Shimberg Access

Shimberg Access

Report Description

The Shimberg Access report displays data fields that relate to login access for patrons of the Shimberg Library system with three tabs Shimberg Access - College/Department Users, Shimberg Access - Users, Shimberg Access - Logins by Month.  This dashboard is retrieving data uploaded by on a monthly basis from an access log so they can review and track users that login to the Shimberg Library system.

Shimberg Access - College/Department Users


Global Department

Global Department name associated with person accessing the Shimberg Library system.

College Name

Name of College associated with person accessing Shimberg Library system.

Access Status

Status of the login attempt into the Shimberg Library system.

Access Date

Time of login attempt by patron to the Shimberg Library system.


Number of Patrons by College and Global Department

A map visualization that displays the number of library patrons that have logged in, grouped by each College and then Global Department.


Number of Expense Reports per Day Range for Last Status

Bar chart that displays the number of expenses per each range. Ranges are broken down as follows: 7 days or less, 8 to 29 days, 30 to 59 days, 60 to 89 days, and 90 days or greater.

Number of Expense Reports

The number of expense reports.


Number on Hold

Number of expense reports currently on hold.

Number Sent Back

Number of expense reports that had a send back at any point in time.



Current status of travel expense report: Canceled, Deleted, Deletion in Progress, Fiscal Review, Paid, Prepay Auditor, Request Approved, Submission in Progress, Supervisor Review

Days Since Last Action

Number of days that an expense report has been in a particular status.

ER on Hold

Expense report currently on hold with Y/N flag.

ER Had Send Back

Expense report that has ever had a send back at any point in time will be denoted with a Y/N flag; once an ER has had a send back the flag will flip to "Y".

Travel Begin Day

The date in which a travel trip begins.

Travel End Day

The date in which a travel trip ends.

ER Creation Lag

The difference between the last day of travel and the creation of the travel expense report.

Archivum ER Number

Travel expense report number created by the Archivum database.

Traveler Name

First and last name of traveler.

Travel Title

Travel title entered by traveler for travel request and expense report.

Traveler Global Department Name

Global Department name associated with person listed as the traveler.

Traveler College Name

Name of College associated with person traveling.

Total ER Expenses

Total dollar amount for a travel expense report.

Expense Report Number

Expense report number per the Travel department.

FAST Department Code

A six digit numeric code to determine FAST Department. The default is for all codes to be selected; individual or multiple codes may be selected.

Shimberg Access - Users


Global Department

Global Department name associated with person accessing the Shimberg Library system.

College Name

Name of College associated with person accessing Shimberg Library system.

Access Status

Status of the login attempt into the Shimberg Library system.

Access Date

Time of login attempt by patron to the Shimberg Library system.


Expense Report by Status

Pie chart that displays the number of expense reports in each status.

Drillable - The pie also allows you to drill to display count of expense reports for Traveler College Name and Traveler Global Department Name separately.


Number of Expense Reports per Day Range for Last Status

Bar chart that displays the number of expenses per each range. Ranges are broken down as follows: 7 days or less, 8 to 29 days, 30 to 59 days, 60 to 89 days, and 90 days or greater.

Number of Expense Reports

The number of expense reports.


Number on Hold

Number of expense reports currently on hold.

Number Sent Back

Number of expense reports that had a send back at any point in time.



Current status of travel expense report: Canceled, Deleted, Deletion in Progress, Fiscal Review, Paid, Prepay Auditor, Request Approved, Submission in Progress, Supervisor Review

Days Since Last Action

Number of days that an expense report has been in a particular status.

ER on Hold

Expense report currently on hold with Y/N flag.

ER Had Send Back

Expense report that has ever had a send back at any point in time will be denoted with a Y/N flag; once an ER has had a send back the flag will flip to "Y".

Travel Begin Day

The date in which a travel trip begins.

Travel End Day

The date in which a travel trip ends.

ER Creation Lag

The difference between the last day of travel and the creation of the travel expense report.

Archivum ER Number

Travel expense report number created by the Archivum database.

Traveler Name

First and last name of traveler.

Travel Title

Travel title entered by traveler for travel request and expense report.

Traveler Global Department Name

Global Department name associated with person listed as the traveler.

Traveler College Name

Name of College associated with person traveling.

Total ER Expenses

Total dollar amount for a travel expense report.

Expense Report Number

Expense report number per the Travel department.

FAST Department Code

A six digit numeric code to determine FAST Department. The default is for all codes to be selected; individual or multiple codes may be selected.

Shimberg Access - Logins by Month


Global Department

Global Department name associated with person accessing the Shimberg Library system.

College Name

Name of College associated with person accessing Shimberg Library system.

Access Status

Status of the login attempt into the Shimberg Library system.

Access Date

Time of login attempt by patron to the Shimberg Library system.


Expense Report by Status

Pie chart that displays the number of expense reports in each status.

Drillable - The pie also allows you to drill to display count of expense reports for Traveler College Name and Traveler Global Department Name separately.


Number of Expense Reports per Day Range for Last Status

Bar chart that displays the number of expenses per each range. Ranges are broken down as follows: 7 days or less, 8 to 29 days, 30 to 59 days, 60 to 89 days, and 90 days or greater.

Number of Expense Reports

The number of expense reports.


Number on Hold

Number of expense reports currently on hold.

Number Sent Back

Number of expense reports that had a send back at any point in time.



Current status of travel expense report: Canceled, Deleted, Deletion in Progress, Fiscal Review, Paid, Prepay Auditor, Request Approved, Submission in Progress, Supervisor Review

Days Since Last Action

Number of days that an expense report has been in a particular status.

ER on Hold

Expense report currently on hold with Y/N flag.

ER Had Send Back

Expense report that has ever had a send back at any point in time will be denoted with a Y/N flag; once an ER has had a send back the flag will flip to "Y".

Travel Begin Day

The date in which a travel trip begins.

Travel End Day

The date in which a travel trip ends.

ER Creation Lag

The difference between the last day of travel and the creation of the travel expense report.

Archivum ER Number

Travel expense report number created by the Archivum database.

Traveler Name

First and last name of traveler.

Travel Title

Travel title entered by traveler for travel request and expense report.

Traveler Global Department Name

Global Department name associated with person listed as the traveler.

Traveler College Name

Name of College associated with person traveling.

Total ER Expenses

Total dollar amount for a travel expense report.

Expense Report Number

Expense report number per the Travel department.

FAST Department Code

A six digit numeric code to determine FAST Department. The default is for all codes to be selected; individual or multiple codes may be selected.

Data Refreshed On

Data in this report is not live, but refreshed once daily from a monthly upload. The monthly data update occurs on the first day of each month at 8am. The date and time on the bottom right of the report displays when it was refreshed from the database, but there is a lag time between when the log file uploads and the database is refreshed. The report refresh is scheduled to occur between 7:00 and 7:45 am each morning.


This report displays values from the upload . Those values are subject to change over time. Unauthorized use of this report is prohibited. If you log on to this computer system, you acknowledge your awareness of and concurrence with the University of South Florida policies. The University will prosecute violators to the full extent of the law.

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