Reconciliation Reports

Reconciliation Reports

Reconciliation Reports

The reconciliation reports provide the individual and summary level financial transactions (Daily Revenue and Expense) of the departments, along with their reconciliation status. They are meant for internal use only and are not financial statements. All transactions that do not have the source of  "YTD" or "LTD" and do not have a fund code of "8000" are displayed. The departments are grouped under divisions.

Report Elements Glossary Table

Report : Reconciled Transactions Report


Fiscal Year -> Division ->Department

Tab 1: 

This report provides the individual and summary level financial transactions (Daily Revenue and Expense) of the departments, along with their reconciliation status.


Reporting Month

Report Elements


Fund Code

Fund Description

Trans Description Report


Doc Num 1 Report


Actual Amount


The table below lists all the elements used in the reports. Detailed glossary entries for these elements can be found in the MetaMart (https://usfpro1.forest.usf.edu/pls/ax_repo/f?p=1056:1)






DescriptionFrequency of Update
Fiscal Year[Finance].[dbo].[REC_DivDepts]->[FiscalYear]This field holds the fiscal year.Daily


[Finance].[dbo].[REC_Divisions]->[DivID]/ DivName]Division is a grouping of multiple departments and is sometimes referred to as the super department.Daily



This field holds the department ID and department description.Daily
Reporting Month



This fields holds the fiscal month.Daily
Type[Finance].[dbo].[REC_Rev_Expense]->[REVEXP_TYPE]Values include Revenue or ExpenseDaily
Fund Code[Finance].[dbo].[REC_Rev_Expense]->[FUND_CODE]This field identifies the fund code associated with a record.Daily
Fund Description[Finance].[dbo].[REC_Rev_Expense]->[FUND_DESC]This field holds the fund description.Daily
Trans Description Report


This field holds the transaction description.Daily
Posted[Finance].[dbo].[REC_Rev_Expense]->[POSTED_DATE]This field holds the posted date. Daily
Doc Num 1 Report[Finance].[dbo].[REC_Rev_Expense]->[DOC_NUM_1_RPT]This field holds the Document Number 1 Report.Daily
Invoice[Finance].[dbo].[REC_Rev_Expense]->[INVOICE]This field identifies the invoice for Current Month records with a PIDM (PDaily
Actual Amount[Finance].[dbo].[REC_Rev_Expense]->[ACTUAL_AMT]This field contains the actual amount associated with a transaction. For Cash Total records, it is set to "0".Daily
Reconciled[Finance].[dbo].[REC_Rev_Expense]->[Reconciled]Values are "Reconciled" or "Not Reconciled."Daily
Report Run Date CalculatedDate that the report data was refreshed from its source.Real Time