The myBullsPath Reports

The myBullsPath Reports

Overview: myBullsPath

The myBullsPath Portal, supported by the USF Office of Orientation, provides newly admitted USF undergraduate students access to onboarding activities in an online graphical interface. Students can navigate through the various pre-registration tasks, which are called "Cards," to complete their individual requirements. These Cards include activities such as applying for housing, submitting transcripts and medical history, paying admissions deposit, and attending orientation.

The two myBullsPath reports, for orientation staff and USF student services providers, pull data from the student Card activity to provide a snapshot of students' progress in completing the onboarding tasks. The two reports displaying the following:

  • Card Summary report: composed of a dashboard summarizing each of the Card statuses and a table presenting details on each admitted student's progress
  • Card Details report: composed of a table that drills down into the separate requirements for the Health, Pre-Orientation Advising, and Student Visa Cards. These three Cards have multiple requirements that must be satisfied before the Card can be considered complete, thus this report displays all requirements and the students' progress in meeting them. 

Using this report, staff can view metrics relating to student progression in meeting the onboarding requirements. For example, staff can:

  • Drill down to view select student populations, such as a student type (e.g., transfer, FTIC) or gender.  
  • Select the status of a particular Card, such as Submit Health Documents or Apply For Housing. 
  • View the progress made on individual requirements for particular Cards. 
  • Reach out to students currently in the pipeline to provide individual assistance on completing tasks.
  • Track the overall onboarding process for efficiencies, and create targeted campaigns to improve the business process.

For a Quick Reference Guide with helpful tips on using the Power BI myBullsPath Report, click here >>  My Bulls Path QRG.pdf

Power BI reports have several features that can help you explore detailed information: 

 myBullsPath Report Filters

Use the report filters to drill down to specific populations or trends in the myBullsPath data.

Helpful Hints

Filters are listed on both the top and left side of the report.

  • The top filters pertain to the university classifications, such as campus or department and includes an Orientation Session filter for students attending Orientation.
  • The side filters pertain to student demographics, such as residency and student type.
  • The Student Details tab of the Card Summary report has five additional filters – three on the top: Card Status, Completion Date, & Card Description; and two on the side: UID & Student Name.

To select more than one option in a filter, hold the Ctrl key as you click each item.

The filters you select on one tab of the report are retained when you move to the other tab of the report.

Select "Reset to Default" in the report Header to remove all filter selections:

You can clear the selections for the Student Name and UID filters by clicking the erasericon.

Once an item in ONE filter is selected, the selections in other filters may change. For example, if you select College = Business, the Department filter shows only the departments in the College of Business. Click the iconabove the filter to view what is impacting the available selections.

Here are some examples using filters in the myBullsPath report:

Select Cohort = 202001 - Spring 2020 & College = Education: Click the filter by "Department" to view the filters limiting the options for Department:

Select Cohort = 202001 - Spring 2020; Campus = USF Tampa; Card = Attend Orientation; Card Status = Yes (on Student Details tab) to view the count and the list of students who have attended orientation:

 Ask a Question Feature

Power BI has an Ask a Question feature that allows you to ask a question of the report data using your own words. The feature lets you explore your data using multiple presentations.

Helpful Hints

The results are interactive and typically display suggestions as you type the question.

Any filters you have selected in the report are applied to the results, e.g., if you have filtered for the College of Engineering, only Engineering students display in the results.

You can add elements to an existing question, e.g., you can add "by gender" at the end of the question "Count of student UID , campus = USF Tampa, Card = Attend Orientation, Card Status = No," and the display updates automatically.

You can choose different ways to display the data. Some of the typical ways to display are "as table," "as matrix," or "as bar chart."

Refer to Power Bi Tips and tricks for help in phrasing your own questions: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/power-bi/consumer/end-user-q-and-a-tips

Here are some examples of questions you can ask (copy/paste these into the field) :

  1. Show me Completion percentage by card and cohort sort and gender and ethnicity
  2. Show me count of student UID , campus = USF Tampa , card = Attend Orientation , card status = No , cohort sort = 201908 - Fall 2019 by college
  3. Show me count of student UID , campus = USF Tampa , card = Attend Orientation , card status = Yes , cohort sort = 201908 - Fall 2019 sort by student UID
  4. Completion percentage by card and gender and ethnicity for cohort sort = 201908 - Fall 2019
  5. Count of Student uids by year(start date),month(start date) for cohort sort = fall 2019 as table
  6. Show me card, not_completed #, cohort sort = 201908 - Fall 2019 , sort by Not_Completed # as table
  7. Show me count of student   UID , campus = USF   Tampa , cohort   sort = 201908   -   Fall   2019 by college as column   chart
  8. Show me student UID for who has card status = Yes for card description = Submit Health Documents and start date > 10/31/19 and end date < 11/05/19 sort by student UID

  9. Completed # for card description = Submit Health Documents and start date > 10/31/19 and end date < 11/05/19

 Days Elapsed Fields in the Student Details Table

The myBullsPath report has two fields calculating days elapsed on the Student Details tab: Time to Completion (Days) and Time In Progress (Days).

Helpful Hints

Days are measured as calendar days.

The report uses a student's Start Date in these calculations, and calculates this differently for each Card, depending on what is available in the database. Refer to the Card descriptions below for the respective calculations.

Time In Progress (Days) increments each day from the student's Start Date. Once the student completes the Card, the value in the field is blank.

Time To Completion (Days) calculates the number of days that have elapsed from the student's Start Date to when the student completed the Card. The value remains blank until completion.

The Days elapsed numbers will vary from student to student, depending on when they were admitted to USF, when the Card became interactive, and when they complete the Card.

A student's Time To Completion is:

  • Zero (0) if completed before the student's Start Date
  • One (1) if completed the day of the student's Start Date
  • Number of calendar days (#) if completed after the student's Start Date

Data Refresh

To provide the most current data for all users, the reports are refreshed four times daily:

  • Data tables refresh at 8:00 am, 1:00 pm and 5:00 pm. The Data Refreshed On value in the bottom right of your view displays the most recent database refresh.
  • The reports refresh at 7:30 am, 11:00 am and 4:00 pm. The exact day and time displays in the report Header when you click "Data updated mm/dd/yy ".

The report refresh typically takes around 10 minutes.

Read below for information on working with the Card Summary and Card Details reports, or click on the Report Elements Glossary link in the Table of Contents above to view definitions for the report filters and display elements. 

Report: Card Summary Report

The Card Summary report showcases the metrics related to newly admitted students in meeting their onboarding requirements. The report presents the data in two tabs: The Card Summary tab displays an interactive dashboard with a series of tiles representing the individual Cards of the myBullsPath Portal. The Student Details tab displays a list of the newly admitted students with their completion statuses for each Card as well as demographics, such as campus/college, email, and major.

Using this report:

  • Orientation staff can view Card statuses, completion percentages, and average completion times. Staff can drill down to individual Cards to spot efficiencies or hurdles in completing tasks and provide onboarding assistance. 
  • Staff at USF Student Services Providers can select the Card(s) pertaining to their specific onboarding requirements and view the completion percentages and statuses. In addition, staff can view details for the students to include student name, email address. and department/major to reach out and provide direction. 

Note that when you select one or more filters in the report, the filters apply to both the Card Summary statistics and the Student Details display. 

Tab 1: Card Summary

The Card Summary tab displays the individual onboarding Cards in a series of tiles. The tiles display information on two sides:

Side ONE provides Card completion calculations:

  • "REQUIRED" in Card title: If the Card is required by at least a portion of the admitted student population, the tile shows "REQUIRED" in the title.
  • Required # (if Required)
  • Completed # (if Required) or Submitted # (if not Required)
  • Not Completed # (if Required) OR Not Submitted (if not Required)
  • Completion % (if Required) OR Submitted % (if not Required)

Note that if a Card is not required, the percentages are based on those eligible to submit rather than required to complete: 

    • Required % = # students with Card Status = Y / # students required to complete Card
    • Submitted % = # students with Card Status = Y / # students eligible to complete Card

Side TWO provides statistics on the completion times for students:

  • Average, maximum, and minimum days to complete the cards (calendar days)

If you click on a Card, the workspace expands it to display the required or submitted calculations and expands on the card descriptions to detail what students are included in the counts, such as international students, all admitted FTIC, or all students. To close the expanded display, click the Close icon located in the upper right hand corner. 

Details of the required student population and completion calculations for each Card are shown below; select the Card title for details on the particular onboarding task:

 Contact Information

Card 1: Contact Information

The Contact Information Card is required for all students.

Students must submit at least three contacts in myBullsPath to have this Card completed: emergency contact, local mailing address, and permanent mailing address.

Calculations for this Card are:

  • Students required to complete = All students
  • Completed = Number of students completing Card
  • Not Completed = Number of students not completing Card
  • Completion % = Completed / Students required to complete

The student's Start Date for this Card is the student's Admit Date.

 FAFSA Submission

Card 2: FAFSA Submission

FAFSA submission is optional for domestic students. International students are not included in this population since they are not eligible for financial aid.

If students have submitted the FAFSA application, the card is completed. 

Calculations for this Card are:

  • Students eligible to complete = All students except those whose Citizenship is Foreign National (this value does not display on Card)
  • Submitted = Number of students optionally completing Card (of those eligible)
  • Not Submitted = Number of students not completing Card (of those eligible)
  • Submitted % = Submitted / Students eligible to complete

The student's Start Date for this Card is the student's Admit Date.

 Pay Admissions Deposit

Card 3: Pay Admissions Deposit

The Pay Admissions Deposit Card is required for all FTIC students.

All FTIC students are required to pay the admissions deposit. When the full deposit is recorded, the Card updates to Completed.

Calculations for this Card:

  • Students required to complete = Students whose Student Type is FTIC
  • Completed = Number of students completing Card
  • Not Completed = Number of students not completing Card
  • Completion % = Completed / Students required to complete

The student's Start Date for this Card is the student's Admit Date.

 Submit Health Documents

Card 4: Submit Health Documents

Submitting Health Documents is required for all students.

This requirement consists of three items: medical history, immunization records, and medical insurance. All students are required to submit medical history and immunization records; international students must also submit proof of medical insurance. The insurance requirement is considered satisfied for non-international students.

Once all documents that are required are received, the student's status shows as Completed.

Calculations for this Card:

  • Students required to complete = All students
  • Completed = Number of students completing Card
  • Not Completed = Number of students not completing Card
  • Completion % = Completed / Students required to complete

The student's Start Date for this Card is the later of:

  • The student's Admit Date
  • The date this Card became interactive in the myBullsPath Portal.

 Student Visa Requirements

Card 5: Student Visa Requirements

The Student Visa Requirements Card is required for International students only.

Students are required to provide documents for the visa requirements. Once documents are validated, the student's status shows as Completed.

Calculations for this Card:

  • Students required to complete = Students whose Citizenship is Foreign National
  • Completed = Number of students completing Card
  • Not Completed = Number of students not completing Card
  • Completion % = Completed / Students required to complete

The student's Start Date for this Card is the student's Admit Date.

 Transcripts, Test Scores, Exam Credits

Card 6: Transcripts, Test Scores, Exam Credits

Submitting transcripts, test scores, and exam credits is required for all students.

Students send all required test scores, exam credits, and transcripts. Once the documents are validated, the student's status shows as Completed.

Calculations for this Card:

  • Students required to complete = All students
  • Completed = Number of students completing Card
  • Not Completed = Number of students not completing Card
  • Completion % = Completed / Students required to complete

The student's Start Date for this Card is the student's Admit Date.

 Apply for Housing

Card 7: Apply for Housing

Applying for Housing is required for Tampa Summer term students and optional for Tampa Fall and Spring term students.

Students submit a housing application. Once the application is on file, the student's status shows as Submitted.

Calculations for this Card are:

  • Students eligible to complete = All students (this value does not display on Card)
  • Submitted = Number of students optionally completing Card (of those eligible)
  • Not Submitted = Number of students not completing Card (of those eligible)
  • Submitted % = Submitted / Students eligible to complete

The student's Start Date for this Card is the later of:

  • The student's Admit Date
  • The date this Card became interactive in the myBullsPath Portal.

 Attend Orientation

Card 8: Attend Orientation

Attending orientation is required for FTIC and transfer students.

Students sign up for and attend one of the on-campus orientation sessions. Once the orientation session is complete, the student's status changes to Completed.

Calculations for this Card:

  • Students required to complete = Students whose Student Type is FTIC or Transfer
  • Completed = Number of students completing Card / Number of students required
  • Not Completed = Number of students not completing / Number of students required
  • Completion % = Completed / Number of students required

The student's Start Date for this Card is the later of:

  • The student's Admit Date
  • The date this Card became interactive in the myBullsPath Portal.

 Select On-Campus Room

Card 9: Select On-Campus Room

Selecting an on-campus room is optional for all Tampa students.

Students complete the application for housing before being eligible to select their room assignment.

Calculations for this Card:

  • Students eligible to complete = Selection is optional for all Tampa students, and all Tampa students are eligible (this value does not display on Card).
  • Completed = Number of students completing Card / Number of students eligible
  • Not Completed = Number of students not completing / Number of students eligible
  • Completion % = Completed / Number of students eligible

The student's Start Date for this Card is the later of:

  • The student's Admit Date
  • The date this Card became interactive in the myBullsPath Portal.

 Apply for Meal Plan

Card 10: Apply for Meal Plan

Applying for a meal plan on campus is optional for all Tampa students.

Students submit an application for a meal plan on campus. Once the application is on file, the student's status shows as Submitted.

Calculations for this Card:

  • Students eligible to complete = Selection is optional for all Tampa students, and all Tampa students are eligible (this value does not display on Card).
  • Completed = Number of students completing Card / Number of students eligible
  • Not Completed = Number of students not completing / Number of students eligible
  • Completion % = Completed / Number of students eligible

The student's Start Date for this Card is the later of:

  • The student's Admit Date
  • The date this Card became interactive in the myBullsPath Portal.

 Pre-Orientation Advising

Card 11: Pre-Orientation Advising

The Pre-Orientation Advising Card is required for Tampa Transfer students and optional for Sarasota and St. Pete Transfer students.

Students sign up for and attend a pre-orientation advising session. Once the advising session is complete, the student's status changes to Completed.

Calculations for this Card:

  • Students required to complete = Number of students whose Student Type is Transfer (J, U)
  • Completed = Number of students completing Card / Number of students required
  • Not Completed = Number of students not completing / Number of students required
  • Completion % = Completed / Number of students required

The student's Start Date for this Card is the later of:

  • The student's Admit Date
  • The date this Card became interactive in the myBullsPath Portal.

 Register & Attend Classes

Card 12: Register & Attend Classes

Registering for classes is required for all students.

Students register to attend classes, and once classes are accepted, the student's status changes to Completed.

Calculations for this Card:

  • Students required to complete = All students
  • Completed = Number of students completing Card / All students
  • Not Completed = Number of students not completing / All students
  • Completion % = Completed / All students

The student's Start Date for this Card is the student's Admit Date.

 Residency Status

Card 13: Residency Status

The Residency Status Card is required for all students.

The Residency Card updates based on the entry in Banner obtained from the student application: Florida Resident; Non-Florida Resident, but resident of the USA; or Non-Resident Alien (Non-USA).

Florida Residency codes below derived from Banner are used to check the satisfaction:

  • T (Florida Resident - Special Category) = Satisfied
  • R (Res Alien, Fl Res (Non USA)) = Satisfied
  • F (Florida Resident) = Satisfied
  • P (Florida Resident Pending) = Not Satisfied. 

Those with all other residency codes as below are asked to confirm Residency on the Portal .If the code from Banner matches the code they confirmed on the portal, then the card is marked satisfied.

  • A (Non-Resident Alien (Non USA)) = Satisfied

  • E (Res Alien, Non-Fl Res(Non USA)) = Satisfied

  • N (Non-Florida Resident (USA)) = Satisfied

Calculations for this Card are:

  • Students required to complete = All students
  • Completed = Number of students completing Card
  • Not Completed = Number of students not completing Card
  • Completion % = Completed / Students required to complete

The student's Start Date for this Card is the student's Admit Date.


The myBullsPath Reports#Campus

The myBullsPath Reports#College

The myBullsPath Reports#Department

The myBullsPath Reports#Cohort

The myBullsPath Reports#Orientation Session

The myBullsPath Reports#Gender

Student Type


The myBullsPath Reports#Ethnicity

The myBullsPath Reports#Citizenship

The myBullsPath Reports#Special Population

Report Visualizations

This report displays individual tiles representing the Card statuses for onboarding activities.

Tab 2: Student Details

The Student Details tab displays a table listing all incoming students and their statuses on completing each of the myBullsPath Cards. The table is sorted by Student UID, but you can sort in any column by clicking the column heading. 

The table display retains the filters selected in the Card Summary tab. For example, if you select Campus = "USF Tampa" and College = "Education" in the Card Summary tab, the Student Details table lists the students in the College of Education at the Tampa campus. You can select from five additional filters on this tab: Card Description, Card Status, Completion Date, UID, and Student Name. For example, in addition to the College of Education at the USF Tampa campus, you can select "N" in the Card Status filter and "Attend Orientation" in the Card Description filter to list Education students in Tampa who have NOT attended orientation.


  • You can select a specific set of dates using the Completion Date selection (called a Slider). Adjust the dates by either sliding the end points or by entering specific dates in the start and end fields. 
  • You can select All Cards under the Card Description filter, and in each, you can select Yes or No to narrow the filter to select students, for example, what students have completed a specific Card while not completing another. 
  • For the Health, Pre-Orientation Advising, and Student Visa Cards, each student has a link symbol in the Link column. You can click the symbol to open a separate Card Details report for that student, which breaks down these Card requirements into their individual components. Refer to the Card Details Report below.  

To export the contents of the table to Excel for additional analysis and sorting:

  1. Hover over the table, then click the ellipses in the top right corner of the table (note that you may have to click in the table first to see the ellipses option for the table).
  2. Select Export data.
  3. Click the Export button in the Export data dialog box.
    Note: Depending on your browser and your settings, you either are prompted to open the file, or you see a link to the exported file (such as data.xlsx) at the bottom left of your display. 


The myBullsPath Reports#Campus

The myBullsPath Reports#College

The myBullsPath Reports#Department

The myBullsPath Reports#Cohort

The myBullsPath Reports#Card Description

The myBullsPath Reports#Card Status

The myBullsPath Reports#Completion Date

The myBullsPath Reports#Orientation Session


The myBullsPath Reports#Student Name

The myBullsPath Reports#Gender

The myBullsPath Reports#Student Type

The myBullsPath Reports#Residency

The myBullsPath Reports#Ethnicity

The myBullsPath Reports#Citizenship

The myBullsPath Reports#Special Population

Report Visualizations

The myBullsPath Reports#Distinct Student Count

Link (Card Details)


The myBullsPath Reports#Student Name

Student Email

The myBullsPath Reports#Card Description

The myBullsPath Reports#Card Status

The myBullsPath Reports#Campus

The myBullsPath Reports#College

The myBullsPath Reports#Department

The myBullsPath Reports#Major

Time To Completion (Days)

Time In Progress (Days)

Report: Card Details Report

The Card Details report presents a table listing the incoming students who are required to complete or submit one of the following Cards:

  • Attend Orientation
  • Pre-Orientation Advising
  • Health Documents
  • Student Visa

These four requirements are composed of two or more independent activities, or in the case of Attend Orientation, provides additional details. The Card Details report shows the student's status of each activity for the Card separately. If none of the activities for the Card are completed, this report does not display a record for the student. If the student has completed at least one of the activities for the Card, the report shows a record for that student with his or her completion status of the underlying activities. These individual components of the Cards are shown here:

Attend Orientation Card:

Students display in the Card Details report to show their status on their orientation session. The table displays the student, their status for attending orientation, such as Attended, Reserved, or Completed Online, and the specific session they attended/will attend. 

Pre-Orientation Advising Card:

Students display in the Card Details report when they have completed the Attended Pre-Orientation Card. The student is recorded in the database with either Code A (attended Pre-Orientation) or Code T (attended both Pre-Orientation and Orientation). You can filter the report by code to show students who have attended both orientations or Pre-Orientation only.  

Health Documents Card:

Students display in the Card Details report if they have completed one of the following requirements, even though they have not completed the Card itself (by satisfying all requirements). The individual requirements are: 

  • Submit documents on immunizations
  • Submit documents on medical history
  • Submit proof of medical insurance (required of international students only)

Student Visa Card:

Students display in the Card Details report if they have completed one of the individual requirements, even though they have not completed the Card itself (by satisfying all that is required of them).  Requirements for the Student Visa Card are many and vary by each student, so the individual requirements won't be listed here. See the report for details. 

Users can access the Card Details report in one of two ways:

  • Directly in Power BI by selecting myBullsPath - Card Details.
  • Clicking the link icon (shown here) in the Student Details tab of the Card Summary report. 

After clicking one of the links shown above, Power BI opens the Card Details report in a new window. When accessing this report from the Card Summary, it displays only the details for that student and that Card. You cannot expand the report to show other students or other Cards. 

Report Elements Glossary

The table below lists all of the elements used in the report.






MBP_Report_Master > Campus_TitleIdentifies the campus of the student.

Card Description

MBP_Report_Master > Card_Description

The title of the orientation or onboarding Card or task as identified in the MyBullsPath Portal.

The onboarding task can be either required or optional prior to registration and can vary by student population. For example, all students are required to submit transcripts, but not all will need housing assignments or meal plans, and only international students schedule pre-orientation advising meetings. The following Cards are shown in this report:

  • Apply for Housing
  • Apply for Meal Plan
  • Attend Orientation
  • Complete Student Visa Requirements
  • Confirm Your Residency Status
  • Pay Admissions Deposit
  • Register & Attend Classes
  • Review Financial Aid and Scholarships
  • Schedule Pre-Orientation Advising
  • Select On-Campus Room
  • Submit Required Health Documents
  • Submit FAFSA
  • Submit Transcripts, Test Scores, Exam Credits
  • View Contact Information
  • View Tuition & Fees

Card Status

MBP_Report_Master > Card_StatusA flag (Y, N) that indicates the completion status for an orientation Card.


MBP_Report_Master > Citizenship_TitleIndicates whether the student is a US citizen for the purpose of determining the requirement for international students.


MBP_Report_Master > Term_TitleIdentifies the cohort or term to which the student is assigned at acceptance.


MBP_Report_Master > College_TitleIdentifies the college of the student.

Completed #

CalculatedSum of the students with Card Status = Y for those students that are required to complete the Card.

Completion %

CalculatedCalculated as the number of students with Card Status = Y divided by the number of students required to complete the Card.

Completion Date

A field used to narrow the student completion dates to a range. Completion dates that fall outside of the window expressed in this filter do not appear on the report. This field is used only in the Student Details tab of the report.


MBP_Report_Master > Department_TitleIdentifies the student's college department.

Distinct Student Count

CalculatedIndicates the number of students listed in the report (table) based on the filters selected. Students appear more than once when multiple Cards are displayed.


MBP_Report_Master > EMAILThe email address of the student.


MBP_Report_Master > Gender_TitleIdentifies the gender of the student as Male or Female.


MBP_Report_Master > Ethnicity_TitleIdentifies the ethnicity of the student, such as Hispanic, White Non-Hispanic, Asian/Pacific Islander, or Black Non-Hispanic.

Link to Card Details


A link icon displays in this column of the table for the following Cards:

  • Submit Health Documents
  • Pre-Orientation Advising
  • Submit Health Documents

When clicked, a separate report displays (Card Details), which provides a breakdown of the individual components that make up the Card.


MBP_Report_Master > Major_TitleThe student's major.

Not_Completed #

CalculatedSum of the students with Card Status = N for those students that are required to complete the Card.

Not_Submitted #

CalculatedSum of the students with Card Status = N for those students who are able to (but not required to) submit the information to complete the Card.

Orientation Session

A filter displaying the list of orientation sessions available for students to attend prior to attendance. 

Required #

CalculatedCalculated as the number of students that are required to complete the Card.


MBP_Report_Master > Residency_Title

Indicates where the student lives when not attending school: Florida resident, non-Florida resident, or non-USA resident.

For existing FL resident/ pending FL resident, confirmation is not stored in Archivum, but status in application in Banner is used.

Special Population

[MBP_Attributes] > Uid


[MBP_Attributes] >Attribute_code

Indicates that the student has a special status, such as Athlete, Active Duty, International Student, INTO Program, STEM, or Veteran/Veteran Dependent.

Student Name

MBP_Report_Master > FIRST_NAME

MBP_Report_Master > LAST_NAME

First Name joined with Last Name.

Note that you have an option on this filter to clear previous selections by hovering over the filter heading and selecting the Clear Selections icon.

Student Type

MBP_Report_Master > StudentType_Title

The type of incoming student, used in determining onboarding requirements. The options are:

  • 1 - First Time in College (FTIC)
  • 2 - Transfer
  • 3 - Former Student Returning (FSR)

Student UID

MBP_Report_Master > UID

The unique University Identification number of the student.

Note that you have an option on this filter to clear previous selections by hovering over the filter heading and selecting the Clear Selections icon.

Submitted #

CalculatedSum of the students with Card Status = Y for those students who are able (but not required) to submit the information to complete the Card.

Submitted %

CalculatedCalculated as the number of students with Card Status = Y divided by the number of students who are eligible to submit the information to complete the Card.

Time In Progress (Days)

CalculatedCalculated as the number of calendar days since the Card became interactive in the Portal for the student to complete the task.

Time To Completion (Days)


Calculated as the number of calendar days it took a student to complete the Card. Note that:

  • If student completes a task prior to the Card being interactive in the myBullsPath Portal, this field displays a zero (0). This time is not included in the Time-to-Completion metrics in the Card Summary.
  • If a student completes a task on a date that equals the student's Start Date, this field displays a one (1). This time is included in the Time-to-Completion metrics in the Card Summary.
  • If a student completes a task using the Card in the Portal, the number displays as the number of calendar days it took to complete the task since the Card became interactive.

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