HBDQ Student Data Quality

HBDQ Student Data Quality


Report Description

The HBDQ-Student Data Quality report (short for Health Banner Data Quality) displays data fields that are improperly coded, missing, incorrect or different between Banner and OASIS. This dashboard is retrieving Academic Program’s data from Health Banner and OASIS monthly so they can incrementally review, verify, and correct more regularly. 

Student Address


Program Code

A program code which represents a specific university program: MD for MD Program, PA for Physician Assistant Program, PH for PharmD Program, and PT for DPT Program.

Source: Health Banner Table: SMRPRLE


Data Quality Month

Month in which the data errors were identified. All details available for the error are from the source when it was run that month.

Source: Health Banner Table: SARAPPD

Graduation Cohort

Cohort when the student is expected to graduate. Graduation cohorts beginning with an X indicate a student who is not actively in the program. Those with an XLOA cohort are students on a leave of absence.


Matriculation Term Code

Matriculation Term Code is a six digit code: the four digit year of matriculation, followed by the two digit month/term of matriculation, i.e. 201807



Health Banner Incomplete Address

Visualization to display the count of the flag for "N" if all items of the Banner address have not been completed.  Incomplete address is if at least one out of four address elements is missing (street line 1, city, state or zip).

OASIS Incomplete Address

Visualization to display the count of the flag for "N" if all items of the OASIS address have not been completed. Incomplete address is if at least one out of four address elements is missing (street line 1, city, state or zip).

Address Inconsistent

Visualization displays the count of students for the flag with "N" selected if the Banner and OASIS addresses do not match for a specific student.

* Address match  - only if all four address elements match (street line 1 & 2, city, state and zip)

Differences in address standards like NE vs North East, Street vs St, Drive vs Dr etc. will produce mismatch.




U-number for the student to uniquely identify them from other students.

Source: Health Banner Table: SPRIDEN 


Last Name

This field defines the last name of the person.

Source: Health Banner Table: SPRIDEN

First Name

This field defines the first name of the person.

Source: Health Banner Table: SPRIDEN


This field identifies the initial of the middle name of person.

Source: Health Banner Table: SPRIDEN

Program Code

A program code which represents a specific university program: MD for MD Program, PA for Physician Assistant Program, PH for PharmD Program, and PT for DPT Program.

Source: Health Banner Table: SMRPRLE

Graduation Cohort

Cohort when the student is expected to graduate. Graduation cohorts beginning with an X indicate a student who is not actively in the program. Those with an XLOA cohort are students on a leave of absence.


Matriculation Term Code

Matriculation Term Code is a six digit code: the four digit year of matriculation, followed by the two digit month/term of matriculation, i.e. 201807

Banner Address Type

Address type for Health Banner. ML= Mailing List

Banner Street Line 1

Street address line 1 for a student as listed in Health Banner.

Banner Street Line 2

Street address line 2 for a student as listed in Health Banner.

Banner City


City listed in Health Banner for a student's address.

Banner State

State listed in Health Banner for a student's address.


Banner Zip Code

Zip code listed in Health Banner for a student's address.

Banner Address Last Updated

The date the student's address in Health Banner was last updated.

OASIS Address Type


Address type as listed in OASIS. ML= Mailing List 

OASIS Street Line 1

Street address line 1 for a student as listed in OASIS.

OASIS Street Line 2

Street address line 2 for a student as listed in OASIS. 


City listed in OASIS for a student's address. 


 State listed in OASIS for a student's address.

OASIS Zip Code

Zip code listed in OASIS for a student's address.

OASIS Address Last Updated

The date the student's address in OASIS was last updated.

Data Refreshed On

Data in this report is not live. Health Banner and OASIS data is refreshed once a month. The date on the bottom right of the report displays the most recent day the data was pulled from the source.  


This report displays student information as in USF Health Banner and OASIS on the refresh date. Those values are subject to change over time. Unauthorized use of this report is prohibited. If you log on to this computer system, you acknowledge your awareness of and concurrence with the University of South Florida policies. The University will prosecute violators to the full extent of the law. 



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