IT HR - Demographics report

IT HR - Demographics report

Report Description

The IT HR demographics report displays current demographic information of USF Information Technology (IT) department employees. This report enable IT HR professionals to track key workforce metrics, monitor team development and identify problem areas in a transparent way. This data displayed in the report is retrieved from GEMS system on a daily basis. 

IT HR- Demographic report


Supervisor Name

The supervisor's name is identified from GEMS using either the reports_to data for regular employees, or using the supervisor_id for OPS employees.

Salary Plan

The salary plan lists the salary information for each employee job classes.

Employee Status

The employee status defines whether an employee is currently working for the department.

Effective Date

The effective date of employee appointment to job position.

Termination Date

The termination date for an employment record number in GEMS.


Indicates whether an employee is a US citizen for the purpose of determining the requirement(s) for international employees.


Headcount of Employees

A card visualization displaying a distinct count of employees.


A graphical representation of gender distribution.


A donut chart of the ethnic make up of the department based on GEMS data.

Headcount by Salary Plan

A bar graph displaying the number of employees based on salary plan.

Details table 

Details Table

A table visualization that displays the following employee data:

First Name

This field displays the first name of the employee.

Last Name

This field displays the last name of the employee.


This field displays the sex of an employee reported in GEMS


This field displays the ethnicity of an employee reported in GEMS

Supervisor Name

This field displays the name of the direct supervisor of an employee

Job Code Description

Job Code Description shows the job description of the employee record within GEMS. It is possible for a single employee to have multiple job code descriptions if they have multiple records listed within GEMS.

Salary Plan

The salary plan lists the salary information for each employee job classes.

Effective Date

The effective date of employee appointment to job position.

Termination Date

The termination date for an employment record number in GEMS.

Employee ID

The Employee ID is the unique element that GEMS assigns to every employee over the course of their employment. An employee has only one Employee ID.


An active employee is defined as an employee that has an employee status code of (A - Active, L - Leave of Absence, P - Leave with Pay, or S - Suspended).

Data Refreshed On

Data in this report is not live, but refreshed once daily. The date on the bottom right of the report displays the last day the data was refreshed from GEMS.


This report displays values as the are currently in GEMS. Those values are subject to change over time. Unauthorized use of this report is prohibited. If you log on to this computer system, you acknowledge your awareness of and concurrence with the University of South Florida policies. The University will prosecute violators to the full extent of the law.