instructor that had a DF Rate >= 25% in any semester throughout the three calendar years have been presented. The rows have been sorted by section name and only include courses that have at least five enrolled students in at least one term. 

WC and WE are not included in the W grades.


Org Unit Department

Report Elements

Section Name Course Detail


Instructor: Instructor Primary Name

Semester: Term

DF: Student Grade Course - Grades of D, D+, D-, F, FF are grouped as DF, and grades of W are grouped as W. Incompletes (I) are not included in DF or W. 

W:  Student Grade Course - Grades of W are grouped as W. Incompletes (I) are not included.


Report: DFW Enrollment Counts

This report displays DF, W, and total enrollment for courses with enrollment greater than or equal to five in at least one term (Excluding Nondegree students).. Grades of D, D+, D-, F, FF are grouped as DF, and only grades of W are grouped as W. Incompletes (I) are not included in DF or W. The Into sections have been merged with the regular sections. 

WC and WE are not included in the W grades. Three terms have to be selected when running the report


Enter the Campus

Enter the College

Enter value(s) for Term Title

Tab1: DFW Enrollment Counts

This report reflects DF and W Rates for courses with enrollment greater than or equal to five in at least one term (Excluding Nondegree students).. All grades are included in the denominator. Grades of D, D+, D-, F, FF are grouped as DF, and only grades of W are grouped as W. Incompletes (I) are not included in DF or W. The analysis is done for the all terms in the prompts. The Into sections have been merged with the regular sections. 

WC and WE are not included in the W grades.


Org Unit Department

Report Elements

Section Name (Course Detail) 


Instructor (Instructor Primary Name)

Semester (Term)

DF (Student Grade Course) - Grades of D, D+, D-, F, FF are grouped as DF and only grades of W are grouped as W. Incompletes (I) are not included in DF or W. 

W - Grades of W are grouped as W. Incompletes (I) are not included. 


Report: DFW Grade Distribution: Highest DF Rate Courses

This report displays the top 10 sections (with instruction method) that have the highest DF rate in a term. Only courses with enrollment greater than or equal to five are included in analysis. The most recent term selected is calculated to determine ranking in the top 10, and the two previous terms are used for the historical calculations. Historical data are calculated by course name and not by section. The historical course enrollment is the average of the counts for the two historical terms.

Report Business Logic Exceptions


Special Filters used in the college's publication

Graduate Studies 

Campus-Tampa;  Course Level - GRG1 and GRG2


Student CIP - 430303

Innovative Education

Campus-Tampa; Course Delivery Method-All Distance Learning, Distance Learning, and Primarily Distance Learning 


Enter the Campus

Enter the College

Enter value(s) for Term Title

Tab1: Highest DF Rate courses

This report displays the top 10 sections (with instruction method) that have the highest DF rate in a term. Only courses with enrollment greater than or equal to five are included in analysis. The most recent term selected is calculated to determine ranking in the top 10, and the two previous terms are used for the historical calculations. Historical data are calculated by course name and not by section. The historical course enrollment is the average of the counts for the two historical terms.


Org Unit Department

Report Elements

Section Name 

Instruction Method (Course Delivery Method )

DF Rate - Grades of D, D+, D-, F, FF are grouped as DF. Incompletes (I) are not included ((Count of students with DF/Total enrollment count)*100)

W Rate - Grades of W are grouped as W. Incompletes (I) are not included ((Count of students with W/Total enrollment count)*100)


Report: DFW Grade Distribution: Number of sections with DF greater than 10 Percent

This report displays the number of sections with DF grades greater than 10% in a bar graph for all three terms in the latest three years.  Grades of D, D+, D-, F, FF are grouped as DF and only grades of W are grouped as W. Incompletes (I) are not included in DF or W. Only courses with enrollment greater than or equal to five are included in analysis.

Report Business Logic Exceptions


Special Filters used in the college's publication

Graduate Studies 

Campus-Tampa ;Course Level -GRG1 and GRG2


Student CIP- 430303

Innovative Education

Campus-Tampa; Course Delivery Method-All Distance Learning, Distance Learning, and Primarily Distance Learning 



Enter the Campus

Enter the College

Enter values for Year Academic

Tab1: Chart: Number of sections with DF greater than 10 Percent

This tab displays the number of sections with DF grades greater than 10% in a bar graph for all three terms in the latest three years.  Grades of D, D+, D-, F, FF are grouped as DF and only grades of W are grouped as W. Incompletes (I) are not included in DF or W. Only courses with enrollment greater than or equal to five are included in analysis.

If a term's grades have not been finalized or are not available, the number of sections show as blank (not zero). 


Org Unit Department

Report Elements


Report: Second Year Retention Rate

This report displays the second-year retention rate of full-time first time in college students. The most recent year of retention data is based on preliminary data (SIFP file) that is comparable to the final data (SIF file) but may be revised in the following years based on changes in student cohorts. (BOG)

Report Business Logic Exceptions


Special Filters used in the college's publication

USF World

 Campus-Tampa; Person Race-Non-Resident Alien

Honors College,

Campus-Tampa; Flag Student Honors- True; Student Level-Lower and Upper 

Prompts: N/A

Tab1: Second Year Retention Rate

 This tab displays the second-year retention rate of full-time first time in college students in a tabular format.  The flag Flag BOG Accountability FTIC is set to True


College Reviews#Student Home Campus

College Reviews#Student College

Report Elements

Summer/Fall Cohort:                                                               Cohort Title - Cohorts are based on undergraduate students who enter the institution in the fall term (or summer term and continue into the fall term)

Final Cohort:                                                                            Initial Cohort Size

Retained Type:                                                                        Retained and Retained 2.0 GPA or above.

Retained Same College -Retained:                                         Enrolled College Year 2

Retained Same College -Retained 2.0 GPA or above.            Enrolled College Year 2  with GPA>=2

%Retained Same College-Retained :                                     % Enrolled College Year 2 (Percent Retained with any GPA is based on student enrollment in the fall term following their first year in the same college.)

%Retained Same College-Retained 2.0 GPA or above :        % Enrolled College Year 2 with GPA>=2 (Percent Retained with GPA Above 2.0 is based on student enrollment in the fall term following their first year for those students with a GPA of 2.0 or higher at the end of their first year (Fall, Spring, Summer) in the same college

Retained Campus -Retained:                                                   Enrolled Campus Year 2 

Retained Campus -Retained  Retained 2.0 GPA or above:      Enrolled Campus Year 2 with GPA>=2 

% Retained Campus -  Retained:                                            % Enrolled Campus Year 2 (Percent Retained with Any GPA is based on student enrollment in the fall term following their first year in the same campus. )

% Retained Campus  -  Retained 2.0 GPA or above:              % Enrolled Campus Year 2 with GPA>=2   (Percent Retained with GPA Above 2.0 is based on student enrollment in  the fall term following their first years for those students with a GPA of 2.0 or higher at the end of their first year (Fall, Spring, Summer in the same campus)

Tab 2: Chart: Second Year Retention Rate

 This tab displays the campus second-year retention rate of full-time first time in college students as line graph (for both Retained or Retained 2.0 GPA). The flag Flag BOG Accountability FTIC is set to True


Course Campus

Course  College

Report Elements


Research, Innovation & Creative Activity

Report: Commercialization: Inventions, Patents, Licenses, & Revenues

This report displays data for invention disclosures, issued patents, and executed licenses and options. Counts are tallied for the current year and for the last three fiscal years and can be filtered by college. Total licensing revenues are also tabulated by fiscal year. 



Report Elements

Fiscal Year

College Reviews#Invention Disclosures Received

U.S. Patents Issued

Licenses & Options Executed

College Reviews#Licensing Received ($)

Report: F&A Rates

This report displays the F&A (facilities and administrative) negotiated reimbursement rates for USF colleges. An F&A rate is calculated as the total indirect cost of a project divided by the direct costs of conducting the research. The rates shown in the report represent all projects in the selected college.



Report Elements

Fiscal Year

Federal F&A Rate %

Federal Flow-Through F&A Rate %

Non-Federal F&A Rate %

Overall F&A Rate %

Report: Faculty Awards

This report displays the number of institutional-affiliated faculty members, per calendar year, receiving awards from 24 prominent grant and fellowship programs in the arts, humanities, science, engineering, and health fields as reported by The Center's Top American Research Universities (TARU). A list of these faculty awards is available in the TARU's source notes. The number reported is for the academic year that preceded the reporting year. The number of faculty awards is also a membership eligibility requirement for the Association of American Universities (AAU). A list of the 27 awards considered by the AAU is available in the AAU's Membership Policy. (TARU)

Prompts: N/A


Review Year


Report Elements


Award Name


Report: Faculty Awards - College Level Summary

This report displays a list of USF-affiliated faculty members receiving awards from prominent grant and fellowship programs in the arts, humanities, science, engineering, and health fields. The report displays the college with which the faculty member is employed and is sorted alphabetically by college.

Prompts: N/A


Review Year


Report Elements


Award Name



Report: Faculty/Student Start-Ups

This report provides a summary of the number of start-up companies and ventures developed through research and innovation initiatives by students and faculty at USF. 

Prompts: N/A



Report Elements

Fiscal Year

Start-ups Formed

Report: Non-Faculty Researchers with PhD

This report shows the number of non-faculty researchers with PhDs in the various campuses, colleges, and departments. This variable is the number of non‐faculty research staff in GSS‐eligible science, engineering, and health (SEH) units in the fall of the data collection year. Non‐faculty research staff include all doctoral scientists and engineers who are involved principally in research activities but are not considered either post-doctoral appointees or members of the regular faculty. (NSF‐NIH)


College Reviews#PostDocs Campus

College Reviews#PostDocs College

College Reviews#PostDocs Department

Report Elements


Non-Faculty Researcher count

% 1-year change

Report: Post Doctoral Appointees

This report shows the number of post-doctoral appointees in the various campuses, colleges, and departments. This metric is based on the number of post‐doctoral appointees at the beginning of the academic year. A post-doctoral researcher has recently earned a doctoral degree (or foreign equivalent) and has a temporary paid appointment to focus on specialized research/scholarship under the supervision of a senior scholar. (Source: National Science Foundation/National Institutes of Health annual Survey of Graduate Students and Postdoctorates in Science and Engineering (GSS).-(BOG)


College Reviews#PostDocs Campus

College Reviews#PostDocs College

College Reviews#PostDocs Department

Report Elements


Post Doctoral Appointee count

% 1-year change

Report: Post Doctoral Report

This report shows the proposals submitted and awards that are sponsored grouped by campus, college, and department. A submitted proposal is an application submitted to a grant sponsor for funding that contains all information necessary to describe project plans, staff capabilities, and funds requested. Formal proposals are officially approved and submitted by an organization in the name of a PI. Awards are funds that have been obligated by a funding agency for a particular project. Any instrument, signed by a contracting officer, provides government funds or other resources to an offer or permits expenditure of such government funds or use of such government resources. The provision of funds by a sponsor is based on an approved application and budget to an organizational entity or an individual to carry out an activity or project. This includes both direct and indirect costs (F & A) unless otherwise indicated.


College Reviews#Org Unit Campus

College Reviews#Org Unit College

College Reviews#Org Unit Department


Research Status

Report Elements


Last Name

First Name


Degree Year

Research Status

GEMS Degree Type

Term ID



US Doctorate Flag

Job Code

Job Code Title




Report: Proposals Submitted & Sponsored Awards

This report displays the proposals submitted for funding and the amount of award granted, as reported by fiscal year. Percentages are calculated to show the year-to-year change in requests made and in awards granted. Averages display for the previous five years.




Fiscal Period

Report Elements

Fiscal Year

College Reviews#Requested Amount

College Reviews#Request Amount % Change

College Reviews#Awards

College Reviews#Awards % Change

Report: Sponsored Research Expenditures: Total and Federal

This report provides data on research expenditures, both federal and non-federal, for the current and past five fiscal years. Expenditures for all categories are totaled by year, and five-year averages are calculated for each expenditure category (Federal, Federal Flow-Through, and Non-Federal). 





Report Elements

Fiscal Year

College Reviews#Federal Expenditures

College Reviews#Federal Flow-Through Expenditures

College Reviews#Non-Federal Expenditures

College Reviews#Total Sponsored Research Expenditures

Student Awards

Report: Student Awards

This report shows the highly competitive scholarship/fellowship awards granted to USF students (USF Website).

Prompts: N/A

Tab1: Student Awards

This report shows the highly competitive scholarship/fellowship awards granted to USF students (USF Website).



Review Year

Report Elements

Student Name

Award Name



Estimated Value

Student Success

Report: Degrees awarded Trends by Level

This report displays the number of degrees awarded by level. The number of undergraduate or graduate degrees awarded is a count of graduates with certain skill sets (not an unduplicated count of degrees), thus data include all of the disciplines/CIP codes that a student completes – this includes first majors, second majors, and dual degrees. (BOG)

Report Business Logic Exceptions
CollegeSpecial Filters used in the college's publication
USF World Campus-Tampa; Person Race-Non-Resident Alien
Graduate Studies Campus-Tampa and Lakeland;  Degree Level-Masters; Ed. Specialist; Doctoral - Research; Doctoral - Professional h
CyberSecurityStudent CIP- 430303
Global SustainabilityCampus:Tampa and Lakeland; College- Global Sustainability

Prompts: N/A

Tab1: Degrees Awarded Trends by Level

This tab displays the number of degrees awarded by level in a tabular format


College Reviews#Org Unit Campus

College Reviews#Org Unit College

College Reviews#Org Unit Department

Report Elements

College Reviews#Degree Level

College Reviews#Count Degree Awarded

College Reviews#Academic Year

% 1 year Change - % Difference in numbers between the latest 2 years

Tab 2: Chart: Degrees Awarded Trends by Level

 This tab displays the trend over the years in the counts of different types of degrees awarded.


College Reviews#Org Unit Campus

College Reviews#Org Unit College

College Reviews#Org Unit Department

Report Elements


Report: Degrees Awarded Trends in Areas of Strategic Emphasis

This report's metric is based on the number of undergraduate or graduate degrees awarded within the programs designated by the Board of Governors as "Programs of Strategic Emphasis." A student who has multiple majors in the subset of targeted Classification of Instruction Program codes will be counted twice (i.e., double -majors are included). (BOG)

Report Business Logic Exceptions
CollegeSpecial Filters used in the college's publication
USF World Campus-Tampa; Person Race-Non-Resident Alien’
CyberSecurityStudent CIP- 430303
Global SustainabilityCampus:Tampa and Lakeland; College- Global Sustainability

Prompts: N/A


Tab1: Degrees Awarded trends in areas of Strategic Emphasis

 This tab displays the Degrees Awarded Trends in Areas of Strategic Emphasis in a tabular format.


College Reviews#Org Unit Campus

College Reviews#Org Unit College

College Reviews#Org Unit Department

Report Elements

College Reviews#Degree Level

College Reviews#Count Degree Awarded with Strategic Emphasis (SE) 

College Reviews#Academic Year

% SE of Campus Total SE -  (Total numbers of SE Degrees awarded in selected campus or college or department /Total numbers of SE Degrees awarded in campus)*100

% SE of College Total - (Total numbers of SE Degrees awarded in selected college or department /Total numbers of SE Degrees awarded in college)*100

% SE of Department Total -  (Total numbers of SE Degrees awarded in selected department /Total numbers of SE Degrees awarded in department)*100

% 1 year Change - % Difference in numbers between the latest 2 years

Tab 2: Chart: Degrees Awarded trends in areas of Strategic Emphasis

 This tab displays the trend over the years in the counts of different types of degrees awarded in areas of Strategic Emphasis in bar graphs


College Reviews#Org Unit Campus

College Reviews#Org Unit College

College Reviews#Org Unit Department

Report Elements


Report: Doctoral Program Time-to-Degree

This report displays the number of doctoral degrees awarded each academic year and the the time to obtain a doctoral degree. The time-to-degree metric is the number of years between the start date (using the date of most recent admission) and the end date (using the last month in the term the degree was granted) for a graduating class within a (summer, fall, spring) year. (Work Plans).  The number of undergraduate or graduate degrees awarded is a count of graduates with certain skill sets (not an unduplicated count of degrees), thus data include all of the disciplines/CIP codes that a student completes – this includes first majors, second majors, and dual degrees. (BOG)


College Reviews#Org Unit Campus

College Reviews#Org Unit College

Tab1:  Doctoral Program Time-to-Degree

This report displays the number of doctoral degrees awarded each academic year and the the time to obtain a doctoral degree in a tabular format. It also includes the mean, median, and quartiles.


College Reviews#Org Unit Department

Report Elements

College Reviews#Academic Year

Degrees Awarded

Time-to-degree: Mean: Average time taken by students graduating that year to obtain doctoral degree

Time-to-degree: Lower Quartile

Time-to-degree: Median: Median of the time taken by students graduating that year to obtain doctoral degree

Time-to-degree: Upper Quartile

Report: Doctoral Program Time-to-Degree-College Level Summary

This report displays the number of doctoral degrees awarded each academic year and the the time to obtain a doctoral degree. The time-to-degree metric is the number of years between the start date (using the date of most recent admission) and the end date (using the last month in the term the degree was granted) for a graduating class within a (summer, fall, spring) year. (Work Plans).  The number of undergraduate or graduate degrees awarded is a count of graduates with certain skill sets (not an unduplicated count of degrees), thus data include all of the disciplines/CIP codes that a student completes – this includes first majors, second majors, and dual degrees. (BOG)

Prompts: N/A

Tab1:  Doctoral Program Time-to-Degree-College-Level-Summary

This report displays the number of doctoral degrees awarded each academic year and the the time to obtain a doctoral degree in a tabular format. It also includes the mean, median, and quartiles.


Report Elements

College Reviews#Academic Year

Degrees Awarded

Time-to-degree: Mean: Average time taken by students graduating that year to obtain doctoral degree

Time-to-degree: Lower Quartile:

Time-to-degree: Median: Median of the time taken by students graduating that year to obtain doctoral degree

Time-to-degree: Upper Quartile:

Report: FTIC 4 Year and 6 Year Graduation Rates

This report displays the 4-year and 6-year graduation rates of first time in college (FTIC) students who are full-time students only and also for full-time/part-time students. This report identifies students who qualify as an FTIC for Performance Based Funding purposes. Criteria to include -  not withdrawn or deceased, not non-degree.

The 4-year graduation rate for FTICs metric complies with the requirements of the federal Student Right to Know Act that requires institutions to report the completion status at 200% of normal time (or four years). This metric does not include students who enrolled as part-time students (in their first year) or who transfer into the institution. Percent graduated reports the percent of FTICs who graduated from the same institution within four years. (IPEDS). The original cohort is adjusted to not include students who started in the original cohort but left after the first year. 

The 4-year graduation rate for FTICs (full- and part-time cohort) metric complies with the requirements of the federal Student Right to Know Act that requires institutions to report the completion status at 200% of normal time (or four years). This metric does include students who enrolled as part-time students (in their first year). This metric does not include student transfers into the institution. Percent graduated reports the percent of FTICs who graduated from the same institution within four years.(BOG).

The metric 6-year graduation rate for FTICs (IPEDS cohort year) complies with the requirements of the federal Student Right to Know Act that requires institutions to report the completion status at 150% of normal time (or six years). This metric does not include students who enrolled as part-time students (in their first year) or who transfer into the institution. Percent graduated reports the percent of FTICs who graduated from the same institution within six years. (IPEDS).  The original cohort is adjusted to not include students who started in the original cohort but left after the first year. 

The metric 6-year graduation rate for FTICs (full- and part-time cohort) complies with the requirements of the federal Student Right to Know Act that requires institutions to report the completion status at 150% of normal time (or six years). This metric does include students who enrolled as part-time students (in their first year). This metric does not include student transfers into the institution. Percent graduated reports the percent of FTICs who graduated from the same institution within six years. (BOG)

Report Business Logic Exceptions
CollegeSpecial Filters used in the college's publication
USF World Campus-Tampa; Person Race-Non-Resident Alien
Honors CollegeCampus:Tampa ;  Flag Student Honors- True

Prompts: N/A

Tab1:  FTIC 4-Year and 6-Year Graduation Rates (FT)

This tab displays the 4-year and 6-year graduation rates of first time in college (FTIC) students who are full time in a tabular format. The data also display the trends over the last 5 years in  line graphs.

For the 4-year adjusted cohort and graduation rate, the Flag4Y is set to True

For the 6-year adjusted cohort and graduation rate, the Flag BOG Accountability is set to True

The Flag BOG PBF FTIC is set to True. 


College Reviews#Student Home Campus

College Reviews#Student College

Report Elements

Summer/Fall Cohort (Cohort Title) - Cohorts are based on undergraduate students who enter the institution in the fall term (or summer term and continue into the fall term)

Student Type (Full Time) : Flag is set to FALSE for this report

Final Cohort (Initial Cohort Size)

College Reviews#4 Year Adjusted Cohort

% 4 Year Graduation Same College

% 6 Year Graduation Same College

College Reviews#6 Year Adjusted Cohort

% 4 Year Graduation at Campus

% 6 year Graduation at Campus

% 1-year Change

% 5-Year Change

Tab 2:  FTIC 6 Year Graduation Rates (FT/PT)

 This tab displays the 6-year graduation rates of first time in college who are full time/part time in a tabular format.


College Reviews#Student Home Campus

College Reviews#Student College

Report Elements

Summer/Fall Cohort (Cohort Title) - Cohorts are based on undergraduate students who enter the institution in the fall term (or summer term and continue into the fall term)

Student Type (Full Time/Part Time) : Flag is set to All for this report

Final Cohort (Initial Cohort Size)

6 Year Adjusted Cohort N

% 6 Year Graduation Same College

% 6 year Graduation at Campus

% 1 year Change

% 5 Year Change

Report: FTIC 4-Year and 6-Year Pell Graduation Rates

This report displays the 4-year and 6-year graduation rates of full-time first time in college (FTIC) students. The report mirrors the format of the FTIC 4-Year and 6-Year Graduation Rates, but adds a comparison of Pell vs non-Pell grant students. This report does not include part-time students.

This report identifies students who qualify as FTIC for Performance Based Funding purposes. Criteria to include -  not withdrawn or deceased, not non-degree.

The 4-year graduation rate for FTICs metric complies with the requirements of the federal Student Right to Know Act that requires institutions to report the completion status at 200% of normal time (or four years). This metric does not include students who enrolled as part-time students (in their first year) or who transfer into the institution. Percent graduated reports the percent of FTICs who graduated from the same institution within four years. (IPEDS). The original cohort is adjusted to not include students who started in the original cohort but left after the first year. 

The 6-year graduation rate for FTICs metric (IPEDS cohort year) complies with the requirements of the federal Student Right to Know Act that requires institutions to report the completion status at 150% of normal time (or six years). This metric does not include students who enrolled as part-time students (in their first year) or who transfer into the institution. Percent graduated reports the percent of FTICs who graduated from the same institution within six years. (IPEDS).  The original cohort is adjusted to not include students who started in the original cohort but left after the first year. 

Report Business Logic Exceptions
CollegeSpecial Filters used in the college's publication
USF World Campus-Tampa; Person Race-Non-Resident Alien
Honors CollegeCampus:Tampa ;  Flag Student Honors- True

Prompts: N/A

Tab1:  FTIC 4-Year and 6-Year Graduation Rates (FT)

This tab displays the 4-year and 6-year graduation rates of full-time first time in college (FTIC) students in a tabular format. The report shows separate metrics for Pell vs non_Pell students. The data also display the trends over the last 5 years in line graphs for students designated as Pell-grant recipients.

For the 4-year adjusted cohort and graduation rate, the Flag4Y is set to True

For the 6-year adjusted cohort and graduation rate, the Flag BOG Accountability is set to True


College Reviews#Student Home Campus

College Reviews#Student College

Report Elements

Summer/Fall Cohort (Cohort Title) - Cohorts are based on undergraduate students who enter the institution in the fall term (or summer term and continue into the fall term)

College Reviews#Pell Status

Final Cohort (Initial Cohort Size)

College Reviews#4 Year Adjusted Cohort

College Reviews#6 Year Adjusted Cohort

% 4 Year Graduation Same College

% 6 Year Graduation Same College

% 4 Year Graduation at Campus

% 6 year Graduation at Campus

% 1-year Change

% 5-Year Change

Report: Number of Class Sections with Undergraduates Enrolled

This report shows the number of class sections with undergraduates enrolled. Only class sections that have course delivery of classroom and traditional are considered. 

The report displays up to 5 years of class section information for comparison, each year displaying in a separate table. 

Prompts: N/A

Tab1: Number of Class Sections with Undergraduates Enrolled

 This tab shows the number of class sections with undergraduates enrolled. 


College Reviews#Org Unit Campus

College Reviews#Org Unit College

College Reviews#Org Unit Department

College Reviews#Term Title

Report Elements

Course Section Type

Section Counts grouped by student enrollment numbers


Report: Percent Undergraduates without Excess Hours by Student Type

This reports shows the percent of undergraduates without excess hours categorized by student type (FTIC, AA Transfer, Other Transfer). The percent undergraduates without excess hours by major metric is based on the percentage of baccalaureate degrees awarded within 110% of the credit hours required for a degree.

Prompts: N/A


Tab1:  Percent Undergraduates without Excess Hours by Student Type

 This tab displays the percent undergraduates without excess hours in the various years categorized by student type displayed in a tabular format. 


College Reviews#Org Unit Campus

College Reviews#Org Unit College

College Reviews#Org Unit Department

Report Elements

Student Type

College Reviews#Academic Year 

The % shown: (College Reviews#Count Degree Awarded for Student Type where degrees that can count towards excess hours - College Reviews#Count Degree Awarded for Student Type who had excess hours )/ College Reviews#Count Degree Awarded for Student Type where degrees that can count towards excess hours) 

% 1-year Change: The % change in students without excess hours between the last 2 years

Tab 2: Chart: Percent Undergraduates without Excess Hours by Student Type

 This tab displays the trend over the last 5 years in the percentage of undergraduates without excess hours categorized by student type as line graphs 


College Reviews#Org Unit Campus

College Reviews#Org Unit College

College Reviews#Org Unit Department

Report Elements


Tab 3: Count and Percent Undergraduates without Excess Hours

 This tab displays the count and percentages of undergraduates with and without excess hours in the various years categorized by student type in a tabular format. 


College Reviews#Org Unit Campus

College Reviews#Org Unit College

College Reviews#Org Unit Department

Report Elements

Student Type

College Reviews#Academic Year 

Without Excess Hours:              College Reviews#Count Degree Awarded for Student Type  who had  excess hours (set to FALSE)

With Excess Hours:                   College Reviews#Count Degree Awarded for Student Type  who had  excess hours (set to TRUE)

The % Without Excess Hours:  (College Reviews#Count Degree Awarded   for Student Type where degrees that can count towards excess hours -  College Reviews#Count Degree Awarded for Student Type  who had  excess hours )/ College Reviews#Count Degree Awarded   for Student Type where degrees that can count towards excess hours ) 

% 1 year Change:                     The % change in students without excess hours between the latest 2 years

Tab 4: Chart: Percent Undergraduates without Excess Hours by Major

  This tab displays the count and percentages of undergraduates with and without excess hours in the various years categorized by major in a tabular format. 


College Reviews#Org Unit Campus

College Reviews#Org Unit College

College Reviews#Org Unit Department

Report Elements

College Reviews#Major

College Reviews#Academic Year 

Without Excess Hours:              College Reviews#Count Degree Awarded for Student Type  who had  excess hours (set to FALSE)

With Excess Hours:                   College Reviews#Count Degree Awarded for Student Type  who had  excess hours (set to TRUE)

The % Without Excess Hours:  (College Reviews#Count Degree Awarded   for Student Type where degrees that can count towards excess hours -  College Reviews#Count Degree Awarded for Student Type  who had  excess hours )/ College Reviews#Count Degree Awarded   for Student Type where degrees that can count towards excess hours ) 

% 1 year Change:                     The % change in students without excess hours between the latest 2 years

Tab 5: Chart: Percent Undergraduates without Excess Hours by Type & Major

This tab displays the count and percentages of undergraduates with and without excess hours in the various years categorized by student type and major in a tabular format. 


College Reviews#Org Unit Campus

College Reviews#Org Unit College

College Reviews#Org Unit Department

Report Elements

College Reviews#Major

Student Type

College Reviews#Academic Year 

Without Excess Hours:              College Reviews#Count Degree Awarded for Student Type  who had  excess hours (set to FALSE)

With Excess Hours:                   College Reviews#Count Degree Awarded for Student Type  who had  excess hours (set to TRUE)

The % Without Excess Hours:  (College Reviews#Count Degree Awarded   for Student Type where degrees that can count towards excess hours -  College Reviews#Count Degree Awarded for Student Type  who had  excess hours )/ College Reviews#Count Degree Awarded for Student Type where degrees that can count towards excess hours) 

% 1 year Change:                     The % change in students without excess hours between the latest 2 years


Report: Transfer 2-year and 4-year Graduation Rates

This report displays the 2-year, 3-year, and 4-year graduation rates of transfer students.

2-year graduation rate for AA Transfer students (cohort year): AA Transfer cohort is defined as undergraduates entering in the fall term (or summer continuing to fall) and having earned an AA degree from an institution in the Florida College System. For comparability with FTIC cohorts, AA Transfer cohorts are based on undergraduate students who enter the institution in the fall term (or summer term and continue into the fall term) and graduate from the same institution within two years. (BOG)

3-year graduation rate for AA Transfer students (cohort year): AA Transfer cohort is defined as undergraduates entering in the fall term (or summer continuing to fall) and having earned an AA degree from an institution in the Florida College System. For comparability with FTIC cohorts, AA Transfer cohorts are based on undergraduate students who enter the institution in the fall term (or summer term and continue into the fall term) and graduate from the same institution within three years. (BOG)

4-year graduation rates for AA Transfer students (cohort year): AA Transfer cohort is defined as undergraduates entering in the fall term (or summer continuing to fall) and having earned an AA degree from an institution in the Florida College System. For comparability with FTIC cohorts, AA Transfer cohorts are based on undergraduate students who enter the institution in the fall term (or summer term and continue into the fall term) and graduate from the same institution within four years. (BOG)

2-year graduation rate for Other Transfer students (cohort year): Other Transfer cohort is defined as undergraduates entering in the fall term (or summer continuing to fall) and not having earned an AA degree from an institution in the Florida College System. For comparability with FTIC cohorts, the Other Transfer cohorts are based on undergraduate students who enter the institution in the fall term (or summer term and continue into the fall term) and graduate from the same institution within two years. (BOG)

3-year graduation rate for Other Transfer students (cohort year): Other Transfer cohort is defined as undergraduates entering in the fall term (or summer continuing to fall) and not having earned an AA degree from an institution in the Florida College System. For comparability with FTIC cohorts, the Other Transfer cohorts are based on undergraduate students who enter the institution in the fall term (or summer term and continue into the fall term) and graduate from the same institution within three years. (BOG)

4-year graduation rates for Other Transfer students (cohort year): Other Transfer cohort is defined as undergraduates entering in the fall term (or summer continuing to fall) and not having earned an AA degree from an institution in the Florida College System. For comparability with FTIC cohorts, Other Transfer cohorts are based on undergraduate students who enter the institution in the fall term (or summer term and continue into the fall term) and graduate from the same institution within four years. (BOG)

Report Business Logic Exceptions
CollegeSpecial Filters used in the college's publication
USF World Campus-Tampa; Person Race-Non-Resident Alien; INTO Group-INTO and INTR are excluded
Honors CollegeCampus: Tampa;  Flag Student Honors - True

Prompts: N/A

Tab1:  Transfer 2-year and 4-year graduation rates

 This tab displays the 2-year and 4-year graduation rates of transfer students in a tabular format.


College Reviews#Student Home Campus

College Reviews#Student College

Report Elements

Summer/Fall Cohort (Cohort Title) - Cohorts are based on undergraduate students who enter the institution in the fall term (or summer term and continue into the fall term)

Student Type : Student Grouping Accountability - Only  AA Florida College System Transfers and Others (AA Other Transfers and Non-AA Transfers) are considered for this report

Final Cohort (Initial Cohort Size)

% 2 Year Graduation Same College

% 3 Year Graduation Same College

% 4 Year Graduation Same College

% 2 Year Graduation at Campus

% 3 Year Graduation at Campus

% 4 Year Graduation at Campus

% 1 year Change

% 2 Year Change

 All student termination status except 'Deceased' and 'Withdrew during Term' are included'

Tab 2: Chart: Transfer 2-year and 4-year graduation rates

 This tab displays the trend over the last 5 years in the 2-year and 4-year campus graduation rates through line graphs,


College Reviews#Student Home Campus

College Reviews#Student College

Report Elements


Report: Term and Benchmark Report

This report displays the timing of the data availability in the reports.

Prompts: N/A


Tab1:  Term and Benchmark Report

This report displays the timing of the data availability in the reports.



Report Elements

Year: College Reviews#Academic Year/College Reviews#Calendar Year/ Financial Aid Year /College Reviews#Fiscal Year

Data Availability: Complete/Incomplete

Terms Included: Fall, Spring, and Summer associated with the kind of year 

Term Status: Preliminary/Final

Accounting Period: This is included only for data that uses fiscal years and fiscal years begin with accounting period 1 that is July

Report Elements Glossary Table

The table below lists all the elements used in the College Reviews reports.

Note: To sort the table elements, click the up or down arrow in the column header. 


% 2 Year Graduation Same College

Cube: EIS Retention ->Graduation

[Graduated College Year2]/[Initial Cohort Size]

Graduated College Year2: Identifies students belonging to the original cohort who graduated at the end of the second year at the same college.

% Enrolled Campus Year2

Cube: EIS Retention ->Retention[Enrolled Campus Year2]/[Initial Cohort Size]

% Enrolled Campus Year2 with GPA>=2

Cube: EIS Retention ->Retention[Enrolled Campus Year2 With GPA Greater or Equal to 2]/[Initial Cohort Size]

% Enrolled College Year2

Cube: EIS Retention ->Retention[Enrolled College Year2]/[Initial Cohort Size]

% Enrolled College Year2 with GPA>=2

Cube: EIS Retention ->Retention[Enrolled College Year2 With GPA Greater or Equal to 2]/[Initial Cohort Size]

% Graduated Campus Year2

Cube: EIS Retention ->Graduation

[Graduated Campus Year2]/[Initial Cohort Size]

Graduated Campus Year2]: Identifies students belonging to the original cohort who graduated at the end of the second year at the same campus.

% Graduated Campus Year3

Cube: EIS Retention ->Graduation

[Graduated Campus Year3]/[Initial Cohort Size]

Graduated Campus Year3]: Identifies students belonging to the original cohort who graduated at the end of the third year at the same campus.

% Graduated Campus Year4

Cube: EIS Retention ->Graduation

[Graduated Campus Year4]/[Initial Cohort Size]

Graduated Campus Year4 - Identifies students belonging to the original cohort who graduated at the end of the fourth year at the same campus.

% Graduated Campus Year6

Cube: EIS Retention ->Graduation

[Graduated Campus Year6]/[Initial Cohort Size].

Graduated Campus Year6 - Identifies students belonging to the original cohort who graduated at the end of the sixth year at the same college.

% Graduated College Year2

Cube: EIS Retention ->Graduation

[Graduated College Year2]/[Initial Cohort Size]

Graduated College Year2 - Identifies students belonging to the original cohort who graduated at the end of the second year at the same college.

% Graduated College Year3

Cube: EIS Retention ->Graduation

[Graduated College Year3]/[Initial Cohort Size]

Graduated College Year3 - Identifies students belonging to the original cohort who graduated at the end of the third year at the same college.

% Graduated College Year4

Cube: EIS Retention ->Graduation

[Graduated College Year4]/[Initial Cohort Size]

Graduated College Year4 - Identifies students belonging to the original cohort who graduated at the end of the fourth year at the same college.

% Graduated College Year6
Cube: EIS Retention ->Graduation

[Graduated College Year6]/[Initial Cohort Size]

Graduated College Year6 - Identifies students belonging to the original cohort who graduated at the end of the sixth year at the same college.

% of Hits

SID->CollegeReviews_CommunityServiceProposals->PercentageofHits[Community Service Awards]/[Community Service Proposals]: The percentage of community service proposals that were granted awards.

4 Year Adjusted Cohort

Cube: EIS Retention →Retention → Flag4YThe original cohort is adjusted to not include students who started in the original cohort but left after the first year. 

6 Year Adjusted Cohort

Cube: EIS Retention →Retention → Flag BOG AccountabilityThe original cohort is adjusted to not include students who started in the original cohort but left after the first year. 

Academic Program CIP Title

SID->CollegeReviews_AcademicProgramReview->CIPTitleThe title of the course or program as defined by its Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) code. The field may also include the USF program title, if applicable.

Academic Program Degree Level

SID->CollegeReviews_AcademicProgramReview->DegreeLevelThe degree level of the reviewed academic program: Bachelors, Masters, Prof Doctorate, Research Doctorate, and Specialist.

Academic Program Review College

SID->CollegeReviews_AcademicProgramReview->CollegeAcademic program's college.

Academic Program Review Year

SID->CollegeReviews_AcademicProgramReview->SubmissionTimelineRepresents the year the data was updated

Academic Year

Cube: EIS Student -> Registration,

Cube: EIS Student-> Enrollments,

Cube: EIS Student -> Degree Awarded,

Cube: EIS Employee -> Employee Survey,

Cube: EIS Student-> Courses Taken,

Academic year as identified by Summer + Fall + Spring.

Accountability Report Date

SID->CollegeReviews_TerminatedPrograms->AccountabilityReportDateAcademic year or term in which the program termination is scheduled.


SID->SID_AWARDS ->Awd Amount

Funds that have been obligated by a funding agency for a particular project. Any instrument, signed by a contracting officer, providing government funds or other resources to an offeror that permits expenditure of such government funds or use of such government resources. The provision of funds by a sponsor, based on an approved application and budget, to an organizational entity or an individual to carry out an activity or project. This includes both direct and indirect costs (F & A) unless otherwise indicated.

Awards % Change

CalculatedAward percentage changed between current year and previous year.

BOG Termination

SID->CollegeReviews_TerminatedPrograms->BOGTerminationIndicates the date the Board of Governors took action on reviewing or terminating the academic program. This field displays a date if the program is or has been terminated, or it displays the status, such as Approved or Pending, if the approval process is in progress.

BOT Action

SID->CollegeReviews_TerminatedPrograms->BOTActionIndicates the date the Board of Trustees took action on reviewing or approving the termination of the academic program. This field displays a date if the program is or has been terminated, or it displays a status, such as Approved or Pending, if the approval process is in progress.

Calendar Year

Cube: EIS Student -> Registration,

Cube: EIS Student-> Enrollments,

Cube: EIS Student -> Degree Awarded,

Cube: EIS Employee -> Employee Survey,

Cube: EIS Student-> Courses Taken,

Calendar year as identified by Spring + Summer + Fall.

CIP Strategic Emphasis Group

Cube: EIS Student -> Degree AwardedCIP grouping as identified by the BOG as being a part of specific areas for strategic emphasis. The various groups include - EDUCATION, GAP ANALYSIS, Globalization, HEALTH, STEM.

Cohort Title

Cube: EIS Retention ->Retention,

Cube: EIS Retention ->Graduation

Identifies the title of the cohort. Options include - Summer Cohort; Summer/Fall Cohort; and Spring Cohort. Summer/Fall Cohort identifies students who started in summer term and continued onto fall or started in fall term.


SID->CollegeReviews_Fundraising->CollegeUnique College Name, similar to Banner for College by Campus.
SID->CollegeReviews_InnEdPrograms->CollegeThe college of the student enrolled in undergraduate or graduate level online degree programs.


SID->CollegeReviews_SponsoredResearchExpenditures->CollegeThe university college: Used to filter sponsored research expenditures by university college, such as Marine Science or Pharmacy.

College Response Summary

SID->CollegeReviews_LowProductivityAcademic->SummaryRepresents the comments documented by USF colleges in response to low program enrollment assessments. Program courses are reviewed annually by both USF and the BOG to evaluate the number of degrees awarded and the program's effectiveness, and those that do not meet established thresholds are flagged.

Commercialization College

SID->CollegeReviews_Commercialization->CollegeRepresents the college associated with the commercial ventures.

Commercialization Fiscal Year

SID->CollegeReviews_Commercialization->ReviewYearThe fiscal year in which the commercial venture, patent, or licensing was executed.

Community Service Awards

SID->CollegeReviews_CommunityServiceProposals->CommunityServiceAwards]Represents the number of community service awards given to the university. This can be filtered by college.

Community Service Awards Amount

SID→ CollegeReviews_CommunityServiceProposedAmount → CommunityServiceAwardsAmountRepresents the dollar amount of community services projects awards for the fiscal year at the university. This can be filtered by college.

Community Service Expenditures

SID→ CollegeReviews_CommunityServiceProposedAmount → CommunityServiceExpendituresRepresents the money used to fund community services projects engaged in at the university. This can be filtered by college.

Community Service Proposals

SID->CollegeReviews_CommunityServiceProposals->CommunityServiceProposalsRepresents the number of community service proposals initiated at the university. This can be filtered by college.

Community Service Proposed Amount

SID→ CollegeReviews_CommunityServiceProposedAmount → CommunityServiceProposedAmountRepresents the dollar amount proposed for community services projects for the fiscal year at the university. This can be filtered by college.

Count Course Enrollment

Cube: EIS Student -> RegistrationCount of enrolled heads within courses at the section level.

Count Degree Awarded

Cube: EIS Student -> Degree AwardedCount of degrees awarded.

Count Enrollment

Cube: EIS Student-> EnrollmentsEnrollment Count

Country of Nationality

Cube: EIS Student-> EnrollmentsIdentifies the student's country of origin.

Course Delivery Method

Cube: EIS Student -> Registration,

Cube: EISTuition -> TuitionStudentCourse

A classification of a course based on the delivery of direct instruction. Full Distance Learning Course - 100% of the direct instruction of the course is delivered using some form of technology where the student and instructor are separated by time, space, or both. All special course components (e.g., exams, internships, practica, clinicals, labs) that cannot be completed online can be completed off-campus. Primarily Classroom Learning Course - Less than 50% of the direct instruction of the course is delivered using some form of technology where the student and instructor are separated by time, space, or both. This designation can include activities that do not occur in a classroom (e.g., exams, internships, practica, clinicals, labs). Hybrid Course - 50-79% of the direct instruction of the course is delivered using some form of technology where the student and instructor are separated by time, space, or both. Primarily Distance Learning Course - 80-99% of the direct instruction of the course is delivered using some form of technology where the student and instructor are separated by time, space, or both. All special course components (e.g., exams, internships, practica, clinicals, labs) that cannot be completed online can be completed off-campus.

Course Level Group

Cube: EIS Student -> Registration, Cube EISTuition- TuitionStudentCourse

Course level identified as undergraduate or graduate level. Undergraduate courses have a course number <= 4999. Graduate courses have a course number >= 5000.

Course Campus

Cube: EISTuition -> TuitionStudentCourseCampus unit that is funding the course.

Course College

Cube: EISTuition -> TuitionStudentCourseCollege that is funding the course.

Course Department 

Cube: EISTuition -> TuitionStudentCourseDepartment that is funding the course.

Course Detail

Cube: EIS Student -> RegistrationComplete course identifier in the format of Course Prefix - Course Number - Course Section - Course Section Type (course reference number)

Credit Hours Fundable AAR

Cube: EIS Student -> RegistrationThe number of State Fundable Hours based on Student Section Funding Flag, type of Course Section, and/or Fee Waiver Kind as per BOG accountability methodology.
Credit Hours Gross
Cube: EIS Student -> RegistrationA quantitative measurement stated in semester hours, which is the number of hours student may be enrolled in for credit for this course section.

CS Amounts College

SID→ CollegeReviews_CommunityServiceProposedAmount →CollegeThe college within the USF system that initiates or is awarded the community service proposals, projects, and funding.

CS Amounts Fiscal Year

SID→ CollegeReviews_CommunityServiceProposedAmount →ReviewYearThe fiscal year in which community service funds and expenditure amounts have been totaled.

CS Proposals College

SID->CollegeReviews_CommunityServiceProposals->CollegeThe college within the USF system that initiates or is awarded the community service proposals, projects, and funding.

CS Proposals Fiscal Year

SID->CollegeReviews_CommunityServiceProposals->FiscalYearThe fiscal year in which community service proposals and awards numbers have been tallied.

Degree Level

Cube: EIS Student -> Degree AwardedThe degree, certificate, or diploma awarded the student this term. Undergraduate includes Bachelor, and Graduate includes Doctoral-Research, Doctoral-Professional, Masters, and Ed Specialist.

Ed Abroad Campus

SID->CollegeReviews_EducationAbroad ->HomeCampusThe home campus for the student enrolled in a study abroad program during the academic year.
Ed Abroad College



The college of the student enrolled in a study abroad program during the academic year.

Employee Count

Cube: EIS Employee -> Employee SurveyCount of individual instances of appointment for each employee.

Employee Unit - Org Unit Campus

Cube: EIS Employee -> Employee SurveyUnique Campus Name, for cross-system use.

Employee Unit - Org Unit College

Cube: EIS Employee -> Employee SurveyUnique College Code, similar to Banner for College by Campus.

Employee Unit - Org Unit Department

Cube: EIS Employee -> Employee SurveyUnique College Department Code.

Endowment College

SID->CollegeReviews_Endowments->CollegeOptional filter used to show the endowment for all of the departments within the selected college.
SID->CollegeReviews_Endowments->DepartmentCollege department name.

Endowment Fiscal Year

SID->CollegeReviews_Endowments->ReviewYearRepresents the endowment for the indicated year (as of the date indicated on the report).

Endowment Market Value

SID->CollegeReviews_Endowments->MarketValueCurrent market value of the department's endowment as of the date indicated on the report.

Enrolled Campus Year2

Cube: EIS Retention →Retention -> FlagRTFTIC

Identifies students belonging to the original cohort who continued to be enrolled the second year in the equivalent term at the same campus.

Enrolled Campus Year2 With GPA Greater or Equal to 2

Cube: EIS Retention →Retention -> FlagRTFTICIdentifies students belonging to the original cohort who continued to be enrolled the second year in the equivalent term at the same campus with a GPA >= 2.0.

Enrolled College Year2

Cube: EIS Retention →Retention -> FlagRTFTICIdentifies students belonging to the original cohort who continued to be enrolled the second year in the equivalent term at the same college.

Enrolled College Year2 With GPA Greater or Equal to 2

Cube: EIS Retention →Retention -> FlagRTFTICIdentifies students belonging to the original cohort who continued to be enrolled the second year in the equivalent term at the same college with a GPA >= 2.0.

F&A College

SID->CollegeReviews_FandARates->CollegeRepresents the college associated with the research projects and project funding.

F&A Fiscal Year

SID->CollegeReviews_FandARates->ReviewYearRepresents the fiscal year in which the F&A funding was reimbursed.

Faculty Award College

SID->CollegeReviews_FacultyAwards->CollegeCollege in which the faculty member receiving the award is employed.

Faculty Award Name

SID->CollegeReviews_FacultyAwards->AwardNameName of the award granted to the faculty member.

Faculty Award Types

SID->CollegeReviews_FacultyAwards->AwardTypesOrganization or institution sponsoring the award, such at TARU or USF.  
Faculty Name
SID->CollegeReviews_FacultyAwards->FacultyNameFaculty member receiving the award.

Faculty Review Year

SID->CollegeReviews_FacultyAwards->ReviewYearCalendar year in which the faculty member received the award.

Federal Expenditures

SID->CollegeReviews_SponsoredResearchExpenditures->FederalExpendituresExpenditures on a research project relating to funds that are awarded to USF by federal agencies.

Federal Flow-Through Expenditures

SID->CollegeReviews_SponsoredResearchExpenditures->FederalFlowThroughExpendituresExpenditures on a research project relating to funds that are awarded to USF from non-federal entities funded in total or in part by federal agencies.

Federal Flow Through F&A Rate %


Indicates the F&A (facilities and administrative) negotiated reimbursement rate for funds derived from non-federal agencies that are funded in total or in part by federal agencies and are designated for research within the selected college/department.

F&A rates are calculated as the total indirect cost of a project divided by the direct costs of conducting research.

Financial Aid Year

Cube: EIS Student - > Degree Awarded,

Cube: EIS Student -> Registration,

Cube: EIS Student-> Enrollments,

Cube: EIS Student-> Courses Taken,

Cube: EIS Employee -> Employee Survey,

Financial Aid year as identified by Fall + Spring + Summer.

Fiscal Year

Fiscal year, beginning July 1 and running through June 30.

Fiscal Year

SID->CollegeReviews_SponsoredResearchExpenditures->ReviewYearThe fiscal year for which the sponsored research expenditures are totaled.

Flag Excess Hours

Cube: EIS Student -> Degree AwardedIdentifies if an undergraduate student generated excess hours towards their bachelors degree. It is only set for UG students and primary majors. Set to TRUE to calculate if student has excess hours.

Flag Student Part Time

Cube: EIS Retention ->GraduationIdentifies a student as a part-time student based on the cumulative credit hours enrolled in a particular term. For undergraduates in spring and fall terms, if course load is < 12 credits then part time. For undergraduates in summer terms, if course load is < 8 credits then part time. For graduates in spring and fall terms, if course load is < 9 then part time. For graduates in summer terms, if course load is < 6 then part time.

FTE Employee Appointment

Cube: EIS Employee -> Employee SurveyRepresents the count of the appointed employees in each category (level, rank, and type), converted into Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) units.

FTE Fundable AAR

Cube: EIS Student -> RegistrationUndergraduate FTE = (UG Fundable AAR SCH/40); Graduate FTE = (GR Fundable AAR SCH/32)
FTE Federal Gross Student
Cube: EIS Student -> RegistrationUndergraduate FTE = (UG Gross SCH/30); Graduate FTE = (GR Gross SCH/24)

Fundraising Amount

SID->CollegeReviews_Fundraising->AmountThe fundraising amount is the sum of dollars by category or metric itemized in the report.

Fundraising Commitment

SID->CollegeReviews_Fundraising->MetricFundraising Commitment is comprised of categories or metrics being measured in the annual fundraising calculations. The Commitments funds are the total of Outright Gifts, Planned Gifts, Pledges, Private Research Grants, and State Match funds. The Goal metric is the amount aimed for in fundraising for the fiscal year. The Donor Count is the number of donors contributing to the total dollar amount during the fiscal year.

Fundraising Fiscal Year

SID->CollegeReviews_Fundraising->FiscalYearFiscal year, beginning July 1 and running through June 30.

Gross Tuition

Cube: EISTuition- TuitionStudentCourse[Revenue AGOS] + [Revenue Differential] + [Revenue OOS] + [Revenue Programmatic] + [Revenue Tuition]

Group College Review Level

Cube: EIS Employee -> Employee SurveyIdentifies the broad category of employees at the institution for the purposes of HR classification: Instructional, Research, and Other Personnel.

Group College Review Rank

Cube: EIS Employee -> Employee SurveyIndicates the academic rank of the employee: Academic Rank or No Academic Rank,
Group College Review Type
Cube: EIS Employee -> Employee Survey

Indicates the category or type of the employee: Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor, Instructor, 99, Lecturer, Adjunct, Graduate Assistants, Faculty, Postdoc, A & P, USPS, OPS, Non-Compensated (Non-SUS Employee), Non-Compensated (SUS Employee), Student Assistants, MUSC/MSSC.

Implementation Date

SID->CollegeReviews_NewAcademicPrograms->Implementation DateIndicates the intended implementation date (academic year) of the proposed academic program.
InEd Review Year
SID->CollegeReviews_InnEdProgramsThe academic year in which the count of students enrolled in fully online degree programs is tallied.
Initial Cohort Size

Cube: EIS Retention ->Retention, Cube: EIS Retention ->Graduation

Specifies the original student cohort as selected, based on the filters.

Instructor Primary Name

Cube: EIS Student -> RegistrationName of the primary instructor associated with the course.

International Status

Cube: EIS Student-> EnrollmentsIndicates whether or not a student is an international student.

Invention Disclosures Received


Indicates the number of disclosures received by the Division of Patents & Licensing for inventions developed or discovered by USF employees, which includes all faculty and administrative, staff, and temporary employees.


SID->CollegeReviews_InnEdPrograms->ProgramLevelThe level of the Program: Graduate or Undergraduate.

Licenses & Options Executed


Indicates the number of licenses and options executed through the Division of Patents & Licensing for licenses or other agreements with third parties for the commercialization of inventions and works developed or discovered by USF employees, which includes all faculty and administrative, staff, and temporary employees.

Licensing Received ($)


Indicates the monetary value of revenue received by the university for the commercial application of licenses and options executed through the Division of Patents & Licensing by USF employees, which includes all faculty and administrative, staff, and temporary employees.

Low Productivity CIP

SID->CollegeReviews_LowProductivityAcademic->CIPClassification of Instructional Programs; exactly six digits in length and formatted ##.####. The CIP provides a classification for all educational programs offered at the secondary school level in the U.S. Its purpose is to facilitate the organization, collection, and reporting of fields of study and program completions.

Low Productivity CIP Title

SID->CollegeReviews_LowProductivityAcademic->TitleThe title of the course or program as defined by its Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) code. The field may also include the USF program title, if applicable.

Low Productivity College

SID->CollegeReviews_LowProductivityAcademic->CollegeAcademic program's college.

Low Productivity Degree Level

SID->CollegeReviews_LowProductivityAcademic->LevelThe degree level of the academic program: B = Bachelor, M = Masters, R = Doctoral Research, and S = Specialist.

Low Productivity Review Year

SID->CollegeReviews_LowProductivityAcademic->ReviewYearRepresents the year in which the productivity statuses have been updated.


Cube: EIS Student -> Degree AwardedIdentifies the student's primary major.

Net Tuition

Cube: EISTuition -> TuitionStudentCourse[Gross Tuition] - [Total Exemptions]

Net Tuition Variance

CalculatedVariance in net tuition between the current (selected) and previous year.

New Academic Program CIP

SID->CollegeReviews_NewAcademicPrograms->CIPClassification of Instructional Programs; exactly six digits in length and formatted ##.####. The CIP provides a classification for all educational programs offered at the secondary school level in the U.S. Its purpose is to facilitate the organization, collection, and reporting of fields of study and program completions.

New Academic Program College

SID->CollegeReviews_NewAcademicPrograms->CollegeCollege in which the new academic program is proposed.

New Academic Program Degree

SID->CollegeReviews_NewAcademicPrograms->DegreeThe degree level (e.g., B.S., M.A., Ph.D) for the proposed academic program.

New Academic Program Review Year

SID->CollegeReviews_NewAcademicPrograms->SubmissionTimelineYear in which the new academic program proposal is reviewed for implementation. If more than one review year is selected, the report may display review updates to the status for a particular program. For example, a program can appear as a "Pre-Proposal" in one year and a "New Degree Proposal" the following year with an update to its status. Both records display in the report if all years are selected in the filter.

New Academic Program Title


The title of the course or program as defined by its Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) code. The field may also include the USF program title, if applicable.

Non-Faculty Researcher Year

SID->SID_PostDocs->YearThe academic year in which non-faculty researchers employed at the university is counted.

Non-Federal Expenditures

SID->CollegeReviews_SponsoredResearchExpenditures->NonFederalExpendituresExpenditures on a research project relating to funds that are awarded to USF from non-federally funded entities.

Non-Federal F&A Rate %


Indicates the F&A (facilities and administrative) negotiated reimbursement rate for funds that are derived from non-federally funded entities and are designated for research within the selected college/department.

F&A rates are calculated as the total indirect cost of a project divided by the direct costs of conducting research.

Number of Course Sections

SID->CollegeReviews_OCEP -> NumCourseSectionsNumber of course sections in service‐learning courses.
Number of Students Enrolled

SID->CollegeReviews_OCEP-> NumStudentEnrolled

Number of students enrolled in service‐learning courses.

OCEP College

SID->CollegeReviews_OCEP->CollegeThe college of the student enrolled in undergraduate experiential and service-learning courses.

OCEP Review Year

SID->CollegeReviews_OCEP->ReviewYearThe academic year in which the count of students enrolled in service-learning courses is tallied, as measured by the Office of Community Engagement and Partnerships.

Org Unit Campus

Cube: EIS Student -> Registration,

Cube: EIS Student-> Enrollments,

Cube: EIS Student -> Degree Awarded

Unique Campus Name, for cross-system use.

Org Unit College

Cube: EIS Student -> Registration,

Cube: EIS Student-> Enrollments,

Cube: EIS Student -> Degree Awarded

Unique College Code, similar to Banner for College by Campus.

Org Unit Department

Cube: EIS Student -> Registration,

Cube: EIS Student-> Enrollments,

Cube: EIS Student -> Degree Awarded

Unique College Department Code.

Overall F&A Rate %


Indicates the overall F&A (facilities and administrative) negotiated reimbursement rate for funds designated for research within the selected college/department.

F&A rates are calculated as the total indirect cost of a project divided by the direct costs of conducting research.

Pell Status

Cube: EIS Graduation→Pell StatusThis designation indicates if a student receives financial aid under the Pell Grant program. The adjusted student population in the cohort is separated into Pell Grant recipients and non-Pell Grant recipients.

Person Residency Type

Cube: EIS Student-> Enrollments,

Cube EISTuition- TuitionStudentCourse

For students, this denotes the student's domicile within or outside of the State of Florida identified for the purpose of assessing fees at the institution. Values include I-Instate residents and O-Out of State residents.

Post Docs Appointee Year

SID->SID_PostDocs->YearThe academic year in which post-doctoral appointees employed at the university is counted.

Post Docs Campus

SID->SID_PostDocs->CampusIdentifies the researcher's home campus.

Post Docs Citizenship

SID->SID_PostDocs->CitizenshipCitizenship of the post-doctoral researcher.

Post Docs College

SID->SID_PostDocs->CollegeIdentifies the researcher's home college.

Post Docs Degree Year

SID->SID_PostDocs-> Degree YearDegree year of the post doctoral researcher.

Post Docs Department

SID->SID_PostDocs->DepartmentIdentifies the researcher's college department in which he or she is employed.

Post Docs Gems Degree Type


SID->SID_PostDocs->Gems Degree Type

Type of degree achieved, such as Doctorate, Medical Doctorate, Masters, or DVM.

Post Docs Gems ID

SID->SID_PostDocs->Gems IDGEMS ID of the individual.

Post Docs Gender

SID->SID_PostDocs->GenderGender of the post-doctoral researcher.

Post Docs First Name

SID->SID_PostDocs->FirstNameFirst name of the individual in the report.

Post Docs Job Code


The post-doctoral researcher's four-digit GEMS job code that corresponds with his or her job classification.

Post Docs Job Code Title

SID->SID_PostDocs->Job Code TitleThe title associated with the post-doctoral researcher's job code, such as Research Associate, Post Doc Fellow, or Research Assistant Professor.

Post Docs Last Name

SID->SID_PostDocs->LastNameLast name of the individual in the report.  

Post Docs Research Status

SID->SID_PostDocs->Research StatusStatus of research for the individual, such as non-faculty or postdoctoral.

Post Docs Term ID

SID->SID_PostDocs->TermIDFinal expected term of the post-doctoral researcher, formatted as YYYYMM.

Post Docs US Doctorate Flag

SID→SID_PostDocs→US Doctorate Flag

Post Docs Year

SID->SID_PostDocs->YearIdentifies the post-doctoral employee's year of graduation.

Program Name

SID->CollegeReviews_InnEdPrograms->ProgramNameThe title of the course or program as defined by its Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) code. The CIP Title or Program may also indicate the corresponding USF program title, if applicable.

Proposal Type

SID->CollegeReviews_NewAcademicPrograms->ProposalTypeFor new academic programs, this indicates whether it is a new degree proposal or a pre-proposal. Pre-proposals typically need additional planning or refinement before going to the BOT or BOG for approval.

Proposals & Awards Fiscal Period

SID-> SID_PROPOSALS ->Fiscal PeriodCalendar month within the fiscal year, used to compare proposal requests submitted and awards granted across years for a particular month. 

Proposals & Awards Fiscal Year

SID-> SID_PROPOSALS ->Fiscal YearFiscal year running from July 1 through June 30, used to compare proposals requests submitted and awards granted across the years.

Proposals Submitted Campus


The university campus: Used to filter proposal requests and awards granted to departments by USF campus.

Proposals Submitted College

SID-> SID_PROPOSALS ->Ori_CollegeThe university college: Used to filter proposal requests and awards granted by university college, such as Education or Nursing.

Proposals Submitted Department

The college's department: Used to filter proposal requests and awards granted to a selected department, such as Biology, Music, or Geosciences.

Requested Amount


An application submitted to a grant sponsor for funding that contains all information necessary to describe project plans, staff capabilities, and funds requested. Formal proposals are officially approved and submitted by an organization in the name of a PI.

Requested Amount %

CalculatedRequested amount percentage changed between current year and previous year.

Start-Ups College

SID->CollegeReviews_FacultyStudentStartups->CollegeCollege associated with the faculty and students starting the commercial venture or initiative.

Start-Ups Fiscal Year

SID->CollegeReviews_FacultyStudentStartups->ReviewYearFiscal year in which the faculty/student start-up venture formed.

Start-Ups Formed

SID->CollegeReviews_FacultyStudentStartups->StartupsThe tally of faculty/student start-ups formed through innovation and research efforts in the selected fiscal year.


SID->CollegeReviews_NewAcademicPrograms->StatusIndicates the current status of the new academic degree proposal. Status comments may include dates a proposal is being presented to various boards, such as the Board of Governors.

Status Report Submitted

SID->CollegeReviews_AcademicProgramReview->StatusReportSubmittedIndicates the month and year the status report on the academic year is submitted. This attribute only displays for program reviews that are complete and have been submitted.

Student Award Award Name

SID->CollegeReviews_StudentAwards->AwardNameName of the award or scholarship granted to the student.  

Student Award College


College in which the student receiving the award is enrolled.

Student Award Estimated Value

SID->CollegeReviews_StudentAwards->EstimatedValueEstimated value of the student's award in US Dollars.

Student Award Level



Enrollment level of the student at the university (Undergraduate, Graduate)

Student Award Programs

SID->CollegeReviews_StudentAwards->ProgramsLocation of where the program award is to be conducted or carried out, if applicable. For example, a student receiving an English Teaching Assistantship may have the program located in Romania or Norway.
Student Award Review Year
SID->CollegeReviews_StudentAwards->ReviewYearAcademic year in which the student was awarded the scholarship program.

Student Award Student Name

SID->CollegeReviews_StudentAwards->StudentNameName of the student receiving the award.

Student College

Cube: EIS Retention ->RetentionIdentifies the student's college of registration.

Student Count

SID->CollegeReviews_EducationAbroad-> Student_CountThe number of students of all levels (Undergraduate, Graduate, Professional) who have elected to enroll in a study abroad program during the academic year. The actual student headcounts are separated by academic level.

Student Grade Course

Cube: EIS Student -> RegistrationGrade awarded to the student for the particular course.

Student Home Campus

Cube: EIS Retention ->RetentionIdentifies the student's home campus of registration.

Student Level

Cube: EIS Student-> Enrollments

Advanced, Beginning, Lower, Upper

Student Level




Student Type

Cube: EIS Student-> EnrollmentsIdentifies students as graduate, undergraduate, or non-degree.

Student Type

Cube: EIS Student -> Degree AwardedStudent type according to most recent admit status - Types are FTIC, AA Transfers, Other Transfers, Masters/Ed.S., Doctoral Research, and Doctoral Professional. Undergraduate includes only FTIC, AA Transfers, and Other Transfers.

Term Title

Cube: EIS Student -> Registration,

Cube: EIS Student -> Degree Awarded,

Cube: EIS Employee -> Employee Survey

Term Title of record.

Terminated Program CIP

SID->CollegeReviews_TerminatedPrograms->CIPClassification of Instructional Programs; exactly six digits in length and formatted ##.####. The CIP provides a classification for all educational programs offered at the secondary school level in the U.S. Its purpose is to facilitate the organization, collection, and reporting of fields of study and program completions.

Terminated Program CIP Title

SID->CollegeReviews_TerminatedPrograms->ProgramThe title of the course or program as defined by its Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) code. The CIP Title or Program may also indicate the corresponding USF program title, if applicable.

Terminated Program College

SID->CollegeReviews_TerminatedPrograms->CollegeRepresents the college in which the academic program is funded.

Terminated Program Degree Level

SID->CollegeReviews_TerminatedPrograms->LevelThe degree level of the reviewed academic program: B = Bachelors and M = Masters.

Terminated Program Review Year

SID->CollegeReviews_TerminatedPrograms->ReviewYearRepresents the year the academic program was reviewed for termination.

Total Degrees Over Five Years



Quantitative measure of the number of degrees awarded in a particular degree program over a five-year span.

Total Sponsored Research Expenditures

SID->CollegeReviews_SponsoredResearchExpenditures->Total Sponsored Research Expenditures

Total expenditures for the year on research projects, which is the sum of Federal, Federal Flow-Through, and Non-Federal Expenditures.

UG Research College

Cube: EISStudent - Registration -> Org Unit CollegeThe college of the student engaged in undergraduate research during the academic year.

UG Research Count

Cube: EISStudent - Registration -> Course Prefix Number Title

The number of students involved in undergraduate research, measured by USF college and academic year. The query for the report counts the number of students enrolled in courses with "Research" or "Thesis" in the title.
UG Research Review Year
Cube: EISStudent - Registration → Year AcademicThe academic year in which the count of students engaged in undergraduate research is tallied.

U.S. Patents Issued


Indicates the number of patents issued by the United States Patent and Trademark Office to USF employees, which includes all faculty and administrative, staff, and temporary employees.


Cube: EISTuition- TuitionStudentCourse[Exemption EG] + [Exemption EGOOS] + [Exemption Statutory] + [Exemption Statutory Differential] + [Exemption Statutory Lakeland] + [Exemption Statutory OOS]

Year Sub Header

SID->CollegeReviews_AcademicProgramReview->ReviewYearTextRepresents the year in which the academic program review statuses have been updated.

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