USF Health Libraries Swipe Details

USF Health Libraries Swipe Details

Report Description

The USF Health Libraries Swipe Details report displays data fields that relate to login access for patrons of the Shimberg Library system with two tabs: USF Libraries Access - Patrons by College/Department Users, USF Libraries Access - Logins by Month. 

Shimberg Access - College/Department Users


Global Department

Global Department name associated with person accessing the Shimberg Library system.

College Name

Name of College associated with person accessing Shimberg Library system.

Access Status

Status of the login attempt into the Shimberg Library system.

Device Accessed

Device Location

Access Date

Time of login attempt by patron to the Shimberg Library system.


Number of Patrons by College and Global Department

A map visualization that displays the number of library patrons that have logged in, grouped by each College and then Global Department.


Count of Patrons by Status

Total count of patrons by Access Status 

Shimberg Access - Logins by Month


Global Department

Global Department name associated with person accessing the Shimberg Library system.

Count of Patrons by Status

Total count of patrons by Access Status 

Data Refreshed On

Data in this report is not live, but refreshed once daily at 1am. The Daily refresh will populate the report with card swipe details from the previous day. The data is being pulled thru an API with the current parameter set to doorGroupSearch = Shimberg Library, Medical Library Main.

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