Research Space-Utilization

Research Space-Utilization

Report Description

Research Space Utilization Report displays the state of space utilization as available in the IFIS system and expenditures analysis for the selected department(s). The report contains three different views (presented as report tabs): SpaceBuilding and Summary. The Space view provides a view of the space utilization and expenditures (Direct, F&A and Total) for every employee associated with the selected department(s). The Building view displays the Research Space Utilization Indicators as a Percentage of the Total Occupied Research Sq. Ft on each floor, as well as, summary data of space, it's functions, and research expenditures for every space associated with the given building and floor level for the selected department(s). The Summary view shows the space utilization and expenditures data for the selected department(s) per employee.

Research expenditures are pulled from the previous FY and paired with space allocation from the current FY so there is a full year's worth of expenditures for calculation.


AIMS Faculty Prompts

01 - Please Enter AIMS Faculty Fiscal Year

The fiscal year for which you would like to pull employment or funding records. Format is FY## where the numbers are the last 2 digits of the calendar year in which the Fiscal Year ends. Example: FY 2017-2018 would be FY18.

02 - Please Enter AIMS Faculty Beginning Fiscal Month Number

First Fiscal Month the report will include. 1 indicates July and 12 indicates June.

03 - Please Enter AIMS Faculty Ending Fiscal Month Number

Last Fiscal Month the report will include. 1 indicates July and 12 indicates June.

04 - Enter AIMS Faculty HART Global Department Name of 'Nothing'

This prompt allows you to choose to run this report for a full department of employees. If you want to run the report for specific faculty from different departments, type and add in 'Nothing'. Nothing must be capitalized as it's spelled in the prompt.

If you add global department name(s), remember to remove the Nothing option from the selected list. This will reduce the run time of the report.

05 - Enter the Appointment Type

Ranked includes employees who meet all of these requirements for an appointment in GEMS.

  1. Job codes:
    1. 9001       Professor       
    2. 9002       Assoc Professor
    3. 9003       Assistant Professor
    4. 9006       Graduate Research Professor 
    5. 9007       Distinguished Professor
  2. Excluding Employment Class H (Faculty Courtesy)
  3. Excluding Admin plans 98 and 99 (non-compensated positions)

Instructor includes employees who meet all of these requirements for an appointment in GEMS.

  1. Job code: 9004 
  2. Excluding Employment Class H (Faculty Courtesy)
  3. Excluding Admin plans 98 and 99 (non-compensated positions)

Mid-Level Provider includes employees who meet all of these requirements for an appointment in GEMS or Cyborg.

  1. Job code:
    1. 9464       Physician's Assistant
    2. 9499       Advanced Registered Nurse Prac
    3. 2550 (CYBORG) mid-level provider
  2. Excluding Employment Class H (Faculty Courtesy)
  3. Excluding Admin plans 98 and 99 (non-compensated positions)

06 - Include Those Appointed in for Paid By This Dept

Appointed In means there is a employment record in GEMS for this faculty member in the selected Global Department(s).

Paid By means a portion of the employees funding is from a FAST department associated with the selected Global Department(s).

07 - AIMS OPS Appointment in Department

Y will include employees who meet all these requirements for an appointment in GEMS.

  1. Job codes:
    1. 9001       Professor
    2. 9002       Assoc Professor 
    3. 9003       Assistant Professor
    4. 9006       Graduate Research Professor 
    5. 9007       Distinguished Professor
  2. Excluding Employment Class H (Faculty Courtesy)
  3. Admin plan 06 (OPS-Faculty)

N includes employees who are not OPS.

Removing the N from the selected options will exclude non-OPS employees.

08 - Enter Additional AIMS Faculty or 'Nothing'

This prompt allows you to choose to run this report for specific faculty members instead of a full department. If you want to run the report for all faculty within your chosen department, type and add in 'Nothing'. Nothing must be capitalized as it's spelled in the prompt.

If you add faculty member's names, remember to remove the Nothing option from the selected list. This will reduce the run time of the report.

Grant Prompts

Enter Global Department Name

This prompt allows you to choose to run this report for a full department of PIs.

Enter Fiscal Year Number

The fiscal year for which you would like to pull grant expenditures. Format is #### where the numbers are the calendar year in which the Fiscal Year ends. Example: FY 2017-2018 would be 2018.

Space Prompts

Enter Primary HART Global Department Name

This prompt allows you to choose to run the space information for a full department of employees. 

Enter values for Space Function Review Period

The fiscal year for which you would like to pull space information. Format is #### where the numbers are the calendar year in which the Fiscal Year ends. Example: FY 2017-2018 would be 2018.

Report will not work correctly if you choose different departments for the Global Department prompts. If you are running the report for a specific faculty member(s), you will need to select their primary department in subsequent Global Department prompts.



Primary Department

Employee's Primary Global Department Name

Employee Name

The name of the employee assigned to the space.

Expenditures Per Square Foot Analysis - Research Space Only

This block displays only Research designated square footage. The green section is based on room type of Research Labs, while the blue section is based on Research Room Function. 

Research Square Feet

Space Net Square Feet for all space types flagged as "Research Lab"

Expenditures per Square Foot - Research Lab

Corresponding expenditures amount (Direct, F&A or Total) divided by Research Sq Feet

Research Square Feet Adjusted

Space Net Square Feet associated with following space functions only:

  1. Clinical Trials / Pharmaceuticals
  2. Organized Research
  3. Other Sponsored Activity
  4. Sponsored Instruction

Expenditures per Research Square Foot Adjusted

Corresponding expenditures amount (Direct, F&A or Total) divided by Research Sq Feet Adjusted

Direct Research Expenditures

  1. Fund Group “Sponsored research”
  2. Excluding transfers (account 69800)
  3. Excluding budget accounts (81050, 81550, 82950, 83950)
  4. Excluding fund code 80000

F&A Expenditures

Expenditures allocated to accounts 51990 and 51995 (excluding Carry forward funds)

Total Expenditures (Direct and F&A)

Total of Direct and Indirect research expenditures

Building Table

This block displays all square footage assigned to the faculty member.


Building assigned to a room in IFIS.

Room Location

Space location as reported in IFIS. Generally the building 3 character code followed by the room number which begins with the floor number.

Room Type

Space type as defined in IFIS. Some room types are excluded based on the filters indicated in the glossary.

Net Square Feet

Space Net Square Feet as reported in IFIS

Currently Occupied

Space occupancy flag (Yes/No) as reported in IFIS at time of last update.

Room Function

Space function as defined in IFIS

Room Function %

Space percentage allocation to the given function(s) as reported in IFIS. One room may be allocated to multiple functions. Functions for a given room should sum to 100%.

Net Square Feet Adjusted by Function %

Amount of Square Feet used for a given function. Calculated as Net Square Feet * Space Function %

Included As Research Sq Feet Adj? Y/N

Y/N flag to indicate if the Space is considered part of funded research space.

 Research Square Feed Adjusted

Research Square Feet Adjusted

Space Net Square Feet associated with following space functions only:

  1. Clinical Trials / Pharmaceuticals
  2. Organized Research
  3. Other Sponsored Activity
  4. Sponsored Instruction

Project Table

This block displays all projects from FAST where the employee is the PI.

Project ID

FAST Project ID where this faculty is the PI.

Total Expenditures (Direct and F&A)

Total of Direct and Indirect research expenditures

Data Last Refreshed

Date and time when data was last refreshed. Research expenditures by space data is set to be refreshed every weekday at early morning hours. 




Building assigned to a room in IFIS.


The floor of the building in which the room is located as indicated in IFIS.

Research Space Utilization Indicators

Color coding is applied as displayed in the table above: 

 Dark Green: Expenditures Per Occupied Research Square Feet > $500 

 Green:   Expenditures Per Occupied Research Square Feet between $200 and $500

 Yellow:  Expenditures Per Occupied Research Square Feet  between $100 and $199 

 Pink:      Expenditures Per Occupied Research Square Feet less than $100 and Employee Hire Date < 30 Months 

 Red:       Expenditures Per Occupied Research Square Feet less than $100

Room Table

Room Location

Space location as reported in IFIS. Generally the building 3 character code followed by the room number which begins with the floor number.

Expenditures Per Occupied Research Sq Ft

Corresponding expenditures amount (Direct, F&A or Total) divided by Occupied Research Sq Ft

Occupied Research Sq Ft

Total Occupied Space Net Square Feet for all space types flagged as "Research Lab" allocated to the faculty member in the given FY.

Expenditures Per Square Foot Analysis - Research Space Only

Room Location

Space location as reported in IFIS. Generally the building 3 character code followed by the room number which begins with the floor number.

Net Square Feet

Space Net Square Feet as reported in IFIS

Room Type

Space type as defined in IFIS. Some room types are excluded based on the filters indicated in the glossary.

Employee Name

The name of the employee assigned to the space.

GEMS Hire Date

Employee's GEMS appointment hire date.

Primary Department

Employee's Primary Global Department Name

Total Expenditures (Direct and F&A)

Total of Direct and Indirect research expenditures

Total FYXX Research Square Feet

Total Space Net Square Feet for all space types flagged as "Research Lab" allocated to the faculty member in the given FY

Total FYXX Research Square Feet Adjusted

Total Space Net Square Feet assigned to the faculty member in the given fiscal year associated with following space functions only:

  1. Clinical Trials / Pharmaceuticals
  2. Organized Research
  3. Other Sponsored Activity
  4. Sponsored Instruction

Expenditures per Square Foot - Research Lab

Corresponding expenditures amount (Direct, F&A or Total) divided by Research Sq Feet

Expenditures per Research Square Foot Adjusted

Corresponding expenditures amount (Direct, F&A or Total) divided by Research Sq Feet Adjusted

Occupancy Begin Day

Space Occupancy Begin Day as reported in IFIS; If the date is not specified the occupancy begin day is set to the first day of the FY (selected in the prompt)

Occupancy End Day

Space Occupancy End Day as reported in IFIS

Room Function

Space function as defined in IFIS

Room Function %

Space percentage allocation to the given function(s) as reported in IFIS. One room may be allocated to multiple functions. Functions for a given room should sum to 100%.

Net Square Feet Adjusted by Function %

Amount of Square Feet used for a given function. Calculated as Net Square Feet * Space Function %

Included As Research Sq Feet Adj? Y/N

Y/N flag to indicate if the Space is considered part of funded research space.

 Research Square Feed Adjusted

Research Square Feet Adjusted

Space Net Square Feet associated with following space functions only:

  1. Clinical Trials / Pharmaceuticals
  2. Organized Research
  3. Other Sponsored Activity
  4. Sponsored Instruction


Data Last Refreshed

Date and time when data was last refreshed. Research expenditures by space data is set to be refreshed every weekday at early morning hours. 



Primary Department

Employee's Primary Global Department Name


Fiscal Year

The fiscal year for the Space information. Format is #### where the numbers are the calendar year in which the Fiscal Year ends. Example: FY 2017-2018 would be 2018.

Employee Name

The name of the employee assigned to the space.

Net Square Feet

Space Net Square Feet as reported in IFIS

Direct Expenditures Per Sq Ft (Research Space Only)

Direct Research Expenditures / Research Square Feet (Space Net Square Feet for all space types flagged as "Research Lab")

F&A Expenditures Per Sq Ft (Research Space Only)

F&A Research Expenditures / Research Square Feet (Space Net Square Feet for all space types flagged as "Research Lab")

Total Expenditures (Direct and F&A) Per Sq Ft (Research Space Only)

Total research Expenditures (Direct and F&A) / Research Square Feet (Space Net Square Feet for all space types flagged as "Research Lab")

Research Square Feet Adjusted

Space Net Square Feet associated with following space functions only:

  1. Clinical Trials / Pharmaceuticals
  2. Organized Research
  3. Other Sponsored Activity
  4. Sponsored Instruction

Direct Dollars Per Rsrch Sq Foot Adjusted

Direct Research Expenditures / Research Sq Foot Adjusted by Function

F&A Expenditures Per Sq Ft (Research Space Only)

F&A Research Expenditures / Research Square Feet (Space Net Square Feet for all space types flagged as "Research Lab")

Total Dollars Per Rsch Sq Foot Adjusted

Total Research Expenditures / Research Sq Foot Adjusted by Function 


Space Data

The following space data is excluded

  • All space flagged in IFIS as "Common Room" 

Financial data 

The following financial data is excluded:

  • Transfers (account 68900)
  • Carry forward funds (adjusted accounting period 0) 


  1. USF Health employees only, appointed or paid
  2. USFPG position 2550 (mid-level provider), source: CYBORG
  3. GEMS data indicating a paid faculty member.
    1. Excluding Employment Class H, I, and J
    2. Excluding Admin Plans 98 and 99


Space data: IFIS (Integrated Facilities Information System)

Financial data: FAST (Financial Accounting System)

HR: GEMS, FADS (Faculty Primary Department only)

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